Journal of Geo-information Science >
The Near-real-time Prediction of Urban Population Distributions Based on Mobile Phone Location Data
Received date: 2017-11-27
Request revised date: 2018-02-28
Online published: 2018-04-20
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41571431
Cultivate Project of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences ,No.TSYJS03
Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Platform Construction Project,China, No.2015H2001.
The near-real-time prediction of urban populations at the fine-grained scales can provide an important scientific basis in many fields, such as optimizing the allocation of public resources, assisting urban traffic guidance, making the early warning in urban emergencies, as well as exploring daily life patterns of urban residents. In this study, based on time series analysis method, a parameter prediction model (i.e., the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model) and a non-parameter prediction model (i.e., the K-Nearest Neighboring model) are constructed to predict urban populations in large spatial and temporal scales. The spatial resolution is 0.005 arc-degree and the temporal resolution is 30 minutes. When applying these two prediction models to a large mobile phone location dataset, the results demonstrate that both of them can be helpful to the near-real-time prediction of urban populations. In particular, the non-parameter prediction model produced more stable prediction results with lower error than the parameter prediction model, from the perspectives of prediction error distributions by grid population, prediction error distributions in space and time, prediction error at different temporal granularities, and prediction error distributions under a special event.
CHEN Lina , WU Sheng , CHEN Jie , LI Mingxiao , LU Feng . The Near-real-time Prediction of Urban Population Distributions Based on Mobile Phone Location Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(4) : 523 -531 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170536
Fig. 1 Study areas图1 研究区域 |
Tab. 1 Samples of a mobile phone user’s records表1 手机用户轨迹数据实例 |
用户ID | 时间 | 基站经度 | 基站纬度 |
060F3***** | 00:33 | 121.*** | 31.*** |
060F3***** | 00:45 | 121.*** | 31.*** |
060F3***** | 01:03 | 121.*** | 31.*** |
…… | …… | …… | …… |
060F3***** | 21:08 | 121.*** | 31.*** |
060F3***** | 21:32 | 121.*** | 31.*** |
Fig. 2 The population prediction results of grids in the study area图2 研究区人口分布预测结果 |
Fig. 3 The spatial distributions of prediction errors图3 预测误差空间分布 |
Fig. 4 The temporal distributions of prediction errors图4 预测误差时序分布 |
Fig. 5 The error distributions by grid population图5 基于网格人数的预测误差分布图 |
Fig.6 The error distributions at different temporal scales图6 基于多时间尺度的误差分布 |
Fig. 7 The temporal distributions of prediction errors under a special event图7 基于特殊事件的误差分布 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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