A Screen-based Method for Rendering 3D Linear Map Symbol

  • LIU Junyan ,
  • CHEN Yaqian ,
  • GAO Yiyuan ,
  • LI Chuang ,
  • SHE Jiangfeng , *
  • School of Geography and Ocean Science, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
*Corresponding author: SHE Jiangfeng, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-01-23

  Request revised date: 2018-05-17

  Online published: 2018-08-24

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41371365.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Vector data, as an important part of Geographic Information System (GIS), plays a significant role in three-dimensional(3D) GIS to indicate geographic objects, explain spatial relationships and enrich map information. However, in the study of 2D vector rendering onto 3D terrain surface, vector lines drawn by traditional algorithms are relatively simple and monotonous, mainly shown as monochromatic lines or multicolor parallel lines, which cannot meet the growing demands for visualization. With the rapid development of graphics hardware acceleration and the widespread application of Virtual Geographical Environment (VGE), in order to draw the complicated linear map symbol in 3D map effectively and efficiently, this paper proposes a screen-based method that renders the linear symbol onto the 3D terrain surface with the use of OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL). We transfer the vector data from the procedure to Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) by encoding the vector data into the texture data. The mapping relationships between terrain units and vector lines are stored in the index texture, and the mapping is used for looking up the related line segments in real-time. In addition, the node texture stores the attribute of vector lines. We calculate the position relationship between screen fragments and related line segments, and find out the area where the current fragment belongs to. If the current screen fragment has associated line segments, then we get the attributes of the related line segments from the node texture and set the fragment color. It is worth mentioning that we provide a variety of symbolic functions, which can render different types of vector line segments, including gradient lines, periodic lines, etc. In order to achieve better visual effects, we apply a series of detail optimization operations to related line segments, including anti-aliasing and corner optimization. Finally, we take the Purple Mountain as an example and render vector lines onto it using the proposed method. The experiments demonstrated that vector lines rendered by our method show great visual effect and our method can render some complicated and typical line symbols with high performance while keeping rendering efficiency at real time level.

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LIU Junyan , CHEN Yaqian , GAO Yiyuan , LI Chuang , SHE Jiangfeng . A Screen-based Method for Rendering 3D Linear Map Symbol[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(8) : 1047 -1054 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180070

1 引言


2 研究方法

2.1 技术路线

Fig. 1 Technology roadmap

图1 技术路线图

2.2 节点与索引纹理生成

考虑到地形像素点的计算是在地形着色器中,解决矢量数据在程序和着色器间的传输变得尤为重要。Shader Language提供了attribute和uniform 2种变量进行数据传递。Attribute变量用于逐顶点向顶点着色器中传递数据,由于地形顶点数量庞大,建立矢量节点和地形顶点的映射关系代价昂贵。此外,Attribute变量携带数据量有限难以在着色器中重建矢量线段。本文定义一个uniform变量texture sampler来传输矢量数据,可以批量向着色器传输数据。
Fig. 2 Storage of vector line attribute

图2 矢量线属性存储

选定属性并参数化后,创建一个一维数组作为纹理图像的数据源。假设图像的长度、宽度、深度分别是widthVheightVdepthV,其中,长度与宽度的乘积应当大于等于节点数量,深度大小则取决于属性数量,数组大小SofA = widthV×heightV×depthV×3。矢量节点索引IndexV和数组下标SubofV的关系是:
SubofV = 3 IndexV + i × SofV / dept h V + j (1)
SubofI = 3 NofRow × widt h I + NofCol + i × SofI / dept h I + j (2)
Fig. 3 Affected area of vector line

图3 矢量线影响范围

2.3 关联线段查找

Fig. 4 Index of related textures

图4 相关纹理索引


2.4 符号函数应用

Fig. 5 Computational process of boundary symbol color

图5 边界符号颜色计算过程


3 细节优化

3.1 符号周期

L = ( PB × CB / PB + Lengt h B ) % T H = P ' G ' (3)
Fig.6 Calculation of perpendicular distance and accumulative distance

图6 垂直距离和累积距离计算

3.2 反走样

传统的方法难以在符号和背景纹理间达到无缝融合的效果,在符号边缘和符号内部颜色变化处常常会出现锯齿现象。为了消除这种锯齿现象,谈心等利用屏幕多重采样对矢量线的渲染进行优化,但是主要是针对单色线进行的[24]。本方法采用 Hermite插值对符号边缘和颜色变化区域进行重采样,使符号的颜色过渡更加平滑。
Fig. 7 Resample of symbol edge

图7 符号边缘重采样

3.3 转折处理

Fig. 8 Processing of line segment joints

图8 线段相接处理


4 实验与分析

4.1 效果测试

Fig. 9 Rendering effect of line symbols

图9 线状符号渲染结果图

Fig.10 Rendering effect of scene

图10 场景效果图

4.2 效率测试

为了验证提出算法的性能,对多组地形、矢量数据进行测试,硬件配置为:CPU为2.4 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2609,内存大小为16 G,GPU为NVIDIA Quadro 4000。根据实验结果,选取了窗口大小、地形节点数量、矢量节点数量、符号类型等因素进行效率测试。由于实时渲染帧率与场景的缩放程度密切相关,记录平均渲染帧率时以帧率较低时为准,具体结果如表1所示。
Tab.1 Comparison of average rendering frame rate

表1 平均渲染帧速对比

序号 窗口大小(宽×高,像元) 地形三角形数量/万条 矢量节点数量(多条矢量线) 符号类型 平均渲染帧速/fps
1 800×600 309.4 2 000 道路 165.1
2 1280×960 309.4 2 000 道路 89.2
3 1920×960 309.4 2 000 道路 60.7
4 1280×960 77.28 2 000 道路 112.4
5 1280×960 1239.68 2 000 道路 52.0
6 1280×960 309.4 800 道路 102.4
7 1280×960 309.4 10 000 道路 81.6
8 1280×960 309.4 2 000 单色线 97.3
9 1280×960 309.4 2 000 边界线 82.5
10 1280×960 309.4 2 000 组合 85.3
从实验1-3中可以看出,算法的渲染效率受到窗口大小的影响,窗口越大渲染效率越低,地形占据的屏幕片元数量随窗口的增加而增加,进而导致符号渲染时间的增加;实验2、4、5展示了地形分辨率对渲染效率的影响,随着地形节点的增加,渲染效率会明显降低;实验2、6、7比较了不同矢量线数据量的影响,渲染效率随矢量节点数量的增加而降低。矢量线越多,片元可能关联的线段也就越多;不同符号的复杂度不同,导致了对应的渲染函数繁简有异,如实验2、8、9所示,单色线、道路、边界线的渲染效率逐渐降低。但符号类型对渲染效率的影响并不如其他3个因素那么明显。实验10中包含不同的线状符号(图10),平均渲染达到了85.3 fps。特别地,在所有实验中,最低渲染帧速也到达了52.0 fps,满足实时交互的需求,证明了该算法在渲染效率方面的优势。

5 结论

本文提出一种新的在三维地形表面绘制复杂线性符号的算法,利用OpenGL Shader Language将符号的渲染融合到地形的渲染中,实验结果证明该算法能够有效提高符号的渲染质量,并且渲染效率达到了实时交互的级别。本算法的绘制效果不受地形起伏的影响,符号精确地贴合在起伏的地形表面。与传统矢量线渲染算法相比,本算法不仅消除了悬浮、穿刺、锯齿等不合理现象,而且绘制的符号在样式上更为复杂,可以区分表达不同类型、不同级别(如道路)的矢量要素。借助于GPU并行加速技术,本算法的渲染性能得到了极大的提升。实际渲染效率主要受到窗口大小、地形分辨率、矢量节点数量及符号类型等因素影响,前3个因素改变了计算的屏幕片元数量,而符号类型则与着色器中的计算复杂度有关。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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