Spatio-temporal Distribution of High Temperature Heat Wave in Nanjing

  • ZHOU Yang , 1 ,
  • ZHU Shanyou , 1, * ,
  • HUA Junwei 2 ,
  • LIU Yi 1 ,
  • XIANG Jiamin 1 ,
  • DING Wen 3
  • 1. School of Remote Sensing & Geomatics Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science&Technology, Nanjing 210044, China;
  • 2. Chuzhou meteorological bureau, Chuzhou 233299, China
  • 3. Nanjing Changtian Surveying and Technology Co, Nanjing 211100, China
*Corresponding author: ZHU Shanyou, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-05-07

  Request revised date: 2018-08-22

  Online published: 2018-11-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41571418、41401471

Project of "Blue Project" in Jiangsu Province.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Under the background of global warming, the urban heat wave in summer has become one of the most serious meteorological disasters, which has brought tremendous impact on the health and economic development of urban residents. Taking the heat wave disaster event occurred in Nanjing from August 7 to 13, 2013 as an example, the near-surface air temperatures were estimated based on the downscaled MODIS land surface temperature using the Landsat 8 OLI image data, MODIS data products, and field-measurement meteorological data. Combined with the spatial interpolation data of the relative humidity, the hot index and the high temperature heat-wave index at the resolution of 100m were calculated, and then their spatial and temporal distribution characteristics were analyzed. The results show that during the evolution of the high temperature heat wave in Nanjing, the hot index increased firstly and then decreased with time. The hot index was highest on Aug. 11th with an average of 86.99, and it fell off to the lowest value of 85.05 on Aug. 12th; the heat wave intensity mainly concentrates on mild and moderate degrees, and its range also shows a tendency of expanding firstly and then decreasing with time. In terms of spatial distribution, the hot index is higher in northern region and central urban areas and mainly display as a moderate heat wave, while the heat index in the southern suburbs and central suburbs is lower and the heat wave is mild, and the mountain and the water areas have the lowest heat index.

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ZHOU Yang , ZHU Shanyou , HUA Junwei , LIU Yi , XIANG Jiamin , DING Wen . Spatio-temporal Distribution of High Temperature Heat Wave in Nanjing[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(11) : 1613 -1621 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180222

1 引言

目前,全球范围内并没有完全统一的高温热浪定义与标准。中国采用中国气象局高温热浪定义与标准:日最高气温≥35 ℃时,称为高温日,连续3 d以上的高温天气过程称为高温热浪[5]。近年来,国内外学者对高温热浪的研究多以气象站点数据、人口统计数据和社会经济数据为基础,集中于高温热浪形成原因及其机理[6,7]、高温热浪测度以及指标[8,9,10]、高温热浪时空分布规律[11,12]、高温热浪危害以及预防措施[13,14]和高温热浪风险评估[15,16,17]。其中,典型研究有,张曦等[18]利用1960-2014年6-8月湖南省77个气象站逐日最高气温资料,分析研究该地区高温热浪的时空分布特征,研究结果表明湖南省大部分地区常年遭受高温热浪袭击;范碧航等[19]利用长春市1951-2008年的气象资料,分析其高温热浪时空分布,并总结了长春市温度变化与城市人口数量、GDP 及供电量之间的关系,最终建立了长春市高温灾害性天气影响及危害评估的指标体系。
在利用遥感影像进行高温热浪监测研究中,由于很难同时获得高时间与高空间分辨率的遥感图像,这限制了单一遥感图像在高温热浪动态监测中的应用。同时,以往研究大多基于遥感反演的地表温度、气象站点气温插值结果来分析高温热浪,这 2种来源数据并不能准确监测高温热浪的时空分布。因此,需要进一步发挥多源遥感数据在时、空分辨率互为补充方面的作用,同时需要建立地表温度与近地表气温之间的关系,获得可靠的气温空间分布结果,以定量监测高温热浪时空变化特征。基于此,本研究以南京市2013年8月的一次高温热浪过程为例,结合气象站点数据与多源遥感影像数据,获得高空间和高时间分辨率的近地表气温分布。在此基础上,本研究以炎热指数和高温热浪指数来表征高温热浪的强度,分析高温热浪的时空分布情况,从而实现高温热浪遥感监测与研究。

2 研究区概况与数据源

2.1 研究区概况

本研究选择江苏省南京市作为研究区(图1)。南京市(31°14″~32°37″ N, 118°22″~119°14″ E)位于长江下游中部地区,全市下辖11个区,总面积 6597 km2。南京属亚热带季风湿润气候,雨量充沛,年降水1200 mm,四季分明,年平均温度15.4 ℃,年极端气温最高39.7 ℃,最低-13.1 ℃,年平均降水量1106 mm。南京是国家区域中心城市,江苏省会城市,经济发达城市化水平高。随着经济与科技的发展,南京城市不断扩张,用地日趋紧张,城市热岛现象加剧,城市高温灾害发生频繁,从而对城市发展和居民生活带来不良影响。
Fig. 1 Elevation distribution and locations of observation sites in Nanjing

图1 南京高程及观测站点分布

2.2 研究数据

(1)2013年8月11日Landsat 8 卫星OLI传感器获取的晴空无云数据,空间分辨率为30m,行列号为120-038,成像区域为南京市,该数据可为低分辨率地表温度数据降尺度提供降尺度因子,由美国地质勘探局官网下载(。
(2)2013年8月7-13日每日地表温度产品MYD11A1,空间分辨率为1 km;每日地表反射率产品数据MOD09GA,空间分辨率为500 m。数据可由NASA官网免费下载(。

3 研究方法

Fig. 2 Schematic flow chart for the produce in this study

图2 研究技术路线图

3.1 MODIS地表温度降尺度

陆地表面温度(LST)降尺度方法的初衷是克服不同传感器之间空间-时间分辨率的矛盾,以期获取高时空分辨率的LST产品。本文结合Landsat OLI数据,将1000 m分辨率的MYD11A1/LST产品降尺度至100 m。LST降尺度转换方法的本质是在高空间分辨率地表参数的辅助作用下提高原有LST产品的空间分辨率,其基本思想是在不同尺度下,LST和地表参数之间的定量关系保持不变,即在低空间分辨率尺度下LST与地表参数间的关系模型仍能应用于高空间分辨率的LST。获取高空间分辨率LST(THR)的模型为:
T HR = f ( S H R ) + Δ T LR (1)
Δ T LR = T LR - f ( S LR ) (2)
式中:SHRSLR分别为高空间分辨率和低空间分辨率下的地表参数; f 为高(低)空间分辨率下,地表温度THRTLR)与地表参数SHRSLR)间的映射关系;ΔTLR为残差。
在降尺度过程中采用NDBI和NDVI双因子模型[23],同时加入土壤调节植被指数SAVI、改进的土壤调节植被指数MSAVI、非线性植被指数NLI和裸土植被指数BI,建立多因子模型进行地表温度降尺度。分别利用Landsat 8 OLI和MODIS数据计算各遥感指数[24,25,26],获得降尺度因子。
Tab. 1 The stepwise regression models for downscaling of surface temperature

表1 地表温度降尺度逐步回归模型

模型 因子 相关系数R 决定系数R2 随机误差估算值
a NDBI 0.823 0.677 1.24
b NDBI, MSAVI 0.839 0.703 1.19
c NDBI, MSAVI, BI 0.843 0.711 1.16
d NDBI, MSAVI, BI, NLI 0.844 0.713 1.17
e NDBI, BI, NLI 0.844 0.713 1.17

3.2 近地表气温空间估算与模拟

T a = a 0 + a 1 × LST + a 2 × NDVI + a 3 × NDBI + a 4 × albedo + a 5 × DEM (3)
式中: T a 表示是遥感成像时刻的瞬时气温。DEM通过ASTER GDEM裁切和重采样得到,地表反照率albedo的计算公式如下:
albedo = 0.356 α 1 + 0.13 α 3 + 0.373 α 4 + 0.085 α 5 + 0.072 α 7 (4)
式中:albedo对应的是短波地表光谱反照率,其中 α 1 α 3 α 4 α 5 α 7 分别对应Landsat 8 OLI数据的第2、4、5、6和7波段。

3.3 相对湿度空间插值

研究中选取气温和相对湿度作为影响因子分析高温热浪的时空分布,因此需要获得相对湿度的空间分布结果,由于气象站点观测数据是离散分布的,当需要获取区域内连续的气象参数时,可通过空间插值方法实现。在地统计插值方法中,克里金插值方法是理论体系最为完善的一种插值方法。克里金插值( Kriging) 又称为空间自协方差最佳插值法,是一种空间局部插值法,以变异函数理论和结构分析为基础,在有限区域内对区域化变量进行无偏最优估计。根据MODIS影像成像时刻,对13时和14时的相对湿度数据作平均,获取13:30的相对湿度,进而选取82个站点进行普通克里金插值,剩余44个气象站点数据用于验证插值精度。

3.4 高温热浪表征指标

ET = 1.8 T a - 0.55 ( 1.8 T a - 26 ) × ( 1 - RH ) + 32 (5)
式中: T a 为近地表气温/℃; RH 为空气相对湿度/%。
H i = 1.2 ( E T - E ' T ) + 0.35 i = 1 N - 1 1 n d i × ( E Ti - E ' T ) + 0.15 i = 1 N - 1 1 n d i + 1 (6)
式中: E T 为该日期下的炎热指数; E T ' 炎热指数的临界值; n d i 为热浪开始时距离当日的日期数; E Ti 表示为当日之前对应的每一日天气炎热指数;N为整个高温热浪过程的持续时间。根据热浪指数,可对高温热浪进行分析,分级标准如表2所示[9]
Tab. 2 Grading standards of heat waves

表2 热浪分级标准

无热浪 轻度热浪 中度热浪 重度热浪
热浪指数 Hi<2.8 2.8Hi<6.5 6.5Hi<10.5 Hi10.5

4 结果与讨论

4.1 近地表气温估算结果分析

Fig. 3 Error distribution of the air temperature retrievals

图3 气温估算误差散点分布

图3可看出,3个时间段的估算与实测气温误差绝大多数位于-2~2 ℃之间,其中每一日均有38个站点误差在-2~2 ℃之间,个别站点误差在2 ℃以上,误差较大的站点出现在下垫面结构复杂的中心城区位置,地表覆盖几乎为不透水面,建筑群密布、高度不一,城市景观破碎,地表覆盖高度异质[27],受周边环境和下垫面结构的影响,这些站点的气温估算误差较大。3个时间段近地表气温估算的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为1.35、1.38和1.33 ℃,不同日期的近地表气温估算误差较为一致,总体精度能够非常好地满足高温热浪监测需要。

4.2 相对湿度空间插值结果及验证

Tab. 3 Error statistics of the spatial interpolation of the relative humidity

表3 相对湿度插值结果误差统计(%)

8月7日 8月8日 8月9日 8月10日 8月11日 8月12日 8月13日
ME 1.90 0.89 1.37 -0.30 -0.35 -0.40 0.95
MAE 4.21 4.56 3.86 4.31 3.93 3.32 4.71
RMSE 5.03 5.51 4.64 5.35 4.61 4.25 5.65

4.3 南京高温热浪时空分布分析

Fig. 4 The distributions of hot index in Nanjing from August 7 to 13

图4 南京市8月7日至8月13日炎热指数分布图

Fig. 5 Division distributions of high temperature heat-wave in Nanjing from August 7 to 13

图5 南京市8月7日至8月13日高温热浪分区

Fig. 6 Time series of the hot index, temperature, and relative humidity in the selected typical areas

图6 典型区域炎热指数、气温和相对湿度时间变化图

造成上述现象的主要原因是,南京地处中纬度地区,受太平洋副热带高压影响,属于亚热带季风湿润气候,夏季炎热湿润,气压稳定,风力微弱,7-8月极端最高气温有时高达40 ℃,易发生高温热浪灾害事件。南京城市化水平高,城市区域人口众多,建筑密集,下垫面复杂,其导热率和热容量大,增加了城市太阳辐射的吸收与热量的存储;城市下垫面不透水面积较大,水分少,城市潜热输送较小,感热输送较大,城市近地表气温高于周围郊区及农村地区;同时城市热岛效应也是造成高温热浪的重要原因[28]

5 结论

结合Landsat 8 OLI和MOD09GA地表反射率数据,本研究对MYD11A1地表温度产品进行降尺度处理,以获取高时空分辨率的南京市地表温度分布结果。在此基础上,采用多因子统计方法获取南京市近地表气温时空分布,进而结合空间插值的近地面相对湿度分布,深入分析了南京高温热浪时空分布特征。主要结论如下:

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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Johnson D P, Tanforth A, Ulla V, et al.Developing an applied extreme heat vulnerability index utilizing socioeco-nomic and environmental data[J]. Applied Geography, 2012,35(1):23-31.Extreme heat is a leading cause of weather-related fatalities worldwide. Emphasis is currently being placed on the development of spatially specific vulnerability models, which are useful for decision support during extreme heat events (EHE). Research results concerning such spatially-explicit models lead efforts in preparation and mitigation of heat-related vulnerability and potential adaptation. The presented research analyzes the 1995 Chicago EHE in the context of a socio-environmental hazards approach, and fosters the development of an extreme heat vulnerability index (EHVI). The EHVI is a fused dataset consisting of census data and remotely sensed variables, which are examined in relation to geocoded mortality data. The presented analysis combines 25 well-known indicators of extreme heat-health risk into an applied index utilizing a principal components analysis. The developed EHVI presented a trend of higher rates of death in the highest risk zones to lower rates in lower zones of risk. The model explains nearly 80% of the total variance in the heat-health vulnerability variables utilized. This index could be utilized by city officials to assist in the mitigation of extreme heat events and is a further evolution of previously developed efforts. Our findings indicate extreme heat vulnerability models should likely be developed on a local level for a specific location, taking into account local variations in social and environmental vulnerability.


Füssel H M.Vulnerability: A generally applicable conceptual framework for climate change research[J]. Global Environmental Change, 2007,17(2):155-167.The term ulnerability is used in many different ways by various scholarly communities. The resulting disagreement about the appropriate definition of vulnerability is a frequent cause for misunderstanding in interdisciplinary research on climate change and a challenge for attempts to develop formal models of vulnerability. Earlier attempts at reconciling the various conceptualizations of vulnerability were, at best, partly successful. This paper presents a generally applicable conceptual framework of vulnerability that combines a nomenclature of vulnerable situations and a terminology of vulnerability concepts based on the distinction of four fundamental groups of vulnerability factors. This conceptual framework is applied to characterize the vulnerability concepts employed by the main schools of vulnerability research and to review earlier attempts at classifying vulnerability concepts. None of these one-dimensional classification schemes reflects the diversity of vulnerability concepts identified in this review. The wide range of policy responses available to address the risks from global climate change suggests that climate impact, vulnerability, and adaptation assessments will continue to apply a variety of vulnerability concepts. The framework presented here provides the much-needed conceptual clarity and facilitates bridging the various approaches to researching vulnerability to climate change.


Dousset B, Gourmelon F.Satellite multi-sensor data analysis of urban surface temperatures and land cover[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2003,58(1-2):43-54.Multiple satellite sensors are used to analyze physical processes that determine energy fluxes and their interaction at the urban surface. The study is based on summertime microclimate analyses of the Los Angeles and Paris metropolises. The method consists of deriving some parameters governing the surface heat fluxes, constructing statistics of thermal infrared images, and using a GIS to combine them with a landcover classification from SPOT-HRV multispectral images, and with data from intensive in-situ experiments. The average images reveal spatial and temporal variations of land surface temperature (LST), and distinct microclimatic patterns. The combined interpretation of the statistics images and of the landcover classification shows: (i) the effect of surface physical properties, especially in downtown business and industrial districts that display heat-islands larger than 7 C; (ii) the temperating influence of water; (iii) the negative correlation between afternoon land surface temperature and normalized vegetation index, which confirms the cooling effect of urban parks; (iv) the correlation between variations of surface temperature and ozone concentration at diurnal and longer time scales.



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董立新,杨虎,张鹏,等. FY-3A陆表温度反演及高温天气过程动态监测[J].应用气象学报, 2012,23(2):214-222.

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辜晓青,王怀清,聂秋生,等.利用极轨气象卫星资料动态监测2003年江西夏季高温干旱[J]. 江西气象科技, 2005(2):41-43.

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王祎婷,谢东辉,李亚惠.光谱指数趋势面的城市地表温度降尺度转换[J].遥感学报, 2014,18(6):1169-1181.针对城市及周边区域建造区和自然地表交织分布的特点,探讨了利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)和归一化建造指数(NDBI)构造趋势面的地表温度(LST)降尺度方法,以北京市市区及周边较平坦区域为例实现了LST自960m向120 m的降尺度转换。分析了LST空间分布特征及NDVI、NDBI对地物的指示性特征;以北京市四至六环为界分析NDVI、NDBI趋势面对地表温度的拟合程度及各自的适用区域;在120 m、240 m、480 m和960 m 4个尺度上评价了NDVI、NDBI和NDVI+NDBI趋势面对LST的拟合程度和趋势面转换函数的尺度效应;对NDVI、NDBI和NDVI+NDBI等3种方法的降尺度结果分覆盖类型、分区域对比评价。实验结果表明结合两种光谱指数的NDVI+NDBI方法降尺度转换精度有所改善,改善程度取决于地表覆盖类型组合。


[ Wang Y T, Xie D H, Li Y H. Downscaling remotely sensed land surface temperature over urban areasusing trend surface of spectral index[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014,18(6):1169-1181. ]



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[ Xiao F, Zhu M Y.Research on application and development of normalized remote sensing index[J]. Rural Economy and Science-Technology, 2016,27(1):47-48. ]

吴志杰,赵书河.基于TM图像的“增强的指数型建筑用地指数”研究[J].国土资源遥感,2012,24(2):50-55.以Landsat TM/ETM<sup>+</sup>图像为数据源,研究城镇和农村建筑用地信息的提取方法。首先利用TM 7,4,2波段创建归一化差值裸地与建筑用地指数(normalized difference bareness and built-up index, NDBBI ); 然后根据裸地在裸土指数(bare doil index, BSI)图像上的亮度值最高、在改进型归一化差值水体指数(modified normalized difference water index, MNDWI)图像的亮度值最低的特征,提出了增强型裸土指数(enhanced bare soil index, EBSI); 最后选用NDBBI,EBSI,MNDWI和SAVI(soil adjustment vegetation index, SAVI)4个指数,构建一种新型的建筑用地指数,称为&quot;增强的指数型建筑用地指数&quot;(enhanced index-based built-up index,EIBI),可快速地提取建筑用地信息。实验结果表明,用EIBI提取的建筑用地信息客观,人为干预少,可信度高,提取精度可达90%以上,适合于同时提取城市和农村建筑用地信息。


[ Wu Z J, Zhao S H.A study of enhanced index-based built-up index based on Landsat TM imagery[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2012,24(2):50-55. ]

王薇. 城市高度异质下垫面监测及热环境分析[D].上海:华东师范大学,2016.

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郑祚芳,范水勇,王迎春.城市热岛效应对北京夏季高温的影响[J]. 应用气象学报, 2006(S1):48-53.应用1998—2002年北京地区自动气象站观测资料,探讨了城市热岛效应对夏季高温的增幅作用。结果表明:北京地区夏季平均热岛指数随着环境温度的升高呈上升趋势,城市热岛效应对高温强度有明显的增幅作用。并应用中尺度MM5模式,对2000年7月一次典型高温天气过程进行了数值模拟。试验表明:模式对于北京地区夏季高温及城市热岛的范围和强度均有较好的模拟能力。


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