The Subsidence Monitoring of Beijing-Tianjin High-speed Railway Based on PS-InSAR

  • ZHOU Yuying ,
  • CHEN Mi , * ,
  • GONG Huili ,
  • LI Xiaojuan ,
  • YU Jie ,
  • ZHU Xiuxing
  • 1. Beijing Laboratory of Water Resources Security, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
  • 2. MOE Key Lab of 3D Information Acquisition and Application, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
  • 3. Base of State Key Lab of Urban Environmental Processes and Digital Modeling, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
*Corresponding author: CHEN Mi, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-05-21

  Request revised date: 2017-08-14

  Online published: 2017-10-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway is the first high-speed railway in China. The stability of the geological environment is crucial for the safe operation of the high-speed railway. Land subsidence especially uneven subsidence will probably cause the deformation of the roadbed and bridge, which may affect the safety of high-speed railway operation. Therefore, it has very important significance for land subsidence monitoring along the high-speed railway. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is an effective way for monitoring land subsidence with high precision. Based on 45 high-resolution TerraSAR-X images acquired from 2010 to 2015, the Permanent Scatter Interferometry (PS-InSAR) is empolyed to obtain land subsidence information along Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway in Beijing section. The results indicate that there exist different spatial distributions of the land subsidence along the high-speed railway, the annual subsidence rate from Beijing south railway station to Shilihe interval is less than 10 mm/a, and from Shilihe to Shibalidian interval the annual subsidence rate ranges from 10 to 40 mm/a. And the maximum annual subsidence rate reaches 90mm/a from Yizhuang station to the east interval. The comprehensive analysis of static-dynamic loadings and hydrogeological data can help to understand the causes of land subsidence along high-speed railway. Over-exploitation of groundwater is the main factor of land subsidence in the study area, and the combination of dynamic and static loadings have certain influence on land subsidence. To some extent, the land subsidence along the high-speed railway is controlled by the Nanyuan-Tongzhou fault and the Jiugong fault, and most parts of the land subsidence are located in the Daxing uplifted belt with thick clay layer.

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ZHOU Yuying , CHEN Mi , GONG Huili , LI Xiaojuan , YU Jie , ZHU Xiuxing . The Subsidence Monitoring of Beijing-Tianjin High-speed Railway Based on PS-InSAR[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(10) : 1393 -1403 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01393

1 引言

1.1 研究背景及意义

高速铁路是现代化铁路的重要标志,体现了中国当代高新技术的发展成果。京津高铁是连接北京、天津两直辖市最为方便、快捷的客运通道之一,其运营速度高达350 km/h。而时速在300 km以上的高速铁路,对于列车运行的平顺性和舒适性要求比较严格,不仅需要在初始设计、施工、监测、维护等建设初期加以考量,更需要在运行后期对沉降进行监测,以保证安全第一位。在高速条件下,线路往往会受到高频率的动载荷作用,列车行驶速度越高,动力影响越大,轨道损伤也加大,路基变形也会随之增大,这种不平稳是极具危险性的。因此,相对于铁路初期的建设而言,后期沉降监测更为重要,对铁路沉降研究具有重要意义[6]

1.2 国内外研究现状

Ge等[8]将多轨道ENVISAT ASAR影像融合,并运用PS-InSAR方法获取了京津高铁沿线的沉降结果,在北京东部和天津西部共发现了2处沉降区域,最大沉降速率为60~70 mm/a[8]。李英会[9]根据PS-InSAR和SBAS方法,发展了基于稳定点目标分析的能够保证PS点的密度与精度的InSAR技术,并以TerraSAR影像为基础,将此方法应用到2009-2010年京津高铁天津段的形变监测中,最终得到最严重区线上最大沉降为4 cm。雷坤超[10]将临轨ENVISAT ASAR影像融合,从沉降结果中发现了位于北京市通州区南部(永乐站附近)的新沉降漏斗,而该漏斗不能从单一影像中被揭示。赵远方等[11]以ENVISAT ASAR数据为基础,采用临轨基准转换实现了北京和天津2个不同轨道的影像拼接,并成功监测了2003-2009年京津高铁的地面沉降情况,最大沉降速率为52.39 mm/a。朱锋等[12]基于InSAR和小波变换方法对ASAR数据实现了京津高铁北京段不均匀沉降的识别。Liu等[13]基于ENVISAT ASAR数据,采用时序干涉测量技术等手段,对京津高铁北京段地面沉降进行监测,并利用监测结果分析其差异性沉降的成因。相比而言,高分辨率影像在大型线性工程监测中具有更明显的优势。
此外,一些国内外学者也针对其他的线性道路展开了研究。黄雅虹等[14]反演出北京亦庄轻轨工程建设场地的代表性骨架成分弹性储水因子和非弹性储水因子,并预测了沉降趋势。王帅雁[15]结合地面沉降量与地下水位变化间的相互关系,得出了京沪高速铁路穿过部位的沉降量预测。Heleno等[16]运用PS-InSAR技术发现了里斯本地区的两个新形成的沉降区,沉降区穿过主要公路与铁路线,沉降原因主要为地下水的过度开采。贾洪果等[17]采用超短基线PSInSAR模型与计算方法,提取天津市西青区西青道和京沪高速铁路局部路段的地表沉降信息。刘超[18]分析了西安地铁二号线沉降成因,其与地裂缝、地下水开采有关。Daniele Perissin等[19]运用SARPROZ软件对上海地区进行了沉降监测,PS-InSAR结果与Google Earth结合,可精确追踪到地铁隧道与公路的沉降情况。Chen等[20]对青藏铁路进行沉降监测,找到了一种适用于冻土的新方法,最大限度的减少了季节去相关效果。蒋亚楠等[21]采用高分辨率SAR影像针对上海磁悬浮列车进行了监测,沉降速率在-10~8 mm/a范围内,线路不均匀沉降明显。

2 基本原理

合成孔径雷达干涉(Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, InSAR)技术是利用覆盖同一地面区域的两幅SAR影像进行相位分析,每幅影像都记录了对应的地面目标的强度和相位信息,通过分析 2个相位差提取地表高程信息以及形变信息的一种干涉测量技术。干涉相位是两雷达天线到目标点的斜距之差的函数,斜距差是由参考面及点目标的相对位置决定的,若两次观测时间内有地表形变发生,且有大气延迟相位影响,则干涉相位最终由参考面相位、地形相位、地表形变相位、噪声和大气延迟相位组成[22-24]
φ = ϕf + ϕt + ϕd + ϕn + ϕa (1)
为了精确获取目标地物的形变信息,首先要去除影响较大的参考面和地形相位贡献,二次差分可以有效地去除这2个量,可以采用D-InSAR技术的“二轨”法和“三轨”法,以及“四轨”差分方法[25]。 PS-InSAR技术是在D-InSAR技术的基础上完善并发展起来的,它是对覆盖同一地区的多景SAR影像,通过计算时间序列上强度和相位信息的稳定性,筛选出一系列具有稳定散射特性的的PS点,然后基于这些PS点目标进行时间序列上的相位分析,从而获得精确的形变信息。PS-InSAR技术流程如图1所示。
Fig. 1 The flow chart of PS-InSAR technique

图1 PS-InSAR技术处理流程

3 实验数据与处理

3.1 实验数据

本文选用覆盖北京中心城市和通州部分地区的45景TerraSAR-X影像为数据源,并辅以SRTM3 90 mDEM数据,其中TerraSAR-X影像的地面分辨率为3 m,极化方式为HH极化,时间跨度为2010年4月到2015年5月,京津高铁北京段北起北京南站,南至通州区马驹桥镇小杜社村地区,研究区范围如图2所示。
Fig. 2 The image of Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway

图2 京津高铁影像范围

3.2 处理过程

研究运用SARPROZ[26]软件,利用PS-InSAR技术,提取并分析InSAR数据集的时间基线、空间基线和多普勒中心偏移等参数,选择影像2012-07-05为最优主影像,干涉对对应空间基线和时间基线信息如表1所示,数据集时空基线分布图如3所示。对数据集进行配准及预处理,并通过对空间相邻分析点之间的相位相关性进行构网分析,来测算大气延迟相位。将振幅离差阈值法和相干系数阈值法相结合进行PS候选点的识别和确定PS点。当振幅离差阈值设为0.3,相干系数设为0.7时,PS点个数为364 192个,此时绝大多数点的连接相关性大于0.8。然后结合线性地表形变速率、建筑物高程及季节性形变对PS点进行解算,获得PS点的地表形变情况。
Fig. 3 Spatial-temporal baseline distribution of the dataset

图3 数据集时空基线分布图

Tab. 1 The information of spatial baseline and time baseline

表1 干涉对对应空间基线和时间基线信息

干涉对 主影像 辅影像 空间基线/m 时间基线/d 干涉对 主影像 辅影像 空间基线/m 时间基线/d
1 2012-07-05 2010-04-13 35.51 -814 24 2012-07-05 2013-01-19 -187.64 198
2 2012-07-05 2010-05-27 -121.76 -770 25 2012-07-05 2013-02-21 127.17 231
3 2012-07-05 2010-07-10 22.81 -726 26 2012-07-05 2013-03-26 -265.72 264
4 2012-07-05 2010-08-23 128.17 -682 27 2012-07-05 2013-04-17 -217.41 286
5 2012-07-05 2010-11-19 -16.82 -594 28 2012-07-05 2013-05-09 -14.94 308
6 2012-07-05 2011-01-02 -330.13 -550 29 2012-07-05 2013-05-31 -130.48 330
7 2012-07-05 2011-02-15 -416.43 -506 30 2012-07-05 2013-07-03 -319.69 363
8 2012-07-05 2011-04-22 -31.27 -440 31 2012-07-05 2013-08-05 128.48 396
9 2012-07-05 2011-06-27 51.95 -374 32 2012-07-05 2013-09-07 -28.48 429
10 2012-07-05 2011-09-01 26.65 -308 33 2012-07-05 2013-11-01 12.53 484
11 2012-07-05 2011-09-23 10.22 -286 34 2012-07-05 2013-12-15 -34.56 528
12 2012-07-05 2011-11-06 112.48 -242 35 2012-07-05 2014-01-28 -22.80 572
13 2012-07-05 2011-12-20 -50.54 -198 36 2012-07-05 2014-06-09 -394.09 704
14 2012-07-05 2012-02-02 221.30 -154 37 2012-07-05 2014-09-05 -134.91 792
15 2012-07-05 2012-02-24 10.76 -132 38 2012-07-05 2014-12-02 108.95 880
16 2012-07-05 2012-04-08 -60.16 -88 39 2012-07-05 2014-12-13 130.13 891
17 2012-07-05 2012-04-30 69.68 -66 40 2012-07-05 2015-01-04 -586.32 913
18 2012-07-05 2012-06-02 -428.82 -33 41 2012-07-05 2015-01-15 132.81 924
19 2012-07-05 2012-07-05 0.00 0 42 2012-07-05 2015-02-17 85.52 957
20 2012-07-05 2012-08-07 -366.04 33 43 2012-07-05 2015-03-22 293.60 990
21 2012-07-05 2012-09-09 409.56 66 44 2012-07-05 2015-04-24 58.93 1023
22 2012-07-05 2012-10-12 -401.19 99 45 2012-07-05 2015-05-27 250.61 1056
23 2012-07-05 2012-11-14 -487.79 132

4 实验结果及精度验证

4.1 实验结果

PS-InSAR沉降速率结果如下图4所示,沿京津高铁作2 km缓冲区,缓冲区内结果能够直观显示所有铁路沿线范围内的PS点及其年沉降速率结果。京津高铁北京南站至十里河区间DK0-DK7路段,年沉降速率小于10 mm/a,至十八里店区间DK7-DK11路段,年沉降速率在10~40 mm/a范围内浮动,过亦庄站至东石村以东区间DK11-DK22路段,最大年沉降速率达到90 mm/a,至永隆村以西DK22-DK24路段,年沉降速率有所缓解,往东至坨堤村DK24-DK28路段,沉降较为稳定,年沉降速率小于10 mm/a。

4.2 精度验证

为了验证 PS-InSAR 技术监测结果的可靠性,本文利用4个水准测量点 P1、P2、P3和P4进行验证,验证点的时间是 2010年,检验对应的2010年的InSAR形变值。水准点的位置如图4所示。水准测量值和 InSAR 监测值的结果如表2所示。从水准点验证结果来看,最大误差为2.565 mm,最小误差为0.1 mm,说明了PS-InSAR监测结果与水准点测量结果具有较好的一致性。
Tab. 2 The comparative validation results of InSAR and leveling

表2 对应 InSAR 结果和水准测量对比验证

点号 水准点测量/(mm/a) InSAR测量/(mm/a) 误差/mm
P1 1.400 -0.225 -1.622
P2 -50.20 -51.69 -1.490
P3 -55.80 -55.70 0.100
P4 -3.900 -1.335 2.565
Fig. 4 The subsidence velocity

图4 年均沉降速率

5 地面沉降原因分析

多年来,国内外专家对引发地面沉降的原因展开了广泛的探讨,研究表明沉降原因归纳起来大致可分为2大因素:① 以地质构造运动为主的自然因素;② 以地表载荷和地下工程为主的人为因素。自然因素可包括地震、火山运动、板块构造变化、地壳应力、土体固结等人类不能改变的自然活动;人为因素包含开采地下固体、流体等矿产和资源,以及地下大型施工建设等外在人为活动[27]。本文从地下水开采、动静载荷、断裂带和含水层系统介质4个方面分析沉降原因。

5.1 地下水开采对地面沉降的影响

Fig. 5 Settling volume and the superposition of the groundwater from 2010 to 2014

图5 2010-2014年沉降量与地下水水位叠加图

Fig. 6 Setting volume and the superposition of precipitation from 2010 to 2014

图6 2010-2014年沉降量与降雨量叠加图

Tab. 3 Statistics of the groundwater (elevation) and rain

表3 2010-2014年地下水位(标高)与降雨量

年份 地下水位/m 降雨量/mm
2010 13.8~15.5 399~434
2011 13.8~15.5 537~706
2012 10.3~15.5 707~905
2013 8.47~15.5 476~503
2014 10.3~15.5 435~503
表3可知,2010-2014年地下水标高最高水位为15.5 m,最低水位为8.47 m,总体呈下降趋势,最大降雨量为905 mm,最小降雨量为399 mm。2013年地下水位为8.47~15.5 m,降雨量为476~503 mm;2014年地下水位为10.3~15.5 m,降雨量为435~503 mm。将2013年沉降量与2014年沉降量进行对比,由图7可知,标记1处沉降量由2013年的-67.16~-55.3 mm减少到2014年的-55.29~-44.18 mm;标记2处沉降量由2013年的-80.64~-67.17 mm减少到2014年的 -67.16~-55.3 mm;标记3处沉降量由2013年的 -80.64~-67.17 mm减少到2014年的-67.16~-55.3 mm。结合表3图7可得,2013年地下水位比2014年低,同时这两年降雨量对地下水补给量相近,2013年沉降明显比2014年严重,由此说明了地面沉降与超采地下水之间有着密切的联系。开采地下水越严重,地下水水位越低,沉降越严重,沉降越明显。
Fig. 7 Comparison of subsidence in groundwater influence in 2013 and 2014

图7 地下水作用下2013年和2014年沉降量对比

5.2 动、静载荷对地面沉降的影响

5.2.1 静载荷对地面沉降的影响
选取沉降较严重地区DK14-DK17路段,基于高分辨率遥感影像对平房、高层建筑、临时搭建棚等进行分类提取,矢量化结果与沉降量叠加结果如图8所示。矢量化结果显示,与2012年比,2014年的高层建筑比2012年增多了18.8%,平房比2012年减少了6.5%,临时搭建棚比2012年减少了34.6%。由表3可得,2012年与2014年地下水位信息一致,均为10.3~15.5 m,将2014年沉降量与2012年沉降量进行插值处理,新增高层建筑附近地面沉降加剧。由图9可知,标记1、2处新增建筑物地面沉降量由2012年的-20~-12 mm变为2014年的-28~-21 mm,标记3处新增建筑物地面沉降量由2012年的-36~-29 mm变为2014年的-44~-37 mm。剥离地下水因素的影响,当高层建筑增多,沉降量也随之增大,说明静载荷对京津高铁地面沉降也造成一定影响。
Fig. 8 Building distribution in DK14-DK17

图8 DK14-DK17路段建筑分布图

Fig. 9 The subsidence with architectural changed in 2012 and 2014

图9 2012年和2014年建筑变化沉降量

5.2.2 动载荷对地面沉降的影响
根据铁路网发布的消息,2010年发车频次为 59对,2011年发车频次为69对,2012年发车频次为77对,2013年发车频次为79对,2014年发车频次为84对。从2010年到2014年发车频次不断增加,最 小发车时间也由2010年的15 min发展到2014年的3 min。
沉降严重地区DK11-DK22路段,2010年与2011年地下水位相同,都为13.8~15.5 m,2010- 2011年增加的车次为10对,相较其他年发车频次增加的最多,由图10可知沉降量增加的最为明显,2012-2013年、2013-2014年增加的发车频次分别为2对、5对,沉降增加量也逐渐变缓。由此可见,随着发车频次的逐年增加,动载荷对京津高铁沿线地面沉降也具有一定的影响。
Fig. 10 Setting volume from 2010 to 2014

图10 2010-2014年沉降量

5.3 地质构造对地面沉降的影响

图11所示,整个研究区内的京津高铁先后分别穿过南苑-通州断裂带和旧宫断裂带,不同地质时期、不同性质的构造运动影响着区域第四系沉积和水文地质条件,且在与断裂带交叉路段周围发生了不同规模的地面沉降。南苑-通州断裂带主要形态为正断层,重力上为一梯级带,断裂带第四纪以来活动明显,具体表现为地表水系明显受该断裂影响,如河流在断裂带附近出现河流改道等现象,现今垂直活动速率大于0.15 mm/a[29]。断裂带西北侧地区(DK0-DK7路段),该区晚第三纪时下陷,接受了较厚的第三系沉积,而第四纪时期则相对抬升,只接受不到百米的沉积物,且沉积物颗粒较粗,土体可压缩能力低,同时该地区地下水易于接受大气降水和侧向径流补给,此处5年来形成了一个小型沉降漏斗,年均沉降速率最大约为30 mm/a。在朝阳西直河-孙家坡-水牛房附近周边地区,铁路穿过旧宫断裂带,第四纪总体上呈下降状态,接受第四系沉积,局部受大兴隆起影响,在早更新世地层受到一定剥蚀作用,第四系沉积物平均厚度为200 m左右。该处沉降较为严重,经过多年的形变积累,形成了大型沉降漏斗,年均沉降速率约为80 mm/a。两沉降发生地区均恰巧与断裂带覆盖地区相重合,由此可推断,地面沉降与断裂带地质构造有关,京津高铁沿线地面沉降在一定程度上受断裂带控制。
Fig. 11 Fault zone in the study area

图11 研究区断裂带图

5.4 含水层系统介质对地面沉降的影响

研究区沉降较为严重路段处在大兴迭隆起。大兴迭隆起构造带上覆盖较厚的第四系和第三系地层。其中,最上方覆盖的第四系地层的厚度由西南向东北逐渐增加,第四系的最底部由10~15 m左右较连续的粘土层组成[30]。此外,本文研究区地理位置离朝阳区王四营地面沉降监测站较近,杨勇等指出王四营站分层标监测段66~94 m为粘土层与砂层互层,层次较多[31]。现有研究数据表明,地面沉降一般主要容易发生在粘性土层,而在砂砾层的沉降量则相对较小。本文研究区沉降较严重地区的粘土层分布较为广泛、粘土层较厚,研究区所处的区域地质结构特征导致该地区较容易发生地面沉降。

6 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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李应南,常玉林.关于如何发展我国城市智能化公共交通的若干建议[J]. 交通信息与安全, 2008,26(4):173-176. 针对当今世界各大城市的交通拥挤、交通堵塞的现状,大力发展快速、经济、高效的公共交通已经 成为人们的共识。其中,由于轨道交通、出租车能很好地满足人们的不同需要,成为公共交通的重要的组成部分。个人快速交通(PRT)则综合了这两者的优点, 对公共交通的发展具有重要的作用;通过对出租汽车的综合智能调度,可以发挥他们的最大运力。如何借助现有的通信手段和计算机技术,采集和处理相关的交通信 息,通过智能调度等手段,实现车辆、道路的智能化,促使城市公共交通达到最佳效果。


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刘媛媛. 基于多源SAR数据的时间序列InSAR地表形变监测研究[D].西安:长安大学,2014.

[ Liu Y Y.Monitoring of surface deformation with time-series of InSAR technique based on multi-source SAR data[D]. Xi′an: Chang’an University, 2014. ]

Ge D, Wang Y, Zhang L, et al.Using permanent scatterer insar to monitor land subsidence along high speed railway-the first experiment in china[J]. Proceedings of Fringe, 2009:1-4.ABSTRACT We present in this contribution the results of the first experiment to monitor land subsidence along JingJin High Speed Railway (JingJin HSR), which connects Beijing city and Tianjin city and is the first high speed railway in China, by using the Permanent Scatterer InSAR (PSI). Since the length of the railway is usually beyond the standard scenes coverage of the ongoing radar satellite, i.e. ENVISAT and RADARSAT SAR images which has a ground coverage of 100脳100 km, we have developed techniques in this work for land subsidence monitoring of very extended areas with multi-track long strip SAR images. In particular, we have studied the method for integrating multi-track PSI for large coverage subsidence mapping. We applied the ENVISAT ASAR data acquired from Jan, 2007 to Dec, 2008 in neighboring tracks (Track-218 and track-447, Frame 2799 to 2817) to perform the PSI analysis. The PSI estimated subsidence velocity map in adjacent track have been integrated to generate the large coverage subsidence velocity map; these result are relevant to an area in the North China Plain that extends for about 200脳150 km. For detailed investigation of JingJin HSR, a buffer zone with a width of 3 km in each side of the railway have been generated and the subsidence values have been extracted from the merged velocity map. The results clearly indicate the distribution and magnitude of the subsidence zone along Jing-Jin high speed railway and they demonstrate the approach to analyze the subsidence of very extended areas.

李英会. 基于时间序列高分辨率SAR影像的地表形变监测技术研究[D].阜新:辽宁工程技术大学,2012.

[ Li Y H.Ground deformation monitoring technique based on time-series of high resolution of SAR images[D]. Fuxin: Liaoning university of engineering and technology, 2012. ]

雷坤超. 临轨SAR干涉测量基准转换及数据融合技术应用于地面沉降研究[D].北京:首都师范大学,2011.

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赵远方,汤高飞,鲁大尉.基于PS-InSAR的京津城际铁路地面沉降监测研究[J].测绘与空间地理信息,2013,36(12):229-232.合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术可以大范围监测地表形变,对高速铁路运 行沿线具有较好的监测能力.本文以ENVISAT ASAR数据为基础,采用PS-InSAR监测北京和天津地区的地面沉降的特征,通过临轨基准转换完成了两个区域的拼接,实现了在同一基准上的大尺度京津 城际铁路沿线地面沉降的监测.通过本次研究,我们掌握了京津城际铁路沿线地面沉降的分布,以典型区域为样方分析其时间序列演化特征,并分析城际铁路不均匀 地面沉降的运行风险.


[ Zhao Y F, Tang G F, Lu D W.The subsidence monitoring study of Beijing: Tianjin intercity railway based on PS–InSAR[J]. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 2013,36(12):229-232. ]

朱锋,宫辉力,李小娟,等.基InSAR和小波变换的不均匀沉降段识别——以京津高铁北京段为例[J]. 地理与地理信息科学,2014,30(1):23-27.地面沉降尤其是不均匀地面沉降 对高速铁路运营安全具有重要影响,该文利用永久散射体干涉测量(PS-InSAR)技术及小波变换提取京津高铁北京段沿线的不均匀沉降信息,得到以下结 论:1)北京平原地面沉降主要发生在昌平、顺义、朝阳及通州,最大地面沉降速度-30.64mm/a,其中朝阳区和通州区的不均匀沉降最为严重;2)京津 高铁北京段存在3个主要的不均匀沉降段,其长度分别为18.84km、11.06km、3.6km,不均匀沉降段占该线路总长度的62.97%。研究表 明,PS-InSAR方法可以获取区域地面沉降的空间分布趋势,小波变换可以有效去除数据噪声,从而利于铁路沿线不均匀沉降信息的提取。


[ Zhu F, Gong H L, Li X J.Identification of uneven land subsidence segment based on the InSAR and wavelet transformation: A case study of Beijing section of Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2014,30(1):23-27. ]

Liu H H, Zhang Y Q, Wang R, et al.Monitoring and analysis of land subsidence along the Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway (Beijing section)[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 2016,59(7):2424-2432.Abstract The Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway, which passes through a subsidence area in the Beijing plain, is the first high-speed railway of China. Land subsidence, especially differential subsidence, pose a great threat to the bridge stability of this railway. For a safe operation, monitoring of ground subsidence and sediment-compaction around the railway must be conducted. An integrated monitoring program was designed, including time series InSAR, leveling, borehole extensometer and multilayer monitoring of piezometric head, with the aim to delineate the distribution of deformation and to evaluate and identify the main causes for the differential subsidence. The results indicate that the land subsidence pattern is controlled by the Laiguangying uplift, Daxing uplift and Nanyuan-Tongxian fault. Over-exploitation of groundwater, the key factor that drives land subsidence, together with the setting of the Quaternary deposits, variable lithology and recharge conditions can cause the differential subsidence in this region. Regional deformation can be divided into a gentle zone (DK0-DK9), medium zone (DK27-DK50) and severe zone (DK9-DK27). The major clay layer contributing to compaction is located at depth between 50 and 147.5m, which is responsible for around 76% of the total subsidence; exhibiting an elasto-plastic mechanical behavior, which need to reduce groundwater withdrawal.




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王帅雁. 京沪高铁DK119_DK123段地面沉降与地下水水位变化关系研究[D].西安:西安交通大学,2011. [ Wang S Y. The correlation between land subsidence and groundwater level variation from DKll 9 to DKl23 along BSHR[D]. Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2011. ]

Heleno S I N, Oliveira L G S, Henriques M J, et al. Persistent Scatterers Interferometry detects and measures ground subsidence in Lisbon[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011,115(8):2152-2167.78 Application of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) in Lisbon, Portugal 78 PSI detected two previously unknown subsiding areas 78 Two autonomous PSI analysis are compared with leveling and GPS surveys 78 This comparison gave similar results for the same area 78 Industrial over-exploitation of groundwater resources is causing subsidence



[ Jia H G, Liu G X, Yu B.Monitoring subsidence along road network by ultrashort baseline PSInSAR[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2012, 5:24-28. ]

刘超. 西安地铁二号线南段地面沉降成因分析[D].西安:长安大学,2012.

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Perissin D, Wang Z Y, Lin H.Shanghai subway tunnels and highways monitoring through Cosmo-SkyMed Persistent Scatterers[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012,73:58-67.Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is an alternative technique to obtain measurements of surface displacement providing better spatial resolution and comparable accuracy at an extremely lower cost per area than conventional surveying methods. InSAR is becoming more and more popular in monitoring urban deformations, however, the technique requires advanced tools and high level competence to be successfully applied. In this paper we report important results obtained by analyzing new high resolution SAR data in the Shanghai urban area. The data used in this work have been acquired by the Italian X-band sensor Cosmo-SkyMed. About 1.2 million of individual and independent targets have been detected in 600sqkm, revealing impressive details of the ground surface deformation. Using the SARPROZ InSAR tool and integrating the results with Google Earth, we were able to track subway tunnels recently excavated and several highways. Tunnels are visible due to very localized subsidence of the above surface along their path. On the other hand, highways, standing over the ground, in most cases show higher stability than the surrounding areas. The density of targets is so high to allow studying the profile of the tunnel subsidence, which is very useful to predict building damage. Finally, the identification of targets on high buildings helps checking the stability of high constructions along the subway lines, highlighting possible risky situations.


Chen F L, Lin H, Zhou W, et al.Surface deformation detected by ALOS PALSAR small baseline SAR interferometry over permafrost environment of Beiluhe section, Tibet Plateau, China[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,138(2):10-18.The evolution of permafrost and the active layer is highly related to biological diversity and climate change because of its feedback effects involving water and carbon storage. In this study, we firstly examined the relationship of active layer variation, geomorphological processes and anthropogenic activities by means of small baseline synthetic aperture radar interferometry in Beiluhe, Hoh Xil natural reserve in Tibet Plateau (TP), China. 3.5-Yr observation span of L-band ALOS PALSAR data (June, 2007 to December, 2010) was used. The estimated surface displacements (primarily in the range of 61022002mm02yr 61021 to 2002mm02yr 61021 ) and time-series implied evolution of the active layer and permafrost beneath. The motion trend along slopes was complicated due to the geomorphological processes, and thus interdisciplinary interpretations were needed. Anthropogenic influences on this frail permafrost environment were significant, as evident from the remarkable surface settlement along the embankment of Qinghai–Tibet Railway. It is crucial and necessary to monitor this permafrost plateau owing to the consequences arising from a combination of factors related to climate change, geo-hazard prediction, nature conservation and regional sustainable development.




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Chen M, Tomás R, et al.Imaging Land Subsidence Induced by Groundwater Extraction in Beijing (China) Using Satellite Radar Interferometry[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016,8(6):468.Beijing is one of the most water-stressed cities in the world. Due to over-exploitation of groundwater, the Beijing region has been suffering from land subsidence since 1935. In this study, the Small Baseline InSAR technique has been employed to process Envisat ASAR images acquired between 2003 and 2010 and TerraSAR-X stripmap images collected from 2010 to 2011 to investigate land subsidence in the Beijing region. The maximum subsidence is seen in the eastern part of Beijing with a rate greater than 100 mm/year. Comparisons between InSAR and GPS derived subsidence rates show an RMS difference of 2.94 mm/year with a mean of 2.41 卤 1.84 mm/year. In addition, a high correlation was observed between InSAR subsidence rate maps derived from two different datasets (i.e., Envisat and TerraSAR-X). These demonstrate once again that InSAR is a powerful tool for monitoring land subsidence. InSAR derived subsidence rate maps have allowed for a comprehensive spatio-temporal analysis to identify the main triggering factors of land subsidence. Some interesting relationships in terms of land subsidence were found with groundwater level, active faults, accumulated soft soil thickness and different aquifer types. Furthermore, a relationship with the distances to pumping wells was also recognized in this work.



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南天,李鹏,李星宇,等.大兴迭隆起隐伏岩溶水资源评价及开采方案预测[J].中国岩溶. 2014,33(2):156-166.

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杨勇,郑凡东,刘立才,等.北京平原区地下水水位与地面沉降关系研究[J].工程勘察,2013,41(8):44-48.北京市地下水长期过量开采,造 成地下水位持续下降,地面沉降区持续扩展,抑制了北京市经济可持续发展。为缓解地面沉降的危害程度,本文评价了北京平原区地下水开发利用和地面沉降的现 状,研究了地下水与地面沉降的关系,采用逻辑斯蒂方程拟合地下水水位与地面沉降量的相关关系。研究表明:地面沉降变化趋势与地下水水位动态变化具有良好的 一致性,地下水水位变化是地面沉降发生发展的主要诱因。研究成果对于合理调整地下水开采布局,保障供水的同时提高地质环境安全具有重要意义。

[ Yang Y, Zheng F D, Liu L C, et al.Study on the correlation between groundwater level and ground subsidence in Beijing plain areas[J]. Journal of Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying, 2013,41(8):44-48. ]

