Journal of Geo-information Science >
Analysis on the Trade Networks of the Belt and Road Countries and Regions under Large Scale Shipping Data
Online published: 2018-05-20
Supported by
Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,No.ZDRW-ZS-2016-6.
Among the 65 countries along the Belt and Road, 46 countries have registered ports of entry. At the same time, the trade by maritime shipping account for more than 75% of the total international trade. In order to fully understand the shipping trade in the countries and regions along the Belt and Road and assess the trade relations between countries and regions along the Belt and Road, we selected data which depicts the shipping history movements of the countries along the Belt and Road in the year of 2016 for study in this paper. Firstly, based on the method of rule determination, we excavated the Stop-port events of ships. By use of the ports in the countries of the Belt and Road as the main nodes, and the inter-port cargo transactions events as the edges, we have built the Belt and Road international shipping trade network. Based on this, the following network structure analyses of trade networks were conducted: (1) basic attributes analysis of the Belt and Road trade network, including network connectivity, degree distribution and average shortest path; (2) calculation of network node centrality, mainly using Eigenvector Centrality to evaluate the centrality of nodes in the trade network; (3) Using the concept of community mining in social network mining as the reference, and using the Fast Unfolding algorithm to discover the community of trading network. It can be seen that the trade between the countries and regions along the Belt and Road is intricately interwoven. By analyzing the degree distribution of nodes in the trade network, it can be clearly seen that there are small-world networks within the Belt and Road trade network. Further, Turkey, Russia and China are the three most influential counties in terms of the ports influence. By analyzing the results of the community detection, five major trade communities were identified. The distribution of these communities is basically in line with the geographical distribution. However, there are still some countries that are affected by special trade practices and their communities have broken regional restrictions. By building the trading network under large scale ship data, we evaluated the node's influence and analyzed the structure of the trade network more clearly on the basis of network analysis, and we hope this paper can help to better implement the Belt and Road Initiative strategy.
SUN Tao , WU Lin , WANG Fei , WANG Qi , CHEN Zhao , XU Yongjun . Analysis on the Trade Networks of the Belt and Road Countries and Regions under Large Scale Shipping Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(5) : 593 -601 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180066
Fig. 1 Distribution of ports of the Belt and Road countries and regions图1 “一带一路”国家和区域港口分布 |
Fig. 2 A schematic diagram of a ship's trajectory图2 船舶轨迹示意图 |
Fig. 3 Trade network building process based on shipping data图3 基于航运数据的贸易网络搭建流程 |
Fig. 4 The Belt and Road trade network图4 “一带一路”贸易网络 |
Fig. 5 Node degree distribution of the Belt and Road trade network图5 “一带一路”贸易网络节点度分布 |
Tab. 1 Top 10 centrality port表1 贸易网络中心度排名前10的港口 |
序号 | 港口名称 | 所属国家 | 中心度 |
1 | NINGBO-ZHOUSHAN | 中国 | 1.000000 |
2 | KEPPEL | 新加坡 | 0.699081 |
3 | JURONG ISLAND | 新加坡 | 0.655534 |
4 | PULAU BUKOM | 新加坡 | 0.555983 |
5 | RIZHAO | 中国 | 0.525089 |
6 | TANJUNG PELEPAS | 马来西亚 | 0.513386 |
7 | HUANGPU | 中国 | 0.505709 |
8 | PORT KLANG | 马来西亚 | 0.497864 |
9 | TIANJIN XIN GAGN | 中国 | 0.497709 |
10 | TAICANG | 中国 | 0.497351 |
Fig. 6 "The Belt and Road" main trade route图6 “一带一路”主贸易干线 |
Fig. 7 The top 100 port countries of the trade community network center图7 贸易社区网络中心度排名前100的港口国家分布 |
Fig. 8 The distribution of the trade network community with the port as the node图8 以港口为节点的贸易网络社区分布 |
Fig. 9 The division of the trade network community with the port as the node图9 以港口为节点的贸易网络社区划分 |
Fig. 10 The division of the trade network community with the state as the node图10 以国家为节点的贸易网络社区划分 |
Fig. 11 The number of nodes of the trade network community under different disturbances图11 不同扰动下贸易网络社区包含节点数量对比 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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