Generation of Variable-Scale Route Maps with Consideration of Distortion Reduction for Small Display Sizes

  • WANG Liying ,
  • TI Peng , * ,
  • YU Chonghu ,
  • ZHAO Dongxu ,
  • HOU Xiaotong
  • Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, State-province Joint Engineering Laboratory of Spatial Information Technology for High-speed Railway Safety, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China
*Corresponding author: TI Peng, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-05-12

  Request revised date: 2017-07-15

  Online published: 2017-10-09


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Currently route maps are often displayed on mobile devices for the route selection. However, for such devices, a major problem is their small display sizes. In this study, a new method on adaptive generation of variable scale maps for small display sizes was proposed and aimed to improve the clarity of the whole map. This method consists of two steps, i.e. estimating the density of global distribution on maps and conducting variable scale transformation based on the estimated density values. Compared with current variable scale methods, this method considered the space for representation of the landmarks and text symbols, and the reduction of overall distortions arising from map deformation. The experimental results indicated that the new method is able to adaptively generate the variable scale maps for different small display sizes and provide a map overview with an improved clarity as well as well-preserved map recognition compared with original shapes.

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WANG Liying , TI Peng , YU Chonghu , ZHAO Dongxu , HOU Xiaotong . Generation of Variable-Scale Route Maps with Consideration of Distortion Reduction for Small Display Sizes[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(9) : 1245 -1252 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01245

1 引言

周成虎在2015年提出了全空间信息系统的概念,指出建立多元、多尺度、多语义、多模态等特征的大数据表达模型,形成数据的空间协同表达[1]。而作为空间信息主要的表达工具之一的地图目前已被广泛应用于各类移动设备以方便人们日常活动,例如规划户外运动和景区旅游路线[2]。然而移动设备的主要问题是显示屏幕较小,当展现较大范围且较丰富的地图信息时地图清晰度将会被降低。现有提出的改善地图清晰度方法主要可以分为两类。 保持地图比例尺不变,主要的技术手段包括:多比例尺表达,即对同一区域使用不同比例尺地图进行切换或者采用不同窗口显示不同比例尺地图[3];制图综合算法[4-5];订制表达[6](personalization),即仅显示与任务相关的地图内容。 主要通过采用变比例尺转换提高显示的清晰度,即相对增大兴趣区域。相对于第一类方法,变比例尺转换由于对地图不同区域采用了连续式的比例尺变化,克服了多尺度表达中不同比例尺地图关联时 产生的匹配对应困难,并尽可能多的清楚显示关注的细节信息,从而更好地利用了小屏幕有限的显示空间[7]

2 变比例尺路线图生成方法

对于全局关注的变比例尺转换是当地图显示在较小屏幕上时,采用使密度分布尽可能均匀的方式从而提高地图整体清晰度,因此首先需要估计地图的密度分布。需要注意的是当地图缩小时使用全局关注的变比例尺转换主要依靠压缩稀疏和空白区域以改善清晰度,然而密集区域中的空白部分若被过度压缩将导致清晰度降低,因此本文中的密度分布估计中,对于某一个区域的密度估计也应考虑其周围区域的密度情况。此外密度估计也应考虑注记符号,方便基于密度值的变比例尺转换方法的设计。基于地图不同区域的密度值进行变尺度转换是一个不适定问题,并没有唯一解,因此本文将变尺度转换问题通过数学优化法建立数学模型解决,通过给定的约束条件和目标方程得出最优解。此外在变比例尺转换中还应尽可能控制地图变形以提高地图识别能力。基于以上思想,本方法主要包含2个步骤: 密度分布估计; 基于密度分布的变比例尺变换。

2.1 顾及注记符号的密度分布估计

估计网状地图密度分布的常见方法有2种: 基于网状地图中的节点和内点进行密度估计,例如中心度[18],然而该方法无法正确估计包含密集线而较少点区域的密度[21] 将地图通过均匀格网进行划分,基于每个格网单元估计密度[19,22-23]。此方法克服了2种方法的缺陷,同时均匀格网也便于使用[24],因此本研究采用均匀网格估计地图密度,其表达式如下:
D = N A (1)
式中: A 表示一个格网单元的面积; N 表示在格网单元 A 中统计单元的数量; D 表示格网单元 A 的密度值。
对于网状地图,密度估计通常使用线密度进行, N 表示在格网单元 A 中总线长。然而由于本研究需要顾及地标与注记符号的显示空间,因此在密度估计中不应将地标与注记符号在地图中所占空间视为空白区域,对于这个问题可以通过2种方法来解决: 仍然是基于格网进行线密度估计,如果格网单元内包含地标与注记符号,可以人工增加该格网单元的密度值。 与点密度估计思想一致,需要基于栅格形式的电子地图进行密度估计,统计单元为非空白像元,即式(1)中 N 表示在格网单元 A 中非空白像元的数量。相对于第 种方法,该方法需要统计非空白像元的个数,需要时间较长,但是自动化程度高,不需要人工干预,因此被本文采纳。

2.2 基于密度分布的变比例尺变换

在格网变形中,格网单元的质心将被作为控制点,同时格网单元的密度值将被赋予所对应的格网质心。每个控制点 X i , Y i R i C 有3个变量,即变换后坐标 x i , y i R 和未知的比例尺因子 S i R + ,其中 C 是控制点编号的集合, R 是实数, R + 是正实数。
由于结果图与显示尺寸大小 ( u min , v min ) ( u max , v max ) 要求保持一致,因此每个控制点对应的约束条件如下:
u min x i u max v min y i v max (2)
S ix u x D i S iy u y D i (3)
式中: D i 是对应于控制点 i 的密度值; u x u y 是常数用于控制变形效果。随着 u x u y 的增大,密集区域面积增大的幅度将增加, S ix 是在x方向的比例尺因子, S iy 是在y方向的比例尺因子。
由于不同的控制点所对应的密度值是有差异的,对于两个相连的控制点不可能完全按照各自的密度值进行坐标变换,除非密度值相同。因此在这种情况下,允许存在小的偏差 d x ij d y ij
d x ij = S ix ( X i - X j ) - ( x i - x j ) d y ij = S iy ( Y i - Y j ) - ( y i - y j ) (4)
偏差的平方和 e 1 :
式中: Adj ( i ) 是与控制点 i 的相连的控制点。
式中: k 1 是与控制点i有相同 X 初始值的连接点; k 2 是与控制点i有相同 Y 初始值的连接点。
Minimize e 1 + w e 2 (7)
上述约束条件与目标方程在形式上符合数学优化法中常见的凸二次规划,因此可以获得有效 解[26]。目标方程中 w 为权值,可以进行形变控制,即 w 值越大表示最终结果中地图变形越小,但同时也减少了感兴趣区域放大程度。
基于密度分布的格网变形后,下一步是基于该变形格网进行地图重构从而实现地图的变比例尺转换,散点内插技术(scattered data interpolation)经常被使用达到该目的[19,27]。Franke[28]比较了29种典型的内插方法,其中Hardy[29]提出的多元二次曲面内插(Multiquadric Interpolation)在平滑性、算法复杂度、结果的美观性和易用性方面均优于其他方法,因此本文使用该方法实现网状地图重构。具体实现步骤为: 首先根据格网控制点在原始位置和变形转换后位置之间的差值计算出多元二次曲面内插的参数值; 根据得到的参数值计算网状地图中节点和内点的位移量从而得到它们新的位置坐标。

3 实验分析

本文采用峨眉旅游路线图(图1)为实验数据以验证本文中提出的变比例尺转换方法的有效性。其相其相应的格网变形结果如图2(a)、(b)所示,分别生成的两种不同尺寸的变比例尺地图如图3(a)和图3(b)所示。目标方程中 ω 值为1,表示感兴趣区域放大程度和变形控制程度同等重要。实验计算机的中央处理器为3.2 GHz和内存为24 G,对于图1道路网络数据(358个点和30条弧段)生成时间4.3 s,其中密度估计需要3 s,基于估计的密度值进行变比例尺转换需要1.3 s,说明本文所提方法有较高的运算效率。对方法的评估主要考察变比例尺结果图的认知度和清晰度。变比例尺结果的认知度评估是从整体图形对比识别和单根路径识别效率2个方面进行,并不考虑可以辅助认知的地标和注记符号。而由于本文方法在改善概览清晰度中考虑了为注记符号提供显示空间,因此在清晰度评估中使用了增加注记符号后的路线图。
Fig. 1 E'Mei Mountain tourist map

图1 峨眉山旅游路线图

对于整体图形认知评估采取了问卷方式,邀请20名不同教育背景的志愿者(9名男性和11名女性)通过视觉对比变比例尺结果图与原形地图(图1),根据识别的难易程度划分5个等级,对应分数分别为1、2、3、4、5分,其中,1分为非常难识别,2分为难识别,3分为可以识别,4分为易识别,5分为极易识别。在问卷中地图以高清打印版本提供给志愿者。对于整体图形认知度问卷结果的平均分数分别为4.7和4.5(图3(a)、(b))。对于单条路径识别效率评估,首先在原形地图上选择较长的路径(见图1中粗线),然后志愿者在两幅变比例尺结果图(图3(a)、(b))以及相同尺寸的两幅等比例尺缩小结果图(图3(c)、(d))上画出相应路径,最终结果分别为10.3 s和12.4 s(图3(a)、(b)),9.9 s和12.8 s (图3(c)、(d)),实验结果表明本文所提出的方法生成的变比例尺结果图基本不影响地图识别。
Fig. 2 Distorted grid of variable scale results of E'Mei Mountain tourist map

图2 峨眉山旅游路线图变比例尺缩小格网图

Fig. 3 Variable scale and uniformly scaling results of E'Mei Mountain tourist map

图3 峨眉山旅游路线图变比例尺缩小与等比例尺转换结果

在概览清晰度改善的评估中,注记符号被分 别加入变比例尺缩小和等比例尺转换结果图 中(图4(a)、(b),图5(a)、(b)),由于本文并不探讨地标与注记符号的配置,四幅结果图中的地标与注记符号均为半自动化配置,即首先根据对应点位自动放置,然后人工调节其位置尽可能避免重叠。通过对比图4图5中变比例尺和等比例尺转换结果,可以看出变比例尺结果图能为地标和注记符号提供了较为充足的显示空间;而等比例尺缩小的结果表明在地图密集区域注记符号的显示空间明显不足,过于拥挤甚至互相压叠,从而验证了本文所提方法对于较小显示空间能够有效改善地图清晰度的优点。
Fig. 4 The results of variable scaling of E'Mei Mountain tourist map with labels

图4 增加注记的峨眉山旅游路线图变比例尺缩小结果

Fig. 5 The results of uniformly scaling of E'Mei Mountain tourist map with labels

图5 增加注记的峨眉山旅游路线图等比例尺缩小结果

Fig. 6 The original route map, uniformly down-scaling map and variable scale map

图6 交通路线图、等比例尺缩小及变比例尺表达

本文又采用了道路网数据进行方法验证,图6(a)为地图原始形状,图6(b)和(c)分别为等比例尺缩小结果图和使用本文方法生成的变比例尺结果图,并按照5寸屏幕显示大小,其中粗线为一条行驶路径。目标方程中 w 值为1,图6(c)生成时间2.1 s,图6(b)的生成的等比例尺缩小结果图只是图形的等比例尺缩小,是直接拖动改变图形大小的,所以在此不考虑其生成时间。此外为了提高地图认知效率,每个路口配置两个地标符号及相应注记。可以看出,图6(b)在等比例尺缩小后,基本无法支持地图的清晰识别。本文所提方法生成的变比例尺结果图6(c)可以极大改善移动设备小屏幕显示的清晰度,充分利用小屏幕显示空间,并且在路径导航过程中始终为地图用户提供概览,从而增强了路径识别的空间感和认知度。该类变比例尺地图也可为乘坐公交车的用户提供路线认知,因为公交车上通常只提供下一站的站名信息,并且在没有上下车乘客的情况下,很可能不停站。而乘坐不熟悉路线的乘客经常担心是否到站或者还有多久到站,特别在晚上无法看清周围环境信息,例如路牌、站牌,因此在地图上始终看到起始点和周围地标能够帮助乘客不断地确认自己的空间位置,从而提高了地图服务能力。

4 总结


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Kopf J, Agrawala M, Bargeron D, et al.Automatic generation of destination maps[J]. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2010,29(6):1581-1582.Destination maps are navigational aids designed to show anyone within a region how to reach a location (the destination). Hand-designed destination maps include only the most important roads in the region and are non-uniformly scaled to ensure that all of the important roads from the highways to the residential streets are visible. We present the first automated system for creating such destination maps based on the design principles used by mapmakers. Our system includes novel algorithms for selecting the important roads based on mental representations of road networks, and for laying out the roads based on a non-linear optimization procedure. The final layouts are labeled and rendered in a variety of styles ranging from informal to more formal map styles. The system has been used to generate over 57,000 destination maps by thousands of users. We report feedback from both a formal and informal user study, as well as provide quantitative measures of success.


Agrawala M, Stolte C.Rendering effective route maps: Improving usability through generalization[C]. Proceeding s of the 28th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH’01), Los Angeles, CA. New York: ACM, 2001,241-249.

Bak P, Schaefer M, Stoffel A, et al.Density equalizing distortion of large geographic point sets[J]. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2009,36(3):237-250.Visualizing large geo-demographical datasets using pixel-based techniques involves mapping the geospatial dimensions of a data point to screen coordinates and appropriately encoding its statistical value by color. The analysis of such data presents a great challenge. General tasks involve clustering, categorization, and searching for patterns of interest for sociological or economic research. Available visual encodings and screen space limitations lead to over-plotting and hiding of patterns and clusters in densely populated areas, while sparsely populated areas waste space and draw the attention away from the areas of interest. In this paper, two new approaches (RadialScale and AngularScale) are introduced to create density-equalized maps, while preserving recognizable features and neighborhoods in the visualization. These approaches build the core of a multi-scaling technique based on local features of the data described as local minima and maxima of point density. Scaling is conducted several times around these features, which leads to more homogeneous distortions. Results are illustrated using several real-world datasets. Our evaluation shows that the proposed techniques outperform traditional techniques as regard the homogeneity of the resulting data distributions and therefore build a more appropriate basis for analytic purposes.


Merrick D, Gudmundsson J.Increasing the readability of graph drawings with centrality-based scaling[C]. Tokyo: Proceeding of Asia-Pacific Symposium Information Visualization, 2006:67-76.

Li Z L, Ti P.Adaptive generation of variable-scale network maps for small displays based on line density distribution[J]. Geo-Informatica, 2015,19(2),277-295.This paper presents an integrated strategy for adaptive generation of variable-scale network maps for different small displays. It is based on the line density distribution and comprised of three steps, i.e. (a) to estimate the line density by a grid-based method, (b) to adaptively generate variable-scale maps based on density distribution for given display sizes and (c) to improve the map readability by map generalization. The proposed strategy has been tested by using two real-life network datasets, with a statistical analysis and a perceptual evaluation. Experimental results show that this strategy is able to better exploit the limited map space so as to significantly improve map clarity and readability and at the same time to preserve map recognition ability compared to its original shape.


Lin S S, Lin C H, Hu Y J, et al.Drawing road networks with mental maps[J]. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014,20(9):1241-1252.Tourist and destination maps are thematic maps designed to represent specific themes in maps. The road network topologies in these maps are generally more important than the geometric accuracy of roads. A road network warping method is proposed to facilitate map generation and improve theme representation in maps. The basic idea is deforming a road network to meet a user-specified mental map while an optimization process is performed to propagate distortions originating from road network warping. To generate a map, the proposed method includes algorithms for estimating road significance and for deforming a road network according to various geometric and aesthetic constraints. The proposed method can produce an iconic mark of a theme from a road network and meet a user-specified mental map. Therefore, the resulting map can serve as a tourist or destination map that not only provides visual aids for route planning and navigation tasks, but also visually emphasizes the presentation of a theme in a map for the purpose of advertising. In the experiments, the demonstrations of map generations show that our method enables map generation systems to generate deformed tourist and destination maps efficiently.


Frishman Y, Tal,A.Uncluttering graph layouts using anisotropic diffusion and mass transport[J]. IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2009,15(5):777-788.Many graph layouts include very dense areas, making the layout difficult to understand. In this paper, we propose a technique for modifying an existing layout in order to reduce the clutter in dense areas. A physically inspired evolution process based on a modified heat equation is used to create an improved layout density image, making better use of available screen space. Using results from optimal mass transport problems, a warp to the improved density image is computed. The graph nodes are displaced according to the warp. The warp maintains the overall structure of the graph, thus limiting disturbances to the mental map, while reducing the clutter in dense areas of the layout. The complexity of the algorithm depends mainly on the resolution of the image visualizing the graph and is linear in the size of the graph. This allows scaling the computation according to required running times. It is demonstrated how the algorithm can be significantly accelerated using a graphics processing unit (GPU), resulting in the ability to handle large graphs in a matter of seconds. Results on several layout algorithms and applications are demonstrated.


Borchert J R.The twin cities unbanized areas: Past, Present, and Future[J]. Geographical Review, 1961,51:47-70.The article spotlights fashion designer and Lily et Cie proprietor Rita Watnick. Watnick has designed her second ready-to-wear collection. Her collection includes pink dresses in feathers and silk faille. She reveals that she wants to do dresses similar to what Karl Lagerfeld does for Chanel haute couture.


Matti W.Gridsquare ntwork as a reference system for t- he analysis of small area data[J]. Acta Geographica Lovaniensia, 1972,10:63-147.

Jansen M, Van Kreveld M.Evaluating the consistency of cartographic generalization[C]. Proceeding of 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Vancouver, Canada, 1998: 668-678.

Gatrell A, Baley T, Diggle P, et al.Spatial point pattern analysis and its application in geographical epidemiology[J]. Transaction s of the Institute of British Geographers, 1996,21:74-256.This paper reviews a number of methods for the exploration and modelling of spatial point patterns with particular reference to geographical epidemiology (the geographical incidence of disease). Such methods go well beyond the conventional 'nearest-neighbour' and 'quadrat' analyses which have little to offer in an epidemiological context because they fail to allow for spatial variation in population density. Correction for this is essential if the aim is to assess the evidence for 'clustering' of cases of disease. We examine methods for exploring spatial variation in disease risk, spatial and space-time clustering, and we consider methods for modelling the raised incidence of disease around suspected point sources of pollution. All methods are illustrated by reference to recent case studies including child cancer incidence, Burkitt's lymphoma, cancer of the larynx and childhood asthma. An Appendix considers a range of possible software environments within which to apply these methods. The links to modern geographical information systems are discussed.


Boyd S, Vandenberghe L.Convex optimization[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Ti P, Li Z L.Generation of schematic network maps with automated detection and enlargement of congested areas[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2014,28(3):521-540.Nowadays, the design of the London Tube map (as a kind of schematic map) has been popularly adopted for transport network maps worldwide because of its great clarity of representation. In such types of map, the shape of the network is simplified and the topology between lines is preserved while the congested areas are enlarged to a desirable scale. Efforts have also been made to automate the production of such maps. However, to our best knowledge, no existing methods have explicitly taken into consideration the automated enlargement of congested areas. As such an enlargement is vital to the improvement of clarity, this paper proposes a new automated method to generate schematic network maps, consisting of (a) automated detection of congested areas, (b) automated enlargement of congested areas to a desirable scale and (c) automated generation of the schematic representation of the deformed network maps using a stroke-based approach. The new method has been tested with two real-life network data sets, i.e. the London Tube and Hong Kong metro data sets, and evaluated by fractal analysis and experimental studies. The results of the evaluation indicate that the new method is able to automatically generate the schematic maps with improved clarity and aesthetics.


Franke R.Scattered data interpolation: test of some methods[J]. Mathematics of Computation, 1982,38:181-200.This paper is concerned with the evaluation of methods for scattered data interpolation and some of the results of the tests when applied to a number of methods. The process involves evaluation of the methods in terms of timing, storage, accuracy, visual pleasantness of the surface, and ease of implementation. To indicate the flavor of the type of results obtained, we give a summary table and representative perspective plots of several surfaces.


Hardy R L.Multiquadric equations of topography and other irregular surfaces[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1971,176:1905-1915.A new analytical method of representing irregular surfaces that involves the summation of equations of quadric surfaces having unknown coefficients is described. The quadric surfaces are located at significant points throughout the region to be mapped. Procedures are given for solving multiquadric equations of topography that are based on coordinate data. Contoured multiquadric surfaces are compared with topography and other irregular surfaces from which the multiquadric equation was derived.


Haverkort H.Embedding cues about travel time in schematic maps[C]//Schematic Mapping Workshop, 2014.

J.Stevens and K.Goldsberry.Fixed-interval segmentation for travel time estimations in traffic maps. Presentation at Ann. Meeting Assoc. of American Geographers(AAG) ,2012.

