Spatial Difference of the Relationship Between Remote Sensing Index and Land Surface Temperature under Different Underlying Surfaces

  • SHUAI Chen , 1 ,
  • SHA Jinming , 1, * ,
  • LIN Jinhuang 1, 2 ,
  • JI Jianwan 1 ,
  • ZHOU Zhenglong 1 ,
  • GAO Shang 1
  • 1. College of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: SHA Jinming, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-06-27

  Request revised date: 2018-09-17

  Online published: 2018-11-20

Supported by

International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries IUCLAND, No.586037-EPP-1-2017-1-HU-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, No.551857-EPP-1-20L5-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Special Project under Ministry of Science and Technology, No.247608

Special Project of International Cooperation of Fujian Province, No.2018I0005.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Use of remote sensing indices to explain the changes and distribution in urban surface temperature has become a hot topic in the study of urban thermal environment. However, there are obvious differences in interpretation of surface temperature using the same remote sensing index in different studies. The reason for this is that when we use remote sensing index to explain the land surface temperature changes, the spatial differences caused by the interaction of different underlying surfaces are ignored. In this paper, we select Putian metropolitan area as study area to explain the spatial difference of LST using the 2016 Landsat 8 image as the data source. Three remote sensing indices were used for the explanation: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference building index (NDBI), and modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI). Then we use GF2 image to extract land cover types during the same period. the LST and its relationship with remote sensing indices was anayzed for different underlying surfaces. Then we use the OLS and GWR methods to construct the remote sensing index-LST model, and analyzed the spatial autocorrelation for model residuals. The results show: (1)The underlying surface has a significant impact on LST. Due to the continuity of the geospatial space, LST appear abnormal changes between different underlying surfaces. For example, the high temperature area is mainly concentrated on the artificial surface, but LST drops near water or forest lands as compared to its values on pure artificial surface; (2) NDVI and MNDWI have different positive and negative correlations with LST in water area and non-water area due to their own value range characteristics, while NDBI shows a stable positive correlation when quantifying its relationship with LST. (3)Compared with the OLS model, GWR can better explain the relationship between the remote sensing index and LST by fully considering the spatial difference. Through the spatial autocorrelation analysis for model residuals, there is an aggregation of model residuals under OLS, while the model residual under GWR shows a random distribution. Compared to GWR, OLS has stronger spatial limitations in describing he relationship between remote sensing index and LST.

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SHUAI Chen , SHA Jinming , LIN Jinhuang , JI Jianwan , ZHOU Zhenglong , GAO Shang . Spatial Difference of the Relationship Between Remote Sensing Index and Land Surface Temperature under Different Underlying Surfaces[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018 , 20(11) : 1657 -1666 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx. 2018.180303

1 引言

相关研究表明,城市热岛效应的加剧主要是由于城镇快速扩张过程中,原有的下垫面性质发生改变,由植被、水体等自然表面转变为具有高储热性质的城建材质(沥青、水泥等)[8]。目前,许多学者针对下垫面性质,在不同遥感指数与地温的相关性方面已开展了大量研究。早期研究主要针对归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)与地温的关系,大量研究表明NDVI与地温之间存在明显的负相关性[9,10],但也有研究表明利用NDVI来表征地温具有一定的局限性,难以利用简单的线性关系进行描述[11,12]。因此,学者尝试使用归一化建筑指数(Normalized Difference Building Index,NDBI),归一化水体指数(Normalized Difference Water Index,NDMI)等遥感指数来表征地温[13,14,15]。然而,不同学者的研究的结论不尽相同。当前,利用遥感指数表征地温的研究主要集中于通过构建不同的遥感指数与地表温度的OLS模型来解读遥感指数与地温之间的关系,OLS模型常用来分析解释变量与被解释变量之间相互依存关系,是一种非空间模型。
遥感指数-地温关系的研究一般会对水体区域进行掩膜,导致各参量在描述地温变化时在地理空间角度存在断层,另一方面说明利用遥感指数在水体区域描述地温特征时相较于其他下垫面存有差异。下垫面是影响地温的重要因素,利用遥感指数分析地温分布特征可以量化下垫面与地温的关系,但是不同下垫面对地温的影响有所差异,受地理空间连续特征的影响,这种差异在不同下垫面相交处必然会增大,因此,考虑空间非平稳性在遥感指数-地温关系分析中的影响有其必要性。地理加权回归 (Geographically Weighted Regression,GWR)模型,是1996年由Fortheringham提出一种利用参数变量描述因变量时,加入空间变化参考的局部空间回归分析方法,被广泛的应用于空间非平稳性现象的研究中,在研究城市地温空间布局都取得了不错的成果[16,17]。但是应用于遥感指数-地温的相关性研究还较少涉及。本文以 NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI 3种遥感指数为研究对象,分析不同下垫面上各遥感指数在表征地温变化的差异。并构建地温关系-遥感指数的OLS模型与GWR模型,探讨研究地温-遥感指数OLS模型与GWR模型的适用性与局限性,为利用遥感指数研究城市地温空间分布及变化提供技术与理论支持。

2 数据来源和处理

2.1 研究区概况

本文选取莆田市都市区为研究区(图1),北纬25°23′~25°26′、东经118°58′~119°3′,共43 km2。研究区靠近入海口,地势较为平坦,属亚热带海洋性季风气候,受海洋气团影响,年平均降雨量为900~1800 mm,年平均气温18~21°C。且该区域土地覆盖类型丰富,包括人工建设用地、林地、耕地、植被、裸地、水域,对研究不同下垫面下各遥感指数表征地温变化特征的空间非平稳性具有一定帮助。
Fig. 1 Study area-metropolitan area in Putian

图1 研究区域-莆田市都市区

2.2 数据来源

本次实验搜集了:① 2016年7月27日的Landsat 8影像,条带号119-42,其中热红外波段分辨率为100 m,全色波段分辨率为15 m,其余为30 m,云量为4.77%,研究区内云量接近0%,用于反演地温与遥感指数。② 同期2016年7月27日GF-2影像,进行研究区内土地覆盖类型提取,GF-2影像的全色波段分辨率为1 m,多光谱波段分辨率为4 m。

2.3 数据处理

2.3.1 地温反演
因Landsat8第11波段值具有较大的不稳定 性[18,19],实验采用覃志豪等[20]的单窗算法(Mono-window Algorithm)对Landsat8 TIRS数据第10波段进行地温反演,计算公式见式(1)-(3)。
T s = [ a ( 1 - C - D ) + ( b ( 1 - C - D ) + C + D ) T 10 - D T a ] / C (1)
C = ετ (2)
D = ( 1 - ε ) [ 1 + ( 1 - ε ) τ ] (3)
Tab. 1 Atmospheric average temperature Ta estimation equation under several standard atmospheric models

表1 几种标准大气模型下的大气平均作用温度Ta估计方程

标准大气模型 大气平均作用温度Ta估计方程
美国1976大气 Ta=25.9396+0.88045×To
热带大气 Ta=17.9769+0.91715×To
Tab. 5 Comparison of model statistics between OLS and GWR

表5 基于遥感指数的地温OLS模型与GWR模型统计量比较

Model 指数 AIC R2 Adjust R2 RSS 回归残差Moran's I Z P 类型
OLS NDVI 3620.75 0.32 0.31 4745.81 0.43 24.86 0 Clustered
NDBI 3207.18 0.60 0.59 2788.98 0.33 18.86 0 Clustered
MNDWI 3698.29 0.25 0.24 5243.22 0.46 26.59 0 Clustered
GWR NDVI 2912.83 0.83 0.77 1180.35 -0.002 -0.03 0.97 Random
NDBI 2726.99 0.87 0.82 917.34 -0.01 -0.53 0.60 Random
MNDWI 2927.23 0.83 0.76 1203.63 0.002 0.19 0.85 Random
2.3.2 土地覆盖类型提取
Fig. 2 Classification results in the study area

图2 研究区土地覆盖类型划分结果

2.3.3 遥感指数提取
对Landsat 8数据进行裁剪、辐射定标、Flaash大气校正后,进行NDVI、MNDWI、NDBI 3种遥感指数进行计算。
NDVI = ( ρ NIR - ρ R ) / ( ρ NIR + ρ R ) (4)
MNDWI = ( ρ Green - ρ MIR ) / ( ρ Green + ρ MIR ) (5)
NDBI = ( ρ MIR - ρ NIR ) / ( ρ MIR + ρ NIR ) (6)

2.4 分析方法与工具

根据式(1)-(6),计算得出LST与NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI,结合GF-2影像的分类数据。利用ArcGIS 10.4,通过叠加LST与分类数据,统计不同下垫面上地表温度分布特征,并分析人工表面、水体、林地的面积状况与地温关系变化的关系,在此基础上,对比NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI在不同下垫面上与LST相关关系的变化特征,并构建LST与遥感指数的最小二乘模型(OLS)。OLS模型是一种非空间模型,常用来分析解释变量与被解释变量之间相互依存关系,其计算公式如下:
Y i = β 0 + k ( β k X ik ) + ε i (7)
式中:Yi表示第i点的因变量值;β0表示模型的截距;Xik表示第k个自变量在第i点的值;βk为第k个自变量的回归系数; ε i 残差。
为进一步研究NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI 3种遥感指数与LST相关关系的空间特征,对LST、NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI的空间自相关性进行分析[27],空间自相关理论观点源于Tobller的地理学第一定律,是地理分析的基本定律之一[28,29]。空间自相关分析的基本测度是Moran指数,其来源于Pearson相关系数,是Moran在生物现象的空间分析基础上,将现象之间的相关系数从一维空间扩展到二维空间,由此发展出的一种标准化的空间自协方差[30]。空间自相关性是地理加权回归模型构建前的基础步骤,对参数进行空间自相关分析以确保各参数适于构建GWR模型。在OLS模型的基础上,考虑地理空间对解释结果的影响,构建出GWR模型[31]计算公式如式(8)。
Y i = β 0 ( u i , v i ) + k ( β k ( u i , v i ) X ik ) + ε i (8)
式中: ( ui , vi ) 是第i点的空间坐标,在构建GWR模型过程中,最优带宽的选择是构建函数模型的核心部分,优化特定权重函数的带宽对模型的精度具有很大的影响,实验通过Arcgis 10.4的AICC准则确定最优带宽[32,33]

3 数据处理结果与分析

3.1 不同下垫面上地温状况统计

Fig. 3 LST in study area

图3 研究区地温反演结果

Fig. 4 LST statistics under different land cover types

图4 不同土地覆盖类型下地温统计结果

根据统计结果(图4)可以发现,人工表面作为熟知的热体,具有最高值,接近320 K;而水体与林地,作为具有显著降温效果的冷体,最低温度统计结果分别是第一和第二。平均地温的统计结果更适宜表现不同下垫面与地温的变化特征,而最高地温与最低地温的统计结果则证实不同下垫面相邻区域的地温受多种下垫面对影响,例如人工表面的最低温仅为302.8 K,是因为通过水域的人工表面如桥梁、沿河的道路等,受到水体的降温效果,导致其最低温度低于不受水域影响的耕地与裸地。而林地的最高温超过314 K,位于第二,则是因为位于城市中的林地,受到城市聚热效应的影响,导致建城区内的林地温度有明显的升高。
在不同下垫面地温状况的统计基础上,选取人工表面、林地、水体3种城市地温主要影响要素,进一步分析,降温体与升温体对地温变化的影响。在研究区内构建50 M大小格网,分别统计人工表面、水体、林地在单位格网中所占面积比及单个格网平均地温,其相关关系可见图5(剔除单一地物影响)。
图5中可以发现,城市中人工表面所占面积与地温具有明显的正向相关,且相关程度极高,并且从图5中可以看到,单位面积下,人工表面占比每提高10%,地温提升0.41 K,是一种稳定的线性关系;而水域与林地与城市地温具有很强的负相关性,但是其表现特征有人工表面有所区别,呈现非线性特征,在单位面积下,水域与林地对城市地温的降温效果随着两种地类所占面积比例的增加而增强,并且相较于林地,含有水体的区域具有更低的基础温度。3种不同下垫面面积占比与地温关系整体表现出高度相关。
Fig. 5 Influence of different land cover ratio on ground temperature (Single Grid Area: 2500 m2)

图5 不同下垫面面积占比对地温的影响(单个格网面积:2500 m2

3.2 不同下垫面各遥感指数与LST相关性分析

Tab. 2 LST Model based on remote sensing index (OLS)

表2 遥感指数-地温的OLS模型

指数 OLS R2 Adjust R2 Pearson coefficient
NDVI Y=311.01-6.003X 0.32 0.31 -0.566
NDBI Y=311.31+14.54X 0.60 0.59 0.775
MNDWI Y=310.78+6.07X 0.25 0.24 0.499
Fig. 6 The relationship between NDVI and LST indiffierent land cover

图6 不同土地覆盖类型下的NDVI与LST的关系图

Fig. 7 The relationship between NDBI and LST in diffierent land cover

图7 不同土地覆盖类型下的NDBI与LST的关系图

Fig. 8 The relationship between MNDWI and LST in diffierent land cover

图8 不同土地覆盖类型下的MNDWI与LST的关系图

而MNDWI与NDVI类似,使用MNDWI进行LST描述时,以0值为分割线,表现出2种不同的描述趋势。MNDWI大于0时,一般为水体,随着MNDWI值的增加,温度呈现下降趋势;而MNDWI小于0时,构成像元的主要下垫面类型为植被、裸地、人工表面等非水体,且MNDWI的值越低,表示像元内的植被面积越高,因此在MNDWI值域为 (-1,0)时,LST会伴随着MNDWI的增长而上升。

3.3 遥感指数-地温OLS模型与GWR模型构建

本文利用ArcGIS 10.4软件进行研究区内模型构建的样点选取,在确保样点之间的间隔不低于100 m的基础上,研究区内生成778个随机点,提取样点的NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI与LST值,用以本研究的模型构建。在Pearson相关分析的基础上,进行OLS模型构建,模型构建基于ArcGIS 10.4实现,结果见表2
Tab. 3 Spatial autocorrelation analysis results

表3 空间自相关分析结果

Morans'I 0.96 0.72 0.63 0.71
Z 177.03 133.06 116.86 131.65
P 0 0 0 0
Type Clustered Clustered Clustered Clustered
通过对地温与遥感指数进行空间自相关分析可以发现,无论是地温,还是3种遥感指数,其都具有明显的空间自相关性。其中LST具有高度的空间自相关,Moran指数达到0.96,通过P值与Z得分可以判定,地温的分布在地理空间上具有表现出集聚的特征。对于3种遥感指数:NDVI、NDBI、MNDWI其Moran指数分别达到0.72、0.63、0.71,也表现出较强的空间自相关,其P值与Z得分同样显示出3种遥感指数在地理空间上的聚集现象。LST与遥感指数在地理空间上的集聚与高强度的空间自相关也符合研究区的城市空间布局与地温分布,即高度集中的城建区,具有明显的热岛效应。而城市中公园绿地及城市郊区林地、经过城市的河流等区域则形成降温区,与城市中心的热岛现象形成鲜明的对比。因此GWR可以用于遥感指数-地温的关系模型构建。本文GWR模型构建基于ArcGIS 10.4实现,通过多次试验的AIC值对比,最终确定带宽为400 m,模型结果见表4
Tab. 4 LST Model based on remote sensing index(GWR)

表4 遥感指数-地温的GWR模型

指数 回归系数 R2
最小值(Min) 最大值(Max) 均值(Mean)
NDVI -13.07 3.49 -4.70 0.83
NDBI -1.32 21.65 9.56 0.87
MNDWI -4.53 15.08 4.87 0.83
基于ArcGIS 10.4构建GWR模型,模型自变量的系数不是固定值。表4中基于GWR模型构建的NDVI-LST模型,系数的最小值为-13.07,最大值为3.49,表明NDVI与LST并不一直呈现负相关,符合图6中NDVI与LST的相关性变化,且相较于OLS模型,其R2也显著提高。NDBI模型的系数最小值为-1.32,最大值为21.65,模型R2为0.87;MNDWI模型的系数最小值为-4.53,最大值为15.08,模型R2为0.83。

3.4 OLS模型与GWR模型对比

参考模型统计量AIC、决定系数R2、校正系数R2、残差平方和(RSS),对构建的OLS模型与GWR模型进行比较。并对模型回归残差进行空间自相关分析,以确保模型的残差属于随机分布状态,保证模型的准确性与可靠性。AIC值作为度量模型性能的重要指标,同一变量下,具有较低AIC的模型能够更好的拟合观测数据;决定系数R2与校正系数R2则揭示模型的可靠性,一般而言R2和Adjust R2越高表面模型越优;RSS代表模型的残差平方和,同一变量下,RSS值越低,模型越好。对模型的回归残差进行空间自相关分析,如果分析结果为聚集或者离散状态则表示模型结果并不理想。比较结果可见表5

4 结论

本研究以高分二号影像土地覆盖分类结果与Landsat 8反演的地温数据与遥感指数数据,分析下垫面与城市地温的空间分布规律。通过探讨OLS与GWR模型下遥感指数与城市地温的关系,揭示了其定量关系在空间分布上具有非平稳特征。主要结论如下:
(2)NDVI和MNDWI受自身值域属性的影响,其正值与负值在表征地温上呈现一种矛盾状态。例如NDVI<0时,一般表征水体,因此地温状况会伴随着NDVI的增长而增加,呈现正相关, 而NDVI >0时,一般表征非水体区域,并且伴随着其值的增加,植被覆盖增加,地温也会逐渐降低,呈现负相关。MNDWI也具有类似现象。在简单线性关系下,NDBI表征地温变化则要优于NDVI、MNDWI,与地表温度呈现较为稳定的正向相关,受不同下垫面的影响较小。因此,利用NDVI、MNDWI进行地温相关性描述时,应充分考虑其下垫面不同对其相关关系的影响。

5 讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Perry J, Hardin, Ryan R, et al.The effect of urban leaf area on sunmertime urban surface kinetic temperatures: A Terre Haute case Study. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2007,6:63-72The urban heat island effect (UHIE) has been documented in many temperate region cities. One cause of the UHIE is the replacement of green spaces with impervious materials as urbanization commences and the city builds up and fills in. During the summer, elevated urban temperatures result in increased electricity usage, higher pollution levels, and greater resident discomfort. Through evapotranspiration and the interception of solar radiation, increasing urban tree canopy cover can help mitigate the UHIE. While this is universally accepted, the exact statistical relationship between urban leaf area (as measured by leaf area index, LAI) and urban temperatures has not been extensively studied. In a case study conducted in urban/suburban Terre Haute, Indiana, USA, simple linear regression was employed to quantify the relationship between in situ ceptometer LAI measurements and surface kinetic temperatures (SKTs) measured using thermal satellite imagery acquired at 1100 local time. For the 143 sample sites located in the study area, LAI accounted for 62% of the variation in surface temperature. For every unit increase in LAI, surface temperature decreased by 1.2 C.


张好,徐涵秋,李乐,等.成都市热岛效应与城市空间发展关系分析[J].地球信息科学学报, 2014,16(1):70-78.利用Landsat卫星影像反演成都市中心城区1992、2001和2009年的地表温度,建筑用地和植被等信息,计算其城市热岛比例指数(URI),对成都市中心城区热岛效应与城市空间发展关系进行了分析。结果表明,在1992-2009年期间成都市主城区范围从91.24km<sup>2</sup>扩展到403.8km<sup>2</sup>。成都市建成区的大面积扩展导致了城市热岛空间分布发生迁移,从单中心聚集分布转变为多中心环状分布。回归分析说明,建筑用地和植被都是影响地表温度的重要因素,其中建筑用地与地表温度呈指数型正相关关系,而植被与地表温度呈负相关关系。总的看来,成都市中心城区在这17年间的热岛效应有了明显的缓解,城市热岛比例指数从0.72下降到0.33。城市植被覆盖率的增加和合理的规划对缓解城市热岛效应起到了积极的作用。


[ Zhang H, Xu H Q, Li L, et al. Analysis of relationship between urban heat island effect and urban expansion in Chengdu, China[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014,16(1):70-78. ]



[ Peng S L, Zhou K, Ye Y H.Research progress in urban heat island[J]. Ecologt and Environment, 2005,14(4):547-579. ]

Essa W, J van der Kwast, Verbeiren B, et al. Downscaling of thermal images over urban using the land surface temperature-impervious percentage relationship[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013,23:95-108.Intensive expansion and densification of urban areas decreases environmental quality and quality of urban life as exemplified by the urban heat island effect. For this reason, thermal information is becoming an increasingly important data source for integration in urban studies. It is expected that future spaceborne thermal sensors will provide data at appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions for urban studies. Until they become operational, research has to rely on downscaling algorithms increasing the spatial resolution of relatively coarse resolution thermal images albeit having a high temporal resolution. Existing downscaling algorithms, however, have been developed for sharpening images over rural and natural areas, resulting in large errors when applied to urban areas. The objective of this study is to adapt the DisTrad method for downscaling land surface temperature (LST) over urban areas using the relationship between LST and impervious percentage. The proposed approach is evaluated by sharpening aggregated LST derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery collected over the city of Dublin on May 24th 2001. The new approach shows improved downscaling results over urban areas for all evaluated resolutions, especially in an environment with mixed land cover. The adapted DisTrad approach was most successful at a resolution of 480m, resulting in a correlation of R2=0.84 with an observed image at the same resolution. Furthermore, sharpening using the adapted DisTrad approach was able to preserve the spatial autocorrelation present in urban environments. The unmixing performance of the adapted DisTrad approach improves with decreasing resolution due to the fact that the functional relationship between LST and impervious percentage was defined at coarse resolutions.


聂建亮,武建军,杨曦,等.基于地表温度-植被指数关系的地表温度降尺度方法研究[J].生态学报,2011,31(17):4961-4969.地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, <em>LST</em>)在空间上和时间上均存在很大的差异性。而通过卫星遥感技术来监测地表温度存在着空间分辨率和时间分辨率上的矛盾:空间分辨率高的卫星时间分辨率低,反之亦然。为了解决这个矛盾,首先利用TsHARP (An algorithm for sharpening thermal imagery)温度降尺度方法将<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,1km</sub>(1km MODIS(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)地表温度)图像(2004年9月9日上午)降尺度为<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,500m</sub>(500m MODIS地表温度)图像。为了对降尺度<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,500m</sub>图像进行验证,对研究区内同一天(2004年9月9日上午)的ETM图像的第6波段的辐亮度值升尺度到500m后,再利用Sobrino ETM(Enhanced Thematic Mapper)温度反演方法反演得到<em>LST</em><sub>ETM,500m</sub>(500m ETM地表温度)图像,将<em>LST</em><sub>ETM,500m</sub>图像作为当日地表温度的实测值,对降尺度<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,500m</sub>图像的降尺度效果进行验证。对比结果表明降尺度<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,500m</sub>图像更加精细刻画<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,1km</sub>图像在空间上的分布格局;定量对比3种降尺度<em>LST</em><sub>MODIS,500m</sub>和<em>LST</em><sub>ETM,500m</sub>的RMSE分别为0.786、1.002,0.754℃,降尺度结果达到预期效果。

[ Nie J L, Wu J J, Yang X, et al.Downscaling land surface temperature based on relationship between surface temperature and vegetationindex[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011,31(17):4961-4969. ]

叶钰,秦建新,胡顺石.长沙市热岛效应时空特征变化研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2017,19(4):518-527.本文基于1991-2015年长沙市9景Landsat TM/ETM影像,采用单窗算法反演了长沙市建成区的地表温度,提取了土地利用/覆盖类型,并结合相关资料对长沙市热岛效应时空变化特征以及城市热环境与城市土地利用/覆盖变化之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明长沙市热岛范围随着建成区范围的扩大不断增大,并且热岛的时空演变与建成区扩大的趋势一致:1991-1996年,长沙市热岛向东发展迅速,截至1996年东部热岛面积增加达53.54 km~2;1996-2003年,受城市建成区扩展影响,热岛向西部延伸,增加面积达39.88 km~2;2003-2007年,建成区热岛向西部、南部加速发展,热岛增加总面积达33.55 km~2;2007年后,长沙市建成区与热岛范围开始向东、西、南、北4个方向全面扩展。此外,建成区土地利用/覆盖情况发生了很大的变化,大量绿地转变为建设用地和耕地,极大地影响了地表温度的空间分布,各土地类型之间的温度差异显著缩小,水体良好的吸热性能明显地体现出来,建筑用地和裸地则对地表温度的贡献显著增大。

[ Ye Y, Qin J X, Hu S S.Spatial-temporal evolution of urban heat island effects in Changsha city[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(4):518-527. ]

张春玲,余华,宫鹏,等.基于遥感的土地利用空间格局分布与地温的关系[J].遥感技术与应用, 2008,23(4):378-384.<p>近年由于经济的高速发展,土地利用与覆盖变化很大,促使城市的地表温度值正在逐步升高,城市热岛现象也更加突出。先利用监督分类的最大似然算法对武汉市的ETM影像进行分类,并计算各土地利用类型空间格局分布指数。然后用ETM热红外波段根据单窗算法反演武汉市的地表温度分布,并分别计算各土地利用类型的平均地表温度。最后利用灰色相关分析方法定量分析土地利用空间格局分布指数对地表温度的影响。结果表明武汉市土地利用类型的空间格局分布指数与地表温度有较好的相关性,其中地表温度与散布与并列指数(IJI)、同类斑块相邻百分数指数(PLADJ)和最大斑块所占景观面积比例指数(LPI)的灰色关联度较高,说明地表温度的分布不仅受到各类型斑块与其它斑块相邻情况的影响较大,还受到最大斑块所占的总土地面积比例的影响。</p>

[ Zhang C L, Yu H, Gong P, et al. Relationship between landscapes spatial pattern and land surface[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2008,23(4):378-384. ]


[ Liu Y, Kuang Y Q, Wu Z F, et al.Impact of land use on urban land surface temperature: A case study of Dongguan, Guangdong Province[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2006,26(5):597-602. ]

Goetz S J.Muti-sensor analysis of NDVI surface temperature and biophysical variables at a mixed grassland site[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1997,18(1):71-94.A unique remotely sensed data set derived for a temperate mixed grassland in the central United States was used to test the comparability of a suite of satellite and aircraft sensors, and to characterize temporal variability in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), retrieved surface radiant temperature (Ts), and surface biophysical variables. The temporal evolution of atmospherically corrected NDVI images through two growing seasons was found to be consistent among sensors. Maximum NDVI compositing of AVHRR data compared favourably with Landsat TM and SPOT-HRV, despite large variations in individual band reflectances with viewing geometry. Surface radiant temperatures retrieved from the various sensors, including aircraft TM-simulators, were also comparable, and in good agreement with surface measurements after radiometric calibration and atmospheric correction (2.7C rmse). The relationship between NDVI and Ts was determined largely by vegetation and environmental conditions (e.g., leaf area index and soil moisture), and was thus related to the partitioning of energy fluxes. The NDVI/Ts slopes were also affected by acquisition time, but were not significantly different among sensors over the growing season. These results suggest that data from different sensors can be used to augment spatial and temporal characteristics of datasets, when calibrated and corrected. Such capability diminishes the trade-off of spatial resolution at the expense of temporal resolution (and vice versa), thus allowing observation of short-term variations in biospheric processes.




[ Gong A D, Chen Y H, Li J, et al.Study on relationship between urban heat island and urban land use and cover change in Beijing[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2007,12(8):1476-1482. ]



[ Qian L X, Cui H S.Relationship between normalized difference moisture index and land surface temperature[J]. Geographical Reserch, 2008,27(6):1358-1366. ]

孙常峰,孔繁花,尹海伟,等.山区夏季地温的影响因素——以泰山为例[J].生态学报,2014,34(12):3396-3404.以泰山为例,应用夏季的Landsat 5的TM6为基本数据源,基于单窗算法定量反演了泰山地表面温度(LST),在此基础上首先探讨了LST与地形因子的关系,然后比较了归一化水汽指数(NDMI)和归一化植被指数(NDVI)在表达山区LST上的效力,最后利用逐步回归分析法,构建出LST与地形因子、NDMI的回归方程,应用偏相关系数,得出各个因子对LST的影响程度。结果表明:1)在地形因子中,影响LST的主要因素是海拔,随海拔升高呈自然对数形式降低,相比而言,坡度、坡向以及太阳入射能量的影响则很小;2)在没有水体时,NDVI与NDMI都能有效地表达山区的LST,LST与NDVI间是二次项负相关关系,与NDMI间是线性负相关关系,在表达LST上NDMI比NDVI更有效;3)综合分析表明,地表水汽特征是其表面温度最主要的影响因素,其次是海拔。研究结果将为山区地表温度空间分异性特征及形成机制的研究提供科学的参考。


[ Sun C F, Kong F H, Yin H W, et al.Analysis of factors affecting mountainous land surface temperature in the summer: A case study over Mount Tai[J]. Acta Ecological Sinica, 2014,34(12):3396-3404. ]

李昕瑜,杜培军,阿里木·赛买提.南京市地表参数变化与热岛效应时空分析[J].国土资源遥感,2014,26(2):177-183.利用南京市1989年TM和2001年、2010年ETM<sup>+</sup>卫星遥感数据,提取了3个时期的归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、改进的归一化水体指数(modified normalized difference water index,MNDWI)、归一化建筑指数(normalized difference build-up index,NDBI)和归一化不透水面指数(normalized difference impervious surface index,NDISI)等地表参数;利用热红外波段遥感数据反演地表温度,并从时间维对比分析了3个时期各个参数的变化和产生的原因;利用回归分析方法探讨了上述地表参数变化与城市地表温度之间的关系,即地表温度与NDISI和NDBI呈正相关,与NDVI呈负相关。进一步分析表明,南京市最近20 a来不透水面和建筑面积大幅增大,植被覆盖范围减少,城市热岛效应加剧,不透水面、建筑指数与地表温度的变化趋势和城市扩张趋势一致。该研究成果对于揭示南京市热岛效应、优化土地配置和推进生态城市建设具有一定的参考意义。


[ Li X Y, Du P J, Alim S.Spatial- temporal analysis of urban heat island effect and surface parameters variation in Nanjing city[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2014,26(2):177-183. ]

李斌,王慧敏,秦明周,等. NDVI, NDMI与地温关系的对比研究[J].地理科学进展,2017,36(5):585-596.

[ Li B, Wang H M, Qin M Z, et al.Comparative study on the correlations between NDVI, NDMI and LST[J]. Progress in Geography, 2017,36(5):585-596. ]

Mallick J, Singh C K, Shashtri S, et al.Land surface emissivity retrieval based on moisture index from LAND-SAT TM satellite data over heterogeneous surfaces of Del-hi city[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012,19:348-358.Emissivity and surface temperature enables better understanding of the overall urban land use/land cover classes and in turn helps in understanding the energy budget issues. In the present study it has been demonstrated that the notion of the assumed spectral emissivity (i.e. 1) induces errors in modeling the surface energy budget and urban climatology (micro-climate), especially over heterogeneous surface areas (urban) where emissivity is far smaller than unity. An attempt has been made to derive emissivity by using normalized difference moisture index (NDMI). The emissivity per pixel has been retrieved directly from satellite data and has been estimated as narrow band emissivity at the satellite sensor channel in order to have least error in the surface temperature estimation. The estimated emissivity values over few land use/land cover (LULC) classes of LANDSAT TM have been compared with the literature values and field measurement emissivity data using infrared thermometer. A strong correlation is observed between surface temperatures with NDMI over different LULC classes. A regression relation between these parameters has been estimated (Pearson's correlation of 0.938), indicating that surface temperatures can be predicted if NDMI values are known. The error in field data (in situ) and satellite derived surface temperature is within the range of 2 3 C. The correlation coefficient between the satellite derived and field observed surface temperature is very high 0.942 (significant at p value=0.01). The results suggest that the methodology is feasible to estimate NDMI, surface emissivity and surface temperature with reasonable accuracy over heterogeneous urban areas.


Geary R C.The contiguity ratio and statistical mapping[J]. Incorporated Statistician, 1954,5(3):115-145.Publication &raquo; The contiguity ratio and statistical mapping.


Sokal R R, Oden N L.Spatial autocorrelation in biology methodology[J]. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1978,10:199-228.Spatial autocorrelation analysis tests whether the observed value of a nominal, ordinal, or interval variable at one locality is independent of values of the variable at neighbouring localities. The computation of autocorrelation coefficients for nominal, ordinal, and for interval data is illustrated, together with appropriate significance tests. The method is extended to include the computation of correlograms for spatial autocorrelation. These show the autocorrelation coefficient as a function of distance between pairs of localities being considered, and summarize the patterns of geographic variation exhibited by the response surface of any given variable. Autocorrelation analysis is applied to microgeographic variation of allozyme frequencies in the snail Helix aspersa. Differences in variational patterns in two city blocks are interpreted. The inferences that can be drawn from correlograms are discussed and illustrated with the aid of some artificially generated patterns. Computational formulae, expected values and standard errors are furnished in two appendices.


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[ Xu H Q.Change of Landsat 8 TIRS calibration parameters and its effect on land surface temperature retrieval[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016,20(2):229-235. ]

覃志豪, Minghuazhang, Amon Karniel,等.用陆地卫星TM6数据演算地温的单窗算法[J].地理学报,2001,56(4):456-466.

[ Qin Z H, Zhang M H, Arnon Karniel, et al.Mono-window algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from Landsat TM6 data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2001,56(4):456-466. ]

覃志豪, Li W J, Zhang M H,等.单窗算法的大气参数估计方法[J].国土资源遥感,2003,15(2):37-43.根据地表热辐射传导方程,提出了一个简单可行且精度较高的专门用于从TM6数据中演算地表温度的方法&mdash;&mdash;单窗算法.这一算法把大气和地表状态对地表热传导的影响直接包括在演算公式中.该方法需要两个大气参数进行地表温度的演算,即大气平均作用温度和大气透射率.本文论述这两个大气参数的估计方法:根据大气水分含量或地表附近空气湿度来估计大气透射率;通过分析标准大气剖面资料,尤其是大气水分和气温随高程的变化规律,根据地表温度推算大气平均作用温度.


[ Qin Z H, Li W J, Zhang M H, et al.Estimating of the essential atomospheric parameters of mono-window algorithm for land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat TM6[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2003,15(2):37-43. ]

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徐涵秋. 利用改进的归一化差异水体指数(MNDWI)提取水体信息的研究[J].遥感学报,2005,9(5):589-595.在对M cfeeters提出的归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)分析的基础上,对构成该指数的波长组合进行了修改,提出了改进的归一化差异水体指数MNDWI(M odified NDWI),并分别将该指数在含不同水体类型的遥感影像进行了实验,大部分获得了比NDWI好的效果,特别是提取城镇范围内的水体。NDWI指数影像因往往混有城镇建筑用地信息而使得提取的水体范围和面积有所扩大。实验还发现MNDWI比NDWI更能够揭示水体微细特征,如悬浮沉积物的分布、水质的变化。另外,MNDWI可以很容易地区分阴影和水体,解决了水体提取中难于消除阴影的难题。


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Tobler W.On the first law of geography: A reply[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2004,94(2):304-310.Biogeography has been consistently well represented in the Annals throughout the Association of American Geographers' first century. This sample of biogeographic research effectively illustrates the persistent questions explored by the subdiscipline as well as changes in the intellectual perspectives taken on them. Four fundamental issues occupied biogeographers throughout this period (spatial pattern and process, landscape change, human modification of biotic communities, and linking physical and biological systems), but shifting research emphases show clear parallels to the major paradigmatic trends of 20th-century geography, including environmental determinism, regionalism, positivism, and postmodernism. These shifts define a number of fairly distinct periods of research activity: an early (1904-1927) focus on equilibrium environmental control of biotic communities and their dynamics, regional analysis and vegetation mapping (1942-1966), an increasing emphasis on methodological sophistication that prompted emphasis of environmental variability (1967-1987), and a recent (1987-present) reexamination of landscape dynamics with a concern for heterogeneity in space and time.


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