Journal of Geo-information Science >
The Breakpoints Detection Method Using Time Series of Vegetation Fractional Coverage
Received date: 2017-01-19
Request revised date: 2017-06-14
Online published: 2017-10-20
Detecting breakpoints plays an important role in plotting and analyzing time series of the changing characteristics such as firing, logging, diseases and insect pests in vegetation. It is a useful technique of extracting the significant information in time series data. We focused on the method of Detecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend (DBEST). We studied the detection of vegetation breakpoints by using vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) data which is derived from MODIS NDVI remote sensing images ( 250 m) from 2000 to 2015 in Changting County of Fujian Province. In order to determine if the results of breakpoints detection are reasonable, the primary experiment is to test the applicability of DBEST method by using the VFC data of various changing types in time series. We select several samples of time series data which covered the key water and soil erosion conservation area. The vegetation changes more frequently in this area for conducting the break-points detection experiments. We make an accuracy evaluation of changing time and changing types by using the temporal trajectories and Landsat remote sensing images of every point. We find that DBEST is suitable for VFC time series data of Changting, by using the default first and second level-shift-thresholds (θ1 = 0.1, θ2 = 0.2) which indicated that DBEST could define the changing level of VFC, but the duration-thresholdφ should be adjusted according to the study area and the type of time series data (we setφ=3). Those parameters have weak influences on the accuracy of breakpoints positions, but have more effects on the changing types of breakpoints. On the whole, the excessive intervention is not necessary for detecting vegetation in DBEST. However, through a lot of experiments we believe that the threshold of the changing magnitude can be modified by our own need to gain a satisfying results. Finally, we set β = 0.2 to fit our own research targets. The precision of the changing time is 92%, greater than the changing types (80%), indicating that DBEST method works well in extracting the important changing information for VFC time series. Meanwhile, the experimental results are broadly consistent with the varying conditions of the local vegetation.
WANG Enlu , WANG Xiaoqin , CHEN Yunzhi . The Breakpoints Detection Method Using Time Series of Vegetation Fractional Coverage[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(10) : 1355 -1363 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01355
Fig. 1 Location map of Changting County, Fujian Province图1 福建省长汀县示意图 |
Fig. 2 Flowchart of DBEST图2 DBEST模型技术流程 |
Tab. 1 Thresholds used in DBEST表1 DBEST参数 |
阈值 | 含义 |
第一水平变化阈值 | 序列中水平变化点和下一点间最小的差值绝对值 |
持续时长 | 相邻水平变化点之间的最小时间步长 |
第二水平变化阈值 | 水平变化点前后子序列均值最小的差值绝对值 |
距离阈值 | 相邻波峰、波谷之间的连线和相距最远数据点间的最小垂直距离(注:DBEST可估计的默认值) |
断点数目 | 最主要的或最感兴趣的断点数目 |
变化级别 | 子序列的最大简化程度或认为发生变化的最小级别 |
压缩率 | 对原数据序列进行最大化压缩的比率 |
显著性水平 | 用于检验变化的显著性 |
Tab. 2 Main changing types of vegetation in Changting County, Fujian Province表2 福建省长汀县植被变化类型 |
植被变化类型 | 突变类型 | 渐变类型 | 混合类型 |
举例 | 森林火烧、砍伐或人工种植等 | 自然恢复或 土地沙化等 | 火烧后自然恢复、经砍伐后人工造林或反复火烧等 |
Fig. 3 Examples and verification of breakpoint detection图3 断点检测结果示例与验证 |
Tab. 3 Accuracy of breakpoints detection表3 断点检测精度评估 |
变化时间(起、止和持续时长) | 变化类型 | |
合理 | 46 | 40 |
一处不合理 | 3 | 10 |
两处及以上不合理 | 1 | 0 |
精度/% | 92 | 80 |
Fig. 4 Spatial-temporal visualization of the vegetation in Changting County, Fujian Province图4 福建省长汀县植被变化时空表达 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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