Journal of Geo-information Science >
Analysis of CINRAD Coverage in Guangdong Province Based on SRTM Data
Received date: 2018-03-25
Request revised date: 2018-05-03
Online published: 2018-08-24
Supported by
“100 Top Talents Program” at Sun Yat-sen University, No.74110-52601108
China Meteorological Administrator Forecaster Special Item, No.CMAYBY2018-052
Guangdong Meteorological Service Research Project, No.2015Q15.
The China Meteorological Administration (CMA) has constructed a radar network of China next generation weather radar (CINRAD) to detect precipitation. In order to investigate the coverage condition of weather radar network, high-resolution digital elevation data of SRTM3 were used to analyze the terrain-blockage of 12 weather radars deployed in Guangdong Province. The beam blockage by mountain was calculated with the following method. Firstly, if the first tilt radar beam is blocked up to 50%, then it is considered that the radar beam does not scatter in the forward direction and the radar beam will jump to the next tilt at the blocked area, the obstructed slant range will be replaced by the second elevation. Secondly, if the mountain peaks are still higher than the radar beam and the radar beam is blocked up to 50%, the third tilt will be adopted. Results show that Shaoguan, Lianzhou and Zhaoqing radars suffer from serious beam blockage at the lowest elevation (0.5°). Additionally, Shenzhen, Yangjiang, Meizhou and Shanwei radars have large blocked areas at 0.5° elevation scan while the rest of radars have a very good coverage. With the raise of radar elevation, the beam blockage will be weaked or the more beams will clear the surface. At 3.4° elevation, all of 12 radars do not suffer from beam blockage. The 12 radars can completely cover Guangdong Province within the height of 5 km above mean sea level (MSL), and there are four adjacent radars in most areas. Radar coverage maps at the height of 3 km above ground level (AGL) and 3 km above MSL show that only a few regions in northern and northwestern Guangdong Province have no radar coverage, while most areas generally have more than 2 radars coverage, and there are 4-6 radars overlapping in the Pearl River Delta area. Within the height of 2 km AGL, the CINRAD network can effectively cover most regions of Guangdong province. Only within the height of 1 km, radar coverage in the northern and northwestern Guangdong Province is a little poor. Generally, the CINRAD network can monitor almost the entire Guangdong Province at height of 2 -3 km AGL and 3-5 km above MSL, thus, the distribution of radar is relatively good in Guangdong Province.
LI Mingfeng , MIN Chao , ZHANG Asi , XIAO Liusi , HUANG Chaoying , ZHAN Tang , CHEN Sheng . Analysis of CINRAD Coverage in Guangdong Province Based on SRTM Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(8) : 1201 -1208 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180121
Fig. 1 Terrain and distributions of radar sites in Guangdong Province图1 广东省地形及雷达站点的分布示意图 |
Tab. 1 Parameters of China next generation weather radars in Guangdong表1 广东新一代天气雷达参数 |
站名 | 站号 | 型号 | 海拔/m |
珠海 广州 汕尾 阳江 韶关 梅州 汕头 深圳 肇庆 湛江 河源 连州 | Z0756 Z9200 Z9660 Z9662 Z9751 Z9753 Z9754 Z9755 Z9758 Z9759 Z9762 Z9763 | CINRAD /SD CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA CINRAD/SA | 257 180.6 323 102.8 301.9 423 199.8 149.1 95.8 106.1 1076 632.1 |
Fig. 2 The hybrid scan method of coverage for radar without considering beam blockage |
Fig. 3 The hybrid scan method of coverage for radar with considering beam blockage |
Fig. 4 Beam blockage of CINRAD by mountain in Shenzhen at 0.5° level图4 深圳雷达0.5°仰角地形阻挡分析 |
Fig. 5 The coverage and overlapping of 12 CINRADs over Guangdong Province at height of 1, 2 and 3 km AGL图5 广东省12部雷达在离地1、2和3 km的覆盖范围和雷达叠加数 |
Fig. 6 The coverage and overlapping of 12 CINRADs over Guangdong Province at height of 3 km and 5 km above MSL图6 广东省12部雷达在海拔3 km和5 km 的覆盖效果和雷达叠加数 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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