Study on the Evaluation of Land Cover Classification using Remote Sensing Images Based on AlexNet

  • DANG Yu , 1 ,
  • ZHANG Jixian , 1, 2, * ,
  • DENG Kazhong 1 ,
  • ZHAO Yousong 2 ,
  • YU Fan 3
  • 1. China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
  • 2. National Quality Inspection and Testing Center for Surveying and Mapping Products, Beijing 100830, China
  • 3. Chinese Academy of Surveying and mapping, Beijing 100830, china
*Corresponding author: ZHANG Jixian, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-07

  Request revised date: 2017-09-13

  Online published: 2017-11-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


As one of the important outcomes of the National Geographic Census of China, the land cover classification reveals the information of both natural and artificial coverage elements, including vegetation, soil, glaciers, rivers, lakes, marsh wetlands and various artificial structures. Obviously, it mainly focuses on profiling the natural characters of the land surface with temporal and distribution attributes, which has an obviously different classification system from other scene classification applications. In recent years, more and more high-resolution remote sensing platforms become available, it is possible to update and evaluate land cover classification quickly with the advantage of huge volume of data and more frequent data updates. Meanwhile, in practice we face with more and more challenges of the huge data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for evaluating the land cover classification results by combining the object-oriented method with the Deep Convolutional Neural Network (D-CNN) model. With deeper structure and wilder receptive field, the deep neural network has the capability of abstract description from low-level features, and the deep learning has become one of the latest development trends in the artificial neural network field. The deep learning shows a completely different possibility in many fields, and it has been applied to the speech recognition, image recognition, information retrieval and so on. The newly-developed method of image recognition based on deep leaning has been preliminarily verified in the scene classification field. Traditionally, the land cover classification method is established on the pixel-based classifying. The latest improved method of the object-oriented classification frame has been proposed, but this new frame is hard to be achieved because of the lack of supports from efficient methods and algorithms. Nowadays, the deep neural network provides us an effective tool to achieve the object-oriented classification by clipping image spots from original images and inputting the clipped image spots to D-CNN. The D-CNN model can convolute and pool the image spots to realize the object-oriented classification of the land cover. By the combination of the object-oriented classification with the deep learning, the proposed method can extract more and better abstract features than the pixel-based approach, while the pixel-based method requires more manual interventions. When applying the deep learning method to land cover classification recognition, the prepared image spots as appropriate inputs will be automatically scored to its belonging classes. Thus, the score represent the degree of membership of the image spot matching to the corresponding class. By fine-tuning the D-CNN, we can obtain a new approach of judging the quality of the samples, in order to assure the reliability of the proposed approach. The fine-tuned D-CNN is required to be sufficiently robust, and we verify its robustness in the following experiment by employing the AlexNet. The experimental results show that the image spots of arable land and building can be recognized with the membership degree of 99.95% and 99.41%, but those of woodland and water area can be recognized only with the membership degree of 62.73% and 43.59%. Obviously, the proposed model can achieve the promising reliability that is related to the qualified and sufficient data set of the image spots which is used for fine-tuning of the net. The reason for poor robustness of the fine-tuned AlexNet in classifying the woodland and water area may be the insufficient size of data-set of these two classes. It shows that a fine-tuned deep convolutional neural network as a new model can be utilized in evaluating the land cover classification with high reliability.

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DANG Yu , ZHANG Jixian , DENG Kazhong , ZHAO Yousong , YU Fan . Study on the Evaluation of Land Cover Classification using Remote Sensing Images Based on AlexNet[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(11) : 1530 -1537 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01530

1 引言

深度学习是人工神经网络的最新发展趋势,通过对输入数据从低层到高层逐层提取更抽象的特征,形成最适应所需特征的网络权值结构,从而提升分类的准确性。Hinton等[3]采用深度学习模型实现数据的分类,得出深度神经网络结构较现有方法可学习到更抽象的特征,且具备更强的分类能力,同时具有很好的泛化能力。Hinton和Alex Krizhevsky等[4]提出AlexNet以远高于其它算法的TOP-5(即前5次判断正确)错误率15.3%实现了深度学习方法在图像识别方向的突破。目前,深度学习已经成功应用于语音识别、图像识别、信息检索等领域,这些应用证明了深度学习是一种具有很强泛化能力的分类识别方法。
近年来,新的神经网络方法在遥感领域的应用日益受到关注。在全球地表覆盖分类中,如美国EOS MODIS通过应用浅层神经网络方法,显著提高了生产效率及准确度[5]。国内学者在土地利用、目标识别、场景识别等领域也对深度学习方法进行了相关研究及应用[6-12],Cheng等[13]通过在已有AlexNet前端叠至数据旋转层增强AlexNet在目标识别领域对多角度目标的识别性能,提高了泛用计算机视觉方法在目标识别方向的适用性。Hu等[14]通过对现有网络结构的分析,及对各隐层中间输出量的对比分析,提出了深度学习方法应用在光学遥感领域中的新的特征提取的方法。在地表覆盖分类评价方面,基于浅层神经网络的算法已成功应用于第一次全国地理国情普查中。本文通过引入深度学习方法,利用AlexNet模型对地表覆盖分类图斑评价进行研究,探索深度学习方法应用在地表覆盖分类评价中的有效性。

2 AlexNet深度卷积神经网络

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of AlexNet(Dual GPUs)

图1 AlexNet(双GPU)结构示意图

Fig. 2 Smooth processing of the output by LRN layer

图2 LRN层对输出的平滑处理

在网络中实现本层功能的数学模型如式(1) 所示:
b x , y i = a x , y i / ( k + a j = max ( 0 , i - n / 2 ) min ( N - 1 , i + n / 2 ) ( a x , y j ) 2 ) β (1)
式中:i表示第i个卷积核;(x, x)表示第i个核内的所在位置;n为同一位置所在的特征图数量;N为卷积核总数;参数k,a,b为超参数,默认值为k=2, a=1×(e-4),b=0.75,本次试验采用默认值进行微调。

3 地表覆盖分类图斑评价模型构建及验证

3.1 试验环境及数据集采集

试验采用ubuntu操作系统下的caffe开源框架及CUDA-GPU加速方案,显卡采用的NVIDIA GeForce 1080Ti(11 G显存)进行GPU加速,其它主要硬件为英特尔Xeon E5-2620八核处理器、32G内存、PCI-E X8接口256 G固态硬盘等。
试验数据采集自地理国情普查地表覆盖分类成果数据,所采图斑来自1:10 000比例尺1 m分辨率光学遥感影像RGB全色波段数据,包含高质量的地表覆盖分类矢量层及分类字段信息,其中地表覆盖分类信息通过矢量层及套合的光学影像对网络进行先验知识输入。由于数据集构建所需图斑的识别和采集量大,本文选择程序自动采样方法,对分类矢量层进行掩膜处理,并进行全幅影像高重叠度分块(步进为20像元)及识别,对目标地类所占比例高于特定阈值(优于80%)的分块进行提取并标记分类信息。由于本次试验只采集一省的影像数据,数据集相对单一,为了保证训练的有效性,数据集经过筛选,筛选的标准为:特征明确、影像清晰、地类表征正确。
Fig. 3 Samples of arable land

图3 耕地图斑示例

Fig. 4 Samples of woodland

图4 林地图斑示例

Fig. 5 Samples of building area

图5 房屋图斑示例

Fig. 6 Samples of water area

图6 水体图斑示例


3.2 训练微调AlexNet模型

Fig. 7 The accuracy and loss function curve of the training period

图7 AlexNet训练阶段正确率与损失函数曲线

Fig. 8 The learning rate curve of the training period

图8 AlexNet训练阶段学习率变化曲线

3.3 AlexNet模型图斑评价策略

Fig. 9 Initialization of the input data of AlexNet

图9 AlexNet网络输入数据初始化

Fig. 10 The first regularization results

图10 第1次正则化结果

Fig. 11 The first pooling results

图11 第1次池化结果

Fig. 12 The fourth convolution results

图12 第4次卷积结果

Fig. 13 Final output

图13 最终输出结果

3.4 地表覆盖分类图斑评价试验结果及分析

Tab. 1 Evaluation results(%)

表1 4类评价样本混淆矩阵(%)

分类数据 0-(耕地) 1-(林地) 2-(房屋) 3-(水体)
耕地 99.95 0.05 0.00 0.00
林地 5.67 43.59 50.16 0.58
房屋 0.00 0.59 99.41 0.00
水体 37.25 0.02 0.00 62.73
Fig. 14 Dense woodland and sparse woodland

图14 稀疏林地与密集林地

Fig. 15 The center of water and the edge of water

图15 水体中心与水体边缘


4 结论与展望

本文将AlexNet模型应用于高分辨率遥感影像地表覆盖分类评价中,使用地理国情普查1:10 000比例尺1 m分辨率RGB波段遥感影像及高精度地表覆盖分类矢量数据信息,提取了1870个一级类地表覆盖分类影像图斑,并通过微调AlexNet模型得到适用于地表覆盖分类图斑评价的深度卷积神经网络,随后通过测试数据验证了深度学习方法在遥感影像地表覆盖分类评价中的有效性。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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