Review of Research Works on Maritime Network

  • FANG Zhixiang , 1, 2, * ,
  • YU Hongchu 1 ,
  • HUANG Shouqian 1
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • 2. Engineering Research Center for Spatiotemporal Data Smart Acquisition and Application, Ministry of Education of China, Wuhan 430079, China
*Corresponding author: FANG Zhixiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-04-01

  Request revised date: 2018-04-26

  Online published: 2018-05-20

Supported by

Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.ZDRW-ZS-2016-6-3

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41771473

National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2017YFC1405302

Special Research Funding of State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


With the rapid development of economic globalization, the scale of international trade has continued to be expanded. Global maritime network are attracting much attention from researchers in multidisciplinary areas, such as ocean transportation, geographical information science, mathematical physics, statistics science, complex network science, big data science, computer science and so on. The maritime network studies become hot research topics among them, which plays an important role in designing affective and sustainable macro strategies and policies for countries. This paper summarizes the data sources, theoretical models and research methods in maritime network studies, for example, the used data includes the statistics data and Automatic Identification System (AIS) traced vessel trajectory data, the used methods are from mathematics, physics and statistical theory methods, complex network science, data mining theory, etc. Then, this paper reviewed the research works of maritime network from the perspectives of maritime network transportation mode, network structure characteristics, and evolution mechanism of maritime network, and concluded the existing problems in these perspectives. Previous studies on maritime transportation mode design and optimization are useful to improve shipping service quality, assess the feasibility of new routes and improve the efficiency and capacity of the transportation system. The researches for maritime network structure reveal the static (i.e. network connectivity, clustering coefficient, mean shortest path lengths, closeness centrality, betweeness centrality, and straightness centrality) and dynamic characteristics (i.e. spatial-temporal changes, hierarchical characteristics, dynamic connectivity) through the approaches of modelling, statistical and empirical analyzing. The studies on evolution mechanism for maritime network focus on the structure evolution and traffic flow evolution, which are helpful to identify the influential factors and to predict traffic flow in the maritime network. The future promising research avenues on maritime network include involving experts from multidisciplinary areas, using the research methods from cross-domains, integrating multi-source heterogeneous data, and linking the theoretical analysis with practical application problems.

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FANG Zhixiang , YU Hongchu , HUANG Shouqian . Review of Research Works on Maritime Network[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(5) : 554 -563 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180178

1 引言

Fig. 1 Maritime network structure and traffic flow changes

图1 海运网络的结构和交通流变化示意图

海运网络作为海上交通流的表达结构,不仅包含着结构变化也包含着交通流的变化,海运网络结构变化代表着贸易格局的变化,而海上交通流的变化代表着贸易需求的变化。例如,图1(a)-(b)A国家的海运网络结构由{A→B, A→C, A→D, A→E, A→F,…}变为{A→B, A→C, A→D, A→E, A→F, A→G, A→H,…},说明A国家在图1(b)阶段进行了贸易格局的调整,与F、G国家建立了海上运输贸易。图1(b)-(c),A国家与E、G国家间的贸易流明显增强,说明A国家和E、G国家之间的贸易需求发生了变化。通过充分理解海运网络时空特性、演变规律、影响机制等,明确海洋运输系统在建设、实施和运营中的问题,对国家层面的科学应对与部署具有重要的参考意义。例如,“一带一路”倡议以深化中国与沿线国家的贸易合作为目标,对所覆盖的沿线国家会产生诸多经济与社会影响,同时也影响着“一带一路”国家同其他国家的海上贸易,通过研究重要经济发展区域海运网络结构和交通流在该倡议实施期间的动态变化,能够一定程度上理解该倡议对海洋运输贸易的影响。
Fig. 2 Research framework of maritime network

图2 海运网络研究框架

2 数据来源

船舶轨迹数据是人类在海上活动产生的轨迹数据,传统的获取方法包括雷达回波信号[10]、航海日志[11]、志愿船报告[12]等,由于存在成本高、连续性差、样本小等不足,无法满足海上交通活动和运输网络分析的要求。随着海上导航、定位、通讯技术的发展,船舶自动识别系统(AIS)[13,14]和渔船监测系统(VSM)[15,16]等的普及,为基于位置传感器的海上时空轨迹大数据采集、管理、发布提供了技术基础,也为海上轨迹大数据挖掘、建模、预测和海运网络等相关研究提供了较好的数据来源。目前AIS系统包括岸基AIS站台和卫星AIS,已基本覆盖全球港口的近海区域,并且AIS数据具有实时性,为海上运输网络构建与分析提供了及时的数据支撑,有助于提升海运网络研究与决策的及时性,弥补基于统计数据的实证分析在时效性和精准性等方面 的缺陷。

3 海运网络研究理论与方法


3.1 数学物理统计理论方法


3.2 基于复杂网络的分析方法

有些研究把海洋运输网络被视为复杂网络的一种应用形式,用复杂网络的相关理论来分析海运网络的特性。复杂网络作为研究海运网络的一种重要方法,关注港口、国家或区域之间的关联拓扑结构,为理解海运网络的复杂特性和功能区划等提供有效的方法支撑[21]。复杂网络具有自组织、小世界、无标度、社团结构等特性,常采用节点度、聚类系数、最短路径、直达中心性、介数中心性、接近中心性等指标来定量分析海运网络的拓扑结构特 征[22,23,24,25,26,27]。例如,利用复杂网络的社团发现方法分析海运网络的集群特性,对理解海运贸易的区域特性和关键节点(桥点)识别具有重要作用[28]。通过复杂网络的中心性评价方法能够有效识别海运网络的中心及其转移情况,有助于及时掌握海运网络的格局变化。

3.3 大数据挖掘理论方法

在一些海运网络研究中,把大数据挖掘理论与复杂网络科学、数学物理统计等理论结合起来 使用。例如,先采用复杂网络学科方法分析不同时期的海运网络结构特征,将多个时期的分析结果组成时间序列,进而采用大数据挖掘的方法,获得海运网络结构随时间变化的规律及模式[29,30,31],有助于海运网络的演化机制研究和重大事件影响分析。方志祥等[32]通过时空模型来度量重大事件前后的海运交通流趋势相似性特征,并提出基于相似性度量的直接影响、间接影响国家分析框架。

4 海运网络研究进展


4.1 海运网络运输模式设计和优化

海运网络运输模式设计和优化研究包括海运航线结构设计、海运航线开辟与设置、船舶调度、船队规划等方面。航线结构模式包括了直达式、轴辐式(Hub-and-Spoke)、混合式等形式,其中直达式是传统的海运航线结构模式,如:往复式航线、钟摆式航线和环状航线等,以多点挂靠(Multi-port of Call)或点对点(Point to Point)模式为主;轴辐式是海运干支线结合的航线模式,以班轮运输(Liner shipping strategies)为主;混合式主要是指支线配合干线的“混合轴辐式”航线结构,具有资源共享和协同管理的干线联营、支线独立的基本特征[33]

4.2 海运网络结构特征

4.2.1 海运网络静态结构特征
(1)船舶数量(Number of ships)
(2)网络节点数(Number of nodes)
(3)网络边数(Number of edges)
(4)网络连通性(Network connectivity)
δ 2 E / N 2 (1)
式中: δ 表示网络的连通性,值越大连通性越好;E表示网络的边数;N表示网络的节点数。
(5)网络总行程数(Total journeys)
(6)网络节点度(Node degree)
(7)网络聚类系数(Clustering coefficient)
c i = 2 E i N i ( N i - 1 ) (2)
式中: c i 表示网络节点 i 的聚类系数; N i 表示与该节点具有连接关系的节点数,也可称为节点 i 的邻居; N i 个节点最多可能有 N i ( N i - 1 ) / 2 条边; E i 表示这 N i 个节点之间实际存在的边数。网络聚类系数一般指所有节点聚类系数的均值。
(8)平均最短路径(Mean shortest path lengths)
L ̅ = 1 2 N ( N + 1 ) d ij (3)
式中: L ̅ 表示平均最短路径长; N 表示网络节点数; d ij 表示节点 i j 之间的最短路径距离,常用Dijkstra算法计算。
(9)节点平均行程数(Mean journeys per node)
(10)接近中心性(Closeness centrality)
C ( c , i ) = N - 1 d ij (4)
式中: C ( c , i ) 表示节点 i 的接近中心性; d ij 表示节点 i 到节点 j 的最短路径长度; N 表示整个网络中的节点数量。不难看出,节点 i 与其他节点的平均距离越大,则接近程度就越低,接近中心性 C ( c , i ) 的值就越小。
(11)介数中心性(Betweeness centrality)
C ( b , i ) = 1 ( N - 1 ) ( N - 2 ) n ijk n jk (5)
式中:C(b, i)表示节点 i 的介数中心性;njk表示节点jk之间的最短路径数量;nijk表示节点jk之间的最短路径数量过路径节点 i 的数量。介数中心性衡量的是通过某一节点的最短路径数量,数量越多,则中心性越高,表示该节点在网络流动中连通能力越强。
(12)直达中心性(Straightness centrality)
直达中心性是衡量网络中节点到其他节点的直线系数,2个节点的直达性是这2个节点之间的欧氏距离与最短路径距离的比值。节点 i 在海运网络中的直达中心性是指该节点到海运网络中其他节点的欧氏距离与最短路径距离的比值之和的平均值,计算公式为[52]
C ( s , i ) = 1 N - 1 d ij ' d ij (6)
式中: C ( s , i ) 表示节点 i 的直达中心性; d ij ' 表示节点 i j 之间的欧氏距离; d ij 表示网络节点 i j 之间的最短路径距离。直达中心性是衡量路网中节点到其他节点的最短路径距离与直线距离的偏离程度,偏离程度越小,表示该节点到其他节点的直线性越强,因此直达中心性常用来衡量网络中节点的直达效率。
4.2.2 海运网络动态结构特征
海运网络结构动态影响分析主要从2个角度开展研究工作:① 从海运网络内部结构变化出发,分析内部节点变化对海运网络动态拓扑结构的影响,如基于节点度、中心性、聚类系数、平均路径长度、模块度等网络结构特征评价指标分析节点聚合对海运网络拓扑结构的动态影响[65];② 从海洋运输系统其它因素出发,分析运输服务模式、腹地可达性、商品多样性等对海运网络动态结构的影响,如基于全球集装箱供应链性能的海运网络动态特性分析[66],运输服务模式和腹地可达性对海运网络结构的影响[67,68],基于全球海运网络的运输服务模式动态互补关系研究[69],考虑海运运营成本和运输模式,构建基于组合优化和优先级规则的启发式海运贸易分配模型[70]等。

4.3 海运网络演化机制

4.3.1 海运网络结构演化
班轮运输是海运网络的一种重要特点,其网络演化过程主要包括4个阶段:① 以点对点的直达运输服务为主,区域导向明显,但与海外市场互联性差,政府干预程度高,不利于行业的市场化、国际化发展;② 轴辐式网络开始出现,枢纽港口的出现增强了港口系统与海外市场的连通性,同时政府减少干预,有利于满足港口服务日益增长的需求,与海运市场的动态变化相适应;③ 轴辐式网络进入发展阶段,干线日益增多,支线网络功能进一步增强; ④ 部分支线网络逐步演变成干线网络,非支线网络发展成为支线网络,轴辐式网络二级中心日益增多[65]。目前的研究工作多集中在从第③阶段向第④阶段演化角度,如传统空间港口扩张模式的模拟分析[71],基于腹地可达性和港口区域特性的港口系统演变规律分析[72,73,74],基于环境-政策-结构匹配框架和生命周期理论的港口管理系统演化模型等[75]
4.3.2 海运网络交通流演变

5 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Tsou M C.Discovering knowledge from AIS database for application in VTS[J]. The Journal of Navigation, 2010,63(3):449-469.The widespread use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) has had a significant impact on maritime technology. AIS enables the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) not only to offer commonly known functions such as identification, tracking and monitoring of vessels, but also to provide rich real-time information that is useful for marine traffic investigation, statistical analysis and theoretical research. However, due to the rapid accumulation of AIS observation data, the VTS platform is often unable quickly and effectively to absorb and analyze it. Traditional observation and analysis methods are becoming less suitable for the modern AIS generation of VTS. In view of this, we applied the same data mining technique used for business intelligence discovery (in Customer Relation Management (CRM) business marketing) to the analysis of AIS observation data. This recasts the marine traffic problem as a business-marketing problem and integrates technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), database management systems, data warehousing and data mining to facilitate the discovery of hidden and valuable information in a huge amount of observation data. Consequently, this provides the marine traffic managers with a useful strategic planning resource.


Enguehard R A, Devillers R, Hoeber O.Comparing interactive and automated mapping systems for supporting fisheries enforcement activities: A case study on vessel monitoring systems (VMS)[J]. Journal of coastal conservation, 2013,17(1):105-119.The conservation of wild fisheries resources in the face of an ever-increasing world demand for seafood requires the use of a number of management tools, including no-take zones, and gear, species, and temporal restrictions. One way of enforcing some of these regulations is through the use of Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data that provides enforcement officers with the position of fishing vessels in the management area. The increasing volume of movement data collected using VMS calls for new methods that could help analysts extract useful knowledge from these large data sets. Various approaches have been proposed for visualizing and exploring movement data and detecting patterns within these data, but those approaches have generally not been tested in a real-world context or compared together, making their actual usability and utility unclear. This paper describes, compares, and assesses three such approaches in the context of fisheries enforcement: an existing system used for fisheries enforcement operations in Canada (VUE), a novel Hybrid Spatio-temporal Filtering (HSF) system developed by the authors, and an automated Behavioural Change Point Analysis (BCPA) system. A field trial was conducted with experienced fisheries enforcement officers to compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of the three approaches. While all three presented advantages and disadvantages, the interactivity of VUE and HSF were identified as desirable features, as they provide analysts with more control over the data, while allowing flexible data exploration. BCPA, while providing an automated approach to the data analysis, was pointed out as being too much of a -渂lack box-, causing unease among the experts who require a level of transparency similar to that of legally admissible evidence. In the end, the experts suggested that the best approach would be to merge the analytical power of their existing VUE system with the exploratory power of the HSF system. This study provides insight into the value of using interactive mapping and filtering approaches in support of data analysis in the context of fisheries enforcement.


Russo T, D'Andrea L, Parisi A, et al. VMSbase: An R-package for VMS and logbook data management and analysis in fisheries ecology[J]. Plos One, 2014,9(6):e100195.Abstract VMSbase is an R package devised to manage, process and visualize information about fishing vessels activity (provided by the vessel monitoring system--VMS) and catches/landings (as reported in the logbooks). VMSbase is primarily conceived to be user-friendly; to this end, a suite of state-of-the-art analyses is accessible via a graphical interface. In addition, the package uses a database platform allowing large datasets to be stored, managed and processed vey efficiently. Methodologies include data cleaning, that is removal of redundant or evidently erroneous records, and data enhancing, that is interpolation and merging with external data sources. In particular, VMSbase is able to estimate sea bottom depth for single VMS pings using an on-line connection to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) database. It also allows VMS pings to be assigned to whatever geographic partitioning has been selected by users. Standard analyses comprise: 1) m脙漏tier identification (using a modified CLARA clustering approach on Logbook data or Artificial Neural Networks on VMS data); 2) linkage between VMS and Logbook records, with the former organized into fishing trips; 3) discrimination between steaming and fishing points; 4) computation of spatial effort with respect to user-selected grids; 5) calculation of standard fishing effort indicators within Data Collection Framework; 6) a variety of mapping tools, including an interface for Google viewer; 7) estimation of trawled area. Here we report a sample workflow for the accessory sample datasets (available with the package) in order to explore the potentialities of VMSbase. In addition, the results of some performance tests on two large datasets (1脙聴10(5) and 1脙聴10(6) VMS signals, respectively) are reported to inform about the time required for the analyses. The results, although merely illustrative, indicate that VMSbase can represent a step forward in extracting and enhancing information from VMS/logbook data for fisheries studies.



[ Zhao Y Z, Peng Y N, Kuang H B.Fitness BA model of container shipping network under the ecological vision[J]. Operations research and management science, 2014,23(6):266-273. ]

李阳. 轴辐式网络理论及应用研究[D].上海:复旦大学,2006.

[ Li Y.Research on hub and spoke network theory and its application[D]. Shanghai: Fudan University, 2006. ]



[ Zhao Y Z, Zhou J M, Xing Q R, et al.Route design and capacities allocation for the hub-and-spoke shipping network subject to maritime cabotage legislations[J]. Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2016,36(11):2889-2897. ]


[ Li Q W, Zhen H.System dynamics model of container shipping services and its application[J]. Journal of Computer Applications, 2016,36(A02):286-290. ]


[ Wang X F, Li X, Chen G R.Complex network theory and its applications[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006. ]


[ Li Z F, Shi Y L, Xu M Q, et al.Heterogeneity of global shipping network[J]. China Science Paper, 2016,11(7):793-797. ]



[ Li Z F, Li H, Xu M Q, et al.Comparison research on reachability of the global shipping network[J]. Journal of Dalian Maritime University, 2014,40(1):101-104. ]


[ Xu M Q, Li Z F, Shi Y L, et al.Spatial linkage of global container shipping network[J]. Journal of Shanghai Maritime University, 2015,36(3):6-12. ]

吴迪,王诺,吴暖,等.主航道中断背景下集装箱海运网络的脆弱性及其对中国的影响[J].地理研究,2017,36(4): 719-730.为研究马六甲海峡、苏伊士运河及巴拿马运河等主航道受到攻击时对全球集装箱海运网络的影响,在统计全球集装箱班轮航线及挂靠港的基础上,分别计算三大主航道中断背景下海运网络的网络平均度、孤立节点比例、聚类系数、网络平均距离和网络效率的变化;结合地理特征分析了上述情况对中国集装箱海运产生的影响.研究表明:全球集装箱海运网络对三大主航道的畅通性十分敏感,影响最大的是马六甲海峡,其次是苏伊士运河;当三大主航道遭受攻击时,中国港口与国际其他港口间的网络距离产生了不同程度的增加,网络效率明显下降.为维系中国港口与全球其他港口间运输的畅通,讨论了替代航线,并从保障海运安全的角度提出了相应的对策.


[ Wu D, Wang N, Wu N, et al.The impact of main channel interruption on vulnerability of container shipping network and China container shipping[J]. Geographical Research, 2017,36(4):719-730. ]



[ Wang N, Dong L L, Wu N, et al.The change of global container shipping network vulnerability under intentional attack[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016,71(2):293-303. ]

田炜,邓贵仕,武佩剑,等.世界航运网络复杂性分析[J].大连理工大学学报,2007,47(4):605-609.航运系统可以抽象为由港口和航线构成的网络,这个网络的结构与几 何性质对港口与航线的规划和管理具有重要的影响.在对复杂网络的形成、特性和代表性研究成果简要总结的基础上,对马士基航运集团下属的航运网络进行了实证 分析,研究了国际航运网络表现出的小世界与无标度特性,并对其具有的一些不符合典型复杂网络统计特性的现象进行了分析.可为今后政府和企业的航运线路、港 口建设规划及管理提供科学的研究手段和理论支持.

[ Tian W, Deng S G, Wu P J, et al.Analysis of complexity in global shipping network[J]. Journal-Dalian University of Technology, 2007,47(4):605-609. ]

Ducruet C, Zaidi F.Maritime constellations: A complex network approach to shipping and ports[J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2012,39(2):151-168.The analysis of community structures is one major research field in the science of networks. This exercise is often biased by strong hierarchical configurations as it is the case in container shipping. After reviewing the multiple definitions of port systems, this paper applies a topological decomposition method to worldwide inter-port maritime links. Isolating ports of comparable size reveals hidden substructures with the help of graph visualization. While geographic proximity is one main explanatory factor in the emergence of port systems, other logics also appear, such as specialized and long-distance trading links. This research provides interesting evidence about the role of geography, technology and trade in the architecture of maritime networks.


范斐. 世界海洋运输格局时空演化[D].上海:华东师范大学,2014.

[ Fan F.The Spatial-temporal evolution of the world marine transportation pattern[D]. Shanghai: East China Normal University, 2014. ]



[ Wang C J, Wang W.Development of import-export coal trade by port on minaland China: Spatial pattern, evolution and dynamics[J]. Resource Science, 2016,38(4):631-644. ]


[ Wang A H, Kuang G H.The evolution and competition situation of container port cluster system in china[J]. Economic Geography, 2014,34(6):92-99. ]

Fang Z X, Yu H C, Lu F, et al.Maritime network dynamics before and after international events[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences. DOI:

陈继红. 世界集装箱海运航线结构演进及其特征[J].上海船舶运输科学研究所学报,2012,35(1):7-18.通过对世界集装箱海运航线结构的形成和演进历程的分析,对比了主要的集装箱海运航线结构模式,研究了传统直达式航线结构、轴辐式航线结构与联营下"混合"轴辐式航线结构的特征。研究表明:不同航线的结构性质及其影响因素取决于海运市场的竞争和船型发展;船舶大型化与班轮运输全球化等趋势是促进集装箱海运航线"轴辐式"发展的主要原因;在联营合作情况下,"干线联营、支线独立"的混合"轴辐式"航线结构得到广泛应用。


[ Chen J H.Evolution and features of container transport routes in the world[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute, 2012,35(1):7-18. ]

Imai A, Nishimura E, Papadimitriou S, et al.The economic viability of container mega-ships[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2006,42(1):21-41.In this study, we analyze the container mega-ship viability by considering competitive circumstances. We adopt a non-zero sum two-person game with two specific strategies based on different service network configurations for different ship sizes: hub-and-spoke for mega-ship and multi-port calling for conventional ship size. A shipping characteristic for each route is approximately optimized to set up pay-off (or profit) matrixes for both players. Throughout model applications for Asia–Europe and Asia–North America trades, the mega-ship is competitive in all scenarios for Asia–Europe, while it is viable for Asia–North America only when the freight rate and feeder costs are low.


Hsu C I, Hsieh Y P.Routing, ship size, and sailing frequency decision-making for a maritime hub-and-spoke container network[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2007,45(7-8):899-916.This study formulates a two-objective model to determine the optimal liner routing, ship size, and sailing frequency for container carriers by minimizing shipping costs and inventory costs. First, shipping and inventory cost functions are formulated using an analytical method. Then, based on a trade-off between shipping costs and inventory costs, Pareto optimal solutions of the two-objective model are determined. Not only can the optimal ship size and sailing frequency be determined for any route, but also the routing decision on whether to route containers through a hub or directly to their destination can be made in objective value space. Finally, the theoretical findings are applied to a case study, with highly reasonable results. The results show that the optimal routing, ship size, and sailing frequency with respect to each level of inventory costs and shipping costs can be determined using the proposed model. The optimal routing decision tends to be shipping the cargo through a hub as the hub charge is decreased or its efficiency improved. In addition, the proposed model not only provides a tool to analyze the trade-off between shipping costs and inventory costs, but it also provides flexibility on the decision-making for container carriers.


Agarwal R, Ergun Ö.Ship scheduling and network design for cargo routing in liner shipping[J]. Transportation Science, 2008,42(2):175-196.A common problem faced by carriers in liner shipping is the design of their service network. Given a set of demands to be transported and a set of ports, a carrier wants to design service routes for its ships as efficiently as possible, using the underlying facilities. Furthermore, the profitability of the service routes designed depends on the paths chosen to ship the cargo. We present an integrated model, a mixed-integer linear program, to solve the ship-scheduling and the cargo-routing problems, simultaneously. The proposed model incorporates relevant constraints, such as the weekly frequency constraint on the operated routes, and emerging trends, such as the transshipment of cargo between two or more service routes. To solve the mixed-integer program, we propose algorithms that exploit the separability of the problem. More specifically, a greedy heuristic, a column generation-based algorithm, and a two-phase Benders decomposition-based algorithm are developed, and their computational efficiency in terms of the solution quality and the computational time taken is discussed. An efficient iterative search algorithm is proposed to generate schedules for ships. Computational experiments are performed on randomly generated instances simulating real life with up to 20 ports and 100 ships. Our results indicate high percentage utilization of ships' capacities and a significant number of transshipments in the final solution.


Ng M.Distribution-free vessel deployment for liner shipping[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2014,238(3):858-862.One important problem faced by the liner shipping industry is the fleet deployment problem. In this problem, the number and type of vessels to be assigned to the various shipping routes need to be determined, in such a way that profit is maximized, while at the same time ensuring that (most of the time) sufficient vessel capacity exists to meet shipping demand. Thus far, the standard assumption has been that complete probability distributions can be readily specified to model the uncertainty in shipping demand. In this paper, it is argued that such distributions are hard, if not impossible, to obtain in practice. To relax this oftentimes restrictive assumption, a new distribution-free optimization model is proposed that only requires the specification of the mean, standard deviation and an upper bound on the shipping demand. The proposed model possesses a number of attractive properties: (1) It can be seen as a generalization of an existing variation of the liner fleet deployment model. (2) It remains a mixed integer linear program and (3) The model has a very intuitive interpretation. A numerical case study is provided to illustrate the model.


Brouer B D, Desaulniers G, Pisinger D.A matheuristic for the liner shipping network design problem[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014,72:42-59.


Zheng J F, Meng Q, Sun Z.Liner hub-and-spoke shipping network design[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2015,73:32-48.This paper proposes a liner hub-and-spoke shipping network design problem by introducing the concept of a main port, as well as some container shipping constraints such as multi-type container shipment and transit time constraints, which are seldom considered in the previous studies. It develops a mixed-integer programming model with nonconvex multi-linear terms for the proposed problem. An efficient genetic algorithm embedded with a multi-stage decomposition approach is developed to solve the model. Numerical experiments are carried out to assess the effectiveness of the proposed model and the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.


Wang S A, Meng Q.Robust bunker management for liner shipping networks[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015,243(3):789-797.This paper examines the sailing speed of containerships and refueling of bunker in a liner shipping network while considering that the real speed may deviate from the planned one. It develops a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization model to minimize the total cost consisting of ship cost, bunker cost, and inventory cost, under the worst-case bunker consumption scenario. A close-form expression for the worst-case bunker consumption is derived and three linearization techniques are proposed to transform the nonlinear model to a mixed-integer linear programming formulation. A case study based on the Asia–Europe–Oceania network of a global liner shipping company demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model and interesting managerial insights are obtained.


Tran N K, Haasis H D.Literature survey of network optimization in container liner shipping[J]. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2015,27(2-3):139-179.Container liner shipping is one of the most important transportation modes in international trade. The industry is network-based, so network decision contributes much to the success of any operators. There are many decisions in respect of network optimization such as route and schedule design, port selection, fleet size and mix, fleet assignment and scheduling, container movement. Our paper conducts a literature survey to realize optimization problems, methodologies as well as research tendencies to deal with network optimization in container liner shipping. We focus on three major categories: container routing, fleet management and network design. Container routing is related to optimal flow movement of laden and empty containers. Fleet management is involved with decisions of ship assignment and scheduling. Network design is the problem of choosing ports and combining them to create the infrastructure of shipping operation.


Gelareh S, Nickel S, Pisinger D.Liner shipping hub network design in a competitive environment[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2010,68:991-1004.A mixed integer programming formulation is proposed for hub-and-spoke network design in a competitive environment. It addresses the competition between a newcomer liner service provider and an existing dominating operator, both operating on hub-and-spoke networks. The newcomer company maximizes its market share—which depends on the service time and transportation cost—by locating a predefined number of hubs at candidate ports and designing its network. While general-purpose solvers do not solve instances of even small size, an accelerated Lagrangian method combined with a primal heuristic obtains promising bounds. Our computational experiments on real instances of practical size indicate superiority of our approach.


Zheng J F, Gao Z Y, Yang D, et al.Network design and capacity exchange for liner alliances with fixed and variable container demands[J]. Transportation Science, 2015,49(4):886-899.In liner shipping, liner carriers operate and cooperate as an alliance by sharing (or exchanging) ship capacities in order to compete with other liner carriers. Because of the long-term or short-term shipment contracts signed by shippers, the container demands transported by liner carriers can be classified as fixed demands or variable demands, respectively. We present an integrated mixed-integer linear programming model to solve the relevant problems on liner alliances including shipping network design with ship fleet deployment, allocation of the variable demands, capacities exchanged among liner carriers, and container routing. In our model, liner carriers are guided to pursue an optimal collaborative solution. As an added incentive, the capacity exchange costs are paid to liner carriers for sharing capacities and following the optimal collaborative solution. The computation of capacity exchange costs is obtained by using the inverse optimization technique. Finally, the numerical experiments for Asia-Europe-Oceania shipping services are discussed.


Zhen L, Shen T, Wang S A, et al.Models on ship scheduling in transshipment hubs with considering bunker cost[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016,173:111-121.This paper studies a decision problem for scheduling ships壮 starting operation time in a transshipment hub with considering the bunker cost and the transshipment cost of containers. Based on the information about the handing capacity of the container port in each period, the port operator makes a proper decision and informs the shipping companies about the start operation days of each liner route. The optimized decision may help shipping companies significantly reduce the cost. This study proposes a mixed integer programming model. The NP-hardness of the problem is proved. A local branching based solution method is also developed for solving the model. Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate the optimality of the solution by the proposed method is less than 3% for large-scale problem instances.


Chang Y C.Maritime clusters: What can be learnt from the South West of England[J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2011,54(6):488-494.The South West of England is a very extensive region, with constraints in terms of its transport network. It is imperative if the region is to optimise its economic development for transport services to fully utilise all transport modes, not least, short sea shipping. To achieve this objective will require, inter alia, investment in the region- port infrastructure. The result of this study suggests that each South West port provides a hub to develop a small maritime cluster which provides some sort of platform for marine and maritime related activities or businesses to co-ordinate and communicate. In addition, the region is well placed geographically in relation to a number of other European Union countries, with which to develop seaborne trade links. If this can be supported both by the development of coastal shipping links between regional ports and the incremental capability of rail and road transport within the region, then substantial increased economic activity for the region could result. Moreover, it would be beneficial if the region- ports could act as a maritime cluster, optimising the contribution each port can make. This in no way would preclude healthy competition between the ports.


Liu C, Wang J, Zhang H.Spatial heterogeneity of ports in the global maritime network detected by weighted ego network analysis[J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2018,45(1):89-104.More extensive attention has been paid to the heterogeneity of maritime transport network in topological rather than in spatial aspects. However, the importance of links and the roles of neighbors of a node has been ignored if not all. To fill this gap, this article introduced the approach of weighted ego network analysis (WENA) to visualize the spatial heterogeneity of the maritime network at global and local levels. The topological connectivity graph of the global marine network was derived, and its structural properties were analyzed. It is found out that the values of the degree of ports follow power-law distribution, which indicates that the global marine network is scale-free, that is, there are few well-connected ports and a majority of less connected ports. The spatial disparities of the network can be described by a core-損eriphery pattern. In global, most of the hubs or ports with extremely high values of degree locate in the big-three maritime regions including Far East, North America, and West Europe. Along the peripheral belts of the three regions, there are lots of less connected small ports. A different hierarchical structure of six continents was captured by WENA. It is found that Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa showcase a pyramid-shaped hierarchical structure with a scale-free feature similar to the entire network, while South America and Oceania exhibit the fusiform hierarchy like small-world networks. It is proposed that such spatial inequality and heterogeneity were caused by the geographical environments such as the hub-and-spoke organization, the embedded trade pattern, and the proximity of location. These findings help us to understand the characteristics of the international trade pattern and shed light on the strategies of development for the industry stakeholders.



[ Liu C J, Hu Z H.Robustness research of global container shipping network based on complex network[J]. Journal of Guangxi University (Nat Sci Ed), 2016,41(5):1441-1448. ]


[ Peng P, Cheng S F, Liu X L, et al.The robustness evaluation of global maritime transportation networks[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(12):2241-2251. ]

Woolley-Meza O, Thiemann C, Grady D, et al.Complexity in human transportation networks: A comparative analysis of worldwide air transportation and global cargo-ship movements[J]. The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2011,84(4):589-600.



[ Li C Y, Ma R G,Wang Y P, et al.Characteristics and structure analysis of urban slow mode traffic network[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2011,11(2):72-78. ]


[ Yuan W G, Liu Y, Cheng J J, et al.Empirical analysis of microblog centrality and spread influence based on Bi-directional connection[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013,62(3):389001-389010. ]



[ Lv Y Q, Zheng X Q, Zhou L.Relationships between street centrality and spatial distribution of functional urban land use: A case study of Beijing central city[J]. Geographical research, 2017,36(7):1353-1363.

Wang C J, Wang J E.Spatial pattern of the global shipping network and its hub-and-spoke system[J]. Research in Transportation Economics, 2011,32(1):54-63.Port system is a research focus of transport geography, and most studies believe carriers are important factors in the development and concentration of the port system. Since the 1990s, carriers have played an important role in organizing the global shipping network and reorganizing the port system. But there isn-檛 a perfect method to evaluate carriers- influence and the roles of each port in the maritime shipping networks. In this paper, we use the monthly schedule table of international carriers to describe and model the spatial pattern of the global shipping network and identify its hub-and-spoke system. The result shows that a hierarchical structure exists in the global shipping network. The North Hemisphere, especially the East Asia and the Southeast Asia, is a dominant region of the worldwide shipping network. East Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Europe, and East coast of the USA are the concentration regions of worldwide shipping lines. The ports of Hong Kong, Singapore, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Kaohsiung etc have advanced capacity for maritime shipping and high potentials for being hub ports in the global shipping network. Today, the worldwide shipping network is transforming from the multi-port calling system to 44 regional hub-and-spoke systems. Meanwhile, the sub-networks with hub ports of Antwerp, Singapore, and Hong Kong have become the most important ones and dominate the whole global shipping network.


Laxe F G, Seoane M J F, Montes C P. Maritime degree, centrality and vulnerability: Port hierarchies and emerging areas in containerized transport (2008-2010)[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2012,24:33-44.The reaction to the financial and economic crisis has shown a new redesign of scenarios taking into account the changes made by maritime companies choosing different ports. In this research, containerized traffic evolution in 2008 and 2010 is described, both in big ports and geographic regions as from the emergent port activity areas. Database used is a sample of the world containership fleet movements that have called in some Chinese port in the years analysed. Calculus methodologies based on Graph Theory are applied to this set of data, able to give information about the global and local importance of a port given. Containerized goods transportation network have been contracted between 2008 and 2010 respect the port throughput, but there- no contraction in the distribution capacity of the main hub ports, which seem to have adopted commercial diversification strategies and foreland expansion. On the other hand, port emergent regions placed in the entrance and exit of Panama Canal will have important business opportunities.


Ducruet C.Network diversity and maritime flows[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2013,30:77-88.Coupled and interdependent networks constitute a relatively recent research field that has been so far little invested by port and maritime specialists. The extent to which certain ports benefit from being connected to multiple commodity flows in the maritime network has in fact been poorly addressed. A global database of merchant vessel inter-port movements that occurred in October and November 2004 allows building the respective weighted graphs of solid bulk, liquid bulk, container, general cargo, and passenger/vehicles. Main results underline a very strong influence of commodity diversity on the distribution of maritime traffics among ports and links between them. The research also underlines the role of different regional settings in the specialization of traffic flows.


Caschili S, Medda F, Parola F, et al.An analysis of shipping agreements: The cooperative container network[J]. Networks and spatial Economics, 2014,14(3-4):357-377.The recent economic downturn has intensified the need for cooperation among carriers in the container shipping industry. Indeed, carriers join inter-firm networks for several reasons such as achieving economies of scale, scope, and the search for new markets. In this paper we apply network analysis and construct the Cooperative Container Network in order to study how shipping companies integrate and coordinate their activities and to investigate the topology and hierarchical structure of inter-carrier relationships. Our data set is comprised of 65 carriers that provide 603 container services. The results indicate that the Cooperative Container Network (CCN) belongs to the family of small world networks. This finding suggests that the most cooperative companies are small-to-medium-size carriers that engage in commercial agreements in order to reduce costs and, when in partnership with larger carriers, these cooperative companies are able to compete, especially against the largest carriers. However shipping companies with high capacity engage in cooperation with other carriers by merely looking for local partners in order to increase their local and specialized market penetration.


Yu H C, Fang Z X, Peng G J, et al.Revealing the linkage network dynamic structures of Chinese maritime ports through automatic information system data[J]. Sustainability, 2017,9(10):1913.Marine economic cooperation has emerged as a major theme in this era of globalization; hence, maritime network connectivity and dynamics have attracted more and more attention. Port construction and maritime route improvements increase maritime trade and thus facilitate economic viability and resource sustainability. This paper reveals the regional dimension of inter-port linkage dynamic structure of Chinese maritime ports from a complex multilayer perspective that is meaningful for strategic forecasting and regional long-term economic development planning. In this research, Automatic Information System (AIS)-derived traffic flows were used to construct a maritime network and subnetworks based on the geographical locations of ports. The linkage intensity between subnetworks, the linkage tightness within subnetworks, the spatial isolation between high-intensity backbones and tight skeleton networks, and a linkage concentration index for each port were calculated. The ports, in turn, were analyzed based on these network attributes. This study analyzed the external competitiveness and internal cohesion of each subnetwork. The results revealed problems in port management and planning, such as unclear divisions in port operations. More critically, weak complementary relationships between the backbone and skeleton networks among the ports reduce connectivity and must be strengthened. This research contributes to the body of work supporting strategic decision-making for future development.


Ducruet C, Notteboom T.The worldwide maritime network of container shipping: Spatial structure and regional dynamics[J]. Global networks, 2012,12(3):395-423.Abstract Port and maritime studies dealing with containerization have observed traffic concentration and dispersion throughout the world. Globalization, intermodal transportation, and technological revolutions in the shipping industry have resulted in both network extension and rationalization. However, lack of precise data on inter-port relations prevent the application of wider network theories to global maritime container networks, which are often examined through case studies of specific firms or regions. In this article, we present an analysis of the global liner shipping network in 1996 and 2006, a period of rapid change in port hierarchies and liner service configurations. While we refer to literature on port system development, shipping networks, and port selection, the article is one of the only analyses of the properties of the global container shipping network. We analyse the relative position of ports in the global network through indicators of centrality. The results reveal a certain level of robustness in the global shipping network. While transhipment hub flows and gateway flows might slightly shift among nodes in the network, the network properties remain rather stable in terms of the main nodes polarizing the network and the overall structure of the system. In addition, mapping the changing centrality of ports confirms the impacts of global trade and logistics shifts on the port hierarchy and indicates that changes are predominantly geographic.


Li Z F, Xu M Q, Shi Y L.Centrality in global shipping network basing on worldwide shipping areas[J]. GeoJournal, 2015,80(1):47-60.Port and maritime studies dealing with containerization have observed close correlation between global liner shipping and world trade, and centrality in global shipping network (GSN) may change as the situation of world economy and trade changes. Meanwhile, the influence that shipping areas have on the GSN is much greater than any single port, and connections between these shipping areas affect the structure of the GSN. This paper wishes to understand the dynamic changing of the centrality in the GSN during the period from 2001 to 2012, which sees both booms and depressions in world economy and liner shipping. The paper divides global shipping into 25 areas from geographical perspective, and presents an analysis of each shipping area- position in the GSN through indicators of centrality. The results reveal that to a large extent Europe is always in the center of the GSN from 2001 to 2012, but its central position is declining. Additionally, mapping the centrality distribution of those shipping areas in the latest year confirms their current positions in the GSN.


Jiang J, Lee L H, Chew E P, et al.Port connectivity study: An analysis framework from a global container liner shipping network perspective[J]. Transportation research part E: Logistics and transportation review, 2015,73:47-64.This paper introduces an analysis framework for port connectivity from a global container liner shipping network perspective: it is defined in terms of the impact on the transportation network when the transshipment service is not available at the evaluated port. Under this framework, two models for port connectivity are introduced from transportation time and capacity. Compared with existing measures, the strength of our framework and models is not only that it provides scientific methods to compute port connectivity, but it is able to capture a global effect on how port connectivity contributes to the overall network for given shipping services.


Calatayud A, Mangan J, Palacin R.Connectivity to international markets: A multi-layered network approach[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2017,61:61-71.Abstract Improving connectivity for freight movements between countries is increasingly a topic at the centre of the international trade and transport policy agendas. In spite of this, a method to asses a country's degree of connectivity to its international markets for freight is still missing. To close this gap, this paper proposes a multi-layered network approach that enables the assessment of: (i) the different factors that influence connectivity to international markets; and (ii) the extent to which a country's connections matter for its international trade activities. The international trade network and its ‘support network’ are analysed using network theory. The approach proposed is applied to the Americas, a region the relevant literature has not specifically focused on yet. It is expected that a comprehensive understanding and assessment of the determinants of connectivity for freight will contribute to guide and design more effective policies to remove barriers to international trade flows.


Fugazza M, Hoffmann J.Liner shipping connectivity as determinant of trade[J]. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 2017,2(1):1-18.AbstractTransport connectivity is a crucial determinant of bilateral exports. This paper presents an empirical assessment of the relationship between bilateral maritime liner shipping connectivity and exports in containerizable goods during the period 2006–2013. Making use of probed “gravity” type trade models, the paper incorporates new data on different measurements of maritime distance, as well as a unique new dataset and new bilateral connectivity indices developed by UNCTAD. The empirical investigations unequivocally show that lacking a direct maritime connection with a trade partner is associated with lower values of exports; any additional transshipment is associated with a 40% lower value of bilateral exports. Other indicators of liner shipping connectivity incorporated in the research take into consideration levels of competition and container vessel sizes. Results also indicate that the quality of bilateral connectivity as measured by several composite indices is a crucial determinant of bilateral exports. All empirical results suggest that in the absence of a bilateral connectivity indicator the impact of distance on bilateral exports in classical gravity models is likely to be overestimated.


Kaluza P, Kölzsch A, Gastner M T, et al.The complex network of global cargo ship movements[J]. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2010,7(48):1093-1103.Transportation networks play a crucial role in human mobility, the exchange of goods, and the spread of invasive species. With 90% of world trade carried by sea, the global network of merchant ships provides one of the most important modes of transportation. Here we use information about the itineraries of 16,363 cargo ships during the year 2007 to construct a network of links between ports. We show that the network has several features which set it apart from other transportation networks. In particular, most ships can be classified in three categories: bulk dry carriers, container ships and oil tankers. These three categories do not only differ in the ships' physical characteristics, but also in their mobility patterns and networks. Container ships follow regularly repeating paths whereas bulk dry carriers and oil tankers move less predictably between ports. The network of all ship movements possesses a heavy-tailed distribution for the connectivity of ports and for the loads transported on the links with systematic differences between ship types. The data analyzed in this paper improve current assumptions based on gravity models of ship movements, an important step towards understanding patterns of global trade and bioinvasion.


Ducruet C, Lee S W, Ng A K Y. Port competition and network polarization in the East Asian maritime corridor. Territoire en mouvement[J]. 2011,10:60-74.

Tsiotas D, Polyzos S.Effects in the network topology due to node aggregation: Empirical evidence from the domestic maritime transportation in Greece[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018,491:71-88.react-text: 165 Maritime networks of coastal and insular countries constitute fundamental transportation systems affecting the economy and the developmental dynamics of their countries. Under this perspective, the present article studies the Greek Maritime transportation Network (GMN), by using a complex network approach for the part of structural analysis and empirical techniques for the socioeconomic... /react-text react-text: 166 /react-text [Show full abstract]


Fransoo J C, Lee C Y.The critical role of ocean container transport in global supply chain performance[J]. Production and Operations Management, 2013,22(2):253-268.With supply chains distributed across global markets, ocean container transport now is a critical element of any such supply chain. We identify key characteristics of ocean container transport from a supply chain perspective. We find that unlike continental (road) transport, service offerings tend to be consolidated in few service providers, and a strong focus exists on maximization of capital intensive resources. Based on the characteristics of ocean container transport as part of global supply chains, we list a number of relevant and challenging research areas and associated questions.


Ducruet C, Rozenblat C, Zaidi F.Ports in multi-level maritime networks: evidence from the Atlantic (1996-2006)[J]. Journal of Transport geography, 2010,18(4):508-518.While maritime transport ensures about 90% of world trade volumes, it has not yet attracted as much attention as other transport systems from a graph perspective. As a result, the relative situation and the evolution of seaports within maritime networks are not well understood. This paper wishes verifying to what extent the hub-and-spoke strategies of ports and ocean carriers have modified the structure of a maritime network, based on the Atlantic case. We apply graph measures and clustering methods on liner movements in 1996 and 2006. The methodology also underlines which ports are increasing their position by carriers- circulation patterns on various scales. This research demonstrates that the polarization of the Atlantic network by few dominant ports occurs in parallel with the increased spatial integration of this area by shipping lines.


Wilmsmeier G, Notteboom T.Determinants of liner shipping network configuration: A two-region comparison[J]. GeoJournal, 2011,76(3):213-228.The worldwide network of container transport services is becoming increasingly diffuse. The different strategies of shipping lines, the balance of power between shipping lines and shippers and constraints related to inland transportation all have a potential impact on the development of maritime shipping networks. Moreover, strategic alliances between the port and the shipping industry, which have both been driven by strong concentration processes and vertical integration, have a profound influence on the maritime network structure and also on the grade of integration of a region in the global maritime transport network. This paper seeks to understand the evolution of maritime networks in and between two differently developed regions. The focus is on the trade route and networks between the West Coast of South America and Northern Europe. The paper analyses the network structures and the behaviour of shipping lines in different economic contexts and port systems. Current and historical developments in the two regions under study have led to their relative position within the global maritime network and illustrate the potential implications of being peripheral or central in this network. The empirical results are compared with known strategies of shipping lines. The authors aim to answer the question of how far the configuration of hinterlands determines calling patterns and if strategic alliances and vertical integration reduce footloose behaviour of shipping lines. Further, we discuss how far, under the current configuration, shipping lines influence port development, and also the reverse situation of how far port accessibility and performance influence maritime network developments. The two region approach provides insights on the constraining factors of maritime network development between two differently developed regions and the associated implications for trade development.


Fremont A.Global maritime networks: The case of Maersk[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2007,15(6):431-442.


Song D P, Zhang J, Carter J, et al.On cost-efficiency of the global container shipping network[J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2005,32(1):15-30This paper presents a simple formulation in the form of a pipe network for modelling the global container-shipping network. The cost-efficiency and movement-patterns of the current container-shipping network have been investigated using heuristic methods. The model is able to reproduce the overall incomes, costs, and container movement patterns for the industry as well as for the individual shipping lines and ports. It was found that the cost of repositioning empties is 27% of the total world fleet running cost and that overcapacity continues to be a problem. The model is computationally efficient. Implemented in the Java language, it takes one minute to run a full-scale network on a Pentium IV computer.


Hägerstrand T.The Propagation of Innovation Waves[M].//Lund Studies in Geography: Series B, Human Geography 4. Lund: Royal University of Lund, 1952.

Notteboom T E.The peripheral port challenge in container port systems[C]// Leggate H, Mcconville J, Morvillo A. International Maritime Transport: Perspectives. Routledge: London, 2005:173-188.

Monios J, Wilmsmeier G.Giving a direction to port regionalization[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2012,46(10):1551-1561.As theoretical approaches to port development have advanced over the years, the role of the inland terminal has attracted increasing focus, particularly under the framework of port regionalisation. This paper will explore port regionalisation in different contexts through a greater focus on the drivers and direction of a number of inland terminal development strategies. The paper will build on previous work by combining inland terminal taxonomies and the theory of directional development with traditional port development models. Regionalisation strategies will be compared and contrasted through examples derived from field work undertaken in Europe and the USA. The results contribute towards a disaggregation of the process of port regionalisation, revealing different levels of integration and cooperation observed in different location splitting models. In this way, different strategies will be elucidated, enabling further exploration and more nuanced understanding of the institutional aspects of spatial development.


Monios J, Wilmsmeier G.Port-centric logistics, dry ports and offshore logistics hubs: Strategies to overcome double peripherality[J]. Maritime Policy & Management, 2012,39(2):207-226.

Wilmsmeier G, Sanchez R J.Evolution of national port governance and interport competition in Chile[J]. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2017,22:171-183.The paper describes the gains of technical efficiency in the early years after the reform in a decentralised governance structure and asks whether this governance structure is still congruent in the current environment. Some recent attempts to regain national influence have been inhibited by the institutional setting implemented by port reform. The asymmetries of the institutional capacity local and national level become more evident as the life-cycle of the current concession contracts reaches its end, and the existing institutional structure itself might evolve to be the impediment to change.


Kosowska-Stamirowska Z, Ducruet C, Rai N.Evolving structure of the maritime trade network: Evidence from the Lloyd's Shipping Index (1890-2000)[J]. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 2016,1(1):10-27.Over 90 % of the world trade volumes is being carried by sea nowadays. This figure shows the massive importance of the maritime trade routes for the world economy. However, the evolution of their structure over time is a white spot in the modern literature. In this paper we characterise and study topological changes of the maritime trade network and how they translate into navigability properties of this network. In order to do so we use tools from Graph Theory and Computer Science to describe the maritime trade network at different points in time between 1890 and 2000, based on the data on daily movements of ships. We also propose two new measures of network navigability based on a random walk procedure: random walk discovery and escape difficulty . By studying the maritime network evolution we find that it optimizes over time, increasing its navigability while doubling the number of active ports. Our findings suggest that unlike in other real world evolving networks studied in the literature up to date, the maritime network does not densify over time and its effective diameter remains constant.


Ducruet C.Multilayer dynamics of complex spatial networks: The case of global maritime flows(1977-2008)[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2017,60:47-58.This article investigates the degree of overlap among the different layers of circulation composing global maritime flows in recent decades. Mobilizing several methods originating from complex networks allows us to shed new light on specialization and diversification dynamics affecting the evolution of ports and shipping. The principal confirm the strong and path-dependent influence of multiplexity on traffic volume, range of interaction and centrality from various perspectives, such as matrices correlations, homophily, assortativity, and single linkage analysis. While the network grows and concentrates around large hubs over time, traffic distribution is also place-dependent due to the reinforced position of already established nodes.


Xu M Q, Li Z F, Shi Y L, et al.Evolution of regional inequality in the global shipping network[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015,44:1-12.Global shipping is a backbone of the global economy, and as such, it evolves alongside the development of trade and the elaboration of commodity chains. This paper investigates the evolution of regional inequality in the global shipping network by analyzing the changing positions of world regions during the period from 2001 to 2012. This was a period of both prosperity and recession in maritime shipping. Using data on inter-regional flow connections, the positions of seventeen regions in the global shipping network are analyzed in terms of their traffic development, centrality, dominance and vulnerability. The East Asian, Northwest European and Europe Mediterranean regions have consistently held the highest positions, while East African and North African regions have held the lowest positions. By commanding the largest flows in the network, East Asia assumes a dominant position. The Australasian, North American West Coast, Northwest European and Southern African regions show an increasing dependency on East Asia. The analysis also identifies a few emerging regions that have had the highest growth rates in total traffic volume and connectivity for the studied period, namely South American North Coast, South American East Coast, West Africa, Southern Africa and West Asia. The empirical results of this paper supplement existing research on global shipping network evolution. One implication of the analysis is that the traffic growth of East Asia does not imply that, there is an equivalent improvement in its position in the global shipping network. The paper also shows that indicators from network analysis may be used to provide a more nuanced understanding of port-regional development than existing measures based solely on total traffic volume.


Wilmsmeier G, Monios J, Pérez-Salas G.Port system evolution: The case of Latin America and the Caribbean[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2014,39:208-221.Results show that the manufacturing of strategic locations can be successful and may have driven the emergence of secondary ports in the LAC system. This finding demonstrates how path dependence can be challenged by new developments, the identification and success of which are nevertheless contingent on factors such as the first mover advantage, port planning regimes and diversification of port roles. The paper identifies some of the key factors influencing the transition of a port system from concentration at a few dominant ports to a deconcentrated system of primary and secondary ports, which can be applied to other port systems in future research.


Tavasszy L, Minderhoud M, Perrin J F, et al.A strategic network choice model for global container flows: Specification, estimation and application[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011,19(6):1163-1172.Container flows have been booming for decades. Expectations for the 21st century are less certain due to changes in climate and energy policy, increasing congestion and increased mobility of production factors. This paper presents a strategic model for the movement of containers on a global scale in order to analyse possible shifts in future container transport demand and the impacts of transport policies thereon. The model predicts yearly container flows over the world- shipping routes and passing through 437 container ports around the world, based on trade information to and from all countries, taking into account more than 800 maritime container liner services. The model includes import, export and transhipment flows of containers at ports, as well as hinterland flows. The model was calibrated against observed data and is able to reproduce port throughput statistics rather accurately. The paper also introduces a scenario analysis to understand the impact of future, uncertain developments in container flows on port throughput. The scenarios include the effects of slow steaming, an increase in land based shipping costs and an increased use of large scale infrastructures such as the Trans-Siberian rail line and the opening of Arctic shipping routes. These scenarios provide an indication of the uncertainty on the expected port throughputs, with a particular focus on the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.


