Geologic Time Scale Ontology and Its Applications in Semantic Retrieval

  • HOU Zhiwei , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHU Yunqiang 1, 4, 5 ,
  • GAO Ying 3 ,
  • SONG Jia , 1, * ,
  • QIN Chengzhi 1, 2, 4
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Honours College of Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
  • 4. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 5. Baiyangdian Lake Ecological Protection and Sustainable Development of Jing-jin-ji Collaborative Innovation Center, Baoding 071002, China
*Corresponding author: SONG Jia, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-17

  Request revised date: 2017-10-18

  Online published: 2018-01-20

Supported by

Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41371381, 41631177;National Special Program on Basic Works for Science and Technology of China, No.2013FY110900;the Public and Basic Geological Project of Guizhou Province, China, No.[2014]23;GuiZhou Welfare and Basic Geological Research Program of China, No.201423, 2016269.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Different countries or organizations publish different versions or language editions of geologic time scales. Problems of ambiguity, such as synonymy or near-synonym and polysemy or other kinds of semantic heterogeneity arise in those geochronological concept systems, along with the lack of semantic linkage among different concepts and data, have hindered people from understanding and using those concepts accurately. Also, this caused insufficient results of integration and retrieval of geo-data for users’ requirements. The ontology of geologic time proved to be an effective solution to these problems. However, current studies focus on international geologic time scales, and their content and formalizations are not fully applicable in China. In this paper, we present a new Geologic Time Scale Ontology which mainly focuses on Chinese geochronological and stratigraphic concept systems. It describes the formalizations of attributes, especially the temporal features and relations of those concepts. It adopts a modular method to build this ontology. In addition, we propose a design of a pilot system to study the utility of this ontology as the basis of a geoscience knowledge graph in knowledge retrieval. Furthermore, we implemented an approach of semantic geo-data retrieval in the pilot system which uses a hybrid strategy of fulltext and ontology-based search. Applications of knowledge graph and geo-data retrieval based on the abilities such as temporal reasoning of Geologic Time Scale Ontology, proved that the proposed researches are effective in resolving semantic heterogeneity issues in geoscience knowledge and data. They can not only facilitate discovery of geoscience knowledge but also achieve the function of semantic data retrieval more intelligently, comprehensively and accurately for the discovery of specified and relevant data.

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HOU Zhiwei , ZHU Yunqiang , GAO Ying , SONG Jia , QIN Chengzhi . Geologic Time Scale Ontology and Its Applications in Semantic Retrieval[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(1) : 17 -27 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170328

1 引言

本体是共享概念模型明确的形式化规范说 明[10],用于确定领域内共享的词汇,并明确定义这些词汇和词汇间的关联关系[11]。本体还具备语义推理能力,能根据规则自动建立词汇间的关联。本体的这些特性使其被广泛应用于地质年代相关领域知识、时空数据的形式化表达和语义关联应用,以满足用户对分布式多源异构、多语言知识和数据服务的查询检索、共享与互操作需求[12,13,14]。知识图谱泛指各种大规模的、结构化的语义知识库,是一种揭示实体之间关系的语义网络,在智能搜索、个性化推荐等领域有重要的应用价值[15]。本体对公理、规则和约束条件的支持能力被用于规范知识图谱中的实体及其联系[16]。包含大量概念实体及各类关系的地质年代本体,可用于研究地质年代知识图谱的基本模式与应用。
国际上已对地质年代本体开展了较多的研究,代表性研究如表1所示。结合Ma等[12]及Cox等[17]的梳理可发现,这些本体在所表达的概念内容、时间关系和属性(起始和终止时间、地质年龄)表达方式方面都存在一定的共性。在内容方面,主要以多语言地质年代概念,全球标准层型剖面和点位(Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Points, GSSP)、地层等内容为主[14, 17-18]。而在概念时间属性表达方面,为同时表达年代值与误差、单位等内容,多数本体使用了面向对象的表达方式,即将时间属性表达为一个概念(或称实例)。如SWEET (Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology) 本体中的“251.0MYA”概念[19]及GTS本体中的“isc:BaseMiddleJurassicTime”[17]实例等。在地质年代时间关系表达方面,主要趋势是采用通用的时间拓扑模型。SWEET本体采用了时间区间代数[20],Perrin等[21]采用了OWL-Time本体,而Cox等[4,17]则采用实现了ISO 19108:2002时间拓扑模型和时间顺序参考系统模型 TORS (Temporal Ordinal Reference System Model)的THORS(Temporal Hierarchical Ordinal Reference System)本体,通过thors:nextEra等关系谓词表示年代概念间的时间拓扑关系。在本体应用方面,主要关注点在于建立地质年代与地层知识库,克服概念语义歧义,建立地质年代相关概念与数据间的关联,促进知识发现、数据集成与查询检索、共享[8, 12, 17-18, 22]
Tab. 1 Some representative ontologies of geologic time scale

表1 部分代表性地质年代本体

本体名称 文献 主要内容 年代关系表达 概念时间值表达 应用
SWEET Raskin等[19] 国际地质年代 时间区间代数 “{百万年值}[8]MYA”对象及其数值属性 建立概念关联,促进地学数据的发现与使用
Geological Time & Dating Ontology Perrin 等[18] 国际地质年代、地层、地质事件 OWL-Time 本体 GeochronologicBoundary 与GeochronologicInstant对象及其数值属性 地质年代及地层层序的形式化描述与关联、定年
GTS ontology Ma等[14] 国际地质年代、GSSP、多语言注释 gts:lowerThan等关系谓词 gts:upperBoundaryTime、gts:lowerBoundaryTime属性及其值 在线地质图地质年代信息标注、可视化
GTS ontology (isc{版本年}) Cox等[17] 多版本国际地质年代与地层、GSSP、多语言注释 THORS本体 “{isc:Base年代}Time”对象及其数值属性 地学专家的地质年代参考系统,地质年代调查、发展参考资料

2 地质年代概念及其特征

2.1 地质年代与年代地层表


2.2 地质年代时间属性及其特征

根据侯志伟等[30]的论述,时间实体可分为时间点与时间段两种类型,并具有时间坐标系、时间位置与距离、时间关系、时间方向等基本属性。这些时间属性对于地质年代时间同样适用。例如,万晓樵等[1]指出,地质年代时间包含3个基本问题:① 地质事件是何时发生或结束的?② 各事件是否同时发生?③ 事件的持续时间和发生的速率如何?问题①的实质是确定时间位置,问题②的实质是确定事件间的时间拓扑关系。问题③与时间距离相关,涉及时间的量测。时间的量测首先需要确定时间坐标系,即时间起算点、尺度基准(时间单位系统)和时间方向;然后确定时间点的坐标值;最后进行持续时间及发生速率的计算。在时间特征方面,地质年代时间也符合侯志伟等[30]总结的地学数据时间的多尺度性、相对性、不确定性等特征。如不同级别地质年代单位的划分体现了其多尺度性和相对性,地质年龄误差、地质年代划分及底界年龄的不一致等则体现了不确定性。

2.3 地质年代与其他领域概念关系

地质年代是地层划分和对比、古生物、构造地质、地球化学等研究的最基本要素,在科学研究及工程实践中都有重要应用[1, 6]。地层分为岩石地层、生物地层、事件地层、年代地层等不同的类型。其中,生物地层和事件地层研究的基础,在于确定古生物化石、地质事件的相对年代或绝对年龄。年代地层单位与地质年代单位一一对应,其他地层类型则存在穿时现象[31]。年代地层还是划分和对比地层的最重要手段之一,任何其他相关地质学科如沉积环境分析、古地理重建等都首先要建立在时间对比准确的地层体基础之上[5]。为了建立这样一套精确划分的地层(时间)框架,国际地层委员会推行GSSP来定义年代地层单位[32]。地质年代信息也是地质图编绘、地质数据库建设中的主要内容之一。地质年代代码是地质图数据库中最重要的代码,在计算机生成图件时,它决定着地质体的着色及地质符号的生成[3]

3 本体结构设计与语义表达

3.1 地质年代本体结构设计

Fig. 1 Architecture of the Geologic Time Scale Ontology (GTSO)

图1 地质年代本体结构

基础层由领域无关的本体内容组成,主要内容包括侯志伟等[30]构建的定义了时间单位、时间坐标系、时间拓扑关系等基本时间概念、关系和公理的基础时间本体,用于知识共享和关联的通用数据模型SKOS(①。)(Simple Knowledge Organization System)及网络资源描述元数据标准都柏林核心元数据集术语DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) Metadata Terms(②。)。基础层的目标是为地质年代本体提供“建立与人类社会接轨的时间单位和地质学时间坐标”[1,33],同时便于与其他类型的本体整合集成,扩展其应用范围。
Tab. 2 Definitions of ontology modules of geologic time scale

表2 地质年代本体模块定义

模块名称 主要内容 主要概念类 主要属性/关系 概念实例示例
基础时间本体 时间类型、单位、方向;时间属性与关系、时间信息描述规则 时间单位,时间坐标系,百万年等 timeAfter、intAfter、intMeets、intContains B.P.、逆时、百万年、145Ma
中国地质年代 中国地层表中确定的地质年代 宙、代、纪、世、期等 对应年代地层/对应国际地质年代 阳新世、周口店期
国际地质年代 国际地层委员会确定的地质年代 Eon、Era、Period、Epoch、Age等 对应年代地层、对应中国地质年代 Cambrian Period、Calabrian Age
全球界线层型剖面与点位 国际地层委员会确定的作为两个年代地层单位之间界线的定义和识别标准的专有标志点 按国际年代地层单位分类 地质年龄、经度、纬度、地理位置、综合图链接 Tortonian、Messinian
中国年代地层 在特定地质时间间隔内形成的岩石体。其顶底界线都是以等时面为界的 宇、界、系、统、阶等 标准RGB颜色、地质年龄、符号、岩性特征 第四系、更新统、周口店阶
国际年代地层 国际地层委员会确定的年代地层划分 Eonothem、Erathem、Series、System、Stage等 标准RGB颜色、地质年龄、符号、岩性特征 Guadalupian、Calabrian
中国岩石地层 根据地壳中岩石的特征和相互关系组织成的地层单位 群、组、段、层等 特点、正层型、分布 泰山岩群、上湖组、绒布寺冰碛层
中国事件地层 利用能在地层中留下某种印记并可被识别的较大范围分布的等时地质事件划分的对比地层 事件层、事件带、事件面及沉积事件、气候事件等 事件发生年代、事件发生区域、事件标志物 加里东运动、三叶虫首现、南极冰盖重大扩张
中国生物地层 将岩层根据地层中所含化石的特性编制成的若干地层单元 富集带、谱系带等;脊索动物门等 标准化石、包含生物种类 Claraia aurita富集带、三叶虫

3.2 概念语义表达

∃(term, P, R)[∀ CtermRP ] (1)
概念的性质既可以是文本或数值,也可以是其他概念。前者在本体中使用数据属性(data property)或注释属性(annotation property)表达,如地层单位概念的层形剖面属性等;后者表达了概念之间的某种关联,使用对象属性(object property)表达,如地质年代单位对应的年代地层单位,年代地层单位对应的GSSP单位等。
Fig. 2 Semantic representations of Geologic Time Scale Ontology modules

图2 地质年代本体模型概念语义表达


3.3 时间信息语义表达

3.3.1 时间属性表达
地质年代单位起止时间、生物始现或绝灭时间等可认为是时间点;事件持续时间、旋回周期等可认为是时间段。因而时间属性的语义表达主要指地质年龄及其时间误差等点信息,和持续时间、间隔时间与重叠时间等段信息的属性值及相关的定年方法、地层剖面点位等信息的表达。使用简单的文字或数字难以表达如此丰富的时间属性内容。为此,本文采用以时间描述对象为中心的RDF(Resource Description Framework)链实现时间属性的表达(图3)。1个地质年代概念实体可有多个时间描述对象(如“开始时间”、“生物始现时间”),而每一时间描述对象可有时间坐标系类型(如B.P.(Before Present)等)和单位、测年方法等对象属性以及时间误差等数值属性。时间值对象通过“hasValue”等关系谓词来表达具体的时间值和时间单位属性。根据时间计算精度及应用需要,时间值对象及持续时间等时间距离可以用一个时间粒度进行描述(如“1.806 Ma”),或采用不同粒度的组合进行描述(如“1 Ma,806 Ka”)。
Fig. 3 Semantic representations of temporal properties of a geo-data object

图3 地学数据对象时间属性语义表达

3.3.2 时间拓扑关系表达

4 本体的构建与应用

4.1 地质年代本体构建

Fig. 4 Procedures of ontology construction

图4 本体构建流程

本文以《中国地层表》和《国际年代地层表》的中、英、法、日等多个语言版本及GSSP表(③。)作为地质年代本体的重要术语来源,同时参照地层表说明等资料及表2图2图3中的本体设计,将本体划分为多个模块,并完成类的定义与类的层次结构划分。最终使用Protégé软件完成类及类属性、关系和实例、约束等内容的定义、生成和关联操作,初步构建完成了地质年代本体。目前共完成宙、代、宇、界等120个类,显生宙、新生代等1988个实例及几十种各类型对象属性与数据属性的构建,并为绝大多数属性定义了取值类型、个数与范围约束。本体中主要的类及其关系使用Protégé的OntoGraf插件展示如 图5所示。
Fig. 5 Classes of GTSO built with Protégé

图5 地质年代本体类关系图


4.2 地质年代本体应用案例

4.2.1 地质年代概念语义查询
知识图谱的一个主要应用是概念语义查询。这对于增强用户对地质年代知识的理解,解决异词同义等语义异构问题,促进知识的有效利用有重要意义。以“新近纪”概念查询为例,系统先对术语“新近纪”进行语义解析,查询获得本体中对应概念与定义、多语言标注等属性,并通过“owl:sameAs”和“owl:differentFrom”或“owl:AllDifferent”声明获取等价和非等价概念。然后,根据如式(2)、(3)所示规则(采用Apache Jena(④规则语法)进行语义推理,获得起止时间属性和不同层级的地质年代、地层、地质事件、GSSP等概念和概念属性。
[(?a TimeRela:intContains ?b)(?b TimeRela:
intContains ?c)->(?a TimeRela:intContains ?c)] (2)
[(?a TimeRela:intContains ?b) (?b CGS:有地质
事件 ?c) -> (?a CGS:有地质事件 ?c)] (3)
4.2.2 地学数据语义检索
Fig. 6 Results of semantic geodata retrieval

图 6 地学数据语义检索结果

图6可发现,直接使用地质年代时间值进行查询时,本文实现的数据语义检索方法,不仅获得了字面上完全匹配的数据,还通过时态语义推理,获得了600 Ma所对应的地质年代单位概念震旦纪、新元古代、元古宙的相关数据。而传统的全文检索结果无法获得任何与时间值对应的地质年代概念相关的数据。显然地,语义检索所得结果更符合用户需求,说明本文的方法能够较好的理解用户搜索意图,具有一定的关联数据发现和数据推荐能力。由图7可发现,使用地质年代概念作为检索关键词时,在概念多语言注释的帮助下,可获得中文、日语、英语等不同语言的数据结果。此外,在本体的支持下,还可同时检索获得“大湾阶”及等价的“大坪阶”概念的数据。术语变更已不再是人们获取数据的阻碍。由此可见,本文的方法解决了由于多语言和概念更新等造成的异词同义等语义异构问题,弥补了关键词检索在发现等价语义概念数据方面的不足。
Fig. 7 Results of Cambrian Period semantic retrieve

图7 寒武纪语义查询结果

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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樊隽轩,张华,侯旭东,等.古生物学和地层学研究的定量化趋势——GBDB数字化科研平台的建设及其意义[J].古生物学报,2011,50(2):141-53.自上世纪八十年代末以来,基于数据库和各种定量分析方法的古生物学、地层学、古地理学、古生态学研究逐渐成为当今国际地学研究的前沿和热点。中国的古生物学和地层学数字化科研平台的建设,最早的设计思路始于2001年,于2003年进行了首次尝试,并于2007年整合了多种相关数据资源,正式启动了GeoBiodiversity database(GBDB)这一古生物学和地层学数字化科研平台的建设。在这一平台中,目前已整合了古生物分类数据、剖面地理信息数据、岩石地层数据、化石产出数据、生物地层数据、文献数据等多项数据资源,同时还结合科学研究和生产应用的需求开发了地理信息可视化和地层信息可视化功能,以及初步的多样性分析和定量地层对比功能。这一平台的最终建设目的,是成为科学家和相关人员使用古生物学和地层学数据,开展各种定性和定量分析的国际化、网络化的科研辅助平台。

[ Fan J X, Zhang H, Hou X D, et al.Quantitative research trends in Palaeobiology and Stratigraph - Construction of the GeoBiodiversity Database (GBDB) using e-science technology[J]. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 2011,50(2):141-153]

董少春,尹宏伟,许刚.地质时间本体在异构数据检索中的应用[J].地球信息科学学报,2010,12(2):194-199.地质时间是地球科学基础研究的重要内容,在异构数据集和文献中有多种描述方式,其语义异构问题成为影响数据共享与集成的瓶颈之一。本体(Ontology)是共享概念模型的明确的形式化规范说明,可以用来描述数据的语义信息,近年来,被广泛应用于解决语义异构问题。本文以地质时间作为研究对象,分析了地质时间这一特定领域蕴含的基本概念、属性和关系,构建了地质时间的领域本体和OWL的编码表达,并以关系型数据库为例,阐述了地质时间本体的语义映射和翻译机制。该机制能够有效地在W eb环境下为传统数据检索增强语义表达能力,识别地质时间不同表达方式中的等价、包含等隐含关系,实现语义的数据检索。该方法也适用于地球科学其他领域本体的构建和语义翻译,为解决地球科学数据的语义异构问题提供了思路。

[ Dong S C, Yin H W, Xu G.Application of geologic time ontology in heterogeneous data searching[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2010,12(2):194-199. ]

李学军. 地学论文中常见的表达问题及解决方法和建议[J].中国科技期刊研究,2011,22(5):779-83.

[ Li X J.Solutions and suggestions for common expression problems in geoscience papers[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 2011,22(5):779-83. ]

Ma X, Carranza E J M, Wu C, et al. A SKOS-based multilingual thesaurus of geological time scale for interoperability of online geological maps[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2011,37(10):1602-1615.The usefulness of online geological maps is hindered by linguistic barriers. Multilingual geoscience thesauri alleviate linguistic barriers of geological maps. However, the benefits of multilingual geoscience thesauri for online geological maps are less studied. In this regard, we developed a multilingual thesaurus of geological time scale (GTS) to alleviate linguistic barriers of GTS records among online geological maps. We extended the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) model to represent the ordinal hierarchical structure of GTS terms. We collected GTS terms in seven languages and encoded them into a thesaurus by using the extended SKOS model. We implemented methods of characteristic-oriented term retrieval in JavaScript programs for accessing Web Map Services (WMS), recognizing GTS terms, and making translations. With the developed thesaurus and programs, we set up a pilot system to test recognitions and translations of GTS terms in online geological maps. Results of this pilot system proved the accuracy of the developed thesaurus and the functionality of the developed programs. Therefore, with proper deployments, SKOS-based multilingual geoscience thesauri can be functional for alleviating linguistic barriers among online geological maps and, thus, improving their interoperability.


诸云强,孙九林.面向e-GeoScience 的地学数据共享研究进展[J].地球科学进展,2006,21(3);p>在总结比较国内外e-GeoScience研究进展的基础上,介绍了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所自20世纪80年代以来开展的相关工作。提出了按&ldquo;圈层&mdash;学科&mdash;数据类别&rdquo;三级模式的地球系统科学数据分类体系,以主体数据库为核心,初步构建了&ldquo;主体数据库&mdash;数据资源点&rdquo;为支撑的地球系统科学数据资源体系。在J2EE环境下,采用Web Services、地理信息等技术开发了地球系统科学数据共享平台。最后,探讨了e-GeoScience未来的研究方向。</p>


[ Zhu Y Q, Sun J L.The research progress in Geo-data sharing based on e-GeoScience[J]. Advances in Earth Sciences, 2006,21(3):286-290. ]

Studer R, Benjamins V R, Fensel D.Knowledge engineering: Principles and methods[J]. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1998,25(s1-2):161-197.This paper gives an overview of the development of the field of Knowledge Engineering over the last 15 years. We discuss the paradigm shift from a transfer view to a modeling view and describe two approaches which considerably shaped research in Knowledge Engineering: Role-limiting Methods and Generic Tasks. To illustrate various concepts and methods which evolved in recent years we describe three modeling frameworks: CommonKADS, MIKE and PROT G -II. This description is supplemented by discussing some important methodological developments in more detail: specification languages for knowledge-based systems, problem-solving methods and ontologies. We conclude by outlining the relationship of Knowledge Engineering to Software Engineering, Information Integration and Knowledge Management.


邓志鸿,唐世渭,张铭,等.Ontology 研究综述[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版),2002,38(5):730-738.Ontology是描述概念及概念之间关系的概念模型,通过概念之间的关系来描述概念的语义。作为一种有效表现概念层次结构和语义的模型,Ontology被广泛地应用到计算机科学的众多领域。本文作者对目前Ontology的研究与应用现状进行了综述性地介绍,从Ontology的定义Ontology理论研究、Ontology在信息系统中的应用以及在语义Web中的地位等方面加以了系统阐述。

[ Deng Z H, Tang S W, Zhang M, et al.Overview of ontology[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2002,38(5):730-738. ]

Ma X, Fox P.Recent progress on geologic time ontologies and considerations for future works[J]. Earth Science Informatics, 2013,6(1):31-46.Semantic Web technologies bring innovative ideas to computer applications in geoscience. As an essential part of the Semantic Web, ontologies are increasingly discussed in the geoscience community, in which geologic time scale is one of the topics that have received the most discussion and practices. This paper aims to carry out a review of the recent progress on geologic time ontologies, discuss further improvements, and make recommendations for other geoscience ontology works. Several models and ontologies of geologic time scale are collected and analyzed. Items such as ontology evaluation, ontology mapping, ontology governance, ontology delivery and multilingual labels are discussed for advancing the geologic time ontologies. We hope the discussion can be useful for other geoscience ontology works, and we also make a few further recommendations, such as referring to an ontology spectrum in ontology creation, collaborative working to improve interoperability, and balancing expressivity, implementability and maintainability to achieve better applications of ontologies.


Richard S M, Boisvert E, Brodaric B, et al.GeoSciML - A GML Application for Geoscience Information Interchange[J]. Philadelphia Annual Meeting, 2007:47-59.ABSTRACT


Ma X, Carranza E J M, Wu C, et al. Ontology-aided annotation, visualization, and generalization of geological time-scale information from online geological map services[J]. Computers & geosciences, 2012,40:107-119.Geological maps are increasingly published and shared online, whereas tools and services supporting information retrieval and knowledge discovery are underdeveloped. In this study, we developed an ontology of geological time scale by using a Resource Description Framework model to represent the ordinal hierarchical structure of the geological time scale and to encode collected annotations of geological time scale concepts. We also developed an animated graphical view of the developed ontology, and functions for interactions between the ontology, the animation and online geological maps published as layers of OGC Web Map Service. The featured functions include automatic annotations for geological time concepts recognized from a geological map, changing layouts in the animation to highlight a concept, showing legends of geological time contents in an online map with the animation, and filtering out and generalizing geological time features in an online map by operating the map legend shown in the animation. We set up a pilot system and carried out a user survey to test and evaluate the usability and usefulness of the developed ontology, animation and interactive functions. Results of the pilot system and the user survey demonstrate that our works enhance features of online geological map services and they are helpful for users to understand and to explore geological time contents and features, respectively, of a geological map.



[ Xu Z L, Sheng Y P, He L R, et al.Review on techniques of knowledge graph[J]. Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2016,45(4):589-606. ]



[ Liu Q, Li Y, Duan H, et al.Knowledge graph construction techniques[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2016,53(3):582-600. ]

Cox S J D, Richard S M. A geologic timescale ontology and service[J]. Earth Science Informatics, 2015,8(1):5-19.We have developed an OWL ontology for the geologic timescale, derived from a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model that formalized the practice of the International Commission for Stratigraphy (ICS) (Cox and Richard 2005 ). The UML model followed the ISO/TC 211 modeling conventions, and was the basis for an XML implementation that was integrated into GeoSciML 3.0. The OWL ontology is derived using rules for generating OWL ontologies from ISO-conformant UML models, as provided in a (draft) standard from ISO/TC 211 . The basic ontology is also aligned with SKOS to allow multilingual labels, and to enable delivery through a standard vocabulary interface. All versions of the International Stratigraphic Chart from 2004 to 2014 have been encoded using the ontology. Following ICS practice, the elements of the timescale retain the same identifiers across the multiple versions, though the information describing each geochronologic unit evolves with the versions of the timescale. The timescales are published through multiple web interfaces and APIs.


Perrin M, Mastella L S, Morel O, et al.Geological time formalization: an improved formal model for describing time successions and their correlation[J]. Earth Science Informatics, 2011,4(2):81-96.Geological time description largely rests on an event based chronology based on the stratigraphical model . It uses a hierarchy of chronologically ordered geochronological units and boundaries . In order to be easily dealt with within large databases used by complex engineering systems, the geological time chronology must be formalized. Stratigraphical time successions should accordingly be described by using adequate semantic tools (ontologies) complemented by a set of logical rules. At present, geological time formalization mainly rests on the GeoSciML model. This model is fit for describing individual geological time scales but does not provide all the necessary tools for comparing various time successions and for operating full stratigraphic correlations. For complementing the GeoSciML model, we define two ontologies for geological time description and for geological dating. They extend the GeoSciML model, so that it becomes possible to fully use the Allen rules for operating time correlations between any couple of time scales or stratigraphic successions. We additionally propose a codification resting on the defined ontologies, which allows operating all age identification and correlation by means of simple computation rules.


Raskin R G, Pan M J.Knowledge representation in the semantic web for Earth and environmental terminology (SWEET)[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2005,31(9):1119-1125.The semantic web for Earth and environmental terminology (SWEET) is an investigation in improving discovery and use of Earth science data, through software understanding of the semantics of web resources. Semantic understanding is enabled through the use of ontologies, or formal representations of technical concepts and their interrelations in a form that supports domain knowledge. The ultimate vision of the semantic web consists of web pages with XML namespace tags around terms, enabling search tools to ascertain their meanings by following the link to the defining ontologies. Such a scenario both reduces the number of false hits (where a search returns alternative, unintended meanings of a term) and increases the number of successful hits (where searcher and information provider have a syntax mismatch of the same concept). For SWEET, we developed a collection of ontologies using the web ontology language (OWL) that include both orthogonal concepts (space, time, Earth realms, physical quantities, etc.) and integrative science knowledge concepts (phenomena, events, etc.). This paper describes the development of a knowledge space for Earth system science and related concepts (such as data properties). Some of the ontology contents are irtual by means of an OWL wrapper associated with terms in large external databases (including gazetteers and Earthquake databases). We developed a search tool that finds alternative search terms (based on the semantics) and redirects the expanded set of terms to a search engine.


Allen J F.Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals[J]. Communications of the ACM, 1983,26(11):832-843.We have described a system for reasoning about temporal intervals that is both expressive and computationally effective. The representation captures the temporal hierarchy implicit in many domains by using a hierarchy of reference intervals, which precisely control the amount of deduction performed automatically by the system. This approach is partially partially useful in domains where temporal information is imprecise and relative, and techniques such as dating are not possible.


Hobbs J R, Pan F.Time Ontology in OWL. 2006, Time Ontology in OWL. 2006, .

Laxton J, Serrano J-J, Tellez-Arenas A.Geological applications using geospatial standards: An example from OneGeology-Europe and GeoSciML[J]. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2010,3(1):31-49.The Geoscience Markup Language (GeoSciML) has been developed to enable the interchange of geoscience information, principally that portrayed on geological maps as well as boreholes. A GeoSciML testbed was developed both to test the implementation of the data model and its application in web services. The OneGeology-Europe project aims to use the GeoSciML data model, and build on the experience of the GeoSciML testbed, in implementing a geoportal for a harmonised geological map of Europe at 1:1 million scale. This involves the integration of web services from 20 participating organisations. An important objective of OneGeology-Europe is to contribute to Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE), both through the development of a geological data specification and the use of the INSPIRE technical architecture. GeoSciML and the OneGeology-Europe project are also steps towards incorporating geoscience data into a Digital Earth. Both the development of GeoSciML and the implementation of web services for GeoSciML and OneGeology-Europe, have followed a standards-based methodology. The technical architecture comprises a geoportal providing access to a Catalogue Service for the Web for metadata describing both the data and services available. OneGeology-Europe will provide both Web Map Services view and Web Feature Services download services, which aim to be compliant with the INSPIRE implementing rules.


吴立新,徐磊,车德福.地层本体及其在大区域钻孔数据集成中的应用[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2008,33(2):144-148.简要介绍了地学本体论与地学本 体的发展脉络,分析了地学本体的组成及其层次结构,提出了作为地层本体重要实例的沉积地层应用本体的设计方法,通过地层本体的定义及其应用本体的属性分析 与选择,讨论了地层本体的语义内容、语义关系及其BNF范式表达方法,并以苏皖交界地区张夏组沉积地层连接为例,介绍了地层本体与沉积地层本体实例及其在 大区域钻孔数据集成与地层关系判断中的应用。

[ Wu L X, Xu L, Che D F.Stratum-Ontology and its application in bore-hole data integration[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2008,33(2):144-148. ]



[ Xiong Y H, Wang X Q, Li G Q.Design and realization of computer automatic checking of the stratigraphic spatio- temporal topological relationships[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2016,28(1):197-202. ]


[ National Commission on Stratigraphy of China, The Stratigraphic Chart of China ( Illustration 1)[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2014,35(3): Attached map 1. ]

Cohen K M, Finney S C, Gibbard P L, et al.The ICS International Chronostratigraphic Chart[J]. Episodes, 2013,36(3):199-204.The International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) has a long tradition of producing international charts that communicate higher-order divisions of geological time and actual knowledge on the absolute numerical ages of their boundaries. The primary objective of ICS is to define precisely a global standard set of time-correlative units (Systems, Series, and Stages) for stratigraphic successions worldwide. These units are, in turn, the basis for the Periods, Epochs and Ages of the Geological Time Scale. Setting an international global standard is fundamental for expressing geological knowledge. It is also of considerable pragmatic importance as it provides the framework through which regional-scale higher-resolution divisions can be linked, equated and collated. This is a status update on the International Chronostratigraphic Chart and the ICS website

刘德良. 地球科学中时间段的定年问题——一种不同于地球化学的地球物理定年方法[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报,2011,41(1):1-8.

[ Liu D L.Duration measurement in geological sciences : A geophysical approach[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2011,41(1):1-8. ]


[ Liu C Z, Zhao R, Zhao L H.Introduction to earth science[M]. Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press, 2006. ]


[ Wang Z J, Huang Z G, Yao J X, et al.Characteristics and main progress of the stratigraphic chart of China and directions[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2014,35(3):271-276. ]



[ Hou Z W, Zhu Y Q, Gao X, et al.Time-ontology and its application in geodata retrieval[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(4):379-390. ]


[ Gong Y M, Zhang K X.Basics and frontiers in stratigraphy[M]. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences Press, 2007. ]

彭善池. 全球标准层型剖面和点位(“金钉子”)和中国的“金钉子”研究[J].地学前缘,2014,21(2):8-26.国际年代地层表》中显生宇所有的年代地层(地质年代)单位和元古宇的部分年代地层(地质年代)单位都已经或将要由全球标准层型剖面和点位("金钉子")定义。这是研发一个完全连续的、既无重复也无间断的年代地层(地质年代)等级系统的唯一途径。文中回顾了过去近50年在国际地层委员会倡导和推行下"金钉子"概念形成和发展过程,简介了"金钉子"概念和由国际地层委员会制定建立"金钉子"的程序;同时简要回顾了中国科学家研究"金钉子"的历史和卓越成就,包括竞争"金钉子"中的失利和收获10枚确立在我国的"金钉子"。


[ Peng S C.Global standard stratotype-section and points (GSSP, "Golden Spike") and the GSSP research in China[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014,21(2):8-26. ]

龚一鸣,史晓颖.关于时间、沉积与地层学的几点思考[J].地学前缘,2014,21(2):27-35.地层学与其他自然科学中的时间概念可区分为存在的时间和演化的时间两类,地层学就是依据这两类时间概念和标志构建地质学的时间坐标。选定百万年为地质学的基本时间单位在某种意义上来说是地层学的武断和盲从,它 8.刘成英朱日祥.试论峨眉山玄武岩的地球动力学含义[J]. 地学


[ Gong Y M, Shi X Y.Thinking on time, sedimentation and stratigraphy[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2014,21(2):27-35. ]



[ Li L, Zhu H H, Wang H, et al.Semantic analyses of the fundamental geographic information based on formal ontology: Exemplifying hydrological category[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2008,37(2):230-235. ]


[ Zhong X Q, Liu Z, Ding P P.Construction of knowledge based on hybrid reasoning and its application[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2012,35(4):761-766. ]

Noy N F, McGuinness D L. Ontology development 101: A guide to creating your first ontology[M]. Stanford knowledge systems laboratory technical report KSL-01-05 and Stanford medical informatics technical report SMI-2001-0880. 2001.


[ Feng L P, Zhu L J, Jiang Y D.Study on a method of building modular onotlogy[J]. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2010,26(6):53-59. ]


[ Feng Z Y, Li W J, Li X H.Ontology engineering and its applications[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2007. ]

Lutz M, Klien E.Ontology-based retrieval of geographic information[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2006,20(3):233-260.Discovering and accessing suitable geographic information (GI) in the open and distributed environments of current Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) is a crucial task. Catalogues provide searchable repositories of information descriptions, but the mechanisms to support GI retrieval are still insufficient. Problems of semantic heterogeneity caused by the ambiguity of natural language can arise during keyword‐based search in catalogues and when formulating a query to access the discovered data. In this paper, we present an approach to ontology‐based GI retrieval that contributes to solving existing problems of semantic heterogeneity and hides most of the complexity of the required procedure from the requester. A query language and graphical user interface allow a requester to intuitively formulate a query using a well‐known domain vocabulary. From this query, an ontology concept is derived, which is then used to search a catalogue for a data source that provides all the information required to answer the requester's query. If a suitable data source is discovered, the relevant data are accessed through a standardized interface. The approach is implemented through several components that can be used as an extension to standard SDIs.


