Study on Optimum Population of Beijing Based on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity

  • LIN Xiaojuan , 1, 2 ,
  • FANG Shifeng , 1, * ,
  • DU Jiaqiang 3, 4 ,
  • WU Hua 1 ,
  • DOU Xinyi 5 ,
  • YUE Yixiao 2
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. Land and Resources School, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, China
  • 3. Institute of Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
  • 4. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
  • 5. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, China
*Corresponding author: FANG Shifeng, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-06-05

  Request revised date: 2017-08-23

  Online published: 2017-11-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The study of optimum population size based on urban comprehensive carrying capacity has always been a hot issue in population geography. With the accelerating of China's urbanization, the population is gathering continuously in the city while environmental pollution, traffic jams and other "city diseases" have become increasingly prominent. City sustainable development is restricted by social economic factors and natural resources factors which is an important guarantee to maintain the population quantity in the range of carrying capacity. The concept of UCC (Urban Carrying Capacity) provides a powerful theoretical basis and quantitative means for government planning and calculating the optimum population size. As the political, economic and cultural center of China, the shortage of resources, traffic jam and deterioration of ecological environment are becoming more and more serious in Beijing. It's significant to determine the scale of optimum population for guiding the population floating and environment protection. However, the research results about optimum population scale of Beijing are few. Based on comprehensive carrying capacity, this paper constructed an appropriate population measurement model and synthetically analysed the scale of optimum population and carrying population of Beijing from 2004 to 2014. Results indicated that: (1) The scale of ecological carrying population which is in a state of population overload has an increasing trend; (2) Economic carrying population scale has been decreasing for 15 years. The output value of tertiary industry contributed most which reached 65.15% in 2014; (3)Resources carrying population scale is in a state of fluctuation while its overload rate increased year by year. The contribution of land resources carrying capacity is greater than that of water resources which reached 79.91% in 2014; (4) From 2004 to 2014, the optimum population size of Beijing decreased from 20.31 million to 15.51 million and start a demographic deficit in 2008. Considering its contribution factor, resource constraint has become the main factor hindering the development of Beijing, and the economic carrying capacity is the main driving force to maintain the appropriate population size. The conclusions of this study can provide a reference for the formulation of rational population management decisions and urban sustainable development planning.

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LIN Xiaojuan , FANG Shifeng , DU Jiaqiang , WU Hua , DOU Xinyi , YUE Yixiao . Study on Optimum Population of Beijing Based on the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(11) : 1495 -1503 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01495

1 引言

城市可持续发展是维持人口数量在承载力范围内的重要保障,城市承载力(Urban Carrying Capacity,UCC)概念为政府规划和确定区域的适度人口规模提供了有力的理论依据和定量手段,是衡量城市可持续发展状态的标尺[2,6]。“适度人口”指人口数量与资源、环境和经济条件相互匹配,达到的一个相对理想的人口规模[7]。早期适度人口论于1888年由埃德文、坎南提出,后又经历了现代适度人口论和可持续生态适度人口论3个阶段[8]。适度人口的测算方法主要包括可能-满意度法[9]、P-E-R模型法[10-11]和人口承载力等。定量确定城市承载力和适度人口规模的方法较多,主要分为基于单一指标或多指标体系下的城市承载力相对得分和城市人口承载力研究。Li等[12]构建了城市资源、环境、经济、社会和交通承载力的综合指标体系,对近十年兰州市综合承载力进行了分析评价;Wei等[2]基于集成的城市承载力分析框架,利用均方差分析法,定量测定了中国30个特大城市的城市承载力;Lane[13]针对承载力评估结果在社会长期发展与自然条件中的不确定性,提出了短期和长期时间框架下澳大利亚人口承载力评估方法,以提高人口承载力评估的准确度;Liu等[14]利用熵权TOPSIS法评价了成都城市群的综合承载力,并采用系统聚类法进行城市划分。此外,基于单一指标的人口承载力研究成果颇多,如已有学者对水资源和土地资源人口承载力进行评价,以此预测区域人口规模和承载状态[15-18];或利用生态足迹模型,测算了样本区域的生态承载力、生态盈余情况及最优人口规模[19-20]
北京是中国的政治、文化中心和国际交往的枢纽[21],2015年北京市年末常住人口达2170.5万人,仅0.17%的国土面积上却居住着全中国1.5%的人口,人口密度高达1323人/km2。伴随大规模的人口流入,北京市建设用地面积以年均增长0.4%的速度扩张[22],人均耕地面积不断下降,人地关系矛盾日益尖锐;同时,水资源总量持续减少,南水北调供水量占比增加;北京市严重的灰霾严重危害人民的生活和健康的同时,造成巨大的经济损失,成为限制首都经济健康发展的重要原因[23]。已有学者对于如何协调北京市人口、资源与环境之间的关系,实现可持续发展,测算了首都北京的适度人口规模[9,24]。但现有的与北京市适度人口有关的少量研究中存在以下不足:① 仅从水资源、土地资源等单一资源角度出发,忽略了开放区域中资源之间的流动性和相互补偿效应;② 并未将承载力评估框架进行人口量化,而仅以综合评价相对值进行分析。

2 研究方法与数据源

2.1 评价指标与数据源

北京市综合承载力评价指标参照相关学者近年来对区域资源承载力[18, 25-27]、经济承载力[28-29]、生态承载力[30-33]及综合承载力[34-35]使用频度较高的指标,遵循系统性、科学性、可操作性、灵活性和可比性的原则[12]进行评价,具体指标见表1。数据来源于中国统计年鉴(2005-2015)、中国城市统计年鉴(2005-2015)、中国国土资源公报(2004-2014)、北京市统计年鉴(2005-2015)、北京市水资源公报(2004-2014)、北京市国民经济与社会发展统计公报(2004-2014)。
Tab.1 Evaluation indexes to comprehensive carrying capacity of Beijing

表1 北京市综合承载力评价指标

类型 名称 内容 单位 类型 名称 内容 单位
资源承载系统 X1 用水总量 亿m3 经济承载系统 X14 第三产业占GRP比重 %
X2 水资源总量 亿m3 X15 全社会固定资产投资额 亿元
X3 人均水资源量 m3 X16 城镇居民恩格尔系数 %
X4 人均用水量 m3 X17 社会消费品零售总额 亿元
X5 万元产值耗水量 m3 X18 城镇居民人均可支配收入
X6 年末耕地总资源 hm2 X25 常住人口 万人
X7 人均建设用地面积 km2 X26 城镇人口 万人
X8 人均城市道路面积 m2 生态承载系统 X19 人均绿地面积 m2
X9 人均耕地面积 m2 X20 森林覆盖率 %
X10 建设用地面积 km2 X21 工业废水排放量 万t
经济承载系统 X11 人均GRP 元/人 X22 工业烟尘排放量 t
X12 GRP 亿元 X23 工业SO2排放量 t
X13 地区生产总值增长率 % X24 城市环境设施投资额 万元

2.2 主成分分析法和熵权法

主成分分析法(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)用于多指标综合评价时,用少数几个相互独立的主成分的线性组合描述原始的绝大部分数据信息[27],有效避免了因指标间复杂的相关性而导致分析困难的问题[36]。熵在信息论中用于度量不确定性,是根据评价指标的离散程度来进行赋权的客观方法[27,31],本文参考文献[27]、[31],采用客观赋权法,将主成分分析法和熵权法结合,先利用SPSS提取主成分,计算主成分得分后,利用熵权法确定各主成分权重,具体步骤如下:
(1)对各主成分因子数据进行非负化处理。设北京第i时段综合承载力的第j个主成分得分为Xiji=1,2,…,n;j=1,2,…, m),为避免求熵值时,取对数无意义,进行如下处理[27]
X ij ' = ( X ij - mi n X ij ) / ( ma x X ij - mi n X ij ) + 1 (1)
P ij = X ij ' / i = 1 n X ij ' i = 1,2 , , n ; j = 1,2 , , m (2)
w j = d j / j = 1 m d j 1 j m (3)
e j = - 1 / ln ( n ) i = 1 n P ij ln ( P ij ) (4)

2.3 各个主成分承载系统的承载人口

2.3.1 生态承载人口
C e = EC / ef = ( N j = 1 6 ( a j r j y j ) ) / ( i = 1 n r j ( c i / p i ) ) (5)
式中:EC为北京市生态承载力;ef为北京市人均生态足迹;N为北京市总人口数;j为生产性土地类型;aj为第j项生产性土地的人均土地面积;rj为均衡 因子;yj产量因子;i为消费项目;ci为第i类消费项目的人均消费量;pi为第i类消费项目的年均生产力。人口生态压力指数En=P/Ce;P为北京市现实人口 规模。
2.3.2 经济承载人口
C ec = P / E = P / i = 1 3 β E ni (6)
2.3.3 资源承载人口
C r = P / R = P / i = 1 3 β R ni (7)

2.4 适度人口模型

C= w1Ce+w2Cec+w3Cr (8)
Fig.1 Flow chart for optimum population of Beijing

图1 技术路线图

3 实证分析

3.1 北京市适度人口模型构建

C=0.354390968 C1+0.325910098 C2+0.319698934 C3(9)
Tab. 2 Rotated component matrix

表2 主成分载荷

变量 主成份
C1 C2 C3
用水总量X1 0.517 0.791 -0.133
水资源总量X2 0.312 0.048 0.927
人均水资源量X3 -0.088 -0.353 0.902
人均用水量X4 -0.822 -0.554 -0.056
万元产值耗水量X5 -0.858 -0.500 -0.036
年末耕地总资源X6 -0.671 -0.717 0.010
人均建设用地面积X7 -0.848 -0.296 -0.153
人均城市道路面积X8 -0.731 -0.055 -0.039
人均耕地面积X9 -0.785 -0.614 -0.022
建设用地面积X10 0.594 0.770 -0.082
人均GRP X11 0.691 0.713 -0.001
GRP X12 0.648 0.756 -0.006
地区GDP增长率X13 -0.551 -0.629 -0.234
三产占GRP比重X14 0.882 0.334 -0.058
固定资产投资额X15 0.661 0.743 -0.067
恩格尔系数X16 0.180 -0.696 0.254
消费品零售总额X17 0.625 0.778 -0.003
人均可支配收入X18 0.629 0.767 -0.030
人均绿地面积X19 0.413 0.616 -0.503
森林覆盖率X20 0.589 0.726 -0.188
工业废水排放量X21 -0.980 0.047 -0.013
工业烟尘排放量X22 -0.034 0.656 0.499
工业SO2排放量X23 -0.900 -0.392 0.019
环境设施投资额X24 0.277 0.835 -0.245
常住人口X25 0.736 0.673 0.019
城镇人口X26 0.761 0.645 0.014

3.2 北京市适度人口测算与分析

3.2.1 生态承载人口
Tab. 3 Ecological carrying population scale of Beijing from 2004 to 2014

表3 北京市2004-2014年生态承载人口

年份 生态承载力/万hm2 人均生态足迹/hm2 生态承载
富余或超载状态 富余或超载率
2004 284.46 0.40 717.38 超载 -0.52
2005 285.89 0.43 669.68 超载 -0.56
2006 291.90 0.42 699.53 超载 -0.56
2007 306.84 0.44 692.58 超载 -0.59
2008 301.00 0.46 657.01 超载 -0.63
2009 309.82 0.47 662.45 超载 -0.64
2010 314.49 0.42 754.70 超载 -0.62
2011 318.64 0.43 742.33 超载 -0.63
2012 329.94 0.44 753.55 超载 -0.64
2013 319.18 0.44 731.60 超载 -0.65
2014 304.20 0.40 753.14 超载 -0.65
3.2.2 经济承载人口
Tab. 4 Economic carrying population scale of Beijing from 2004 to 2014

表4 北京市2004-2014年经济承载人口

年份 GRP承载人口/万人 第二产业承载人口/万人 第三产业承载人口/万人 经济承载人口/万人 富余或超载
2004 7378.36 3262.53 8045.27 5297.18 富余 2.55
2005 4937.29 3027.31 8267.04 4588.35 富余 1.98
2006 4914.05 2775.02 8440.02 4396.64 富余 1.75
2007 4843.25 2633.07 8327.31 4247.22 富余 1.53
2008 4631.08 2325.10 8218.55 3907.79 富余 1.21
2009 4700.29 2370.73 8019.59 3951.23 富余 1.12
2010 4648.32 2361.94 7912.36 3922.10 富余 1.00
2011 4565.91 2218.34 7810.78 3760.20 富余 0.86
2012 4543.20 2233.77 7671.22 3758.74 富余 0.82
2013 4619.94 2274.45 7570.18 3806.06 富余 0.80
2014 4601.69 2287.45 7431.34 3802.06 富余 0.77
3.2.3 资源承载人口
Tab. 5 Resources carrying population scale of Beijing from 2004 to 2014

表5 北京市2004-2014年资源承载人口

年份 土地资源承载人口/万人 水资源承载人口/万人 资源承载
富余或超载状态 富余或超载率
2004 251.00 115.28 158.00 超载 -0.89
2005 249.98 108.14 150.97 超载 -0.90
2006 251.00 114.69 157.44 超载 -0.90
2007 252.02 124.52 166.68 超载 -0.90
2008 252.79 165.55 200.08 超载 -0.89
2009 223.92 120.53 156.71 超载 -0.92
2010 221.83 100.22 138.07 超载 -0.93
2011 221.13 155.32 182.47 超载 -0.91
2012 221.26 181.14 199.20 超载 -0.90
2013 222.64 120.75 156.58 超载 -0.93
2014 223.13 101.58 139.61 超载 -0.94
3.2.4 适度人口与人口压力
Fig. 2 The changing tendency of optimum population and carrying population scale of Beijing from 2004 to 2014

图2 北京2004-2014适度人口与各子系统承载人口变化趋势

Fig. 3 The changing tendency of population pressure indexof Beijing from 2004 to 2014

图3 北京2004-2014年各子系统人口承载压力指数变化趋势

Tab. 6 Optimum population scale of Beijing from 2004 to 2014

表6 北京市2004-2014年适度人口

年份 适度人口/万人 富余或超载人数/万人 富余或超载状态 富余或超载率
2004 2031.15 538.45 富余 0.36
2005 1780.98 242.98 富余 0.16
2006 1731.15 130.15 富余 0.08
2007 1682.94 6.94 富余 0.00
2008 1570.39 -200.61 超载 -0.11
2009 1572.61 -287.39 超载 -0.15
2010 1589.85 -372.05 超载 -0.19
2011 1546.90 -471.70 超载 -0.23
2012 1555.74 -513.56 超载 -0.25
2013 1549.77 -565.03 超载 -0.27
2014 1550.67 -600.93 超载 -0.28

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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Li J, Lei S, Ling M.A novel evaluation algorithm of urban comprehensive carrying capacity index system in northwest China: Lanzhou city as a example[J]. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2016,725(1):1-9.With the rapid growth of the urban population and quick expansion of urban dimensions, the affecting urban development constraints of urban carrying capacity has increasingly been attracting people's attention. However, the effective synthesization of urban resources carrying capacity, urban environmental carrying capacity, economic carrying capacity, society carrying capacity and traffic carrying capacity hardly acted as an urban comprehensive carrying capacity evaluation system. In this paper, the novel comprehensive index system of urban resources carrying capacity, urban environmental carrying capacity, economic carrying capacity, society carrying capacity and traffic carrying capacity was used for analyzing and evaluating urban comprehensive carrying capacity. Firstly, the standardization of evaluation index was constructed in the urban comprehensive carrying capacity index system. In addition, the past decade data from 2002 to 2011 was analyzed and evaluated in the weighted index system. Finally, the influence mechanism of various carrying capacity factors on urban comprehensive carrying capacity was investigated in Lanzhou. Experimental results can be summarized that the variation tendency of urban comprehensive carrying capacity was the annual increase of levels and the promotion countermeasure was put forward with congenital restricting factors and acquired restricting factors.


Lane M.Exploring short-term and long-term time frames in Australian population carrying capacity assessment[J]. Population & Environment, 2017:1-16.Time frames are vital determinants in carrying capacity assessment modelling, but their quantification can be problematic. A strictly literal definition of sustainable carrying capacity implies calculating the maximum number of people a landscape can support in perpetuity. However, the concept of perpetuity, representing infinite time, renders the concept impractical, if not impossible, to quantify; so a more pragmatic approach can be to perform assessments for a range of time frames in order to establish potential trends. One Australian-orientated model, the Carrying Capacity Dashboard, was developed to begin exploring temporal flexibility in resource-based carrying capacity modelling. It offers users the ability to choose projected time frames of between one and 150 years for a variety of landscape scales and consumption patterns. Generally, the longer time frames resulted in reduced carrying capacities. One reason for this result is that a completely self-sufficient population would need to match its consumption and hence its size to the anticipated least productive year within any given time frame; and as projected time periods increase, the likelihood of encountering more extreme climatic conditions with smaller yields increases.


Liu Y, Wang F.A dynamic evaluation of the comprehensive carrying capacity of Chengdu Urban[M]. Springer Singapore, 2017:1677-1692.

Ait-aoudia M N, Berezowska-azzag E. Water resources carrying capacity assessment: The case of Algeria's capital city[J]. Habitat International, 2016,58:51-58.Algiers, the capital city of Algeria, experienced in the past years, recurrent water shortages due to rampant population growth, coupled with the relative scarcity of water resources in this Mediterranean city. The current supply system, despite improvements that have occurred since then, still shows vulnerability vis-脿-vis a number of factors. Indeed, cyclical droughts, that significantly reduce the intake of surface water, affect the region. Over-exploitation of groundwater has led to the phenomenon of seawater intrusion, when not mastered, can make these aquifers unusable. Water resources are also prone to pollution that threatens water potability. To analyze the balance between water supply and domestic demand, we will use the concept of water resources carrying capacity (WRCC). The latter can be defined as the level of human activity that can be withstood by the available water resources without major degradation of aquatic environments while maintaining an adequate standard of living. Action must be carried out simultaneously on the determinant factors of supply and demand which are of social, economic and environmental nature. The objective of this study is to assess the population that can be sustained with regard to water resources and domestic consumption patterns. Water demand consideration as much as on supply is of critical importance to reduce water supply vulnerability in a country with limited fresh water resources.


Guo W.Assessment of comprehensive carrying capacity of land resources based on land functions[J]. Asian Agricultural Research, 2016,8(9):53-57.Based on relevant research results,from the perspective of land use functions,an evaluation indicator system of carrying capacity of land resources composed of three second-grade indicators( production,living and ecological carrying capacity) including 24 third-grade indicators was established,and the carrying capacity of land resources in ten cities of Shaanxi Province in 2013 was assessed and analyzed by using mean square error analysis method and hierarchical clustering method. The results showed that the three types of carrying capacity in most cities of Shaanxi Province are shown as follows: ecological carrying capacity living carrying capacity production carrying capacity,and the differences between various regions in a single type of carrying capacity basically accorded with the actual situation of development in each city; there were obvious differences between various cities in the comprehensive carrying capacity of land resources,which was basically consistent with regional economic and social development.


[ Dang L J, Xu Y, Wang Z Q.Study on population carrying capacity of water resources in Yulin City, Shanxi Province[J]. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 2014,21(3):90-97,321. ]


[ Guo H H, Li B, Hou Y.Research on the capacity of land resources based on land function: Haidian as an example[J]. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2011,47(4):424-447. ]

Yuan L U.Urban optimum population size and development pattern based on ecological footprint model: case of Zhoushan, China[J]. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 2016,3(3):134-141.Abstract The agglomeration of population in the city can reflect the prosperity in the economy, society and culture. However, it has also brought a series of problems like environmental pollution, traffic congestion, housing shortage and jobs crisis. The results can be shown as the failure of urban comprehensive function, the decline of city benefits, and the contradiction between socioeconomic circumstance and ecosystem. Therefore, a reasonable population capacity, which is influenced by ecological resources, urban environment, geographical elements, social and economic factors, etc., is objectively needed. How to deal with the relationship between the utilization of natural capital and development of the city is extremely essential. This paper takes Zhoushan Island as an example, which is the fourth largest island off the coast of China. Firstly, the interactively influencing factors of urban optimal population are illustrated. And method is chosen to study the optimal population size. Secondly, based on the model of ecological footprint (EP), the paper calculates and analyzes the ecological footprint and ecological capacity of the Zhoushan Island, in order to explore the optimal population size of the city. Thirdly, analysis and evaluation of the resources and urban environment carrying capacity is made. Finally, the solution of the existing population problems and the suggestion for the future development pattern of the city are proposed in the urban eco-planning of Zhoushan Island. The main strategies can be summarized in two aspects: one is to reduce the ecological footprint, the other is to increase the ecological supply. The conclusion is that the current population of Zhoushan Island is far beyond the optimum population size calculated by the ecological footprint model. Therefore, sustainable development should be the guidance for urban planning in Zhoushan Island, and a low-carbon development pattern for the city is advocated.


安宝晟,程国栋.西藏生态足迹与承载力动态分析[J].生态学报,2014,34(4):1002-1009.利用生态足迹模型,对2005-2010年西藏的生态足迹和生态承载力以及生态盈余进行了测算。研究发现,西藏2005-2010年人均生态足迹呈现出振荡式上升趋势,从2005年的0.34 hm<sup>2</sup>/人波动上升到2010年的0.83 hm<sup>2</sup>/人,其中人均林地消费所占比重最大,多年平均值占总消费的39.8%;人均耕地消费基本稳定在0.18-0.2 hm<sup>2</sup>/人之间,其他类型土地消费所占比重相对较少;人均生态承载力呈现平滑下降趋势,从2005年的14.78 hm<sup>2</sup>/人下降到了2010年的13.77 hm<sup>2</sup>/人,其中林地和牧草地及其转换的化石能源地人均生态承载力所占比重达到了95%,可耕地、牧草地、林地的人均生态承载力在2005-2010年之间呈现缓慢下降趋势,水域人均生态承载力变化不大;人均生态盈余较大,但呈现出递减趋势,2005年为14.44 hm<sup>2</sup>/人,而2010年下降到12.94 hm<sup>2</sup>/人;生态盈余中比重最大的是林地,但其足迹波动较大,介于1%-30%之间;草地人均生态足迹仅占生态承载力的5%左右,水域人均生态足迹占生态承载力的比例可忽略不计。


[An B S, Cheng G D.Dynamic analysis of the ecological footprint and carrying capacity of Tibet[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014,34(4):1002-1009. ]



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[ Tang X L, Lv X, Xu F.The optimum population in Xinjiang based on ecological footprint[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2012,26(7):160-164. ]

王明全,王金达,刘景双.基于主成分分析和熵权的吉林西部生态承载力演变[J].中国科学院研究生院学报, 2008,25(6):764-770.

[ Wang M Q, Wang J D, Liu J S.Evolution study on the ecological carrying capacity of West Jilin province based on the principal component analysis and entropy weight method[J]. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008,25(6):764-770. ]


[ Yuan L, Sun G P, Yan Y, et al.Dynamic change of population carrying capacity and its driving forces in Wuan City of Hebei province[J]. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2012,32(5):37-40. ]


[ Zhou W H,Wang R S.An entropy weight approach on the fuzzy synthetic assessment of Beijing urban ecosystem health, China[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005,25(12):3244-3251. ]


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谢飞,顾继光,林彰文.基于主成分分析和熵权的水库生态系统健康评价——以海南省万宁水库为例[J]. 应用生态学报,2014,25(6):1773-1779.采用主成分分析(PCA)与熵权相结合的新方法,对万宁水库水生态系统健康进行评价,旨在检验该方法是否能解决传统的基于熵权法的水生态系统健康评价方法所存在的赋权重复问题.结果表明: 2010&mdash;2012年,万宁水库的水生态系统健康状况整体呈变好趋势;年均水生态系统健康综合指数(EHCI)分别为0.534、0.617、0.634,健康状态评级分别为Ⅲ类(中等)、Ⅱ类(较好)、Ⅱ类(较好).该水库水生态系统健康状况存在季节性差异,但并没有明显的季节性变化规律.从EHCI的整体波动程度来看,其波幅逐渐变小,表明近年来万宁水库的水生态系统趋于相对稳定.新方法与传统方法的指标赋权对比表明,传统方法中相关性较强的溶解氧、化学需氧量、五日生化需要量、铵态氮4项指标的累计权重为0.382,而新方法中仅为0.179;说明PCA的引入有效解决了赋权重复的问题.营养状态指数与EHCI呈显著的负相关关系,说明PCA与熵权结合的新方法在解决了赋权重复的基础上,很好地保证了评价结果的准确性,适用于该水库水生态系统健康评价.

[ Xie F, Gu J G, Lin Z W.Assessment of aquatic ecosystem health based on principal component analysis with entropy weight: A case study of Wanning Reservoir (Hainan Island, China)[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2014,25(6):1773-1779. ]

Wackernagel M, Monfr C, Er K H.Ecological footprint time series of Austria, the Philippines, and South Korea for 1961-1999: comparing the conventional approach to an ‘actual land area’ approach[J]. Land Use Policy, 2004,21(3):261-269.This paper presents methodological advances for calculating Ecological Footprints in time series, and applies them to Austria, the Philippines, and South Korea for the time period from 1961 to 1999. Two different methodological approaches are taken: (1) The latest evolution of the conventional Ecological Footprint method expressed in ‘global hectares’, or normalized hectares with global average bioproductivity; (2) an ‘actual land-use’ approach that calculates the physical area occupied for each country's socio-economic metabolism. The national assessments presented in this paper apply dynamic equivalence and yield factors, which are recalculated for each year. The paper also proposes new methods to deal with grassland yields and discusses problems in defining bioproductive area. The results, reflecting consumption figures, show that the rapid industrialization in South Korea resulted in a steep increase in its Ecological Footprint, whereas Austria's Footprint, which was already large in 1961, grew only slowly throughout the analyzed period. The paper also presents a sectoral Ecological Footprint analysis that compares human demand on forests in the Philippines to its export of forest products. Following a discussion of these challenges, this paper proceeds to showcase time series for Austria, the Philippines, and South Korea both to compare the Footprint analysis results to those of previous methods and to illustrate its analytical capacity.


许月卿. 基于生态足迹的北京市土地生态承载力评价[J].资源科学,2007,29(5):37-42.北京市是我国土地利用集约程度较高,土地利用与经济发展和生态环境矛盾最尖锐的地区之一。本文利用生态足迹的原理和模型计算了北京市1990年~2003年的生态足迹和土地生态承载力,以期为适应北京大都市社会经济功能的特点,寻求在资源环境承载力范围内实现该市可持续发展的途径和对策。结果表明:1990年~2003年,北京市的人均生态足迹呈阶段性变化,1995年以前人均生态足迹逐渐增大,1995年以后呈逐渐减小趋势;而万元产值生态足迹呈持续减小趋势。1996年~2003年,北京市总的生态足迹和人均生态足迹均大大超过其土地生态承载力,出现生态赤字。从横向比较看,北京市的人均生态足迹超出全球和中国平均水平。可见,北京市人口、经济和消费模式对自然的需求远超过北京市生态系统承受能力,北京市生态发展处于不可持续状态。为适应北京大都市社会经济功能的特点,尽可能减小对周围和其它地区生态环境负担的转移,必须建立起资源高效型、消费生态型、观念环保型的新型社会经济发展模式。


[ Xu Y Q.Evaluation of ecological carrying capacity based on ecological footprint model in Beijing[J]. Resources Science, 2007,29(5):37-42. ]

张丹. 可持续发展背景下城市适度人口规模研究[D].成都:西南交通大学,2011.

[ Zhang D.The study of city moderate population upon the background of sustainable development: Taking Chengdu for example[D]. Chengdu: Southwest Jiaotong University, 2011. ]


[ Zhang L, Zhao X G, Yang F, et al.Sustainable development based on the regional matching pattern of the relationships among population, economic and resources capacity in Ningxia[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2011,25(1):20-24. ]

刘斌涛,陶和平,刘邵权,等.基于GIS的山区人口压力测算模型——以四川省凉山州为例[J].地理科学进展,2012,31(4):476-83.从人口压力构成要素和山区实际情况出发,构建了山区人口压力测算模型.该模型包括城镇人口压力指数、农村人口压力指数和人口自然增长率3 个构成要素,综合反映了山区人口数量压力特征.应用该模型对四川省凉山州的人口压力指数进行了测算,结果表明:①凉山州人口压力指数的平均值为4.95,属“一般”水平.人口压力“小”、“较小”、“一般”、“大”、“极大”的县市分别占的23.53%、11.76%、29.41%、29.41%和5.88%;②人口压力指数具有明显的空间集聚性,并受到地形条件的制约,凉山州东部、东北部的大、小凉山地区人口压力大,安宁河谷、凉山州南部低山、中山区和盐源盆地人口压力小;③人口压力指数与贫困发生率、生态脆弱度之间具有较高的相关性,说明人口压力大和生态环境脆弱性高是导致山区贫困的一个因素,应加强贫困山区社会经济与生态环境的协调性研究.


[ Liu B T, Tao H P, Liu S Q, et al.Population pressure assessment model of mountainous areas: a case study of Liangshan Yizu Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province[J]. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(4):476-83. ]

