Road Extraction Method Based on Multi-spectral LiDAR Data

  • YUAN Pengfei , 1 ,
  • HUANG Ronggang 2 ,
  • HU Pingbo 1 ,
  • YANG Bisheng , 1, *
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • 2. Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of sciences, Geodetic and geodynamic national key laboratory, Wuhan 430077, China
*Corresponding author: YANG Bisheng, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-12-25

  Request revised date: 2018-03-25

  Online published: 2018-04-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation Key Project of China, No.41531177.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Because of the little elevation difference between road points and ground points, and the similar laser reflection intensity between them, it is relatively hard to extract the road from lidar data at present. Furthermore, the same elevation and reflection intensity among the road, square and park makes the square and park being mistaken as road unavoidable in the city environment. In order to use the three-dimensional and multi-spectral information of the LiDAR comprehensively in this paper, data preprocessing which containing the point cloud filtering, sample collection and the data fusion is conducted first. The purpose of the filtering is to get the ground points from the LiDAR data, and the data fusion achieves the consistency of the multi-spectral LiDAR data. Then, the statistical features of the ground points can be obtained based on the intensity, the density and the flatness. To describe the road′s strip feature for distinguishing road from the square and park, the strip local binary feature (SLBF) is proposed. The SLBF is gained in a circular region which are intensity comparisons between the central position and every circular region position, and it is represented by a 96-dimension feature with value of 0 or 1. The LiDAR data is then classified as the road and non-road points by the features (Statistics-Based Feature, SBF and Stripe Local Binary Feature, SLBF) proposed above through a random forest classifier. After a further refinement by an Euclidean clustering, the road axis points are extracted by the thinning of the road points step by step by the iterative corrosion boundary method. In this paper we project the LiDAR data to the horizontal plane and use the K3M method to extract the center line of the road, and then re-project it back to the three-dimension space. Finally, the extracted road axis points are vectorized as the final result of the method. We used the multi-spectral point cloud data of the Waddenzee region to verify the method proposed in the paper. The result of the experiment shows that the completeness of the road axis vectorization achieves 94.15%, the accuracy achieves 97.95%, and the precision reaches 92.28%. The experiment shows that the proposed method can extract the road points efficiently, and vectorize the road axis correctly, it can be applied to many kinds of environments such as urban and forest as the designed features have the invariance of environments.

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YUAN Pengfei , HUANG Ronggang , HU Pingbo , YANG Bisheng . Road Extraction Method Based on Multi-spectral LiDAR Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(4) : 452 -461 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170634

1 引言


2 道路中心线提取及矢量化方法

本方法首先对得到的激光点云进行数据预处理,其中包括点云滤波、样本采集和数据融合。点云滤波是对多光谱LiDAR的各个波段点云进行地面点提取;样本采集则是对多光谱LiDAR数据中的基础波段(532 nm)进行部分道路点和非道路点的数据手动标记;数据融合是以基础波段点云为参照点云利用最邻近搜索法将多光谱LiDAR数据的地面点云部分进行单一点的一致性表示。然后,对融合后的地面点云计算出分类所需要的一系列特征,主要分为基于多光谱信息和三维信息的统计特征(Statistics-Based Feature, SBF)及描述道路条状信息的局部二进制特征(Strip Local Binary Feature, SLBF),其中SBF可以很好地利用多光谱LiDAR的多光谱信息和三维信息将林间道路和大部分城市道路进行提取。相比较于传统LiDAR,多光谱LiDAR综合利用了各个波段的可区分性信息将道路与地面的区分性增大从而更好地将道路进行提取,而SLBF则主要针对城市中的广场、停车场等与道路反射强度相同,具备较为平坦等特性的物体进行设计,其可以很好地剔除将大面积的广场和停车场。其次,利用采集好的训练样本对随机森林分类器进行分类训练,并用训练得到的分类器将其他非标记样本分为初始道路面点和非道路点,接着对初始道路面点进行欧式聚类,将聚类块较小的点云块作为杂乱点剔除从而得到最终的道路点云。最后,通过迭代腐蚀边界将道路中线提取出并矢量化。本文提出的道路点云提取流程如图1所示。
Fig. 1 Flow chart of proposed method

图1 方法流程图

2.1 数据预处理

2.1.1 点云滤波
2.1.2 样本采集
本文样本的采集工作采用TerraSolid软件的TerraScan模块完成。TerraScan模块是TerraSolid公司用来处理LiDAR点云数据的软件之一,具有手动标志点云类别的功能。本文将多光谱点云数据的532 nm波段作为基础波段,对其进行样本的采集,其中正样本涵盖各种道路的采集,负样本主要采集了城市部分的停车场以及其他非道路部分,正负样本覆盖范围广,代表性强。
2.1.3 数据融合
本文实验数据多光谱LiDAR数据由3个波段组成,其中基础波段中大部分道路点的强度要高于其他非道路点的强度,其他2个波段(1064 nm和1550 nm)的强度分布基本与基础波段一致,但是1550 nm波段的道路强度与非道路强度的差别更加明显,而在城市中沥青道路的强度要低于周边的非道路点的强度,这在1064 nm波段的点云中比较明显。由于最后的特征是基于每个点的3个波段反射强度进行统计计算得到的,而现用的3个波段并不是每个点对应3个反射强度的关系,因此对这3个波段的反射强度信息进行融合,从而得到最终特征计算所需要的数据结构十分必要。多波段反射强度信息融合过程可用式(1)进行表示。
P 1 X 1 , Y 1 , Z 1 , I 1 , P 2 X 2 , Y 2 , Z 2 , I 2 , P 3 X 3 , Y 3 , Z 3 , I 3 ➝P X , Y , Z , I 1 , I 2 , I 3 (1)
式中:P1为波段532 nm中的点;P2为波段1064 nm中的点;P3为波段1550 nm中的点。
三者的对应关系的确立过程为:利用基础波段中的每个点作为搜索点,分别在1064 nm波段和1550 nm波段中找到最近的一个点。如果在这2个波段中找到的点与搜索点的距离小于dthre,那么最终生成的点P则为要进行特征计算的点,且点P的坐标为基础波段中点P1的坐标,I1, I2, I3分别为该点以及其搜索到的另外2个波段点云最近点的反射强度;否则舍弃该点。

2.2 特征计算

对于本文选取的特征,主要分为基于多光谱信息和三维信息的统计特征(Statistics-Based Feature, SBF)及描述道路条状信息的局部二进制特征(Stripe Local Binary Feature, SLBF)。
2.2.1 基于统计的特征(SBF)
dispersion = H pt - H aver 2 k - 1 (2)
Tab. 1 The statistics-based features

表1 基于统计的特征

特征 统计计算方式 意义
强度统计特征 3个波段的反射强度以及这3个波段的平均反射强度、每2个波段的平均强度、另2个波段与基础波段反射强度的差值 利用强度的一系列统计特征进行道路的提取,是道路提取的最重要的特征,也是区分度最大的特征
3个波段反射强度最大和反射强度最小的波段标识:532 nm波段标识为-1;1064 nm波段标识为0;1550 nm波段标识为1
密度特征 当前点附近的点个数,采用当前点半径r1领域内的点个数表示 主要利用道路点附近密度大,不是离群点这一特性
平坦度特征 当前点k领域点的平均高度与改点高度的差值、k领域点最大高度与最小高度的差值 主要利用道路比较平坦这一特性进行设计,可以很好的将非平坦,高强度,大密度的点进行剔除
2.2.2 描述条状信息的局部二进制特征(SLBF)
以当前点为基准点,分别计算出以dis=d, 2d, 4d, 8d共4个距离,θ=0°,15°,30°,…,330°,345°共24个方向的虚拟点,其中虚拟点的坐标计算如 式(3)所示。
X vir = X thi s + dis × cos θ Y vir = Y this + dis × sin θ Z vir = Z this (3)
P this X this , Y this , Z this , P vir X vir , Y vir , Z vir 分别代表基准点和虚拟点。
binary = 1 , if I 532 this - I 532 aver < I thr e 1 , I 1064 this - I 1064 aver < I thre 2 , I 1550 this - I 1550 aver < I thre 3 0 , otherwise (4)
式中: I 532 this , I 1064 this , I 1550 this 分别为基准点的3个波段的反射强度, I 532 aver , I 1064 aver , I 1550 aver 分别为虚拟点的领域点3个波段的反射强度均值, I thre 1 , I thre 2 , I thre 3 分别为3个波段的强度阈值。
Fig. 2 The binary features of road and square

图2 广场和道路的二进制特征

2.3 道路面点云提取

随机森林是一种比较新的机器学习模型,主要应用于回归和分类,本文主要基于随机森林进行分类。随机森林由Breiman 在文献[16]中提出,其实质是对决策树算法的一种改进,将多个决策树合并在一起,每棵树的建立依赖于一个独立抽取的样品,森林中的每棵树具有相同的分布,分类误差取决于每一棵树的分类能力和它们之间的相关性。考虑到随机森林分类器训练速度快,容易做成并行化方法,而点云数据量本身较大,并且点云逐点分类算法便于利用并行化进行加速,因此本文选择随机森林作为点云分类的分类器。

2.4 道路中线矢量化

2.4.1 道路中线提取
本文道路中线的提取通过将提取得到的道路面投影到XOY平面并栅格化后在图像中进行图像骨架的提取,然后将提取得到的骨架线再次恢复至三维点中。图像中骨架线的提取可以认为是图像细化的产物,目前已经有许多细化算法,这些算法得到的骨架可能略有差异。本文采用Khalid Sheed 的K3M算法[17]。该算法主要通过迭代腐蚀边界实现,其思想是假定从二值图像中物体的边界处同时开始燃烧,物体就会被逐步细化,但在燃烧过程中要保证满足一定条件的点被保留或者被“烧掉”,以确定燃烧结束后,剩下的最后一个像素宽的图像为图像的骨架。一般来讲,为了满足计算的速度要求和算法的准确,迭代中算法会对图像边界上某点的3×3邻域内进行检查,判断是否满足要求。
2.4.2 道路中线矢量化
Fig. 3 A flowchart of road axis vectorization

图3 道路中线矢量化流程图

经过上述算法对提取的道路中线矢量化后,仍有小部分矢量化线没有准确地连接起来,因此需要后续矢量线的重连接,并将重连接后小于一定长度的道路矢量线删除,得到最终的道路中心线矢量 数据。

3 实验分析

3.1 实验数据

本文以Optech公司于2015年4月在Waddenzee地区采集的多光谱LiDAR数据为实验数据,该数据的采集高度为457.2 m,采用了Titan多光谱扫描仪,该扫描仪具有3个通道同步采集数据,其中564 nm通道可以穿透水面采集海底数据,采集数据后利用Optech′s LMS 软件对3个通道的数据进行自动化地标定,整个过程小于2 h。Waddenzee地区位于加拿大安大略省托伯莫里区,该区域既有曲折延伸、跌宕不平的乡村道路,也有宽阔平坦、规则通达的城市公路,因此对于道路的提取具有较大的挑战。针对这样的情况,多光谱机载LiDAR的各个通道波段对于不同的道路具有不同的反射强度,对于分类有更高的精度。
Waddenzee区域的3个波段原始激光点云分别如图4(a)-(c)所示。其中,532 nm波段点云共有 33 083 665个数据点,1064 nm波段点云共有25 727 366个数据点,1550 nm波段点云共有42 818 466个数据点。其中,正样本涵盖各种道路的采集,主要包括位于林间的乡村小道,城市中的宽阔道路中心以及边缘;负样本主要采集了城市部分的停车场以及其他非道路部分,包括低矮植被,海滩,海水部分和城市中的停车场及广场非边缘部分。正负样本覆盖范围广,代表性强。
Fig. 4 The multispectral airborne lidar point cloud of Waddenzee

图4 Waddenzee区域多光谱机载点云

3.2 实验结果

在每个波段进行滤波下采样后,对532 nm波段的第4条带进行了样本采集,将样本分为了训练集和测试集,利用训练样本集进行模型的训练,测试集进行精度的评价,训练过程采用了交叉验证的训练策略。接着对3个波段的点云进行融合,融合后的点云共有6 712 529个数据点,利用3个波段的反射强度作为RGB的3个通道,得到的点云如图4(d)所示。在数据融合中,本文采用dthre=0.5 m。
在计算统计特征时,实验中采用k取30,计算点密度时r1取2 m;在计算二进制特征时,起始距离d根据道路的宽度而定,实验中d取4 m,搜索半径r2取0.5 m,强度阈值 I thre 1 , I thre 2 , I thre 3 采用了自适应阈值,即分别为基准点领域范围内3个波段反射强度的最大值与最小值差值乘以比例分子b,该值越小,对道路的提取则越严格,实验中b=0.2。实验中聚类距离阈值为10 m,聚类块点数阈值为500,聚类后将点数小于该阈值的聚类块内的点剔除,最终结果如图5所示。
Fig. 5 The final result of road extraction

图5 最终的道路面提取结果

Fig. 6 The road extraction result of town region in Waddenzee

图6 Waddenzee区域城镇部分的道路面提取结果

Fig. 7 The road axis vectorization result in Waddenzeeand the result of town region

图7 Waddenzee区域道路中心线矢量化结果及城镇部分矢量化结果

3.3 SLBF特征分析

在本文的实验结果展示部分,SLBF特征计算的初始d为4 m,这主要取决于本研究数据中道路的最大宽度在20 m以内,而广场与停车场的长度与宽度基本上在30 m以上(图2中的广场的长、宽在50 m以上)。这样就使得计算的道路点dis为8d甚至4d, θ 为道路宽度方向的二进制特征必然为0(因为此时相应的虚拟点必然会延伸到非道路部分,即使在边缘一侧区域时,对应另一侧边缘也会延伸出去而会变为0,见图8中的道路边缘点SLBF),而在道路的延伸方向则一定是道路部分,因而局部二进制特征为1。而对于一些较小(宽度在30 m左右)的广场或停车场,即便中间的点在计算SLBF时,dis为4d, θ 为宽度方向的虚拟点依然位于广场或停车场内部,而道路在这种情况时的虚拟点位置却位于非道路部分,即便在道路的边缘区域(图8)也会延伸至非道路部分。图8展示了一条较宽道路边缘点的SLBF特征和广场边缘点的SLBF特征,相比较于道路和广场的中部点而言,他们的边缘点的SLBF特征区分性受初始d的影响最大,较小的d会导致较宽道路边缘点被腐蚀(分为非道路部分)。当然,对于一些宽度较小的并且具有道路条带形特征的停车场或广场,例如一些类道路的条状停车场,其SLBF特征与道路的SLBF特征并不具有区分性,而这种情况下,广场、停车场与道路的界定在非语义状况下很难确定,只能依靠一些语义的信息进行判定。因此,SLBF特征主要针对了城市中的大部分的广场、停车场(如本文实验数据中宽度大于20 m或者不具备条带形状)与道路部分的区分。
Fig. 8 Less SLBF distinction between the road edge points and the square edge points

图8 SLBF区分性较小的道路与广场边缘点

Fig. 9 SLBF features of several other cases

图9 其他几种情况的SLBF特征

二进制特征的计算,首先需要计算获得96个虚拟点的坐标值,该过程需要的时间极短,其时间消耗主要在96个虚拟点的强度的获取上,需要找到每个虚拟点的领域点,然后计算他们的强度均值,所以二进制的计算时间相比传统的统计性特征计算时间较长。在本文研究数据的特征计算上,3 507 501个点的SBF特征计算时间为1.725 s,SLBF特征计算时间为26.005 s,时间的消耗不是简单的96倍,这是因为SLBF的强度获取领域半径要小于SBF特征计算过程中领域的搜索半径。整体而言,SLBF的计算时间复杂度与SBF的计算时间复杂度相同。

3.4 精度评价

Completeness=TP/(TP+FN) (5)
Correctness=TP/(TP+FP) (6)
Quality=TP/(TP+FP+FN) (7)
Tab. 2 The result and accuracy of the road extraction

表2 道路中心线提取结果与精度

TP/m FN/m FP/m 完整度/% 准确度/% 精度/%
城镇 4951.79 235.07 196.49 95.47 96.18 91.98
郊区 6702.66 518.86 19.18 92.82 99.71 92.57
平均 94.15 97.95 92.28

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Ferraz A, Mallet C, Chehata N.Large-scale road detection in forested mountainous areas using airborne topographic lidar data[J]. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2016,112:23-36.This paper addresses the problem of road detection and characterization in forested environments over large scales (>100002km 2 ). For that purpose, an efficient pipeline is proposed, which assumes that main forest roads can be modeled as planar elongated features in the road direction with relief variation in orthogonal direction. DTMs are the only input and no complex 3D point cloud processing methods are involved. First, a restricted but carefully designed set of morphological features is defined as input for a supervised Random Forest classification of potential road patches. Then, a graph is built over these candidate regions: vertices are selected using stochastic geometry tools and edges are created in order to fill gaps in the DTM created by vegetation occlusion. The graph is pruned using morphological criteria derived from the input road model. Finally, once the road is located in 2D, its width and slope are retrieved using an object-based image analysis. We demonstrate that our road model is valid for most forest roads and that roads are correctly retrieved (>80%) with few erroneously detected pathways (10–15%) using fully automatic methods. The full pipeline takes less than 202min per km 2 and higher planimetric accuracy than 2D existing topographic databases are achieved. Compared to these databases, additional roads can be detected with the ability of lidar sensors to penetrate the understory. In case of very dense vegetation and insufficient relief in the DTM, gaps may exist in the results resulting in local incompleteness (6515%).


Schmidt A, Niemeyer J, Rottensteiner F, et al.Contextual classification of full waveform Lidar data in the Wadden Sea[J]. IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters, 2014,11(9):1614-1618.The classification of airborne lidar data is a relevant task in different disciplines. The information about the geometry and the full waveform can be used in order to classify the 3-D point cloud. In Wadden Sea areas, the classification of lidar dat...


Schmidt A, Rottensteiner F, Sörgel U. Classification of airborne laser scanning data in Wadden Sea areas using conditional random fields[J]. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry,Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2012,XXXIX-B3:161-166.In this paper we investigate the influence of contextual knowledge for the classification of airborne laser scanning data in Wadden Sea areas. For this propose we use Conditional Random Fields (CRF) for the classification of the point cloud into the classes water, mudflat, and mussel bed based on geometric and intensity features. We learn typical structures in a training step and combine local descriptors with context information in a CRF framework. It is shown that the point-based classification result, especially the completeness rate for water and mussel bed as well as the correction rate of water, can be significantly improved if contextual knowledge is integrated. We evaluate our approach on a test side of the German part of the Wadden Sea and compare the results with a Maximum Likelihood Classification.




[ Hui Z Y, Hu Y J.A review on road extraction methods from airborne LiDAR[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2017,42(3):70-74. ]

Yang B, Huang R G, Dong Z, et al.Two-step adaptive extraction method for ground points and breaklines from lidar point clouds[J]. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2016,119:373-389.The extraction of ground points and breaklines is a crucial step during generation of high quality digital elevation models (DEMs) from airborne LiDAR point clouds. In this study, we propose a novel automated method for this task. To overcome the disadvantages of applying a single filtering method in areas with various types of terrain, the proposed method first classifies the points into a set of segments and one set of individual points, which are filtered by segment-based filtering and multi-scale morphological filtering, respectively. In the process of multi-scale morphological filtering, the proposed method removes amorphous objects from the set of individual points to decrease the effect of the maximum scale on the filtering result. The proposed method then extracts the breaklines from the ground points, which provide a good foundation for generation of a high quality DEM. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method extracts ground points in a robust manner while preserving the breaklines.


Breiman L.Random Forests[J]. Machine Learning, 2001,45(1):5-32.


Saeed K, Dzki M, Rybnik M, et al.K3M: A universal algorithm for image skeletonization and a review of thinning techniques.[J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science, 2010,20(2):317-335.This paper aims at three aspects closely related to each other: first, it presents the state of the art in the area of thinning methodologies, by giving descriptions of general ideas of the most significant algorithms with a comparison between them. Secondly, it proposes a new thinning algorithm that presents interesting properties in terms of processing quality and algorithm clarity, enriched with examples. Thirdly, the work considers parallelization issues for intrinsically sequential algorithms of thinning. The main advantage of the suggested algorithm is its universality, which makes it useful and versatile for a variety of applications.


Ramer U.An iterative procedure for the polygonal approximation of plane curves[J]. Computer Graphics & Image Processing, 1972,1(3):244-256.The approximation of arbitrary two-dimensional curves by polygons is an importanttechnique in image processing. For many applications, the apparent ideal procedure is to represent lines and boundaries by means of polygons with minimum number of vertices and satisfying a given fit criterion. In this paper, an approximation algorithm is presented which uses an iterative method to produce polygons with a small—but not minimum—number of vertices that lie on the given curve. The maximum distance of the curve from the approximating polygon is chosen as the fit criterion. The results obtained justify the abandonment of the minimum-vertices criterion which is computationally much more expensive.


