Turbidity Patterns Identification Based on Self-organizing Maps at Yellow River Estuary

  • SHEN Ming , 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Siyuan , 1, * ,
  • MA Yuanxu 1 ,
  • SU Lihong 3 ,
  • YOU Yongfa 1, 2
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Harte Research Institute, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX 78412, USA;
*Corresponding author: WANG Siyuan, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-01-15

  Request revised date: 2018-03-19

  Online published: 2018-08-24

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.91547107, 41428103.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


In the study of spatial and temporal changes of the turbidity, traditional methods largely depend on field survey, which needs considerable manpower and materials. And these models are limited in different regions and time periods. With the help of self-organizing map (SOM) clustering, typical turbidity patterns can be extracted from plenty of remote sensing imageries covering long time periods. It can also facilitate the analysis of intra-annual and inter-annual variations. Taking the Yellow River estuary as our study area, six turbidity patterns were revealed from 2000-2015 MODIS data. Two main turbid areas appeared on the turbidity feature maps, located in the western and southern Bohai Bay, and outside the estuary in north-western Laizhou Bay. Four patterns appeared annually, of which the turbid level in winter and spring is higher than that in autumn and summer. And during the last fifteen years, turbidity patterns have gradually changed from middle turbidity to Clean, showing a declining trend of the overall turbid level. The hydrological data from Yellow River, meteorological observation data of wind and wave on the sea surface and ocean dynamics in the estuary were combined to detect the contributing factors of turbidity patterns. Spatial distribution was mainly influenced by wind waves and ocean dynamics, such as tide and circulating current. And intra-annual changes of dominant turbidity pattern were mainly caused by wind and wave on the sea surface, while the influence of sediment transportation from Yellow River is only limited around the estuary. SOM clustering results were evaluated from two perspectives: calculation of statistic parameters for quantitative analysis and inversion of the concentration of total suspended matter in the study area in 2007 for comparison with empirical model. It showed that there were significant differences between SOM patterns, and this method could reveal similar turbid features as the empirical models do. Thus, SOM is an effective and indispensable method to identify turbidity patterns and can directly extract typical features from long time series remote sensing imageries. This method significantly facilitates the study on spatial and temporal variation of water turbidity in coastal areas, which is of great practical value for research on sediment transport and water utilization in complex water bodies.

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SHEN Ming , WANG Siyuan , MA Yuanxu , SU Lihong , YOU Yongfa . Turbidity Patterns Identification Based on Self-organizing Maps at Yellow River Estuary[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(8) : 1190 -1200 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180046

1 引言

遥感卫星能够对特定区域进行不同尺度上可靠、持续的影像观测,过去10年间已快速发展成为监测沉积物运移和总悬浮物(TSM)浓度分布的重要工具。尤其遥感长时序、大面积观测的特点,在浑浊度多年变化规律研究中具有极大潜力。国内外大量研究关注通过确定离水辐射率与实测悬浮物质浓度之间的量化关系,建立多种经验模型或物理模型,分析TSM时空分布差异[3,4]。Chuanmin等[5]在美国佛罗里达州Tampa Bay河口,建立了叶绿素、有色溶解有机物和总悬浮物浓度反演的半分析模型,综合评估河口区水质状况。Güttler等[1]通过建立浑浊度指数TI,利用多种传感器数据,反演不同时空尺度下黑海Danube三角洲附近海域浑浊度分布,提取出春、夏秋和冬3种浑浊模式,并分析其年内、年际变化影响因素。

2 数据与方法

2.1 研究区概况

Fig. 1 Location of Yellow River basin and the study area

图1 黄河流域和研究区位置图

2.2 MODIS数据集及数据处理

中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)是美国EOS系列卫星TERRA和AQUA搭载的重要传感器,具有全球免费接收和使用、光谱范围广、时间分辨率高等特点,已成为全球生态环境研究的重要遥感数据源。MODIS数据能够提供覆盖研究区的逐日影像,有多种高质量数据产品。36个光谱波段覆盖了从0.4 µm(可见光)到14.4 µm(热红外)的全光谱,其中有9个海洋水色波段,但海洋水色波段在高浑浊水体易发生信号饱和,不能有效识别浑浊度的时空变化。MODIS第一波段反射率与水体悬浮泥沙浓度有较好的相关性,适合用于海湾和河口等小型水体区域的浑浊度反演,已有研究表明该波段算法在河口近岸海域有较好的反演效果[4,10]。该波段数据空间分辨率250 m,适合黄河口附近海域浑浊度分布变化研究,且信噪比较高,因此选用为遥感数据源。
本研究采用的是MODIS地表反射率产品(MOD09),由L1B数据经过严格的大气校正、几何校正和辐射校正获得的二级产品,基本消除了大气分子、气溶胶与薄云等的干扰。考虑到研究区范围较小、泥沙变化频繁,最终选用250 m分辨率的每日数据(MOD09GQ),包含第1、2波段信息,其中心波长分别为645 nm和848 nm。

2.3 自组织映射神经网络(SOM)

2.3.1 SOM网络概述
SOM网络是由芬兰学者Kohonen 提出的模拟人脑功能、具有自组织、侧抑制等特性的神经网络模型[25],其拓扑结构一般分为两层:输入层和输出层(也称为竞争层)(图2)。对于一组有n个样本的p维输入数据X=(x1, x2,…, xn),其中输入样本 Xi= (U1, U2,…,UpT,网络输入层有n个节点分别对应各输入样本,输出节点Oj与各输入层节点Xi间都有权值连接Wj=(w1j, w2j,…, wnj)。输出层的节点数及结构可根据研究需求自定义,输出类别的数目和自定义的输出层神经元节点数一致。SOM网络训练过程属于非监督的竞争学习:首先各输出层神经元被随机赋予一个权值,作为网络初始权向量;逐一比较输入样本Xi与各输出神经元权重之间的距离,距离最小的节点即为该输入模式激发的获胜节点;随后随着训练时间的增加,优胜邻域内输出节点权值不断调整;通过迭代循环,以学习率ηn(0<ηn<1)或训练时间达到某一阈值为结束条件,完成网络训练。最终SOM网络将所有输入数据划分为指定的类别,每一个输入模式都激发一个输出节点,二者之间具有最大相似性,输出节点权向量最为接近对应输出模式。长时序遥感数据具有复杂的非线性特征,SOM网络能够对其进行聚类并提取典型特征,在遥感图像分类[15,16]、高维数据降维[26]等方面均有成功应用。
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of a 3×4 two-dimensional self-organizing map

图2 3×4 SOM网络结构示意图[27]

2.3.2 SOM网络应用

3 近15年黄河河口水体浑浊模式时空特征分析

3.1 近15年黄河河口水体浑浊度空间分布模式

Fig.3 Typical turbidity patterns

图3 浑浊模式典型特征

3.2 近15年黄河河口水体浑浊模式年内变化特征

统计2000-2015年不同浑浊模式出现频率 (图4),各月份有其对应的主导模式,并随季节变化。研究区1-4月以中浑浊模式为主,少部分时段出现高浑浊模式;5-7月以清澈模式为主导,8-10月除清澈模式外,低浑浊模式的比例逐渐增加;11-12月与1-4月类似,仍然以中浑浊模式为主、高浑浊模式为辅。海冰模式主要出现在1月,其次为2月和 12月,极浑浊模式在1、6、7、10、12月均有出现,没有明显的周期性规律,因此认为高浑浊、中浑浊、低浑浊和清澈模式4种模式是研究区浑浊度年内变化的主要分布模式,其中前2种浑浊度较高的模式出现在11月到次年4月,较清澈的模式出现在5-10月,四类模式在年内过渡更替。
Fig. 4 Intra-annual variation of turbidity pattern
注:A 极浑浊模式;B高浑浊模式;C中浑浊模式;D低浑浊模式;E清澈模式;F海冰模式

图4 浑浊模式年内变化


3.3 近十五年黄河河口水体浑浊模式年际变化特征

Fig. 5 Inter-annual variation of turbidity pattern

图5 浑浊模式年际变化

4 浑浊模式影响因素

结合利津水文站观测的水沙数据、研究区风浪数据和黄河口海域水文动力特征分析浑浊模式时空变化原因。利津站是最靠近黄河入海口的水文观测站,其观测记录数据能够体现黄河输送入海的水沙情况,所用数据来自各年份《黄河泥沙公报》;收集了研究区2000-2007年各月份海面风速、海浪高度和周期数据,数据来自《东亚船舶站天气报资料定时值数据集》;以及邻近环渤海地区2000-2015年最大风速、平均风速和极大风速数据,数据来自《中国地面气候资料月值数据集》,选取的站点均在距离研究区海岸线50 km范围内,可以用于环渤海地区气象条件研究[30],站点包括塘沽、渤海A平台、秦皇岛、乐亭、黄骅、东营、龙口、潍坊。

4.1 浑浊水体分布成因分析


4.2 浑浊模式年内变化影响因素

Fig. 6 Turbidity patterns and corresponding hydrological features of Yellow River

图6 不同浑浊模式对应黄河水沙特征

Tab.1 Correlation coefficient between monthly average wind and wave data and pattern frequency

表1 月平均风浪与浑浊模式频率相关系数

高浑浊模式 中浑浊模式 低浑浊模式 清澈模式
最大风速/(m/s) 0.345 0.598* -0.400 -0.402
平均风速/(m/s) 0.401 0.628* -0.488 -0.429
极大风速/(m/s) 0.046 0.335 -0.460 -0.034
海面风速/(m/s) -0.002 0.416 -0.083 -0.440
海面风浪高度/m 0.526 0.687* -0.218 -0.771**
海面风浪周期/s 0.633* 0.543 -0.132 -0.549

注:* 在0.05水平上显著相关;**在0.01水平上显著相关

逐月分析风浪高度和周期年内变化与对应浑浊模式更替规律(图7),各月主导模式为当月出现频率最高的浑浊模式。依据渤海风场的季节性变化,划分冬季为11-次年2月、夏季5-8月、春季3-4月和秋季9-10月[32]。如图7所示,冬春季平均风浪高度较大,研究区以中浑浊模式为主导,4月开始风浪高度和周期均降低,研究区浑浊模式向清澈过渡,秋季9-10月回升,清澈模式出现频率下降,中、低浑浊模式比例增大,11、12月风浪高度维持在较高水平,研究区再次以中浑浊模式为主导。研究表明,渤海 8级以上的大风天气75%发生在11月至来年4月[33],与高浑浊和中浑浊模式主导的时间段一致。这是由于冬春季强风大浪多发,加上渤海整体水深较浅,绝大部分在20 m以内[34],水中沉积物容易被风浪搅动发生再悬浮,造成整体水体浑浊程度较高。因此,海面风浪是造成研究区水体浑浊模式季节变化的主要因素。
Fig. 7 Monthly average wind and wave data with corresponding dominant turbidity pattern

图7 月平均风浪变化与对应主导浑浊模式

4.3 浑浊模式年际变化影响因素

黄河口附近海域海面风浪与对应年代表模式如图8所示,2000-2001年年平均风速和风浪高度均上升,浑浊模式从清澈变为中浑浊模式,2003-2004年风速和风浪高度下降,代表模式为低浑浊模式;2005年后海面风速和风浪高度增加,引起大量海底泥沙再悬浮,使当年代表模式为中浑浊模式。同时,已有研究也表明,2000年以来,环渤海沿海地区风速≤3 m/s的小风日数总体呈现明显增加的趋势,>3 m/s风速的日数为减小趋势,尤其风速>6 m/s的出现日数减小显著[30],年最大风速也为下降趋势,与本文得到的近15年代表浑浊模式呈现浑浊向清澈变化的趋势相一致。其中,2011年大风日数最少,仅14.26 d,远低于多年平均水平(32.4 d)[35],本文中得出的2011年及其临近年份代表模式也均为清澈模式。因此,近15年来黄河口附近海域海面风速减小,尤其大风出现频率降低,导致风浪引起的泥沙再悬浮减弱,造成该区域水体整体呈现向清澈变化的趋势。
Fig. 8 Inter-annual variation of sea surface wind and wave with typical turbidity pattern

图8 海面风浪年际变化与对应年典型模式

5 SOM网络浑浊模式分类结果评价

5.1 浑浊模式统计特征分析

Fig.9 Scatter diagrams of statistical quartiles

图9 四分位数(a)和四分位差(b)散点图


5.2 2007年悬浮泥沙浓度反演结果与SOM浑浊模式比较

y=38491.754×B12+120.907×B1+3.566 (1)
Fig.10 TSM distribution near the Yellow River estuary in 2007

图10 黄河口附近海域2007年泥沙悬浮物分布

Tab.2 SOM classification results of 2007 validation data

表2 2007年验证数据SOM分类结果

模式类别 月份
中浑浊模式 1、2、3、11、12
低浑浊模式 10
清澈模式 4、5、6、7、8、9

6 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Kohonen T.Analysis of a simple self-organizing process[J]. Biological Cybernetics, 1982,44(2):135-140.This paper contains mathematical results relating to a recently discovered self-organizing process. In particular, an analysis of two partial processes is presented. In the first one, a set of numerical representations assumes the correct order, and in the second one the final map of the representations converges to its asymptotic form.


Aguado D, Montoya T, Borras L, et al.Using SOM and PCA for analysing and interpreting data from a P-removal SBR[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2008,21(6):919-930.This paper focuses on the application of Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM) and principal component analysis (PCA) to thoroughly analyse and interpret multidimensional data from a biological process. The process is aimed at enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) from wastewater. In this work, SOM and PCA are firstly applied to the data set in order to identify and analyse the relationships among the variables in the process. Afterwards, K-means algorithm is used to find out how the observations can be grouped, on the basis of their similarity, in different classes. Finally, the information obtained using these intelligent tools is used for process interpretation and diagnosis. In the data set analysed, both techniques yielded similar results regarding the relationships among the variables and the clustering of the observations (i.e., the same groups of observations were identified) and, therefore, identical process interpretation could be made. The cluster analysis allowed relating the observations to process behaviour, clearly distinguishing start-up, desirable and poor process conditions. The results demonstrate that the applied techniques are highly effective to compress multidimensional data sets and to extract relevant information from the process, making the interpretation and diagnosis much easier and evident.


Chon T S.Self-Organizing Maps applied to ecological sciences[J]. Ecological Informatics, 2011,6(1):50-61.Ecological data are considered to be difficult to analyze because numerous biological and environmental factors are involved in a complex manner in environment rganism relationships. The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) has advantages for information extraction (i.e., without prior knowledge) and the efficiency of presentation (i.e., visualization). It has been implemented broadly in ecological sciences across different hierarchical levels of life. Recent applications of the SOM, which are reviewed here, include the molecular, organism, population, community, and ecosystem scales. Further development of the SOM is discussed regarding network architecture, spatio-temporal patterning, and the presentation of model results in ecological sciences.


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曹永旺,延军平. 1971-2013年环渤海地区风速的时空特征[J].中国沙漠,2015,35(5):1320-1329.lt;p>基于环渤海地区60个站点1971-2013年日序列最大风速数据,采用线性倾向估计、Mann-kendall检验、反距离加权插值、小波分析等方法,分析了近年来环渤海地区风速的年、季节的变化趋势及其空间分异等特征。结果表明:(1)环渤海地区年均最大风速为6.35 m&middot;s<sup>-1</sup>并以0.423 m&middot;s<sup>-1</sup>的年代变化速率呈显著的下降趋势。区内除承德、丰宁和阜新站点呈略微上升趋势,其余站点均呈下降趋势,整体上表现为南部下降幅度高而北部下降幅度低。四季最大风速也均呈显著的下降趋势,冬、春季的最大风速对全年趋势演变贡献率较大。(2)偏北风(尤其是北西北风)和偏南风(尤其是南西南风)是本区的主要风向。春、夏两季以偏南风为主要风向,秋、冬两季则以偏北风为主要风向。(3)环渤海地区最大风速减少的主要原因是各站点日最大风速为5级及以上的发生频率分别以0.912、0.671、0.271、0.076 d&middot;a<sup>-1</sup>的速率呈下降趋势;大风频率也以1.019 d.a<sup>-1</sup>的速率呈下降趋势。冬半年是本区大风日数相对较多的时段,春季尤甚。(4)本区多数地区属大风较少区和较多区,其中大风较多区的站点最多(31个),而大风频发区的站点最少(仅4个)。位于大风较少区的站点数增长迅速,而大风较多区、多发区和频发区的站点数则均呈现下降趋势。最大风速与大风日数均具有25~30 a的显著振荡周期。</p>


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