Rainfall Threshold for Flash Flood Early Warning Based on Flood Peak Modulus

  • LI Qing , * ,
  • WANG Yali ,
  • LI Haichen ,
  • ZHANG Miao ,
  • LI Changzhi ,
  • CHEN Xing
  • 1. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China
  • 2. Research Center on Flood and Drought Disaster Reduction of the Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100038, China
*Corresponding author: LI Qing, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-12

  Request revised date: 2017-08-25

  Online published: 2017-12-25


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Flash flood early warning is an important non-structural measure for flash flood prevention in China. Also, rainfall threshold is the key for flash flood early warning. At present, the method of calculating rainfall thresholds need a large amount of meteorological and hydrological data. Meanwhile, building the hydrological model and calibrating parameters are difficult, which are not suitable for the flood control personnel. A simple and easy method, using flood peak modulus to calculate rainfall threshold, was proposed in this study based on national flash flood investigation and evaluation results. Rational equation is the basis of the calculation method. The flood peak modulus in rational equation is expressed as a ratio of the flow to watershed area. Then, the critical rainfall formula is obtained. Using the Manning formula and national investigation and evaluation results, the flood peak modulus on the condition of critical flow is obtained, and the net rainfall is calculated. Based on the research results of the scholars, three aspects about the rainfall loss calculation are considered. They are depression storage, vegetation interception and soil infiltration. The sum of the net rainfall and the rainfall loss is the critical rainfall. Considering the factors such as soil water content of watershed, the rainfall threshold was finally obtained. In order to demonstrate this method, Shuanghe catchment in Suijiang County of Yunnan Province was chosen as the study area, of which the area is 89.12 km2. The calculated concentration time was 5.2 h. Thus, the duration was estimated to be 1 h, 3 h, and 6 h. The results indicated there was a linear correlation between the net rain amount and different rainfall durations. Depression storage and canopy interception was invariant during different rainfall durations, but the infiltration was variable. For 1 h duration, initial infiltration was the main factor to consider; for 3 h, both initial infiltration and mid-term infiltration were considered; and for 6 h, steady infiltration also needed consideration besides the initial and medium-term infiltration. The calculated critical rainfall for 1 h, 3 h, and 6 h were 38.6 mm, 64.8 mm, and 96.9 mm, respectively. Rainfall thresholds of different durations for flash flood early warning were estimated on basis of critical rainfall considering three different soil moisture conditions. Under dry soil moisture condition, large rainfall loss leads to a large rainfall threshold; under wet soil moisture condition, contrary to the dry condition, small rainfall threshold is caused by small rainfall loss; and under medium soil moisture condition, the rainfall threshold was in medium. The rationality analysis on critical runoff, rainfall losses, and rainfall threshold was carried out in the end of this study. The results showed the calculated rainfall threshold by flood peak modulus method was approximated to the rainfall threshold obtained from national flash flood investigation and evaluation project. Also, they are in accord with the observed rainfall during flash flood events. Thus, the calculated results are reasonable in this study. This study provided a quick and convenient way of calculating rainfall threshold of flash flood warning for the grass root staffs and offered technical support for estimating rainfall threshold correctly.

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LI Qing , WANG Yali , LI Haichen , ZHANG Miao , LI Changzhi , CHEN Xing . Rainfall Threshold for Flash Flood Early Warning Based on Flood Peak Modulus[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(12) : 1643 -1652 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01643

1 引言

国内外国学者开展了大量山洪灾害预警指标研究。在欧美国家和地区中,美国的预警指标Flash Flood Guidance(FFG)最具代表性,该方法基于临界流量,同时考虑土层含水量变化,利用分布式水文模型计算预警指标[5-8]。日本山洪灾害预警指标通过建立降雨强度与有效累积雨量之间的线性关系来确定[9]。中国早期采用的均为半经验方法[10],2013年至今,通过开展全国山洪灾害防治项目调查评价工作[11],极大程度上推进了中国山洪灾害预警指标的研究。但是上述方法对水文气象资料条件以及模型建模率定都有很高的要求,适用于高层次专业人员及研究人员,而对于县、乡、村一级的基层防汛人员并不适用。

2 研究区概况及数据源

2.1 研究区概况

Fig. 1 The study area

图1 研究区图

2.2 数据源


3 基于洪峰模数的雨量预警指标计算方法


3.1 基本原理

推理公式假定在造峰历时内,流域损失强度、净雨强度在时间和空间都是均匀条件下,流域上的平均产流强度与一定面积的乘积即为出口断面的流量。当产流时间 t c τ 时,称为全面汇流,计算时段取全流域汇流时间,可推出式(1)。
Q m = 0.278 h τ τ F (1)
式中: h τ τ 历时所对应的最大净雨量/mm; F 为流域面积/km2;Qm为流量/(m3/s)。
当产流时间 t c < τ 时,称为部分汇流,计算时段取产流时间,推出式(2)。
Q m = 0.278 h R t c F t c (2)
式中: h R t c 历时所对应的净雨量,即总产流量/mm; F t c t c 历时所对应的最大部分汇流面积/km2
在公式的实际计算中,由于客观定量 F t c t c 比较困难,假定:
F t c t c = F τ (3)
Q m = 0.278 h R τ F (4)
式(1)和式(4)中, h τ τ h R t c 都可以粗略地视为以汇流时间 τ 为历时的净雨强度 I τ /(mm/h)。其中, h τ τ 时段的净雨量,故由式(1)和式(4)可知,设计洪水洪峰 Q m 与以汇流时间 τ 为历时的净雨强度 I τ 和流域面积 F 相关,对于比汇流时间短的时段 t 的雨量 h t ,根据推理公式汇流的线性假设,则
h t t = h τ τ = I τ (5)
h t = 3.6 Q m F t = 3.6 Mt t τ (6)
式中: Q m F 即是洪峰模数 M ; I τ 即是以汇流时间为历时的降雨强度。
H c = h t + L t = 3.6 Mt + L t , t τ (7)

3.2 计算方法

3.2.1 净雨量计算
确定沿河村落及城集镇等保护对象控制断面临界流量的洪峰模数即可计算出净雨量。根据全国山洪灾害调查评价成果,可以获取山丘区小流域面积,而临界流量的计算,运用调查评价成果中河道断面资料、成灾水位、河道及河岸糙率以及小流域属性数据资料等,采用曼宁公式计算出流速 (式(8)),进而求出临界流量(式(9))。在此基础上,根据式(6)可得,净雨量与临界流量洪峰模数和对应时段的乘积呈线性关系,且线性系数为3.6,由此计算可得净雨量。
v = 1 n × R 2 3 × J 1 2 (8)
Q m = A × v (9)
式中:v为流速/(m/s);n为糙率;R为水力半径/m; J为比降;Qm为流量/(m3/s);A为过水断面面积/m2
3.2.2 降雨损失量计算
基于调查评价成果,集雨面积 F 、预警时段 t 均为已知,成灾水位对应洪峰流量 Q m 也可求得,因此确定降雨损失 L t ,即为估算雨量预警指标的关键。
Tab. 1 Estimation of depression storage ‰

表1 洼地蓄水估算方法[16]

洼地描述 蓄水量/mm 备注
非常不平的地面 15 当山坡坡度在100‰以下时,可采用上述数值;当山坡坡度在100~300‰之间,上述截流水量应减少30%;当山坡坡度>300‰时,上述截流水量应减少50%
一般的地面、铺砌面 10
极平坦的地面、沥青面 3
(2)植被截留:应当考虑植被类型、郁闭度、覆盖程度等因素。根据有关研究[17],较差植被的截留量仅在0.25~1.25 mm之间,在山洪净雨分析中通常可以忽略,但对森林覆盖较大的小流域而言,林冠层截留降雨作用与郁闭度、树种、林型以及地面枯枝落叶层等因素有关,低雨量时波动较大,高雨量时达到定值,一般截持量可达13~17 mm[18]
Tab. 2 Soil types and infiltration rates

表2 土壤类型与下渗率[19]

土壤类型 描述 损失率范围/(mm/h)
沙土 A 较厚的沙地、黄土以及聚合的泥沙 7.62~11.43
沙壤土 B 较浅的砂质黄土、砂壤土、壤土 3.81~7.62
壤土、粘土 C 粘质壤土、浅砂质壤土、低有机物含量的土壤、高粘土含量的土壤 1.27~3.81
湿土、盐碱土 D 因湿润、高塑性粘土含量、或高含盐量而明显膨胀的土壤 0~1.27
3.2.3 汇流时间计算
τ = 0.278 L m J 1 3 Q 1 4 (10)
m = 0.895 θ 0.064 ( θ < 100 ) 0.380 θ 0.25 ( θ 100 (11)

3.3 资料要求


4 双河小流域预警指标计算

4.1 资料处理

(1)小流域基础信息。双河片区流域位于昭通市绥江县,面积89.12 km2,河长24.09 km,河道平均比降为25.35‰。
(2)小流域暴雨特性。根据《云南省暴雨洪水查算实用手册》,双河小流域所在暴雨分区为第13区,产流分区为第1分区,初损15 mm,土壤稳定下渗2.2 mm/h[20]。根据山洪灾害分析评价成果,双河片区设计暴雨成果及暴雨时程分配如下(表3、4)。
Tab. 3 Designed storm results of Shuanghe watershed

表3 双河片区流域设计暴雨成果

历时/min 重现期雨量值(Hp)
100年(H1%) 50年(H2%) 20年(H5%) 10年(H10%) 5年(H20%)
双河村双1组 10 29.6 27.0 23.3 20.5 17.4
60 90.9 81.6 69.1 59.3 49.1
360 160.7 142.4 118.1 99.3 80.0
180 128.6 114.6 95.8 81.2 66.1
Tab. 4 Rainstorm distribution of Shuanghe watershed

表4 双河片区流域设计暴雨时程分配

时段序号 5年一遇重现期雨量值
1 h 3 h 6 h
1 34.3 49.4 47.0
2 41.9 59.5 61.9
3 45.6 66.1 68.2
4 49.1 - 72.8
5 - - 76.7
6 - - 80.0
(3)沿河村落双河1组控制断面及成灾水位:断面大致呈梯形,成灾水位为376.43 m,如图2所示。
Fig. 2 Measured section of Shuanghe

图2 双河1组实测控制断面图

Fig. 3 River landscape of Shuanghe

图3 双河1组河段景观图

(5)流域坡度、植被覆盖及土壤质地等。双河小流域绝大部分区域坡度在30°左右,靠近流域出口的区域坡度在30°以上,流域上游坡度相对较小一些(图4(a));流域植被覆盖较好,林地面积大约占流域面积的81%(图4(b));土壤质地主要为壤土、粘壤土、砂粘土以及壤粘土,分别为25.34、16.58、37.54 和9.66 km2,分别占流域面积的28.4%、18.6%、42.2%和10.8%;可见,该流域以壤土、粘壤土、砂粘土为主,占了流域面积的89.2%(图4(c))。
Fig. 4 The basic data of Shuanghe watershed

图4 双河片区小流域基础数据

4.2 预警指标计算

4.2.1 临界流量计算
根据实地调查及测量资料概化(图5表5)进行洪水推算,控制断面附近河道比降为25.35‰,断面过水面积约47 m2,湿周约为32 m,计算得水力半径为1.46 m。根据河床组成情况,糙率取0.045,由此计算临界流量为201 m3/s。具体计算参数及结果 见表6
Fig. 5 Generalization of control section

图5 板栗乡双河村双河1组控制断面概化

Tab. 5 Generalized parameters of control section

表5 板栗乡双河村双河1组控制断面概化参数表

过水面积A 湿周L
A1 A2 A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L
25 19.6 44.6 8.06 2.24 6.14 6.14 8 30.6
Tab. 6 The parameters and results of critical flow calculation

表6 双河1组临界流量计算参数及成果

湿周/m 水力
糙率 比降/‰ 流速/(m/s) 流量/
376.43 44.6 31 1.44 0.045 25.35 4.51 201
4.2.2 流域汇流时间分析
双河片区小流域河长(L)24.09 km,河流比降(J)为25.35‰,临界流量为201 m3/s,m为1.18,可得双河片区汇流时间约为5 h(表7)。
Tab. 7 The parameters and results of confluence time

表7 双河1组汇流时间计算参数及成果

小流域 Qm/(m3/s) L/km θ m J/‰ τ/h
双河片区1组 201 24.09 80 1.18 25.35 5.2
4.2.3 预警时段净雨量估算
因流域汇流时间计算值约5 h,为尽量包括临界流量推算过程中的不确定性,实际工作中流域汇流时间取得比计算值略长,这里取6 h。根据推导出的净雨计算公式(式(6)),估算各个预警时段所需的净雨量h(表8)。
Tab. 8 The results of net rainfall

表8 双河1组净雨计算结果

时间/h Qm/(m3/s) F/km2 M/(m3/s·km2 净雨值/mm
1 201 89.12 2.26 8.1
3 201 89.12 2.26 24.3
6 201 89.12 2.26 48.6
4.2.4 降雨损失估算
如上所述,降雨损失主要考虑洼地蓄水、植被截留、土壤下渗3部分。根据云南省产流特性分区以及双河小流域下垫面的实际情况,具体考虑:关于洼地蓄水,由于双河1组所在流域绝大部分坡度在30°左右,为非常不平整的地面,蓄水量考虑为 8 mm;由于流域覆盖较大,截留量取15 mm;另外,尽管《云南省暴雨洪水查算实用手册》中提供该区稳定下渗率为2.2 mm/h,但由于流域以壤土、砂壤土、粘壤土以及壤粘图为主,而壤土、粘土的稳定下渗率为1.27~3.81 mm/h,参考《云南省暴雨洪水查算实用手册》以及小流域土壤类别及其面积权重,土壤稳定下渗取2.5 mm/h,由于考虑到下渗的非线性,考虑到3 h以后才达到稳定下渗。降雨损失估算结果见表9
Tab. 9 Estimation results of rainfall losses

表9 双河1组降雨损失估算结果(mm)

时间/h 洼地
损失量 备注
1 8 15 7.5 30.5 初期土壤下渗7.5 mm/h
3 8 15 17.5 40.5 中间土壤下渗5 mm/h
6 8 15 25.0 48.0 稳渗2.5 mm/h
4.2.5 临界雨量估算
Fig. 6 Critical rainfall of Shuanghe

图6 板栗乡双河村双河1组临界雨量

Tab. 1 0 The calculation results of critical rainfall

表1 0 双河1组临界雨量计算结果(mm)

时间/h 净雨值 损失量 临界雨量
1 8.1 30.5 38.6
3 24.3 40.5 64.8
6 48.6 48 96.6
4.2.6 预警指标确定
Tab. 1 1 Calculation results of rainfall early warning index

表1 1 双河1组预警指标计算结果(mm)

时间/h 情景 洼地蓄水 植被截留 土壤下渗 损失量 净雨量 临界雨量 预警指标 备注
1 较干 8 15 7.5 30.5 8.1 38.6 40 初期土壤下渗7.5 mm/h
一般 7 14 5.0 26.0 8.1 34.1 35 中间土壤下渗5 mm/h
较湿 6 12 2.5 20.5 8.1 28.6 30 稳渗2.5 mm/h
3 较干 8 15 17.5 40.5 24.3 64.8 65 初期土壤下渗7.5 mm/h
一般 7 14 15.0 36.0 24.3 60.3 60 中间土壤下渗5 mm/h
较湿 6 12 7.5 25.5 24.3 49.8 50 稳渗2.5 mm/h
6 较干 8 15 25.0 48.0 48.6 96.6 95 初期土壤下渗7.5 mm/h
一般 7 14 22.5 43.5 48.6 92.1 90 中间土壤下渗5 mm/h
较湿 6 12 15.0 33.0 48.6 81.6 80 稳渗2.5 mm/h

4.3 合理性分析

根据调查评价成果,双河片区设计洪水结果为Qm1%589 m3/s,Qm2%519 m3/s,Qm5%419 m3/s,Qm10%344 m3/s,Qm20%264 m3/s;成灾水位为376.43 m,该水位下对应流量204 m3/s,约为3年一遇洪水。而本例中由曼宁公式估算的临界流量为201 m3/s,对比调查评价计算结果,计算结果较为合理。
由调查评价结果可知,双河流域成灾水位所对应的临界流量约为3年一遇洪水,因此根据设计暴雨成果(表3、4),以及云南省产流分区参数,计算双河片区小流域五年一遇净雨。该区产流分区为第1区,产流参数为Wm=100 mm,Wt=85 mm,fc=2.2 mm/h。初损量W0:W0=Wm-Wt=100-85.0=15.0(mm)。1 h净雨扣损仅考虑初损,3 h、6 h扣初损15.0 mm,扣稳渗2.2 mm/h,当降水量小于2.2 mm/h时,按降水量扣除,由此所剩暴雨量即是设计净雨过程(表12-14)。
Tab. 3 Designed storm results of Shuanghe watershed

表3 双河片区流域设计暴雨成果

历时/min 重现期雨量值(Hp)
100年(H1%) 50年(H2%) 20年(H5%) 10年(H10%) 5年(H20%)
双河村双1组 10 29.6 27.0 23.3 20.5 17.4
60 90.9 81.6 69.1 59.3 49.1
360 160.7 142.4 118.1 99.3 80.0
180 128.6 114.6 95.8 81.2 66.1
Tab. 4 Rainstorm distribution of Shuanghe watershed

表4 双河片区流域设计暴雨时程分配

时段序号 5年一遇重现期雨量值
1 h 3 h 6 h
1 34.3 49.4 47.0
2 41.9 59.5 61.9
3 45.6 66.1 68.2
4 49.1 - 72.8
5 - - 76.7
6 - - 80.0
Tab.1 2 Designed storm runoff in 5-year return period of one hour

表1 2 双河片区小流域1 h五年一遇设计暴雨产流计算成果表

降雨时段/h 合计/h
1 2 3 4
面雨量/mm 3.7 7.6 34.3 3.5 49.1
扣除W0/mm 30.6
净雨/mm 30.6 3.5 34.1
Tab. 1 3 Designed storm runoff in 5-year return period of three hours

表1 3 双河片区小流域3 h五年一遇设计暴雨产流计算成果表

降雨时段/h 合计/h
1 2 3
面雨量/mm 10.1 49.4 6.6 66.1
扣除W0/mm 44.5
扣除fc/mm 42.3 4.4
净雨/mm 42.3 4.4 46.7
Tab.1 4 Designed storm runoff in 5-year return period of six hours

表1 4 双河片区小流域6 h五年一遇设计暴雨产流计算成果表

降雨时段/h 合计/h
1 2 3 4 5 6
面雨量/mm 4.6 6.3 14.9 47 3.9 3.3 80
扣除W0/mm 10.8
扣除fc/mm 8.6 44.8 1.7 1.1
净雨/mm 6.6 44.8 1.7 1.1 56.2
Tab.1 5 Rationality analysis of rainfall early warning index

表1 5 双河片区流域预警指标合理性分析计算结果

时段/h Qm/(m3/s) F/km2 h/mm L/mm 预警指标/mm
1 204 89.12 8.3 15.0 23
3 204 89.12 25 19.4 45
6 204 89.12 50 23.8 74

5 结论及展望

本研究选取了云南省绥江县双河小流域为研究区域,通过计算可得1 h净雨量为8.1 mm,3 h净雨量为24.3 mm,6 h净雨量为48.6 mm,不同时段净雨值呈现线性相关关系。在降雨损失的计算中,重点考虑洼地蓄水、植被截留、土壤下渗3部分的影响因素,不同时段洼地蓄水和植被截留量是相同的,差别主要在土壤下渗的量值。1 h主要考虑初期土壤下渗,3 h考虑初期和中期土壤下渗,6 h除考虑初期和中期下渗之外,还需考虑稳渗的因素。通过计算求得1、3和6 h的降雨损失分别为30.5、40.5和48 mm。因此,1、3和6 h的临界雨量为38.6、64.8和96.9 mm。在获得临界雨量的基础上,考虑流域土壤含水量等因素,分析不同土壤水含水量条件下的雨量预警指标,得到雨量预警指标计算成果。将该计算成果与调查评价成果相比较结果较为接近,且较为符合当地山洪灾害发生的降雨条件,因此计算方法在技术思路上是可行的。洪峰模数法的提出,为基层人员计算山洪灾害雨量预警指标提供了快速、便捷的计算方法,可有效指导地方山洪灾害预警工作。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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程卫帅. 山洪灾害临界雨量研究综述[J].水科学进展,2013,24(6):901-908.临界雨量是一个关键的山洪灾害预警指标。按其技术原理将临界雨量推求方法划分为数据驱动的统计归纳法和基于灾变物理机制的水文水力学法分别进行评述,并介绍了临界雨量指标的两个拓展:动态临界雨量和暴雨临界曲线,综述了临界雨量不确定性分析的研究进展。通过综述发现:中国目前主要应用的是较简单的统计归纳法;临界雨量推求主要考虑前期降雨量(前期土壤饱和度)和时段累积降雨量两个因素的影响或仅后者一个;临界雨量指标难以反映山洪灾害的规模;考虑临界雨量不确定性有助于提高预警质量,但如何充分考虑其影响仍然是一个挑战。

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Hapuarachchi H, Wang Q J, Pagano T C.A review of advances in flash flood forecasting[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2011,25(18):2771-2784.Flash flooding is one of the most hazardous natural events, and it is frequently responsible for loss of life and severe damage to infrastructure and the environment. Research into the use of new modelling techniques and data types in flash flood forecasting has increased over the past decade, and this paper presents a review of recent advances that have emerged from this research. In particular, we focus on the use of quantitative precipitation estimates and forecasts, the use of remotely sensed data in hydrological modelling, developments in forecasting models and techniques, and uncertainty estimates. Over the past decade flash flood forecast lead-time has expanded up to six hours due to improved rainfall forecasts. However the largest source of uncertainty of flash flood forecasts remains unknown future precipitation. An increased number of physically based hydrological models have been developed and used for flash flood forecasting and they have been found to give more plausible results when compared with the results of conceptual, statistical, and neural network models. Among the three methods for deciding flash flood occurrence discussed in this review, the rainfall comparison method (flash flood guidance) is most commonly used for flash flood forecasting as it is easily understood by the general public. Unfortunately, no existing model is capable of making reliable flash flood forecasts in urban watersheds even though the incidence of urban flash flooding is increasing due to increasing urbanisation. Copyright 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Norbiato D, Borga M, Dinale R.Flash flood warning in ungauged basins by use of the flash flood guidance and model-based runoff thresholds[J]. Meteorological Applications, 2009,16(1):65-75.We investigate here the use of the Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) method and a method of model-based threshold runoff computation to improve the accuracy of flash flood forecasts at ungauged locations. The methodology proposed in this paper requires running a lumped hydrological model to derive flood frequencies at the outlet of the ungauged basin under consideration, and then to derive the threshold runoff from these model-based discharges. The study examines the potential of this method to account for the hydrologic model uncertainty and for biases originated by lack of model calibration, which is the typical condition in ungauged basins. Experiments to validate this approach involve the implementation of a semi-distributed continuous rainfall-runoff model and the operation of the FFG method over four basins located in the central-eastern Italian Alps and ranging in size from 75.2 km2 to 213.7 km2 . The model is calibrated on two larger basins and the model parameters are transposed to the other two basins to simulate operations in ungauged basins. The FFG method is applied by using the 2-yr discharge as the threshold runoff. The threshold runoff is derived both by using local discharge statistics and the model-based approach advocated here. Examination of the results obtained by this comparison shows that the use of model-based threshold leads to improvements in both gauged and ungauged situations. Overall, the Critical Success Index (CSI) increases by 12% for gauged basins and by 31% for ungauged basins by using the model-based threshold with respect to use of local data. As expected, the increase of CSI is more remarkable for ungauged basins, due to lack of local model calibration and the greater likelihood of occurrence of a simulation bias in model application over these basins. This shows that the method of threshold runoff computation provides an inherent bias correction to reduce systematic errors in model applications to ungauged (and gauged) basins.




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刘志雨. 山洪预警预报技术研究与应用[J].中国防汛抗旱,2012,22(2):41-45.受特殊的气候和地形地质条件影响,特别是近年来极端天气事件增多,我国山洪灾害频繁发生,损失严重,已成为洪涝灾害损失的主体,日益引起政府和社会各界的广泛关注。加强山洪监测预警预报,全力提升山洪灾害综合防御能力,是山区建设、社会经济可持续发展的必须保证。分析了我国山洪特性及预警预报特点,介绍了国内外常用的山洪预警预报技术方法,提出了我国山洪预警预报模型与方法选择的原则和步骤,展示了基于动态临界雨量的山洪预警方法和基于分布式水文模型的山洪预报方法在江西遂川江流域的应用案例,以期为当前所开展的全国山洪灾害防治县级非工程措施建设和中小河流水文监测系统建设等工作提供参考。

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Miao Q, Yang D, Yang H, et al.Establishing a rainfall threshold for flash flood warnings in China’s mountainous areas based on a distributed hydrological model[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016,541:371-386.Flash flooding is one of the most common natural hazards in China, particularly in mountainous areas, and usually causes heavy damage and casualties. However, the forecasting of flash flooding in mountainous regions remains challenging because of the short response time and limited monitoring capacity. This paper aims to establish a strategy for flash flood warnings in mountainous ungauged catchments across humid, semi-humid and semi-arid regions of China. First, we implement a geomorphology-based hydrological model (GBHM) in four mountainous catchments with drainage areas that ranges from 493 to 1601km2. The results show that the GBHM can simulate flash floods appropriately in these four study catchments. We propose a method to determine the rainfall threshold for flood warning by using frequency analysis and binary classification based on long-term GBHM simulations that are forced by historical rainfall data to create a practically easy and straightforward approach for flash flood forecasting in ungauged mountainous catchments with drainage areas from tens to hundreds of square kilometers. The results show that the rainfall threshold value decreases significantly with increasing antecedent soil moisture in humid regions, while this value decreases slightly with increasing soil moisture in semi-humid and semi-arid regions. We also find that accumulative rainfall over a certain time span (or rainfall over a long time span) is an appropriate threshold for flash flood warnings in humid regions because the runoff is dominated by excess saturation. However, the rainfall intensity (or rainfall over a short time span) is more suitable in semi-humid and semi-arid regions because excess infiltration dominates the runoff in these regions. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the rainfall threshold and find that the proposed method produces reasonably accurate flash flood warnings in the study catchments. An evaluation of the performance at uncalibrated interior points in the four gauged catchments provides results that are indicative of the expected performance at ungauged locations. We also find that insufficient historical data lengths (13years with a 5-year flood return period in this study) may introduce uncertainty in the estimation of the flood/rainfall threshold because of the small number of flood events that are used in binary classification. A data sample that contains enough flood events (10 events suggested in the present study) that exceed the threshold value is necessary to obtain acceptable results from binary classification.




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