Hazard Assessment of Mountain Torrent Disaster in Small Watersheds of the Hilly Areas of Hunan Province

  • YE Chaofan , 1 ,
  • ZHANG Yichi , 2, * ,
  • XIONG Junnan 3 ,
  • QIN Jianxin 1
  • 1. College of Resources and Environmental Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Resource and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Acaderny of Science, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. College of Civil and Architecture, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
*Corresponding author: ZHANG Yichi, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-07

  Request revised date: 2017-09-24

  Online published: 2017-12-25


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


In this paper, we use the information volume model to study the hazard degree of mountain torrent disaster in hilly area of Hunan province. The greatest significance of the information volume model is that it can find the best combination of factors from various factors that affect the occurrence of mountain torrents. Hunan Province is one of the most serious mountain torrent disaster provinces in China. In order to study its hazard degree of the mountain torrent disaster, we divide Hunan Province into several small watersheds to evaluate the hazard of mountain torrent disaster using the data of historical flash flood disaster points spanning years from 1955 to 2015. Information volume model was established to calculate the information of the six factors: elevation, slope, relief, land cover, soil types and rainfall, respectively from the consideration of three aspects including the terrain, the underlying surface and the rainfall. The information volume of six factors were calculated, respectively. Based on the value of information volume of these factors, we obtained the combination of factors with the biggest influence of flash flood disasters. Through calculating the total value of information volume for all small watersheds in hilly areas of Hunan Province, we classified the information volume into five types associated with different dangerous levels. The results show that: the most significant contribution to the flash flood is the artificial surface of land cover type, with a information volume of 1.771, followed by the types with relief degree less than 30 m as well as the clay soil type (both at a value of 1.331). The mountainous torrent disaster for Hunan hilly area are likely occurred in areas with slope lower than 10°, elevation lower than 100 m, relief lower than 30 m, of which the land cover is artificial surface, the soil type is clay and annual mean rainfall is between 1584.3~1662.0 mm. Statistics of each level of dangerous areas show that the second-high and the third-high hazard types have the largest area in the mountain areas of Hunan, accounting for 26.59% and 26.63%of the total mountain areas, respectively. Area percentage of the fourth-high risk type is 20.89%, and that of the first and fifth-high hazard types is 13.89% and 11.99% respectively. In the hilly areas of Hunan province, cities with higher hazard levels are Yongzhou City, Chenzhou City, Zhuzhou City, Yueyang City, Loudi City and the eastern part of Changsha. In this study, 90% of the mountain torrents (1243 mountain torrents) were selected randomly from 1381 mountain torrents disaster spots in Hunan Province, and 10% of them were used to verify the hazard assessment results. The verification of confusion matrix demonstrated that the accuracy rate of this model is 75.36%, indicating a basically credible results of the spatial distribution of hazard degree estimated in this study. The mountain torrent disaster system established in this study still needs to be improved. The selection of factors and models, as well as the quantification of human activity factors should be considered in the further study.

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YE Chaofan , ZHANG Yichi , XIONG Junnan , QIN Jianxin . Hazard Assessment of Mountain Torrent Disaster in Small Watersheds of the Hilly Areas of Hunan Province[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(12) : 1593 -1603 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01593

1 引言

湖南省是中国山洪灾害较严重的省份,受到国家的高度重视,历年来众多专家学者从不同角度对湖南省的山洪进行了研究,为山洪灾害的防治做出了贡献。卢翔[9]通过收集湖南省历年山洪灾害的资料,通过大量的水文气象、地质地貌和灾情的调查研究,总结了湖南省山洪灾害的特点和成灾原因,为山洪灾害防治规划研究提供一定的参考;黄理军等[10]对湖南省山洪灾害的成因进行分析后,认为高强度的暴雨、特殊的地形以及人类活动是造成山洪灾害的主要因素,在1/25底图的基础上,根据山洪灾害的分布位置与强度及承灾体的特征,按重点防治区、次重点防治区和一般防治区三级进行山洪灾害的防治区划;周新章[11]分别从降雨、地形地质和经济社会方面对湖南省山洪灾害进行区划,并利用ArcGIS软件以小流域为基本单元将湖南省山洪灾害划分为一级重点防治区、二级重点防治区和一般防治区;徐靖宇等[12]使用6年的气象站的分时数据和25 m的DEM数据,利用GIS空间分析技术,结合坡度、地形起伏度等特征,利用逆流原理对湖南省山洪沟边界信息进行提取从而对山洪灾害的风险进行分区;近年来基于大数据以及云架构的湖南省山洪灾害监控预警系统的建设推进了湖南省山洪灾害防治的信息化进程[13-15]。本文以湖南省山丘区作为研究区域,借助ArcGIS以小流域为基本评价单元对湖南省山洪灾害危险性进行评价,在更精细的程度上探求山洪灾害的危险性。

2 研究区概况与数据源

2.1 研究区概况

湖南省位于长江中游以南,南岭以北,位居东经108°47′~114°15′,北纬24°38′~30°08′,东以幕阜、武功诸山系与江西交界,西以云贵高原东缘连贵州、西北以武陵山脉毗重庆,南枕南岭与广东、广西相邻,北以滨湖平原与湖北接壤(图1)。湖南属亚热带季风湿润性气候区,平均年降雨量1427 mm,且易受台风的影响形成高强度的降雨。从山区地质条件上看,湖南省山区主要由紫色沙石岩、泥岩、红砂岩以及板页岩发育而成的抗蚀性较弱的土壤组成,容易导致山洪爆发[16]。从地形地貌条件上看,湖南省山区地貌复杂,地形变化强烈,湖南省东、西、南三面环山,逐渐向中部和东北部倾斜,增加了地貌系统的不稳定性[17]
Fig. 1 Overview of the study area

图1 研究区概况

2.2 数据源

本研究所用的ASTER-GDEM数据是2011年由美国航空管理局(NASA)与日本经贸及工业部(METI)发布的,该数据采用全自动化的方法对150万景的ASTER存档数据进行处理生成的,再经过去云处理、除去残余的异常值,取平均值,并以此作为ASTER-GDEM对应区域的最后像素值。纠正剩余的异常数据,再按1°×1°分片,生成全球ASTER GDEM数据。ASTER-GDEM产品的精度为水平30 m,垂直20 m,可靠性95%,空间分辨率30 m。DEM数据用于划分小流域,计算地形因子。

3 研究方法


3.1 山洪灾害危险性信息量模型

I i = ( X i , H ) = ln P ( X i , H ) P ( X i ) (1)
I i ( X i , H ) = ln N i N S i S (2)
I = i = 1 n I i ( X i , H ) = i = 1 n ln N i N S i S (3)
I = i = 1 n I i ( X i , H ) = i = 1 n ln N i N S i S = i = 1 n ln N i S i N S (4)

3.2 山洪灾害危险性评价指标体系

3.2.1 地形因素
地形因子是影响山洪灾害的重要因素。山洪灾害属于重力影响的灾害类型,一方面,由于高程、坡度、地形起伏度直接影响山洪灾害松散堆积物的分布;另一方面,是由于地势较低的地方更容易遭受山洪的侵袭。山间地势平坦的地方由于高程较低,积水难以排泄而易致灾,即地形相对高程越低,地形变化越小,越容易遭受到山洪灾害的影响。在ArcGIS的空间分析功能的支持下,利用ASTER-GDEM数据提取高程;利用Slope函数提取坡度,本文提取坡度的栅格大小和DEM一致,为30 m×30 m。地形起伏度(Rf)是指特定区域内最高点与最低点之间的高程差,能够直观地反映地表形态[24],计算公式如下:
Rf = H max - H min (5)
通过统计可知(图2),研究区内坡度的范围在0~77.33°之间,起伏度在0~927 m之间,高程在21~2075 m之间。观察灾害点数量的分布情况,灾害点在坡度为5~10°之间分布最多,82%的灾害点分布在小于20°的区域;在起伏度为50~100 m之间灾害点分布最多,87%的灾害点分布在起伏度小于200 m的区域;在高程为200~300 m之间灾害点分布数量最多,82%的灾害点分布在高程为100~500 m之间。在坡度大于40°、起伏度大于350 m和高程大于900 m的区域灾害点分布较少,从柱状图的变化规律可以看出,山洪灾害的发生和坡度、起伏度以及高程有直接的关系。
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of terrain dangerous index of mountain torrent disasters

图2 山洪灾害地形危险性指标空间分异

3.2.2 下垫面条件
S C i = ln ( DensCla s i / DensMap ) (6)
S C i = ln ( DensCla s i / DensMap ) = ln [ ( A S Li / A Li ) ( A S / A T ) ] (7)
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of hazard index of underlying surfaces of mountain torrent disasters

图3 山洪灾害下垫面危险性指标空间分异

3.2.3 降雨条件
根据统计(图4),在降雨量为1450~1500 mm之间山洪灾害发生数量最多,87%的山洪灾害发生在降雨量为1300~1650 mm之间,从柱状图中可明显地看出,山洪灾害的数量和降雨关系密切。
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of hazard index of the rainfall of mountain torrent disasters

图4 山洪灾害降雨危险性指标空间分异

4 结果与分析

4.1 山洪灾害危险性因子信息量

本文从湖南省山丘区1381个山洪灾害点中随机选取90%(即1243个山洪灾害点)参与信息量模型的统计,剩余10%的山洪灾害点用于危险性评价结果的验证。首先将山洪灾害的影响因子图层重新分级分别与1243个山洪灾害点图层在ArcGIS中进行叠加分析,得到山洪灾害与影响因子数据类分布关系的专题图层,并求取每类图层中分级后的信息量。为了避免各因素信息量图层直接相加时正负数抵消可能造成的不确定性,本文将各因素信息量图层进行极差标准化后,再进行加权叠置得到综合信息量。研究结果表明,湖南省山丘区容易诱发山洪灾害的条件为坡度小于10°,高程小于100 m,起伏度小于30 m,土地覆被为人工表面,土壤类型为粘土以及降雨量在1584.3~1662.0 mm之间(表1)。对于影响山洪灾害的地形因素中的高程、坡度以及起伏度,从这3个因子的信息量值看出,高程、坡度以及起伏度均与信息量呈负相关,即山丘区高程越低、坡度越缓,起伏度越小的区域更容易遭受到山洪灾害,而这些区域也是比较适合人类居住的区域,因此在山洪灾害发生时更容易受到从山上流下来的径流的影响。对于山洪灾害的下垫面条件,从土地覆被和信息量值的关系看出,随着土地覆被从林地逐渐过渡到人工表面,信息量的值也逐渐增大,说明下垫面为林地和草地的区域不容易发生山洪灾害,湿地和耕地次之,人工表面和其他更容易发生山洪灾害;对于土壤类型,对山洪灾害影响较大的类型为粘土和粘壤土,影响最小的是壤土和粉粘壤土,其中一方面原因和土壤的分布有关,另一方面原因和土壤类型所占面积有关。对于诱发山洪灾害的动力条件降雨,从信息量值看出,降雨基本上和信息量呈正相关关系,对于降雨最多的一类信息量反而为负的原因,是由于下垫面或其它因素的影响,因此信息量的值比较低。比较所有因子图层中的信息量值,信息量值最大的对山洪灾害贡献最显著的是土地覆被中的人工表面,信息量值为1.771;其次是起伏度小于30 m和土壤类型为粘土,信息量值为1.331;再次是土地覆被类中的其它,信息量值为1.254。从总体上来看,山洪灾害危险性较大的区域位于地势较低、地形较平坦,人工改造大,降雨较多的区域。
Tab. 1 Information volume of hazard assessment factors of mountain flood disasters

表1 山洪灾害危险性评价因子信息量

评价因子 评价因子类别 信息量值 评价因子 评价因子类别 信息量值
高程 <100 1.221 土壤类型 砂壤土 -0.682
100~200 0.862 壤土 -0.923
200~500 0.230 粉壤土 0.000
500~1000 -1.026 砂粘壤土 -0.823
>1000 -2.264 粘壤土 0.475
坡度 <10 0.900 粉粘壤土 -2.185
10~20 -0.406 砂粘土 -0.471
20~30 -1.195 壤粘土 -0.365
30~50 -1.410 粉粘土 0.000
>50 0.000 粘土 1.331
起伏度 <30 1.331 水域 -0.100
30~50 1.107 降雨 1162.1~1317.5 -0.586
50~200 0.126 1317.6~1390.0 -0.383
200~500 -1.068 1390.1~1452.2 -0.213
>500 -1.327 1452.3~1516.9 0.334
土地覆被 林地 -0.887 1517.0~1584.2 0.186
草地 -0.147 1584.3~1662.0 0.377
湿地 0.539 1662.1~1822.5 -0.011
耕地 0.943
人工表面 1.771
其他 1.254

4.2 山洪灾害危险性

Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of the hazard levels of flash floods in small watersheds

图5 小流域山洪灾害危险性等级空间分布

以永州市为例,对山洪灾害危险性进行进一步分析。永州市位于湖南省南部,三面环山,境内山脉河流纵横交错,地貌类型以丘陵山地为主,东北部以及中部地表切割强烈,永州市中部地形较为平坦,人工表面较多,永州市境内河流受地形地貌以及构造断裂带的控制,大都呈由南向北或自西向东的走向,境内多年平均降水量1200~1900 mm。从土地覆被因子图层也可以看出永州市内人类居住密集,人类活动对下垫面造成较大的影响,降低了原有的植被覆盖率,增加了区域环境的不稳定性。统计永州市危险性等级所占的比例和面积,永州市危险性等级所占比例由高到低分别为第4级、第5级、第2级、第3级和第1级,所占永州市面积分别为35.39%、32.09%、12.38%、14.15%以及5.99%。危险性等级最高的两级(第4级和第5级)占永州市面积的大部分,可见永州市的山洪灾害相当严峻。

5 讨论


6 结论

(1)湖南省容易诱发山洪灾害的条件为坡度小于10°,高程小于100 m,起伏度小于30 m,土地覆被为人工表面,土壤类型为粘土以及降雨量在1584.3~1662.0 mm之间。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Hapuarachchi H A P, Wang Q J, Pagano T C. A review of advances in flash flood forecasting[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2011,25(18):2771-2784.Flash flooding is one of the most hazardous natural events, and it is frequently responsible for loss of life and severe damage to infrastructure and the environment. Research into the use of new modelling techniques and data types in flash flood forecasting has increased over the past decade, and this paper presents a review of recent advances that have emerged from this research. In particular, we focus on the use of quantitative precipitation estimates and forecasts, the use of remotely sensed data in hydrological modelling, developments in forecasting models and techniques, and uncertainty estimates. Over the past decade flash flood forecast lead-time has expanded up to six hours due to improved rainfall forecasts. However the largest source of uncertainty of flash flood forecasts remains unknown future precipitation. An increased number of physically based hydrological models have been developed and used for flash flood forecasting and they have been found to give more plausible results when compared with the results of conceptual, statistical, and neural network models. Among the three methods for deciding flash flood occurrence discussed in this review, the rainfall comparison method (flash flood guidance) is most commonly used for flash flood forecasting as it is easily understood by the general public. Unfortunately, no existing model is capable of making reliable flash flood forecasts in urban watersheds even though the incidence of urban flash flooding is increasing due to increasing urbanisation. Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Totschnig R, Fuchs S.Mountain torrents: Quantifying vulnerability and assessing uncertainties[J]. Engineering Geology, 2013,155(2):31-44.Vulnerability assessment for elements at risk is an important component in the framework of risk assessment. The vulnerability of buildings affected by torrent processes can be quantified by vulnerability functions that express a mathematical relationship between the degree of loss of individual elements at risk and the intensity of the impacting process. Based on data from the Austrian Alps, we extended a vulnerability curve for residential buildings affected by fluvial sediment transport processes to other torrent processes and other building types. With respect to this goal to merge different data based on different processes and building types, several statistical tests were conducted. The calculation of vulnerability functions was based on a nonlinear regression approach applying cumulative distribution functions. The results suggest that there is no need to distinguish between different sediment-laden torrent processes when assessing vulnerability of residential buildings towards torrent processes. The final vulnerability functions were further validated with data from the Italian Alps and different vulnerability functions presented in the literature. This comparison showed the wider applicability of the derived vulnerability functions. The uncertainty inherent to regression functions was quantified by the calculation of confidence bands. The derived vulnerability functions may be applied within the framework of risk management for mountain hazards within the European Alps. The method is transferable to other mountain regions if the input data needed are available.


Fuchs S, Heiss K, Hübl J.Towards an empirical vulnerability function for use in debris flow risk assessment[J]. Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences, 2007,7(5):495-506.In quantitative risk assessment, risk is expressed as a function of the hazard, the elements at risk and the vulnerability. From a natural sciences perspective, vulnerability is defined as the expected degree of loss for an element at risk as a consequence of a certain event. The resulting value is dependent on the impacting process intensity and the susceptibility of the elements at risk, and ranges from 0 (no damage) to 1 (complete destruction). With respect to debris flows, the concept of vulnerability - though widely acknowledged - did not result in any sound quantitative relationship between process intensities and vulnerability values so far, even if considerable loss occurred during recent years. To close this gap and establish this relationship, data from a well-documented debris flow event in the Austrian Alps was used to derive a quantitative vulnerability function applicable to buildings located on the fan of the torrent. The results suggest a second order polynomial function to fit best to the observed damage pattern. Vulnerability is highly dependent on the construction material used for exposed elements at risk. The buildings studied within the test site were constructed by using brick masonry and concrete, a typical design in post-1950s building craft in alpine countries. Consequently, the presented intensity-vulnerability relationship is applicable to this construction type within European mountains. However, a wider application of the presented method to additional test sites would allow for further improvement of the results and would support an enhanced standardisation of the vulnerability function.


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