A Fast Method of Building Extraction from Mobile LiDAR Scanning Data

  • SHAO Lei , 1, * ,
  • DONG Guangjun 1 ,
  • YU Ying 1, 2, 3 ,
  • YAO Qiangqiang 1 ,
  • ZHANG Along 1
  • 1. Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Geo-information Engineering, Xi′an 7100541, China;
  • 3. Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Spatial Information Engineering, Beijing 100000, China
*Corresponding author: SHAO Lei, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-10-09

  Request revised date: 2017-12-23

  Online published: 2018-04-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41501482

State Key Laboratory of Geo-information Engineering, No.SKLGIE 2015-M-3-6

Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Spatial Information Engineering, No.2017203.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The mobile LiDAR scanning system is a useful tool for getting the top information as well as façade information of buildings, which makes it as primary means to obtain 3D city modeling infrastructure. The first step of 3D modeling is to extract the building data from the complex mobile point cloud data quickly and accurately. Therefore, it is of great significance to study a fast and effective method of building extraction from vehicle laser scanning data. The buildings in mobile laser scanning data has the characteristics of uneven distribution of point densities, lack of existence, and some of the buildings in the measured data are not strictly flat, the top data of the low building is not the façade. In order to solve the problems discussed above, a method of building extraction in complex urban scenes from mobile LiDAR is proposed by using a variety of projection images. Firstly, the method projects the point cloud data into the XOY plane to produce a variety of projected images. Secondly, based on the geometric semantic features of the buildings, the geometric constraints and morphological calculations of the acquired projection images are processed to get the seed area of the building. On the basis of this seed area, the eight-neighborhood region of the building seed area is grown on the highest elevation image by setting the height difference threshold to obtain the building area. Lastly, the building area on the image is back-projected into three-dimensional space to extract the building objectives. Two data sets with different point densities and different scanning tools are used to verify the effectiveness of this method. Results show that this method has higher data processing efficiency than the existing three-dimensional extraction method because point cloud data is projected into the two-dimensional image and the geometrical features of the building are synthetically used in the process of building extraction. Using this method, both top surface and non-façade buildings can be extracted precisely. In this paper, sub-regional growth methods solve the problem that it′s difficult to extract the buildings with incompleteness of cloud data which is caused by the blockage through the traditional projection method.

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SHAO Lei , DONG Guangjun , YU Ying , YAO Qiangqiang , ZHANG Along . A Fast Method of Building Extraction from Mobile LiDAR Scanning Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(4) : 462 -470 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170470

1 引言

车载激光扫描数据中的建筑物数据具有点密度分布不均、存在缺失等特点,且实测数据中部分建筑物立面并非严格的平面,低矮建筑物的顶面数据也并非立面,建筑物的多样性给建筑物提取带来了巨大的挑战。为解决上述问题,学术界展开了广泛的研究。目前从车载激光扫描数据中提取建筑物的方法主要有3类:① 利用激光脚点在扫描线上的分布特征进行建筑物提取[3]。Manandhar等[4]将扫描线分成不同线段集合,并计算线段的多项特征,根据线段特征提取出建筑物。该类方法可以简单快速地实现建筑物的提取,但依赖数据中的扫描线信息,难以对散乱激光扫描数据进行处理。② 直接对散乱点云中平面进行分割,然后利用每个分割区域的空间分布与几何特征提取建筑物区域[5,6,7]。 Rutzinger等[8]将点云分割成面片,并从面片中提取出垂直于水平方向的平面,根据不同平面的特征提取出建筑物。该方法易受到非建筑物立面的影响,为了解决这一问题,刘亚文等[9]提出了一种基于激光点云投影俯视图的蚁群算法提取沿街建筑物立面的方法。该类方法避免了三维到二维变化时造成的精度损失,但计算量较大,且对噪声较为敏感。③ 对散乱点云数据进行投影降维,生成二维图像,借助图像处理技术进行建筑物提取的方法。杨必胜等[10]利用生成的特征图像,采用阈值分割、轮廓提取与跟踪等手段提取图像分割的建筑物目标。但该方法提取的建筑物边界较为粗糙,魏征等[11]针对粗糙边界内部的建筑物目标进行了平面分割,通过建立不规则三角网,获取了建筑物精确的边界。彭晨等[12]提出了一种结合点云特征图像和SVM分类器的建筑物立面提取方法,该方法延续了基于图像方法的优点,降低了计算开销,且弥补了点投影法分类精度较低的缺点。该类方法加快了运算速度,但存在因遮挡导致的数据缺失时,建筑物提取结果的完整性较低。目前基于影像的方法大多只考虑到了投影图像中建筑物投影密度及其阈值,未考虑到建筑物自身的几何特性,导致建筑物提取结果不理想。
针对现有车载激光扫描数据建筑物提取方法的不足,本文提出了一种适合大场景中建筑物立面的提取方法。该方法的主要贡献有:① 在利用多种投影影像提取建筑物种子区域时,引入建筑物自身的几何语义特征,提高了建筑物提取的准确性和完整性;② 利用在最高高程投影影像中单栋建筑物局部范围内灰度值变化范围小于一定阈值的特性,对种子区域在最高高程投影影像上进行多种子点8邻域区域生长,能获取准确的建筑物投影区域;③ 有效地提取出了平面建筑物和非平面建筑物;④ 相比传统基于三维的建筑物提取方法,本文方法的主要计算过程是在影像上进行的,其处理效率有了较大的提高。

2 建筑物提取

2.1 投影影像

W = x max - x min d H = y max - y min d (1)
row = int x - x min d + 0.5 col = int y - y min d + 0.5 (2)

2.2 建筑物提取

Fig. 1 Framework of building extraction

图1 建筑物提取流程

2.2.1 地面点云提取
| I p - I q < λ (3)
式中:IpIq分别为Imin中相邻2个像元的灰度值。其中,p,qD,λ为区域生长的阈值。在城区数据中,λ一般为20 cm所对应的灰度值。
2.2.2 建筑物种子区域提取
(1)高度约束:建筑物区域的高度一般大于3 m,因此建筑物种子区域在Iheight影像中应该满足以下 条件:
Th ( I height ) = p D | I height ( p ) > h min (4)
Th ( I height ) = i = 1 n C i , i j C i C j = (5)
式中:Th(Iheight)为高度阈值分割而成的二值影像;hmin为3 m在Iheight中所对应的灰度值;C1,C2,…,Cn为二值影像Th(Iheight)中的连通区域。
(2)宽度约束:建筑物区域的宽度一般大于3 m,因此将Th(Iheight)影像中连通区域Cn最小外接矩形长边长度大于3 m的区域进一步标记为二值影像Th(long),其具体原理式(6)所示。
Th ( long ) = C j | L ( C j ) > L min (6)
式中:L(Cj)为联通区域Cj最小外接矩形长边长度的像元长度;Lmin为3 m所对应的像元长度。
(3)圆度约束:经过高度和宽度约束后,Th(long)表示的建筑物种子区域为建筑物立面区域。现有研究表明,建筑物种子区域的连通区域的圆度 Circ(Cj)一般小于1/3[15],其原理可由式(7)表示。
Th ( circ ) = C j | Circ ( C j ) < C min , C j Th ( long ) (7)
Circ ( C j ) = 4 πA ( C j ) P 2 ( C j ) (8)
F mark = p ij | p ij Th ( ci rc ) I ground ( i , j ) = 0 (9)
I seed i , j = 1 , F mark ( i , j ) = 1 0 , 其他 (10)

2.3 多种子点区域生长

Fig. 2 Framework of multiple seed region growth

图2 多种子点区域生长流程图


3 实验与分析

为了验证本文方法的有效性,本文采用扫描场景、扫描仪器类型和点密度各不相同的2份数据进行实验。奥克兰数据集是由德国欧Sick公司的LMS激光传感器采集的大学校园点云数据,其扫描范围大致为180 m×140 m,扫描密度为大致为45个/m2,共有300 000个数据点(图3(a))。该数据点密度较小,且由于地物的遮挡,建筑物上有大量的数据缺失。武汉数据集为刘先林院士团队开发的SSW-MMT系统采集的城区扫描数据,其扫描范围大致为500 m×160 m,扫描密度大致为160个/m2,共 8 001 645个数据点(图3(b))。该数据包含建筑物、行道树和汽车等地物,其中部分建筑物上包含非立面顶面和非平面立面。
Fig. 3 Two sets of test data

图3 实验数据

3.1 点云投影与种子区域选取

Fig. 4 Multiple projection images

图4 投影影像

种子区域的选取结果取决于建筑物的几何特征[17],现实生活中,建筑物高度一般大于3 m,宽度也大于3 m,其种子区域的圆度小于1/3。因此,本文分别将建筑物种子区域的高度、宽度和圆度的阈值设定如表1所示。
Tab. 1 The parameters settings of building seed area extraction

表1 建筑物种子区域提取实验参数设置

参数 奥克兰数据集 武汉数据集
高度/m 3 3
宽度/m 3 3
圆度 1/3 1/3
Fig. 5 Results of building seed area extraction

图5 建筑物种子区域提取结果

3.2 多种子点区域生长与反投影

本文区域生长算法实质上是对建筑物顶部数据在投影影像中的区域生长,对于单栋建筑物,只需一个种子像元即可完成整栋建筑物投影区域的提取,区域生长阈值一般设为0.5 m所对应的灰度值。图6(a)和6(b)分别是奥克兰数据集和武汉数据集建筑物种子区域的生长结果,由图6(b)可知,该区域生长方法不仅可以提取出建筑物立面区域,还能提取出建筑物的非立面区域。
Fig. 6 Results of multiple seed region growth

图6 区域生长结果

Fig. 7 Results of final building extraction

图7 建筑物提取结果

为验证本文方法提取建筑物的正确性,使用人工标记试验数据作为参考数据,对本文提出方法 实验结果的完整率、正确率和整体精确度进行评 价[18]。通过手工标记的武汉数据集中共包含37个建筑物,本文提出算法共检测出36个建筑物,其中1个错误检测,35个正确检测,提取结果的正确率为97.1%,完整率为94.5%。数据中仅存在一栋建筑物未被提取出,该建筑物高度过于低矮,且建筑物前存在大量遮挡,导致无法提取出有效的种子点,从而本文算法无法检测出该建筑物。实验中被错误提取成建筑物的目标为一段较高的围墙,且该围墙离周围建筑物较近,与立面建筑物有着相似的属性,因此被错误检测成建筑物。实验结果表明,本文算法不仅可以提取出非平面建筑物(图7(e)),还可提取出建筑物的非立面顶面(图7(f));且解决了已有基于影像的方法难以提取数据缺失建筑物的问题,提高了建筑物提取的完整性和准确性。

3.3 实验结果对比分析

为了验证本文方法相比于其他方法在建筑 物提取方面的优势,利用本文提出方法、杨必胜等[2]提出的自适应邻域方法和文献[12]提出方法分别对武汉数据集数据进行处理。本文方法设定的参数值为:采样密度为0.3 m,区域生长阈值为0.5 m所对应的灰度值;自适应邻域方法设定的参数值为:最小半径0.1 m,半径增量0.1 m,最大半径0.8 m。图8(a)和图(b)分别为自适应邻域方法和本文方法提取结果。由表2可知,本文方法建筑物立面提取正确率、完整率和计算效率优于自适应邻域和文献[12]方法,尤其是本文方法不针对单点特征进行计算,建筑物提取效率明显优于自适应邻域方法和文献[12]方法;由图8可知,本文方法提取的建筑物信息更加完整,能提取出建筑物中的立面和顶面数据,且能够有效地提取建筑物中的非平面数据。
Tab. 2 Comparison analysis of processing efficiencyof the proposed approach

表2 处理效率对比分析

提取方法 正确率/% 完整率/% 计算耗时/s
自适应邻域方法 0.93 0.89 883
文献[12]方法 0.87 0.83 727
本文方法 0.97 0.95 102
Fig. 8 Building extraction results of two methods

图8 2种方法建筑物提取结果

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Serna A, Marcotegui B, Hernández J.Segmentation of façades from urban 3D point clouds using geometrical and morphological attribute-based operators[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2016,5(1):6.3D building segmentation is an important research issue in the remote sensing community with relevant applications to urban modeling, cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-model registration, 3D cartography, virtual reality, cultural heritage documentation, among others. In this paper, we propose automatic, parametric and robust approaches to segment fa ades from 3D point clouds. Processing is carried out using elevation images and 3D decomposition, and the final result can be reprojected onto the 3D point cloud for visualization or evaluation purposes. Our methods are based on geometrical and geodesic constraints. Parameters are related to urban and architectural constraints. Thus, they can be set up to manage fa ades of any height, length and elongation. We propose two methods based on fa ade marker extraction and a third method without markers based on the maximal elongation image. This work is developed in the framework of TerraMobilita project [1]. The performance of our methods is proved in our experiments on TerraMobilita databases using 2D and 3D ground truth annotations.


Serna A, Marcotegui B.Detection, segmentation and classification of 3D urban objects using mathematical morphology and supervised learning[J]. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2014,93(7):243-255.We propose an automatic and robust approach to detect, segment and classify urban objects from 3D point clouds. Processing is carried out using elevation images and the result is reprojected onto the 3D point cloud. First, the ground is segmented and objects are detected as discontinuities on the ground. Then, connected objects are segmented using a watershed approach. Finally, objects are classified using SVM with geometrical and contextual features. Our methodology is evaluated on databases from Ohio (USA) and Paris (France). In the former, our method detects 98% of the objects, 78% of them are correctly segmented and 82% of the well-segmented objects are correctly classified. In the latter, our method leads to an improvement of about 15% on the classification step with respect to previous works. Quantitative results prove that our method not only provides a good performance but is also faster than other works reported in the literature.


Morales A F S. Semantic analysis of 3D point clouds from urban environments : ground, facades, urban objects and accessibility[D]. Paris:Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Mines De Paris, 2014

Yu Y, Li J, Guan H, et al.Three-Dimensional object matching in mobile laser scanning point clouds[J]. IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters, 2014,12(3):492-496.This letter presents a 3-D object matching framework to support information extraction directly from 3-D point clouds. The problem of 3-D object matching is to match a template, represented by a group of 3-D points, to a point cloud scene containing an instance of that object. A locally affine-invariant geometric constraint is proposed to effectively handle affine transformations, occlusions, incompleteness, and scales in 3-D point clouds. The 3-D object matching framework is integrated into 3-D correspondence computation, 3-D object detection, and point cloud object classification in mobile laser scanning (MLS) point clouds. Experimental results obtained using the 3-D point clouds acquired by a RIEGL VMX-450 system showed that completeness, correctness, and quality of over 0.96, 0.94, and 0.91 are achieved, respectively, with the proposed framework in 3-D object detection. Comparative studies demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the two existing methods for detecting 3-D objects directly from large-volume MLS point clouds.


