Seasonal Variations of Urban Surface Net Radiation and Its Relationship to Land Cover Pattern

  • WANG Feifei , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHAO Xiaofeng , 1, 3, * ,
  • LIU Xiuguang 4 ,
  • LIU Jiahui 1, 2 ,
  • LIN Jianyi 1
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Geomatics Center of Zhejiang, Hangzhou 310012, China
  • 4. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
*Corresponding author: ZHAO Xiaofeng, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-01-11

  Request revised date: 2018-04-03

  Online published: 2018-08-24

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41371392, 71573242, 71273252.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Rapid urbanization has led to land cover pattern changes which alter the surface net radiation and eventually influence surface energy balance. This process has been accompanied by a series of ecological and environmental problems, one of which is the urban heat island effect. Therefore, research on the seasonal variations of urban surface net radiation and its relationship to land cover pattern can provide important insights for exploring the formation and evolution mechanism of urban heat island. Taking Xiamen city as a study area, this research retrieved surface net radiation using Landsat-5 TM remote sensing images and meteorological data of the four seasons. Then the seasonal variation characteristics of surface net radiation were further analyzed. Landscape metrics were used to characterize and describe the spatial composition and allocation of land cover pattern. The correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis, stepwise regression analysis and variance partitioning were applied to explore the relationship between surface net radiation and land cover pattern from multi-seasonal perspective. The results suggest that: (1) the highest mean value of surface net radiation was found in summer, followed by spring, fall and winter. Surface net radiation is higher for the land cover types of water and forestland, while lower for built-up land and bare land. (2) The spatial allocation of land cover pattern has no significant influence on surface net radiation. (3) The spatial composition of land cover pattern shows significant influence on surface net radiation. The proportions of bare land and the proportion of forest land are effective and important factors which affect the changes of surface net radiation all the year round. And the proportion of forest land is the most important and continuously effective factor which affects and explains the cross-seasonal differences of surface net radiation. This research expands our scientific understanding of the effects of land cover pattern on surface net radiation. And it is helpful in exploring the formation and evolution mechanism of urban heat island. In addition, it may provide theoretical hints and realistic guidance for urban planning and sustainable development.

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WANG Feifei , ZHAO Xiaofeng , LIU Xiuguang , LIU Jiahui , LIN Jianyi . Seasonal Variations of Urban Surface Net Radiation and Its Relationship to Land Cover Pattern[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(8) : 1160 -1168 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180041

1 引言

本文利用Landsat-5 TM遥感影像和气象资料反演地表净辐射通量,并分析厦门市地表净辐射通量连续4个季节的时空变化特征;使用景观格局指数表征和描述地表覆盖的空间组成与配置,将遥感反演的净辐射通量与景观格局指数相结合,研究4个季节内地表覆盖格局对地表净辐射通量的影响作用。

2 研究区概况与数据源

2.1 研究区概况

厦门市位于中国福建省东南部,南接漳州,北邻泉州,东南与金门岛隔海相望,范围如图1所示。其陆地面积1699 km2,海域面积390 km2;属于温和多雨的亚热带海洋性季风气候,年平均降雨量1200 mm,年平均温度21 ℃[15]。自1980年被划分为四大经济特区之一开始,厦门市经历了快速城市化时期,城市建成区面积从1987年的67.28 km2增加到2007年的308.21 km2[16],2016年增加至351.32 km2[15];同时,1987-2007年厦门市的城市热岛效应在空间尺度(14~160 km2)和强度(2~10 ℃)上也发生了显著变化[17,18]。因此,研究厦门市地表净辐射通量的季相变化及其与地表覆盖格局的关系,对深入理解城市热岛效应的形成和演变机制具有一定的代表性和示范意义。
Fig. 1 Study area and analytical units

图1 研究区与分析单元

2.2 数据源及预处理

研究选用的遥感数据为2008年11月10日和2009年1月13日、3月18日、6月6日的4期天气晴朗、数据质量高的Landsat-5 TM影像,分别代表秋季、冬季、春季和夏季。该数据来源于美国地质调查局USGS(。数据预处理包括:辐射定标、大气校正、图像配准、土地利用分类等。所有遥感数据均采用WGS-84椭球和基准面,并投影到UTM N50带平面坐标系。土地利用分类使用最大似然法,分为建设用地、裸地、水体、农田、林地和滩涂,共6类。4景遥感影像总体分类精度均大于85%,Kappa系数均大于0.8,达到Landsat-5 TM遥感数据的分类精度要求。图2为研究区地表覆盖类型空间分布。
Fig.2 Spatial distribution of land cover types of Xiamen city

图2 厦门市地表覆盖类型空间分布


3 研究方法

3.1 地表净辐射通量

3.1.1 地表温度反演
使用重采样至30 m分辨率的热红外波段数据进行地表温度反演。
L λ = G rescale × Q cal + B rescale (1)
L T = L λ - L μ - τ 1 - ε L d τε (2)
T = K 2 ln K 1 L T + 1 (3)
式中:T为地表温度/k,K1为试生产校准常数1,单位W/(m2·sr·μm);K2为试生产校准常数2,单位k。对于Landsat-5TM遥感影像,K1=607.76 W/(m2·sr·μm),K2=1260.56 k。
3.1.2 地表净辐射通量估算
R n = 1 - α R short + ε a σ T a 4 - εσ T s 4 (4)
式中:Rn为地表净辐射通量;Rshort为下行太阳短波辐射;α为地表反照率;ε为地表发射率;εa为无云天气的大气有效发射率;σ为斯特芬玻尔兹曼常数,为5.67×10-8 W/(m2·k4);Ta为大气温度/k,可以从气象数据中获得;Ts为地表温度。
α = 0.356 ρ 1 + 0.130 ρ 3 + 0.373 ρ 4 + 0.085 ρ 5 + 0.072 ρ 7 - 0.0018 (5)
ρ i = π L i D 2 ESUN Cos ( θ ) (6)
式中:i为波段号;ρi为大气层顶的表观反射率(无量纲);π为常量(球面度str);Li为大气层顶进入卫星传感器的各波段的光谱辐照亮度/(W/(m2·sr·μm)),使用式(1)来计算;D为日地距离,计算日地距离简化公式:D=1-0.01674cos(0.9856xJD-4)×π/180);ESUN为大气层顶的平均太阳光谱辐照度/W(m2·μm);θ为太阳的天顶角(θ=90˚-β,β为太阳高度角,从遥感数据的头文件中获得);JD为遥感成像的儒略日,可通过儒略日算法获得:JD=INT(365.25(Year+4716))+INT(30.6001(Month+1))+d+B-1524.5;其中INT为舍小数取整函数;Year为公历年数;Month为公历月数;如果M小于等于2,Y=Y-1,M=M+12;否则MY不变;d为带小数时间的天数,d=day+hour/24+time/1440+seconds/86 400;B为对儒略历,B=0,对于格里历:B=(2-A+INTA/4)),其中A=INTY/100)。
ε a = 1.24 e a T a 1 / 7 (7)
e a = R H mean 100 e o T min + e o T max 2 (8)
e o = 1013.25 exp 13.3185 t R - 1.9760 t R 2 - 0.6445 t R 3 - 0.1299 t R 4 t R = 1.0 - 373.15 T (9)

3.2 景观格局指数

Tab.1 Landscape metrics

表1 景观格局指数

指数中文名称 指数英文缩写 指数类型
蔓延度指数 CONTAG 景观级别
Shannon多样性指数 SHDI 景观级别
Shannon均度指数 SHEI 景观级别
斑块所占景观面积比例 PLAND 类型级别
斑块平均面积 AREA_MN 景观级别,类型级别
斑块密度 PD 景观级别,类型级别
最大斑块占景观面积比例 LPI 景观级别,类型级别
边缘密度 ED 景观级别,类型级别
景观形状指数 LSI 景观级别,类型级别
景观导度指数 COHESION 景观级别,类型级别
平均欧氏最近邻距离 ENN_MN 景观级别,类型级别
斑块平均形状指数 SHAPE_MN 景观级别,类型级别

3.3 统计分析

逐步回归分析法是指运用回归分析原理采用双检验原则,逐步引入和剔除自变量而建立最优回归方程的优选方法。方差分解是指通过判定各个因素的方差贡献率来估计参数的重要程度的一种方法[32]。在偏回归分析的基础上,如果剩余的指数变量有多个,则使用逐步回归分析4个季节中对地表净辐射通量产生持续重要影响的景观格局指数,并利用方差分解分析其在预测地表净辐射通量上的解释能力的大小。所有统计分析在SPSS 16.0平台上进行。

4 结果与分析

4.1 地表净辐射通量

图3为厦门市四季典型日地表净辐射通量的空间分布图。对照图2的地表覆盖类型空间分布图可以看出,厦门市四季地表净辐射通量的空间分布规律明显。水体和林地区域地表净辐射通量较高;建设用地和裸地等其它地表覆盖类型区域的地表净辐射通量较低。其空间分布差异主要与不同地表覆盖类型的反照率存在空间差异性有关,如水体的热容量大,热惯量大,其对太阳辐射的吸收能力强,反射能力弱,相应的反照率低,其净辐射通量值远高于其它地表覆盖类型。从季节变化特征来看,不同地表覆盖类型的净辐射通量季节差异明显,秋、冬季的净辐射通量明显低于春、夏季,且冬季最小。从各季节平均地表净辐射通量值大小来看,夏季净辐射通量值最大,为608.17 W/m2;春季次之,为466.83 W/m2;秋季较低,为391.32 W/m2;冬季最低,为315.27 W/m2 。其季节差异主要与春夏季太阳高度、太阳总辐射和地表温度高于秋冬季有关。
Fig.3 Spatial distribution of surface net radiation of Xiamen city

图3 厦门市地表净辐射通量空间分布

4.2 多季节相关分析

Tab. 2 Pearson correlation analysis

表2 相关分析

地表净辐射通量(秋) 地表净辐射通量(冬) 地表净辐射通量(春) 地表净辐射通量(夏)
ED1 -0.720** -0.584** -0.345* -0.647**
COHESION1 -0.560** -0.529** -0.363* -0.624**
PLAND2 -0.579** -0.694** -0.698** -0.504**
PD2 -0.658** -0.592** -0.648** -0.684**
LPI2 -0.495** -0.617** -0.661** -0.426**
ED2 -0.666** -0.702** -0.695** -0.605**
PLAND5 0.661** 0.741** 0.620** 0.695**
LPI5 0.692** 0.751** 0.611** 0.681**
AREA_MN5 0.488** 0.552** 0.444** 0.586**
AREA_MN 0.640** 0.647** 0.426** 0.613**
ENN_MN 0.412** 0.527** 0.345* 0.344*

注:景观格局指数后面的数字表示地表覆盖类型:1 建设用地;2 裸地;5 林地。**和*分别表示显著水平p<0.01和p<0.05

4.3 偏相关分析

Tab. 3 Partial Pearson correlation analysis

表3 偏相关分析

地表净辐射通量(秋) 地表净辐射通量(冬) 地表净辐射通量(春) 地表净辐射通量(夏)
ED1 -0.405* 0.214 0.370* -0.249
COHESION1 -0.419* 0.026 0.172 -0.143
PD2 -0.286 -0.054 -0.107 -0.322
LPI2 0.021 0.065 -0.099 0.030
ED2 -0.298 -0.086 -0.078 -0.230
LPI5 0.377* 0.361* 0.054 0.028
AREA_MN5 0.382* 0.079 0.114 0.011
AREA_MN 0.394* 0.036 -0.373* 0.000
ENN_MN 0.197 0.046 -0.112 -0.098

注:景观格局指数后面的数字表示地表覆盖类型:1 建设用地;2 裸地;5 林地。**和*分别表示显著水平p<0.01和p<0.05


4.4 方差分解

Tab. 4 Variance partitioning

表4 方差分解

组成类指数 方差解释
地表净辐射通量(秋) PLAND2 0.340
PLAND5 0.437
地表净辐射通量(冬) PLAND2 0.500
PLAND5 0.549
地表净辐射通量(春) PLAND2 0.508
PLAND5 0.384
地表净辐射通量(夏) PLAND2 0.235
PLAND5 0.483

注:景观格局指数后面的数字表示地表覆盖类型:2 裸地;5 林地。**和*分别表示显著水平p<0.01和p<0.05

5 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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彭江良,吴息,江志红,等.南京冬季城、郊下垫面能量平衡特征分析[J].气象科学,2008,28(1):21-29.本文利用2006年2月17日-3月2日在南京市区和郊区测得的 辐射、湍流通量和脉动风速资料,定量分析了城、郊不同下垫面辐射收支、热量平衡特征及各分量的变化,结果表明:(1)不同天气条件下辐射平衡特征城、郊有 一定差异,在晴天时差异最大,在下雪天时差异最小,但多云时更接近各辐射分量城、郊差异的平均特征;(2)城、郊下垫面感热和潜热分布不均,尤其是潜热 城、郊对比有较大差异;(3)观测期间平均波文比(Qh/Qe)市区为7.8,与荒漠干旱地区接近,郊区为1.8.


[ Peng J L, Wu X, Jiang Z H, et al.Characteristics analysis of energy budget over urban and suburban underlying surfaces in Nanjing[J]. Journal of the Meteorological Sciences, 2008,28(1):21-29. ]

刘越,Shintaro Goto,庄大方,等.城市地表热通量遥感反演及与下垫面关系分析[J].地理学报,2012,67(1):101-112.

[ Liu Y, Shintaro G, Zhuang D F, et al.Urban surface heat flux inversion based on infrared remote sensing and the relationship with land cover[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(1):101-112. ]


[ Li H Y, Fu C B, Guo W D, et al.Study of energy partitioning and its feedback on the microclimate over different surfaces in an arid zone[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2015,64(5):430-443. ]

潘鑫,刘元波.1983-2012年长江流域地表净辐射变化特征[J].长江流域资源与环境,2016,25(3):486-496.本文采用统计相关分析、Morlet小波分析、Rodionov时间序列分析与GIS空间分析等技术方法,分析了1983年7月至2012年9月长江流域SRB和CERES地表净辐射月产品的时空变化特征。结果表明:拟合后遥感产品比气象辐射站点观测值整体高15.8%,平均误差为15.31 W/m<sup>2</sup>均方根误差为21.58 W/m<sup>2</sup>。长江流域地表净辐射多年均值为78.0 W/m<sup>2</sup>整体呈下降趋势,于1996年突降,存在16年和10年周期;季相上,呈夏 > 春 > 秋 > 冬。空间上,呈现西部地区 > 东部地区 > 中部地区;1996~2012年相较1983~1995年净辐射整体下降,其中上游流域降幅大于中下游;净辐射降低主要出现在5~7月,降幅较大地区主要是长江上游流域部分地区和长江中游流域纬度较低地区。研究结果对于认识长江流域的气候变化条件下的能量和水分循环过程等具有重要意义。


[ Pan X, Liu Y B.Spatio-temporal variation of surface net radiation over the Yangtze river basin during 1983-2012[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2016,25(3):486-496. ]

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黄静,崔胜辉,李方一,等.厦门市土地利用变化下的生态敏感性[J].生态学报,2011,31(24):7441-7449.当前,城市化与全球变化背景叠加,海岸带生态系统发生了巨大的变化,沿海城市在全球变化下的脆弱性、敏感性与适应能力等问题已经成为政府和科学界关注的重要问题。土地利用变化是导致生态系统敏感性的重要因素之一。以厦门市作为沿海城市的典型代表,对近20 a土地利用变化下的生态敏感性进行系统研究。分析了城市建设用地扩张、围填海等主要土地利用活动对生态敏感性的影响机制;其次建立土地利用变化下的生态敏感性指数,并分析其变化过程;最后通过ArcGIS图层叠加计算功能,获得生态敏感性空间分布状况。结果表明:1987-2007年厦门市城市建设用地面积由1987年的67.48 km<sup>2</sup>增加为2007年的308.21 km<sup>2</sup>扩张了4.57倍,主要为蚕食农业用地和林地而来;海岸线长度由1987年的290.19 km,增加为1992年的343.23 km,而后减小为2007年的299.93 km,围垦养殖活动使得岸线变得曲折,填海造地活动导致岸线变得平滑。厦门市土地利用强度由1987年的2.44逐年增加为2007年的2.52,生态系统服务价值总体呈现减小的趋势,由1987年的7.39×10<sup>9</sup>元减少到2007年的7.02×10<sup>9</sup>元,土地利用强度与生态系统服务价值呈现负相关关系。土地利用变化下的生态敏感性指数由1992年的1.50增加为1997年的4.94,而后减小为2002年的4.12,再增加为2007年的4.47。整体而言,近20 a来厦门市生态系统对土地利用变化的敏感性灵敏响应程度不很剧烈,生态敏感性高的区域主要位于沿海区域。

[ Huang J, Cui S H, Qiu Q Y, et al.Ecological sensitivity of Xiamen City to land use changes[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011,31(24):7441-7449. ]

Zhao X F, Huang J C, Ye H, et al.Spatiotemporal changes of the urban heat island of a coastal city in the context of urbanization[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2010,17(4):311-316.This study quantitatively analysed the spatiotemporal changes of the urban heat island (UHI) of Xiamen City in the context of urbanisation, using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) thermal images acquired on similar dates in the winter of 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007. UHI intensity and extent were used to quantify the changes, together with landscape metrics PLAND, PD, CA, NP, P-UHI, NP-UHI, PD-UHI, etc. The results show that the winter UHI of Xiamen has become more and more striking in the past 20 years in almost all the indices used. The UHI intensity increased to over 10 C, and UHI extent and thermal patch number also increased remarkably. At the same time, UHI was more dominated and fragmented by high-grade thermal patches. In winter these UHI formed several hot spots and areas of significance, distributed along the coastline. This pattern was related to industrial zones and large infrastructure constructed in coastal areas during the rapid course of urbanisation, since both large impervious ground surfaces, large-sized and endothermic factory building roofs were the sources of these hot spots. A similar seasonal analysis was also carried out, which proved that autumn UHI was most intense in Xiamen and the change in season does not change the number of UHI areas of significance.


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Barsi J A, Barker J L, Schott J R.An atmospheric correction parameter calculator for a single thermal band earth-sensing instrument[C]. Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. igarss. proceedings. ieee International, 2003:3014-3016.

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Yuan F, Bauer M E.Comparison of impervious surface area and normalized difference vegetation index as indicators of surface urban heat island effects in Landsat imagery[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2007,106(3):375-386.


Synder W C, Wan Z, Zhang Y, et al.Classification-based emissivity for land surface temperature measurement from space[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,19(14):2753-2774.Classification-based global emissivity is needed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Observing System Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (NASA EOS/MODIS) satellite instrument land surface temperature (LST) algorithm. It is also useful for Landsat, the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and other thermal infrared instruments and studies. For our approach, a pixel is classified as one of fourteen ''emissivity classes'' based on the conventional land cover classification and dynamic and seasonal factors, such as snow cover and vegetation index. The emissivity models we present provide a range of values for each emissivity class by combining various spectral component measurements with structural factors. Emissivity statistics are reported for the EOS/MODIS channels 31 and 32, which are the channels that will be used in the LST split-window algorithm.


Chander G, Markham B.Revised Landsat-5 TM radiometric calibration procedures and postcalibration dynamic ranges[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 2003,41(11):2674-2677.Effective May 5, 2003, Landsat-5 (L5) Thematic Mapper (TM) data processed and distributed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation System (EROS) Data Center (EDC) will be radiometrically calibrated using a new procedure and revised calibration parameters. This change will improve absolute calibration accuracy, consistency over time, and consistency with Landsat-7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. Users will need to use new parameters to convert the calibrated data products to radiance. The new procedure for the reflective bands (1-5,7) is based on a lifetime radiometric calibration curve for the instrument derived from the instrument's internal calibrator, cross-calibration with the ETM+, and vicarious measurements. The thermal band will continue to be calibrated using the internal calibrator. Further updates to improve the relative detector-to-detector calibration and thermal band calibration are being investigated, as is the calibration of the Landsat-4 (L4) TM.


Liang S L.Narrowband to broadband conversions of land surface albedo I: Algorithms[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2000,76:13-238.Land surface broadband albedo is a critical variable for many scientific applications. High-resolution narrowband satellite observations contain important information that enables us to map land surface albedo globally, and validate the coarse-resolution albedo products from the broadband sensors using ground oint/plot measurements. However, the conversions from narrowband to broadband albedos of a general surface type have not been well established. Most studies compute total shortwave albedo based on either the empirical relations between surface total shortwave albedo measurements and satellite observations or radiative transfer simulations with the limited number of surface reflectance spectra because of the computational constraints. As a result, many conversion formulae for the same sensors are quite different. In this study, we applied an approach that decouples surface reflectance spectra from the real-time radiative transfer simulations so that many different surface reflectance spectra and the atmospheric conditions can be effectively incorporated. The conversion formulae, based on extensive radiative transfer simulations, are provided in this paper for calculating the total shortwave albedo, total-, direct-, and diffuse-visible, and near-infrared broadband albedos for several narrowband sensors, including ASTER, AVHRR, ETM+/TM, GOES, MODIS, MISR, POLDER, and VEGETATION. Some of these formulae were compared with the published formulae of the same sensors and further validations using extensive ground measurements will be discussed in the companion paper.


Yamaguchi Y, Kato S.Analysis of urban heat-island effect using ASTER and ETM+ Data: Separation of anthropogenic heat discharge and natural heat radiation from sensible heat flux[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005,99:44-54.


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