Typical Spatial Distribution of Merchant Vessels and Trade Flow in South China Sea

  • MEI Qiang , 1, 2 ,
  • WU Lin 3 ,
  • PENG Peng 4 ,
  • ZHOU Peng 1 ,
  • CHEN Jinhai , 1, 2, *
  • 1. Navigation college, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China
  • 2. National-local Joint Engineering Research Center for Marine Navigation Aids Services, Xiamen 36102, China
  • 3. Institute of computing technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • 4. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: CHEN Jinhai, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-12-28

  Request revised date: 2018-03-22

  Online published: 2018-05-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41501490

Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.ZDRW-ZS-2016-6-3

Fujian Provincial Educational Department Fundation, No.JAT160257

Fujian Provincial Teaching Reform Fundation, No.JZ160302

Li Shangda College Fundation, No.ZC2016005.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


With the deepening of China's opening to the outside world and the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative, South China Sea, as an important gateway to China's opening-up and a vital joint for important sea-routes gathering in the world, is embodying prominently strategic position. How to ensure the safety of routes and regulate the vessels sailing in the open water of the south China Sea, safeguard national rights and enhance regional trade is a difficult problem for governmental administrators. In this paper, we excavated the typical spatial distribution of vessels by calculating and visualizing the traffic density of navigation in the South China Sea to analyze the main routes selected by full use of the satellite AIS data of South China sea in 2015 and vessel information database, so the habitual routes could be detected in this region. On the other hand, the statistics on the number of vessels in South China Sea were computed by the statistic line set to find the peak points of the vessel crossing data on the main routes being selected by the most of vessels. Via the above steps, the typical spatial distribution of vessels was defined clearly. Meanwhile, the main flow of trades in South China Sea was determined based on 4 dominant sorts (Bulk, Container, Oil&Chemical and Ro-Ro) of vessels' main routes selected. Research indicated that: (1) The main routes followed the authoritative sailing book《Admiralty Ocean Passage for the World》, which provides sailors with the routes consisting of the waypoints recommended. As a result, the construction and development have little influence on the navigation in this region. Maritime safety administrator can set traffic separation scheme efficiently based on this research; (2) Long-distance shipping is the major mode of transportation. Pearl River Delta being one of the main ends of trade flow indicates the China's dominant position in the South China Sea Trade. This research also attracts more attention to the Beibu Gulf and Hainan Island’s trade potentiality.

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MEI Qiang , WU Lin , PENG Peng , ZHOU Peng , CHEN Jinhai . Typical Spatial Distribution of Merchant Vessels and Trade Flow in South China Sea[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(5) : 632 -639 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180017

1 引言

Fig. 1 Main recommended routes for merchant vessels in South China Sea

图1 《世界大洋航路》南海区域主要商船推荐航路

通过挖掘海上船舶空间位置数据,构建海上航行特征图是目前跟踪全球船舶行为特征[15,16]、规范船舶秩序的基本手段之一[17]。由于船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)能实时获取船舶的位置点、速度、航向等信息,可以很好地反映船舶的货运状态,因此在本文中选取2015年南海区域卫星AIS数据与船舶档案数据(www.hilfeet.com),利用船舶轨迹地理网格分布构建典型吨位区间的船舶交通密度图,并通过关键门线设置对航路上的通过船舶进行统计,明确南海船舶典型空间分布;同时根据不同种类船舶典型空间分布,分析研究南海上货物主要贸易流向。本论文的研究成果可为海事部门集约资源重点执法,保障“海上丝绸之路”运输安全,科学规划管理航路提供理论支持,亦可作为“一带一路”倡议下政府部门优化码头资源,增加贸易航线的参考依据。

2 研究区与方法

2.1 研究区概况

南海水域4个航区分别是东沙及周边海域 (19°~24° N之间,113°30′ E以东水域,主体水域20°20′~21°20′ N,包括东沙群岛、中国广东及台湾以南水域);西沙及周边海域(13°~22°N之间, 113°30′E以西水域,主体水域15°42′~17°08′N, 111°10′ ~112°54′ E内);中沙及周边海域(13°~19°N之间,113°30′ E以东水域,主体水域15°24′~16°15′N,113°40′~114°57′E内,包括中沙群岛、黄岩岛及菲律宾以西水域);南沙及周边海域(2°~13°N之间,不包括泰国湾水域,主体水域3°37′~11°55′N, 109°33′~117°50′E内)[14,18]

2.2 实验数据

通过AIS数据能够实时获得船舶与航次相关的静态信息、动态信息,有助于对航次起到整体监控的作用。但由于甚高频信号传输距离的限制,捕捉类似于南海这样的远洋区域的船舶AIS数据来源只能选用卫星AIS接收装置[19]。本实验AIS数据由中国科学院计算所提供,数据抽取区域选取5°~22° N,106° ~122° E区域,数据时间范围为2015年,数据集共800 991 250条信息,包括船舶的MMSI、经纬度坐标、航速、航向等。根据AIS数据中船用移动识别码(MMSI)、发送的时刻、船舶的位置,结合船舶档案数据库中船舶种类,船旗国等信息,构建船舶 x 的数据模型[20]可表示为:
S x = ( m x , p x , t x , c x , f x , g t x ) (1)
式中: m 为船舶的MMSI码; p 为船舶的位置; t 为发出AIS数据的时刻; c 为船舶的种类; f 为船旗国; gt 为船舶总吨数。

2.3 研究方法

TrafficDensit y i m = s = 1 s h ip ¯ count CrossingCoun t i s Tim e mout h ¯ m × Are a grid ¯ i = C rossingCountSu m i Tim e mout h ¯ m × Are a grid ¯ i (2)
式中: S h ip ¯ count 表示经过船舶总数目; CrossingCoun t i s 表示第s艘船经过了栅格i的总次数; Tim e mout h ¯ m 表示该月的总时间; Are a grid ¯ i 表示栅格i的面积;CrossingCountSumi表示所有经过栅格i的总次数[20]
图2所示,船舶由P1经过P2到达P3,红色的网格为船舶经过的区域。求船舶交通密度即计算单位时间网格单元内船舶通过量的期望值,当船舶轨迹与网格 i 相交,则 CrossingCountSu m i 加1。通过热图的自适应色谱对式(2)中的交通密度计算结果的渐变性进行展示,即显示交通密度随颜色由浅到深递增[21]
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of traffic density calculation

图2 交通密度计算示意图

通过设置航道断面,对来往船舶进行统计发掘交通流规律常被学者所采用[22]。在本文中门线判定算法基于船舶在时间上相邻的2个位置点的坐标确定的线段(称为航迹向量)与门线的2个端点的坐标确定的线段(称为门线向量)的相对位置,来判定船舶是否经过门线:判断门线向量 v 1 v 2 和航迹向量 v 3 v 4 是否相交(图3(a)),则需同时满足以下2个条件:
① 向量 v 3 v 4 的2个端点在向量 v 1 v 2 的两侧,即向量积 v 1 v 2 × v 1 v 3 与向量积 v 1 v 2 × v 1 v 4 异号,如图3(b)所示。
② 向量 v 1 v 2 的2个端点在向量 v 3 v 4 的两侧,即向量积 v 3 v 4 × v 3 v 1 与向量积 v 3 v 4 × v 3 v 2 异号,如图3(c)所示。
Fig. 3 Flow diagram of judging intersection of v1v2 and v3v4

图3 判断v1v2v3v4相交流程图

3 南海水域商船典型空间分布研究

3.1 南海商船主要航路选择研究

图4所示,交通密度图中渐变性的颜色反映典型吨位区间船舶空间分布,南海作为全球贸易大通道,总吨大于10 000船舶为贸易运输的主力,该区间船舶包括巴拿马型及以上的干散货船和油船,3000标准箱(TEU)及以上的集装箱船,船长150 m以上的滚装船与液化天然气与液化石油气(LNG&LPG)船舶。通过计算该吨位区间的交通密度,如图4(a)-(c)所示南海贸易主要航路如下:
从船舶的空间分布来看,主要贸易航路走向与《世界大洋航路》推荐基本相符,证实南海周边的开发并未影响到船舶的运输主航路。巴拉巴克海峡北面、巴拉望水道以西的大片空白区域属于南海中航行复杂,浅滩纵横的区域,船舶空间分布数量稀疏,海图上标记为“Dangerous Ground”即存在大量浅滩与珊瑚礁,船舶交通流异常稀疏符合事实。
非大宗货运运输船舶如吨位5000~10 000的船舶主要包括邮轮、船长100~140 m散货船、集装箱船,油化船、滚装船和LNG&LPG,此类船已具有抗大风浪远海作业的能力,但对于长途大宗运输来说经济性不足,通常不会被选择使用,所以在图4(d)中典型空间分布呈现“外贸兼顾,内贸为主”的特点,南海主航路上的交通密度远小于沿岸区域之间的交通密度;吨位小于5000的船舶,如图4(e)-(f)所示,多以承担港口周边或者短途货物转运的作业为主,此类船舶多分布于沿岸及港口湾区。
Fig. 4 Traffic density maps of ships' gt in different intervals

图4 典型吨位区间船舶的交通密度图

3.2 关键门线上船舶典型流量分布

测算船舶在门线的流量,可从横向度量船舶在航路上的空间分布状况。设置的关键门线如下: ① 设置北纬15°纬线作为门线统计整个南海南北向船舶流量分布;② 设置浪花礁至中沙群岛门线统计珠江三角洲及台湾海峡至新加坡间航路船舶流量分布;③ 设置岘港至永兴岛门线统计北部湾、珠江三角洲港口与南海间航路船舶流量分布;④ 设置中沙至黄岩岛门线统计从东北亚进新加坡运输主航路的流量分布;⑤ 设置东沙群岛与吕宋岛北门线,统计从台湾海峡、台湾以东南下的双向航路船舶流量分布;⑥ 设置台湾至吕宋岛北之间门线,统计经过巴士海峡、菲北海峡的船舶流量分布。如图5所示。
(1)如图5(a)所示北纬15°门线上的南北流量分布在2个高峰位置,分别为118.5°~120° E区域与112°~113° E区域,前者贴近吕宋岛为南下澳洲、印尼的主要航路所在;后者为浪花礁以南珠江三角洲和台湾海峡前往新加坡航路汇聚结点;
(2)浪花礁与中沙群岛之间流量高峰位置位于(16.1° N,112.7° E)~(16° N, 113.5° E)范围(图5(b)),并且靠近浪花礁一侧的船舶流量明显较大;
(3)岘港至永兴岛之间存在2个流量高峰位置(图5(c)):(16.2° N, 108.5° E)~(16.2° N, 108.7°E),靠近岘港港区及越南沿岸;(16.5° N, 111° E)~ (16.6° N,111.2° E)区域,为珠江三角洲船舶南下马六甲的冬季航线的穿越范围;
(4)中沙群岛至黄岩岛门线数量高点位于(15.6° N,115.5° E)~(15.5° N,115.9° E)范围内,如图5(d)所示;
(5)东沙群岛与吕宋岛北门线数量高点在(19.5° N,118.8° E)~(18.6° N,120.4° E)的区域,如图5(e)所示;
(6)台湾至吕宋岛北之间门线,覆盖巴士海峡、菲北海峡,如图5(f)所示,门线船舶数量分布均匀,流量高峰靠近台湾以南到巴士海峡,在(21.2° N,120.6° E)~(21.4° N, 120.6° E)区域。
Fig. 5 Charts of vessels crossing statistics lines in South China Sea

图5 南海船舶通过数量门线统计图

4 南海典型货物的贸易流向分析

(2)集装箱船的典型分布体现明显的“Hub to Hub”的贸易方式,即马六甲海峡与珠江三角洲地区作为世界重要集装箱枢纽港聚集区域之一,整个南海的集装箱船基本围绕这2个地区之间来回运输;而马尼拉,岘港、胡志明市作为地区的枢纽中心,与这两个地区的贸易交往也频繁于与其他地区;
Fig. 6 Traffic density maps of four main types of vessels

图6 4种主要船型船舶交通密度图

5 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Qu X, Meng Q, Suyi L.Ship collision risk assessment for the Singapore Strait[J]. Accident, analysis and prevention, 2011,43(6):2030-2036.The Singapore Strait is considered as the bottleneck and chokepoint of the shipping routes connecting the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the ship collision risk assessment is of significant importance for ships passing through the narrow, shallow, and busy waterway. In this paper, three ship collision risk indices are initially proposed to quantitatively assess the ship collision risks in the Strait: index of speed dispersion, degree of acceleration and deceleration, and number of fuzzy ship domain overlaps. These three risk indices for the Singapore Strait are estimated by using the real-time ship locations and sailing speeds provide by Lloyd's MIU automatic identification system (AIS). Based on estimation of these three risk indices, it can be concluded that Legs 4W, 5W, 11E, and 12E are the most risky legs in the Strait. Therefore, the ship collision risk reduction solutions should be prioritized being implemented in these four legs. This study also finds that around 25% of the vessels sail with a speed in excess of the speed limit, which results in higher potentials of ship collision. Analysis indicates that the safety level would be significantly improved if all the vessels follow the passage guidelines.


Weng J, Meng Q, Qu X.Vessel collision frequency estimation in the Singapore Strait[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2012,65(2):207-221.This paper aims to estimate Vessel Collision Frequency in the Singapore Strait. This frequency is obtained as the product of the number of Vessel Conflicts and the causation probability using the real-time vessel movement data from the Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit (Lloyd's MIU) database. The results show that the container carriers have the highest Vessel Collision Frequency while Roll-On Roll-Off (RORO) and passenger ships have the lowest frequency. Tankers cause the highest head-on collision frequency. In the Singapore Strait, the most risky overtaking area is between longitudes 103°48′E and 104°12′E. The most risky head-on area is between longitudes 103°50′E and 104°00′E while the majority of crossing collisions occur between longitudes 103°50′E and 104°12′E. The Vessel Collision Frequency is found to be 1·75 per year in the traffic lanes. Currently, westbound traffic in the Strait is more risky than eastbound traffic (the number of westbound collisions in July was 0·0991 while the number of eastbound collisions was 0·0470). Furthermore, the estimated Vessel Collision Frequency during the day is less than that at night. The results of this paper could be beneficial for the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore to further enhance the navigational safety strategies implemented in the Singapore Strait.


汤敏惠.南海定线制规划[J].珠江水运,2014(21):76-78. [ Tang H M. TSS scheduled in South China Sea[J]. Pearl River Shipping, 2014(21):76-78. ]

Admiralty. Ocean passages for the World (NP136)[M]. London: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. 2014:169-210.

中国航海学会,上海海事大学.南海航行研究报告. [ EB/OL]. .

China Institute of Navigation, Shanghai Maritime University. Research Report on Navigation status in the South China Sea[EB/OL]. .

Harm G, Marlene A, Torkild E, et al.Completeness and accuracy of a wide-area maritime situational picture based on automatic ship reporting systems[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2016,69(1):156-168.Automatic ship reporting systems (AIS 090009 Automatic identification System, LRIT 090009 Long Range Identification and Tracking, VMS 090009 Vessel Monitoring System) today allow global tracking of ships. One way to display the results is in a map of current ship positions over an area of interest, the Maritime Situational Picture (MSP). The MSP is dynamic and must be created by fusing the reporting systems' messages, constructing ship tracks and predicting ship positions to correct for latency especially in the case of AIS received by satellite which forms the bulk of the data. This paper discusses the completeness of the resulting MSP and the accuracy of its positions, quantifying the additional value of the individual data sources.


Vespe M, Greidanus H, Alvarez M A.The declining impact of piracy on maritime transport in the Indian Ocean: Statistical analysis of 5-year vessel tracking data[J]. Marine Policy, 2015,59: 9-15.The analysis of the declining impact of piracy on maritime routes and vessel behaviours in the Indian Ocean is here performed using Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) reports. A 5-year archive of vessel position data covering the period characterized by the highest number of attacks and the subsequent decline provides a unique source for data-driven statistical analysis that highlights changes in routing and sailing speeds. The work, besides demonstrating the value of LRIT data for statistical maritime traffic analysis, can be used to ultimately provide quantitative support to the estimates of the additional fuel consumption due to piracy. In showing the return of the North-揝outh traffic to the shortest path, the results testify to the effectiveness of the efforts put in place against piracy in the Western Indian Ocean.


Chen J, Lu F, Peng G.A quantitative approach for delineating principal fairways of ship passages through a strait[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2015,103(103):188-197.61A cross-disciplinary application of ecological methods for maritime engineering.61A rigorous mathematical framework for delineating principal fairways boundaries.61Geo-visualise the effect of seasonal and directional factors for maritime corridors.61Identify the gaps between existing TSSs and cumulative activity patterns for vessel groups.



[ China Maritime Safety Administration.Sailing direction from South China Sea to Malacca Strait[M]. Beijing:China Communication Press, 2017:1-5. ]

李丽娜. 航海自动化[M].北京:人民交通出版社,2012:198-214.

[ Li L N.Navigaion Automation[M]. Beijing: China Communication Press, 2012:198-214. ]

Lin W, Xu Y, Qi W, et al.Mapping global shipping density from AIS Data[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2016,70(1):67-81.Mapping global shipping density, including vessel density and traffic density, is important to reveal the distribution of ships and traffic. The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automatic reporting system widely installed on ships initially for collision avoidance by reporting their kinematic and identity information continuously. An algorithm was created to account for errors in the data when ship tracks seem to u2018jumpu2019 large distances, an artefact resulting from the use of duplicate identities. The shipping density maps, including the vessel and traffic density maps, as well as AIS receiving frequency maps, were derived based on around 20 billion distinct records during the period from August 2012 to April 2015. Map outputs were created in three different spatial resolutions: 1u00b0 latitude by 1u00b0 longitude, 10 minutes latitude by 10 minutes longitude, and 1 minute latitude by 1 minute longitude. The results show that it takes only 56 hours to process these records to derive the density maps, 1u00b77 hours per month on average, including data retrieval, computation and updating of the database.



[ Ning J Q, Huang T, Diao B Y, et al.A fine grained grid-based maritime traffic density algorithm for mass ship trajectory data[J]. Computer Engineering and Science, 2015,37(12):2242-2249. ]


Li H X,Fang X.Statistical method research of vessel traffic flow based on AIS[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering), 2011,35(4):853-857.

