Spatially Explicit Assessment of Heat Health Risks Using Multi-source Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Region, China

  • CHEN Qian , 1 ,
  • DING Mingjun , 1, * ,
  • YANG Xuchao 2 ,
  • HU Kejia 2
  • 1. School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China
  • 2. Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan, 316021, China
*Corresponding author: DING Mingjun, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-02

  Request revised date: 2017-09-05

  Online published: 2017-11-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events (EHEs), potentially associated with climate change in the near future, highlights the importance of heat health risks assessment, which is an important starting point for the reduction of heat-related mortality and sustainable development. However, there is a spatiotemporal mismatch between hazard data (at pixel-level) and exposure data (at census unit level) in heat health risks assessment. Based on multisensor remote sensing data and demographic and socioeconomic statistical data, we used a human settlement index to assess heat exposure. Heat health risks and its driving factors were spatially explicitly assessed and mapped at the 250 m × 250 m pixel-level across the Yangtze River Delta region (YRD). The visual inspection suggests that the high risks areas were mainly distributed in urbanized areas of YRD, including the downtown of Shanghai, Changzhou, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wuxi, Jiaxing and Taizhou, which was mostly driven by the high human exposure and heat hazard index. In less-urbanized cities and the suburban and rural areas of mega-cities, the heat health risks come second. Even though the human exposure index was low in other less-developed areas, the heat health risks in those areas were high due to the high heat hazard and human vulnerability index. It's of great importance to identify the driving factors of high heat health risks to provide science-based support for adaptation strategies and emergency planning.

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CHEN Qian , DING Mingjun , YANG Xuchao , HU Kejia . Spatially Explicit Assessment of Heat Health Risks Using Multi-source Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Region, China[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(11) : 1475 -1484 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01475

1 引言


2 研究区概况

长江三角洲地区位于中国大陆东部、长江入海口的沿海冲积平原(图1),包括上海、杭州、宁波、嘉兴、绍兴、舟山、湖州、台州、南京、苏州、扬州、常州、南通、无锡、镇江和泰州市共16个沿海经济发达城市,经纬度范围为116.78°E~124.21°E,26.99°N~34.64°N,行政总面积112 642 km2。该区位于亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,年平均气温为18~23 ℃,最热月均温大于28 ℃,年平均降水量在1500 mm左右。其中夏季由于受西太平洋副热带高压的影响,高温天气现象十分普遍,是中国高温热浪袭击的重灾 区[31-32]。在7、8月常出现20~30天的高温天气,最高可达40天,如2013年夏季研究区高温区内的各气温指标均突破了历史记录,创近50年新高[33]。此外,作为中国目前经济发展速度最快、人口最为密集、城市化水平最高的地区之一,在过去几十年的人口聚集、城市扩张过程中,该区城市热岛效应显著增强[34],城市热环境状况及人群健康面临的风险持续增加[35-36]
Fig. 1 Location, elevation and land cover of the study area

图1 研究区概况

3 数据源与研究方法

3.1 数据来源及预处理

(1)地表温度数据(Land Surface Temperature,LST)来源于NASA发布的MODIS每日地表温度数据集MOD11A1和MYD11A1(,空间分辨率为1 km。选取研究区2013年8月7日MOD11A1白天和MYD11A1夜间地表温度数据为代表(成像时间分别为地方时10:30 am和1:30 am左右),采用MODIS重投影工具MRT对原始影像进行镶嵌、投影和重采样处理。
(2)增强型植被指数数据(Enhanced Vegetation Index,EVI)来源于NASA发布的2013年16 d合成MOD13Q1数据集(,空间分辨率为250 m。为进一步去除云污染等因素的影响,根据式(1)对多时相MODIS EVI进行年内最大值合成:
EV I max = MAX ( EV I 1 , EV I 2 , , EV I 23 ) (1)
(3)DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据来源于美国国家地球物理中心(NGDC)发布的2012年稳定夜间灯光数据集(,影像的灰度值(DN值)范围为0-63,由原始数据(空间分辨率为1 km)重采样至250 m的栅格影像。
(4)DEM高程数据来源于ASTER GDEM全球数字高程模型,空间分辨率为30 m,经过投影和重采样,获取研究区250 m分辨率的栅格影像。

3.2 高温热浪人群健康风险评估方法

3.2.1 评价体系构建
3.2.2 高温危险性评价
高温危险性指的是人群居住或活动的空间内发生高温事件的可能性,表征了人群所处环境与高温的接近程度[38]。虽然地表温度不能够直接度量环境感知温度,但已有许多研究表明两者之间存在较强的相关性,尤其是在夜间[39]。因此,考虑到研究区遥感影像的可获得性、影像质量和云覆盖等情况,以发生在2013年8月5日至15日之间的一次典型极端高温热浪事件期间为例,选取研究区8月7日白天和夜间MODIS LST影像进行高温危险性分析,影像个别缺失像元由周边3×3像元均值代替。随后,将2幅影像分别标准化至[0,1],利用ArcGIS栅格计算工具将影像进行等权累加,最终再标准化至[0,1]从而获取研究区的高温危险性指数。
3.2.3 人口暴露度评价
基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据进行人口空间化是当前获取人口空间分布信息的重要方法之一。然而,受空间分辨率及像元饱和或溢出等现象的影响[40-41],该方法的应用受到一定限制。本文根据Yang等[42]提出的方法,通过融合DMSP/OLS夜间灯光、增强型植被指数以及DEM高程数据,获取了250 m分辨率的经过海拔校正的人居指数(EAHSI),以此来表征研究区高温热浪人口暴露程度。具体方法如下:
EAHSI = 1 - EV I max + OL S nor 1 - OL S nor + EV I max + OL S nor × EV I max × e - 0.003 DEM (2)
式中:EVImax为2013年MODIS 16 d最大值合成EVI数据;DEM为高程数据;OLSnor是经过标准化的2013年夜间灯光数据。然后,将EAHSI标准化至[0, 1],并利用自然断点法划分为5个等级。
3.2.4 人口社会经济脆弱性评价

4 结果分析

4.1 长江三角洲地区高温危险性分析

根据2013年8月7日长江三角洲地区地表温度空间分布图可知,白天(10:30 am左右)研究区LST分布空间差异较大(图2(a)),主要高温区沿常州-无锡-苏州-上海-杭州-绍兴-宁波的城市建成区呈“Z”字形分布,LST在40 ℃以上,浙江的杭州和宁波市区的高温强度尤为突出(≥45 ℃),最高可达48 ℃;次高温区主要分布在郊区,林地和水体(如太湖)是相对低温的主要分布区(≤30 ℃)。夜间(1:30 am左右)LST较白天有所降低、空间差异也缩小(图2(b)),然而相对高温面积相比白天有所扩大,宁绍平原及太湖平原是高温的主要分布区,城市建成区温度显著高于周边像元,普遍在30 ℃以上,城市热岛效应明显;与白天相比,夜间水体成为次高温像元,低温区主要分布在植被覆盖高的南部林地。
Fig. 2 Land surface temperature (LST) of daytime and nighttime in the Yangtze River Delta region

图2 长江三角洲地区2013年8月7日白天和夜间地表温度

Fig. 3 Map of the heat hazard index of the Yangtze River Delta region

图3 长江三角洲地区高温危险性指数空间分布图

4.2 长江三角洲地区人口暴露度分析

Fig. 4 Scatterplots of the accumulated EAHSI value and population for counties in the Yangtze River Delta region

图4 长江三角洲地区各市县人居指数累计值与统计人口数据相关性分析

Fig. 5 Map of the heat exposure index in the Yangtze River Delta region

图5 长江三角洲地区人口暴露度指数空间分布图

4.3 长江三角洲地区人口社会经济脆弱性分析

根据研究区各社会经济脆弱性因子的统计信息可知(表1),研究区各市县社会经济状况差异较大,其中“人均GDP”的差异最为突出(26 772~189 352元),“卫生机构床位数”次之(326~61 703个),标准差分别为33 972(元)和14 187(个),均大于其他因子。
Tab. 1 Descriptive statistics of the vulnerability variables

表1 社会经济脆弱性因子统计性描述

综合指标 变量 平均值 标准差 最小值 最大值 性质
年龄 ≤5岁人口比例 0.0383 0.0077 0.0184 0.0634 +
≥65岁人口比例 0.1088 0.0285 0.0413 0.1900 +
居住隔离 ≥60岁独居人口比例 0.0350 0.0359 0.0074 0.2241 +
社会经济状况 文盲占15岁及以上人口比例 0.0451 0.0241 0.0121 0.1180 +
有洗澡设施住房比例 0.7610 0.1279 0.4022 0.9394 -
卫生机构床位数/个 9408.08 14 187.12 326 61703 -
每百户居民空调拥有量/台 159.20 27.13 82 214.30 -
人均GDP/元 81 487.39 33 971.60 26 771.92 189 351.91 -


Fig. 6 Map of the heat vulnerability index in the Yangtze River Delta region

图6 长江三角洲地区高温热浪人口社会经济脆弱性等级分布

4.4 长江三角洲地区高温热浪人群健康风险空间分布

Fig. 7 Map of the heat health risk index in the Yangtze River Delta region

图7 长江三角洲地区高温热浪人群健康风险区划

Tab. 2 The top 20 counties with heat health risks in the Yangtze River Delta region

表2 研究区高温热浪人群健康风险最高的20个行政单元

排名 统计单元 所处省市 排名 统计单元 所处省市
1 上海中心城区 上海市 11 常州市市辖区 江苏常州
2 宝山区 上海市 12 镇江市市辖区 江苏镇江
3 闵行区 上海市 13 桐乡市 浙江台州
4 嘉定区 上海市 14 杭州市市辖区 浙江杭州
5 泰州市市辖区 江苏泰州 15 嘉兴市市辖区 浙江嘉兴
6 浦东新区 上海市 16 江阴市 江苏无锡
7 奉贤区 上海市 17 金山区 上海市
8 青浦区 上海市 18 泰兴市 江苏泰州
9 松江区 上海市 19 海宁市 浙江嘉兴
10 慈溪市 浙江宁波 20 无锡市市辖区 江苏无锡

4.5 长江三角洲地区高温风险主导因子分区

Fig. 8 Driving factors of heat health risks in the Yangtze River Delta region

图8 研究区高温热浪人群健康风险主导因子


5 结论和讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Smargiassi A, Goldberg M S, Plante C, et al.Variation of daily warm season mortality as a function of micro-urban heat islands[J]. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 2009,63(8):659-664.Background: Little attention has been paid to how heat-related health effects vary with the micro-urban variation of outdoor temperatures. This study explored whether people located in micro-urban heat islands are at higher risk of mortality during hot summer days. Methods: Data used included (1) daily mortality for Montreal (Canada) for June鈥擜ugust 1990-2003, (2) daily mean ambient outdoor temperatures at the local international airport and (3) two thermal surface images (Landsat satellites, infrared wavelengths). A city-wide temperature versus daily mortality function was established on the basis of a case-crossover design; this function was stratified according to the surface temperature at decedents' place of death. Results: The risk of death on warm summer days in areas with higher surface temperatures was greater than in areas with lower surface temperatures. Conclusions: This study suggests that measures aimed at reducing the temperature in micro-urban heat islands (eg, urban greening activities) may reduce the health impact of hot temperatures. Further studies are needed to document the variation of heat-related risks within cities and to evaluate the health benefits of measures aimed at reducing the temperature in micro-urban heat islands.


Romero-Lankao P, Qin H, Dickinson K.Urban vulnerability to temperature-related hazards: A meta-analysis and meta-knowledge approach[J]. Global Environmental Change, 2012,22(3):670-683.Research on urban vulnerability has grown considerably during recent years, yet consists primarily of case studies based on conflicting theories and paradigms. Assessing urban vulnerability is also generally considered to be context-dependent. We argue, however, that it is possible to identify some common patterns of vulnerability across urban centers and research paradigms and these commonalities hold potential for the development of a common set of tools to enhance response capacity within multiple contexts. To test this idea we conduct an analysis of 54 papers on urban vulnerability to temperature-related hazards, covering 222 urban areas in all regions of the world. The originality of this effort is in the combination of a standard metaanalysis with a meta-knowledge approach that allows us not only to integrate and summarize results across many studies, but also to identify trends in the literature and examine differences in methodology, theoretical frameworks and causation narratives and thereby to compare “apples to oranges.” We find that the vast majority of papers examining urban vulnerability to temperature-related hazards come from an urban vulnerability as impact approach, and cities from middle and low income countries are understudied. One of the challenges facing scholarship on urban vulnerability is to supplement the emphasis on disciplinary boxes (e.g., temperature–mortality relationships) with an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to adaptive capacity and structural drivers of differences in vulnerability.


Dousset B, Gourmelon F, Laaidi K, et al.Satellite monitoring of summer heat waves in the Paris metropolitan area[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2011,31(2):313-323.Summer warming trends in Western Europe are increasing the incidence, intensity and duration of heat waves. They are especially deadly in large cities owing to population density, physical surface properties, anthropogenic heat and pollutants. In August 2003, for 9 consecutive days, the Paris metropolitan area experienced an extreme heat wave that caused 4867 estimated heat-related deaths. A set of 61 NOAA-AVHRR (advanced very high-resolution radiometer) images and one SPOT-high resolution visible (HRV) image were used to analyse the spatial variations of land surface temperature (LST) over the diurnal cycle during the heat wave. The LST patterns were markedly different between daytime and night-time. A heat island was centred downtown at night, whereas multiple temperature anomalies were scattered in the industrial suburbs during the day. The heat wave corresponded to elevated nocturnal LST compared to normal summers. The highest mortality ratios matched the spatial distribution of the highest night-time LSTs, but were not related to the highest daytime LSTs. LSTs were sampled from images at the addresses of 482 elderly people (half were deceased persons and half were control ones) to produce daily and cumulative minimal, maximal and mean thermal indicators, over various periods of time. These indicators were integrated into a conditional logistic regression model to test their use as heat exposure indicators, based on risk factors. Over the period 1鈥13 August, thermal indicators taking into account minimum nocturnal temperatures averaged over 7 days or over the whole period were significantly linked to mortality. These results show the extent of the spatial variability in urban climate variables and the impact of night-time temperatures on excess mortality. These results should be used to inform policy and contingency planning in relation to heat waves, and highlight the role that satellite remote sensing can play in documenting and preventing heat-related mortality. Copyright 漏 2010 Royal Meteorological Society


Hu K J, Yang X C, Zhong J M, et al.Spatially explicit mapping of heat health risk utilizing environmental and socioeconomic data[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017,51(3):1498-1507.Abstract Extreme heat events, a leading cause of weather-related fatality worldwide, are expected to intensify, last longer, and occur more frequently in the near future. In heat health risk assessments, a spatiotemporal mismatch usually exists between hazard (heat stress) data and exposure (population distribution) data. Such mismatch is present because demographic data are generally updated every couple of years and unavailable at the subcensus unit level, which hinders the ability to diagnose human risks. In the present work, a human settlement index based on multisensor remote sensing data, including nighttime light, vegetation index, and digital elevation model data, was used for heat exposure assessment on a per-pixel basis. Moreover, the nighttime urban heat island effect was considered in heat hazard assessment. The heat-related health risk was spatially explicitly assessed and mapped at the 250 m 脳 250 m pixel level across Zhejiang Province in eastern China. The results showed that the accumulated heat risk estimates and the heat-related deaths were significantly correlated at the county level (Spearman's correlation coefficient = 0.76, P 鈮 0.01). Our analysis introduced a spatially specific methodology for the risk mapping of heat-related health outcomes, which is useful for decision support in preparation and mitigation of heat-related risk and potential adaptation.


Tomlinson C J, Chapman L, Thornes J E, et al.Including the urban heat island in spatial heat health risk assessment strategies: A case study for Birmingham, UK[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2011,10(42):2187-2198.pAbstract/p pBackground/p pHeatwaves present a significant health risk and the hazard is likely to escalate with the increased future temperatures presently predicted by climate change models. The impact of heatwaves is often felt strongest in towns and cities where populations are concentrated and where the climate is often unintentionally modified to produce an urban heat island effect; where urban areas can be significantly warmer than surrounding rural areas. The purpose of this interdisciplinary study is to integrate remotely sensed urban heat island data alongside commercial social segmentation data via a spatial risk assessment methodology in order to highlight potential heat health risk areas and build the foundations for a climate change risk assessment. This paper uses the city of Birmingham, UK as a case study area./p pResults/p pWhen looking at vulnerable sections of the population, the analysis identifies a concentration of very high risk areas within the city centre, and a number of pockets of high risk areas scattered throughout the conurbation. Further analysis looks at household level data which yields a complicated picture with a considerable range of vulnerabilities at a neighbourhood scale./p pConclusions/p pThe results illustrate that a concentration of very high risk people live within the urban heat island, and this should be taken into account by urban planners and city centre environmental managers when considering climate change adaptation strategies or heatwave alert schemes. The methodology has been designed to be transparent and to make use of powerful and readily available datasets so that it can be easily replicated in other urban areas./p




[ Xie P, Wang Y L, Liu Y X, et al.Incorporating social vulnerability to assess population health risk due to heat stress in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica. 2015,70(7):1041-1051. ]

Johnson D, Lulla V, Stanforth A, et al.Remote sensing of heat-related health risks: The trend toward coupling socioeconomic and remotely sensed data[J]. Geography Compass, 2011,5(10):767-780.Heat-related death is considered the number one weather-related cause of mortality throughout the world. There is growing concern that, heat waves, the primary meteorological phenomena responsible, will become more intense and numerous in the near future. Provided with this growing hazard the responsibility for mitigation, early detection and warning rests with emergency response agencies as well as academic researchers. Numerous tools exist in the present time to model very complex relationships that truly define vulnerability to such impending disasters. However, compared to other disasters (i.e. flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.) heat-related effects have not been thoroughly investigated in a geospatial framework. It seems likely that such approaches will provide significant benefit to the vulnerable communities and to policy makers responsible for planning. These approaches involve the usage of multiple sensor data (multi-sensor data fusion) coupled with socioeconomic characteristics to truly capture the fabric of social vulnerability. Evidence is growing that these approaches are beginning to have an impact in forecasting and planning for heat-related health disasters.




[ Luo X L, Du Y D, Zheng J.Risk regionalization of human health caused by high temperature & heat wave in Guangdong Province[J]. Climate Change Research, 2016,12(2):139-146. ]

Gong D Y, Pan Y Z, Wang J A.Changes in extreme daily mean temperatures in summer in eastern China during 1955-2000[J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2004,77(1):25-37.Statistical characteristics of extremely low and high daily mean temperatures in summer (June, July and August) in eastern China have been investigated. The extremely low temperatures are defined as those days with temperatures not exceeding the 10th percentile with respect to the reference period of 1961–90; similarly the extremely high temperatures are defined as those exceeding the 90th percentile. There are well-defined spatial structures in trends of the frequency of extremely low temperatures as well as of high temperature extremes. In the north region (i.e. northern and northeastern China) the linear trends of frequency of low and high temperature extremes are 611.09 and +1.23 days/1065yr, respectively. For the southern portion of the study area, the trends are 611.32 and 612.32 days/1065yr. Taking the study area as a whole, the linear trends are 610.76 days/1065yr and +1.08 days/1065yr, respectively. The changes of frequency of extreme temperatures are mainly related to the shift in the temperature means. There is a dominant anticyclonic pattern in the lower- to middle troposphere over East Asia in association with warmer conditions in the north region. For the south region there is a jump-like change in the summer mean temperature and the extreme temperature events in around 1976. The large-scale northwestern Pacific subtropical high plays an important role in the jump-like changes of the temperature extremes.


张尚印,王守荣,张永山,等.我国东部主要城市夏季高温气候特征及预测[J].热带气象学报,2004,20(6):750-760.With monthly data of high temperature for the summer (June 锝 August) of East China in 1961锝2002, climatological characteristics of high temperature is discussed for cites in the region and a fairly complete time series is set up for the regional processes high temperature and unusually high temperature. The climatological characteristics of high temperature for 12 cities (Shijiazhuang, Nanjing, Fuzhou, etc.) in the region are studied. As shown in the observations, hot weather doesn't last long whether it be with high or low humidity, in Shijiazhuang, which is also marked with high extreme temperature, small diurnal mean wind speed and small diurnal mean relative humidity; hot and humid weather last relatively longer during unusually hot temperature periods in Nanjing and Fuzhou, which is marked with high extreme temperature, small diurnal mean wind speed and large diurnal mean relative humidity. Monthly mean insolation hours have been decreasing in summer in recent years. The subtropical high and continental transforming high in East Asia are two governing systems for high summer temperature in the Chinese cities. Strong and persistent, they are the main factors responsible for relatively more days of high temperature and more frequent in the east of China. On its basis, a monthly climate prediction model is set up using the generalized function and optimized subset regression. It is shown to predict monthly high temperature with miner errors. The model is stable and useful.


[ Zhang S Y, Wang S R, Zhang Y S, et al.The climate characteristics of high temperature and the prediction in the large cities of East China[J]. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2004,20(6):750-760. ]

Zhou B, Rybski D, Kropp J P.On the statistics of urban heat island intensity[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2013,40(20):5486-5491.We perform a systematic study of all cities in Europe to assess the Urban Heat Island (UHI) intensity by means of remotely sensed land surface temperature data. Defining cities as spatial clusters of urban land cover, we investigate the relationships of the UHI intensity, with the cluster size and the temperature of the surroundings. Our results show that in Europe, the UHI intensity in summer has a strong correlation with the cluster size, which can be well fitted by an empirical sigmoid model. Furthermore, we find a novel seasonality of the UHI intensity for individual clusters in the form of hysteresis-like curves. We characterize the shape and identify apparent regional patterns.


Yang X C, Hou Y L, Chen B D.Observed surface warming induced by urbanization in east China[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2011,116(D14):263-294.Monthly mean surface air temperature data from 463 meteorological stations, including those from the 1981-2007 ordinary and national basic reference surface stations in east China and from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) Reanalysis, are used to investigate the effect of rapid urbanization on temperature change. These stations are dynamically classified into six categories, namely, metropolis, large city, medium-sized city, small city, suburban, and rural, using satellite-measured nighttime light imagery and population census data. Both observation minus reanalysis (OMR) and urban minus rural (UMR) methods are utilized to detect surface air temperature change induced by urbanization. With objective and dynamic station classification, the observed and reanalyzed temperature changes over rural areas show good agreement, indicating that the reanalysis can effectively capture regional rural temperature trends. The trends of urban heat island (UHI) effects, determined using OMR and UMR approaches, are generally consistent and indicate that rapid urbanization has a significant influence on surface warming over east China. Overall, UHI effects contribute 24.2% to regional average warming trends. The strongest effect of urbanization on annual mean surface air temperature trends occurs over the metropolis and large city stations, with corresponding contributions of about 44% and 35% to total warming, respectively. The UHI trends are 0.398掳C and 0.26掳C decade. The most substantial UHI effect occurred after the early 2000s, implying a significant effect of rapid urbanization on surface air temperature change during this period.


韩冬锐,徐新良,李静,等.长江三角洲城市群热环境安全格局及土地利用变化影响研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2017,19(1): 39-49.城市化进程的加快对区域热环境具有重要影响,热环境的改变会引发一系列生态环境问题,科学地评价城市群热环境安全对于城市发展的规划布局和建设舒适的人居环境具有重要意义。本文利用多期MODIS地表温度数据产品,在构建热环境安全等级分级标准的基础上,对长江三角洲城市群热环境安全格局时空变化特征和土地利用变化的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:①2015年长江三角洲城市群热环境不安全区域多分布于城市建成区及建成区周围,以南京、上海、杭州和宁波等城市形成的“Z”型区域最明显,临界安全区域多分布于郊区,较安全区域集中分布于长江以北平原区域,安全区域则主要分布于杭州及杭州以南山地、丘陵区,太湖大部分区域以及长江三角洲城市群北部区域;②2005—2015年长江三角洲城市群热环境不安全区域、临界安全区域、较安全区域和安全区域分别呈现扩张、小幅增长、缩减和先缩减后扩张趋势;③土地利用结构中建设用地比例过高和林地比例过低是导致热环境安全等级下降的主要原因,其次,建设用地侵占大量耕地也是导致热环境不安全区域扩张的主要原因。


[ Han D R, Xu X L, Li J, et al.A study on the security pattern of the heat environment and the influence of land use change in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(1):39-49. ]

Yang X C, Leung L R, Zhao N Z, et al.Contribution of urbanization to the increase of extreme heat events in an urban agglomeration in east China[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2017,44(13):6940-6950.react-text: 69 To measure the urban sprawl in china; to reveal the features of urban sprawl in China from west countries; to explain the driving forces of urban sprawl in China. /react-text react-text: 70 /react-text


Reid C E, O'neill M S, Gronlund C J, et al. Mapping community determinants of heat vulnerability[J]. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2009,117(11):1730-1736.

Heaton M J, Sain S R, Greasby T A, et al.Characterizing urban vulnerability to heat stress using a spatially varying coefficient model[J]. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 2014,8:23-33.Identifying and characterizing urban vulnerability to heat is a key step in designing intervention strategies to combat negative consequences of extreme heat on human health. This study combines excess non-accidental mortality counts, numerical weather simulations, US Census and parcel data into an assessment of vulnerability to heat in Houston, Texas. Specifically, a hierarchical model with spatially varying coefficients is used to account for differences in vulnerability among census block groups. Socio-economic and demographic variables from census and parcel data are selected via a forward selection algorithm where at each step the remaining variables are orthogonalized with respect to the chosen variables to account for collinearity. Daily minimum temperatures and composite heat indices (e.g. discomfort index) provide a better model fit than other ambient temperature measurements (e.g. maximum temperature, relative humidity). Positive interactions between elderly populations and heat exposure were found suggesting these populations are more responsive to increases in heat.


Vancutsem C, Ceccato P, Dinku T, et al.Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature data to estimate air temperature in different ecosystems over Africa[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010,114(2):449-465.The estimation of near surface air temperature (Ta) is useful for a wide range of applications such as agriculture, climate related diseases and climate change studies. Air temperature is commonly obtained from synoptic measurements in weather stations. In Africa, the spatial distribution of weather stations is often limited and the dissemination of temperature data is variable, therefore limiting their use for real-time applications. Compensation for this paucity of information may be obtained by using satellite-based methods. However, the derivation of near surface air temperature (Ta), from the land surface temperature (Ts) derived from satellite is far from straight forward. Some studies have tried to derive maximum Ta from satellites through regression analysis but the accuracy obtained is quite variable according to the study. The main objective of this study was to explore the possibility of retrieving high-resolution Ta data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Ts products over different ecosystems in Africa. First, comparisons between night MODIS Ts data with minimum Ta showed that MODIS nighttime products provide a good estimation of minimum Ta over different ecosystems (with (ΔTs 61 Ta) centered at 0 °C, a mean absolute error (MAE) = 1.73 °C and a standard deviation = 2.4 °C). Secondly, comparisons between day MODIS Ts data with maximum Ta showed that (ΔTs 61 Ta) strongly varies according to the seasonality, the ecosystems, the solar radiation, and cloud-cover. Two factors proposed in the literature to retrieve maximum Ta from Ts, i.e. the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Solar Zenith Angle (SZA), were analyzed. No strong relationship between (ΔTs 61 Ta) and (i) NDVI and (ii) SZA was observed, therefore requiring further research on robust methods to retrieve maximum Ta.


Letu H, Hara M, Yagi H, et al.Estimating energy consumption from night-time DMPS/OLS imagery after correcting for saturation effects[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,31(16):4443-4458.A methodology is presented to accurately estimate electric power consumption from saturated night-time Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) imagery using a stable light correction. An area correction for the stable light image of DMSP/OLS for the year 1999 was performed and the build-up area rate data were used to clarify the intensity distribution characteristics of the stable light. Based on the spatial distribution characteristics of the stable light, the saturation light of the electric power supply area of Japan was corrected using a cubic regression equation. The regression between the correction calculations by the cubic regression equation and the statistical electric power consumption data was applied in Japan and also in China, India and 10 other Asian countries. The correction method was then evaluated. This study confirms that electric power consumption can be estimated with high precision from the stable light.


Townsend A C, Bruce D A.The use of night-time lights satellite imagery as a measure of Australia's regional electricity consumption and population distribution[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,31(16):4459-4480.


Yang X C, Yue W, Gao D W.Spatial improvement of human population distribution based on multi-sensor remote-sensing data: An input for exposure assessment[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013,34(15):5569-5583.A spatial mismatch of hazard data and exposure data (e.g. population) exists in risk analysis. This article provides an integrated approach for a rapid and accurate estimation of population distribution on a per-pixel basis, through the combined use of medium and coarse spatial resolution remote-sensing data, namely the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) night-time imagery, enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and digital elevation model (DEM) data. The DMSP/OLS night-time light data have been widely used for the estimation of population distribution because of their free availability, global coverage, and high temporal resolution. However, given its low-radiometric resolution as well as the overglow effects, population distribution cannot be estimated accurately. In the present study, the DMSP/OLS data were combined with EVI and DEM data to develop an elevation-adjusted human settlement index (EAHSI) image. The model for population density estimation, developed based on the significant linear correlation between population and EAHSI, was implemented in Zhejiang Province in southeast China, and a spatialized population density map was generated at a resolution of 250 mx250 m. Compared with the results from raw human settlement index (59.69%) and single night-time lights (35.89%), the mean relative error of estimated population by EAHSI has been greatly reduced (17.74%), mainly due to the incorporation of elevation information. The accurate estimation of population density can be used as an input for exposure assessment in risk analysis on a regional scale and on a per-pixel basis.


Yu W W, Vaneckova P, Mengersen K, et al.Is the association between temperature and mortality modified by age, gender and socio-economic status?[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2010,408(17):3513-3518.


Cutter S L, Finch C.Temporal and spatial changes in social vulnerability to natural hazards[J]. Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008,105(7):2301-2306.During the past four decades (1960-2000), the United States experienced major transformations in population size, development patterns, economic conditions, and social characteristics. These social, economic, and built-environment changes altered the American hazardscape in profound ways, with more people living in high-hazard areas than ever before. To improve emergency management, it is important to recognize the variability in the vulnerable populations exposed to hazards and to develop place-based emergency plans accordingly. The concept of social vulnerability identifies sensitive populations that may be less likely to respond to, cope with, and recover from a natural disaster. Social vulnerability is complex and dynamic, changing over space and through time. This paper presents empirical evidence on the spatial and temporal patterns in social vulnerability in the United States from 1960 to the present. Using counties as our study unit, we found that those components that consistently increased social vulnerability for all time periods were density (urban), race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The spatial patterning of social vulnerability, although initially concentrated in certain geographic regions, has become more dispersed over time. The national trend shows a steady reduction in social vulnerability, but there is considerable regional variability, with many counties increasing in social vulnerability during the past five decades.




[ Xie P, Wang Y L, Peng J, et al.Health related urban heat wave vulnerability assessment: research progress and framework[J]. Progress in Geography, 2015,34(2):165-174. ]


[ Chen J, Li Y L, Gao A N, et al.Evaluation of high temperature disaster in Guangxi Province[J]. Journal of Catastrophology, 2007,22(3):24-27. ]

Tan J G, Zheng Y F, Tang X, et al.The urban heat island and its impact on heat waves and human health in Shanghai[J]. Internaltional of Biometeorology, 2010,54(1):75-84.With global warming forecast to continue into the foreseeable future, heat waves are very likely to increase in both frequency and intensity. In urban regions, these future heat waves will be exacerbated by the urban heat island effect, and will have the potential to negatively influence the health and welfare of urban residents. In order to investigate the health effects of the urban heat island (UHI) in Shanghai, China, 3002years of meteorological records (1975–2004) were examined for 11 first- and second-order weather stations in and around Shanghai. Additionally, automatic weather observation data recorded in recent years as well as daily all-cause summer mortality counts in 11 urban, suburban, and exurban regions (1998–2004) in Shanghai have been used. The results show that different sites (city center or surroundings) have experienced different degrees of warming as a result of increasing urbanization. In turn, this has resulted in a more extensive urban heat island effect, causing additional hot days and heat waves in urban regions compared to rural locales. An examination of summer mortality rates in and around Shanghai yields heightened heat-related mortality in urban regions, and we conclude that the UHI is directly responsible, acting to worsen the adverse health effects from exposure to extreme thermal conditions.


Antics A, Pascal M, Laaidi K, et al.A simple indicator to rapidly assess the short-term impact of heat waves on mortality within the French heat warning system[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2013,57(1):75-81.We propose a simple method to provide a rapid and robust estimate of the short-term impacts of heat waves on mortality, to be used for communication within a heat warning system. The excess mortality during a heat wave is defined as the difference between the observed mortality over the period and the observed mortality over the same period during the N preceding years. This method was tested on 19 French cities between 1973 and 2007. In six cities, we compared the excess mortality to that obtained using a modelling of the temperature-mortality relationship. There was a good agreement between the excess mortalities estimated by the simple indicator and by the models. Major differences were observed during the most extreme heat waves, in 1983 and 2003, and after the implementation of the heat prevention plan in 2006. Excluding these events, the mean difference between the estimates obtained by the two methods was of 13 deaths [1:45]. A comparison of mortality with the previous years provides a simple estimate of the mortality impact of heat waves. It can be used to provide early and reliable information to stakeholders of the heat prevention plan, and to select heat waves that should be further investigated.


Nichol J.Remote sensing of urban heat islands by day and night[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2005,71(5):613-621.Urban heat island is a term used for the elevation of urban air temperatures over those in surrounding rural areas; the difference is generally greater at night than during the day. This article reports on a study in which a night-time thermal image from the ASTER satellite sensor, of the western New territories of Hong Kong is compared with a daytime Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) thermal image obtained nineteen days earlier. Densely built high rise areas which appear cool on daytime images are conversely, relatively warm on nighttime images, though the temperature differences are not well developed at night. At night, proximity to extensive cool surfaces such as forested mountain slopes appears to be influential in maintaining cooler building temperatures. The relevance of satellite-derived surface temperatures for studies of urban microclimate is supported by field data of surface and air temperatures collected in the study area. The author concludes that thermal images from both the ETM+ and ASTER sensors are of adequate spatial and radiometric resolution for the study of urban microclimatic patterns. However, a major problem still occurs in that urban heat islands are essentially a nighttime phenomenon and satellite-based studies are less able to make nighttime images.


Golden J S, Hartz D, Brazel A, et al.A biometeorology study of climate and heat-related morbidity in Phoenix from 2001 to 2006[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2008,52(6):471-480.Heat waves kill more people in the United States than hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods combined. Recently, international attention focused on the linkages and impacts of health vulnerability to urban climate when Western Europe experienced over 30,000 excess during the heat waves of the summer of 2003-surpassing the 1995 heat wave in Chicago, Illinois, that killed 739. While Europe dealt with heat waves, in the United States, , , established a new all-time high minimum temperature for the region on July 15, 2003. The low temperature of 35.5 degrees C (96 degrees F) was recorded, breaking the previous all-time high minimum temperature record of 33.8 degrees C (93 degrees F). While an extensive literature on heat-related mortality exists, greater understanding of influences of heat-related morbidity is required due to climate change and rapid urbanization influences. We undertook an analysis of 6 years (2001-2006) of heat-related dispatches through the Fire Department regional dispatch center to examine temporal, climatic and other non-spatial influences contributing to high-heat-related medical dispatch events. The findings identified that there were no significant variations in day-of-week dispatch events. The greatest incidence of heat-related medical dispatches occurred between the times of peak solar irradiance and maximum diurnal temperature, and during times of elevated comfort indices (combined temperature and relative humidity).


Wang J, Feng J M, Yan Z, et al.Nested high-resolution modeling of the impact of urbanization on regional climate in three vast urban agglomerations in China[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2012,117(D21):21103.In this paper, the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, coupled to the Urban Canopy Model, is employed to simulate the impact of urbanization on the regional climate over three vast city agglomerations in China. Based on high-resolution land use and land cover data, two scenarios are designed to represent the nonurban and current urban land use distributions. By comparing the results of two nested, high-resolution numerical experiments, the spatial and temporal changes on surface air temperature, heat stress index, surface energy budget, and precipitation due to urbanization are analyzed and quantified. Urban expansion increases the surface air temperature in urban areas by about 1掳C, and this climatic forcing of urbanization on temperature is more pronounced in summer and nighttime than other seasons and daytime. The heat stress intensity, which reflects the combined effects of temperature and humidity, is enhanced by about 0.5 units in urban areas. The regional incoming solar radiation increases after urban expansion, which may be caused by the reduction of cloud fraction. The increased temperature and roughness of the urban surface lead to enhanced convergence. Meanwhile, the planetary boundary layer is deepened, and water vapor is mixed more evenly in the lower atmosphere. The deficit of water vapor leads to less convective available potential energy and more convective inhibition energy. Finally, these combined effects may reduce the rainfall amount over urban areas, mainly in summer, and change the regional precipitation pattern to a certain extent.


