Spatial Structure and Population Flow Analysis in Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration based on Weibo Check-in Big Data

  • PAN Bilin , 1, 3 ,
  • WANG Jianghao 2 ,
  • GE Yong 2 ,
  • MA Mingguo , 3, *
  • 1. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Remote Sensing Big Data Application, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715,China
*Corresponding author: MA Mingguo, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-05-10

  Request revised date: 2018-11-21

  Online published: 2019-01-20

Supported by

Higher Education Teaching Reform Project of Chongqing, No.183171

Chongqing R&D Project of the High Technology and Major Industries, No.2017-1231

Chinese Academy of Sciences Undergraduate Innovation Training Program


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


With the rapid development of regional integration, nowadays the regional inter-city migration gets the more attention of the scholars at home and abroad. Micro-blog, as one of the most popular application in China, has become a hotspot of research in areas such as sociology and computer. Check-in, as one of Micro-blog's functions, can reflect the flow of inter-city population in real time. We used the crawler program to collect the research samples in the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration in January 2014. The information includes the Micro-blog's unique ID number, the grid coordinates of Micro-blog sending place, and the city code of the registered place, etc. By running this program, a total of 804204 valid Micro-blog check-in data weare obtained from the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. Based on Micro-blog checking areas, this study analyzeds the spatial structure of the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. And Wwe combined the micro-blog data with the traditional socioeconomic data, in order to analyze the impact factors of the regional migration. The results indicates that the spatial structure of micro-blog shows the characteristics of "many centers of dual-core" group in this area. There are only two cities whose micro-blog flows are more than 100,000. They are Chengdu and Chongqing, forming athe “dual-core”. The direction of Micro-blog flow is affected by administrative division, and the intensity of Micro-blog flow presents a certain grade difference. The network shows an obvious hierarchy, and it closely correlatesnnects with the actual social-economic area closely, such as GDP, population size and the strength of traffic connection. For Chengdu and Chongqing, its GDP ranksed first and second,1, 2 respectively, with athe population size all of greater than 7.59 million and both as a regional transport hubs, it makes their micro-blogWeibo flows areintensity in ranked 1st and, 2nd, places respectively. Lastly, there are still some differences between Micro-blog's space and the actual geographic space inof Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. In the background of the national Yangtze River Economic Belt and China's new urbanization, we put the network information into the geographical space. Actually In this paper we discovered the spatial network characteristics of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration, and then this paper pointeds out the influence of socioeconomic factors on Micro-blog cyberspace flow. Of course, there may still be other factors behind Micro-blog's cyberspace, which need to be explored and analyzed in the future.

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PAN Bilin , WANG Jianghao , GE Yong , MA Mingguo . Spatial Structure and Population Flow Analysis in Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration based on Weibo Check-in Big Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(1) : 68 -76 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180235

1 引言


2 研究区概况、数据源与研究方法

2.1 研究区概况

成渝城市群是中国西部地区人口、产业最为集中,城镇分布密度最高的区域,对该区域的空间结构和人口流动进行研究将具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。因此,本研究区域选定为成渝城市群。《成渝城市群发展规划》划定的成渝城市群范围包括四川省和重庆市的部分地区,具体包括四川省的成都、自贡、泸州等15个市,重庆市的渝中、万州、黔江等27个区(县)以及开县、云阳的部分地区,总面积为1.85×105 km2

2.2 数据源

2.2.1 数据获取
通过编制爬虫程序采集2014年1月成渝城市群范围内的研究样本,采集的信息包括微博唯一编号、微博发送地的经纬坐标、微博注册地的城市代码等。最终运行爬虫程序,攻击到804 204个有效微博签到数据,并对存在的噪声(如广告)进行了去除。
2.2.2 数据处理
(1)数据采集的空间选择。数据的采集要保证对成渝城市群范围内的全覆盖。需要说明的是: ①在重庆市市域范围内,将渝中、江北、南岸、九龙坡、沙坪坝、大渡口、北碚、渝北和巴南9个区统称为重庆主城,是重庆市的核心地区,因此本研究将以上9个区归并为“重庆主城”;② 四川省资阳市下辖的简阳市于2016年归成都市代管,在此之前简阳市属资阳市。本研究使用的微博数据时间段为2014年1月,故将简阳市归为资阳市;③ 本研究已剔除绵阳的北川县、平武县、达州的万源市、雅安的天全县、宝兴县。但重庆市的“开县、云阳的部分地区”没有明确指出范围边界,加之开县和云阳2个区县总体发展水平较低,对整个研究区的微博流空间影响较小,故保留开县和云阳2个区县的全域。

2.3 数据交叉验证

Fig. 1 Night lights from remote sensing

图1 夜晚灯光遥感

Fig. 2 The spatial distribution of micro-blog

图2 微博空间分布

2.4 研究方法

M A = m B + m C + m D + + m Z (1)
N A = n B + n C + n D + + n Z (2)
P A = M A + N A (3)
Q A = P A + R A (4)

3 结果及分析

3.1 微博视角下的区域人口流动提取与特征分析

3.1.1 区域人口流动提取
Fig. 3 The matrix of population flow

图3 人口流动矩阵

3.1.2 区域人口流动特征分析
Fig. 4 The diagram of micro-blog flow

图4 微博流量

Tab. 1 City orientation of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration

表1 成渝城市群的城市定位

城市定位 城市目录
辐射带动城市 重庆、成都
区域中心城市 万州、黔江、绵阳、南充、乐山、泸州、宜宾
重要节点城市 涪陵、长寿、江津、合川、永川、南川、綦江、大足、璧山、铜梁、潼南、荣昌、梁平、丰都、垫江、忠县、开县、云阳、达州、内江、自贡、德阳、眉山、遂宁、资阳、广安、雅安


由人口流动矩阵可知,成渝城市群内部的人口流动量由大到小分别是:各地级市内部>省域内部>省际之间。以成都市为例,成都市内部人口流量RA已达162 175人次,由四川省省内流入成都市的人口流入量MA1为78 054人次,由重庆市全市流入成都市的人口流入量MA2仅为5700人次,其中重庆主城占2938人次。这表明一般地级市之间的人口流动主要以省域内部为主,省际间的人口流动则需要发挥区域中心城市的带动作用。行政区划影响下的人口流动在中小城市体现的尤为明显。
Fig. 5 The density of Micro-blog activity

图5 微博活动空间密集度


3.2 区域人口流动的影响因素研究

3.2.1 地区生产总值
Fig. 6 Comparisons of the intensity of micro-blog flow with the social-economic development level

图6 微博流动强度与社会经济发展水平

自然断点法(Natural Breaks)是基于数据固有的自然分组,将数据集中且不连续的裂点作为分级依据,对相似值进行恰当分组并在数值差异较大处设置边界,使得同一级别的数值具有一定的相似性,不同级别之间的差异最大化[30]。本文基于自然断点法将2014年地区生产总值分成三级:1.35百亿元~5.54百亿元为第三层级,5.54百亿元~15.79百亿元为第二层级,15.79百亿元~100.56百亿元为第一层级(图6)。成都和重庆主城属于第一层级;绵阳、德阳、乐山、眉山、南充、遂宁、资阳、内江、自贡、宜宾、泸州、广安、达州、涪陵、万州属于第二层级;其余城市为第三层级(图7)。由于成都和重庆主城分别是四川省和重庆市的经济中心,资本、技术、劳动力等要素在此大量汇集,集聚作用显著,辐射带动能力强,因此成都和重庆主城的经济总量和微博人口流动总量均远远高于其他城市。地区生产总值位于第二层级的城市中,绵阳、德阳、乐山、眉山、南充、遂宁、资阳、内江、自贡、宜宾、泸州、广安和达州的微博人口流动量位序为3~15,仅有涪陵和万州的微博人口流动总量位序靠后,分别为17和22。涪陵是连接渝西和渝东地区的枢纽,经济较发达;万州作为渝东北的区域核心城市得到了较为充足的发展,但由于网络通讯等基础设施建设较为滞后,其微博活跃程度较低。综上,微博人口流动强度与地区生产总值存在着相对一致性,说明经济发展是人口流动的重要动力,一切可能导致经济发展水平提升的因素均可间接导致人口流动的加剧。
Fig. 7 The GDP of each district cities

图7 各地级市地区生产总值

3.2.2 人口规模
Fig. 8 The size of city household register

图8 各市户籍人口规模

3.2.3 交通联系
将微博矢量数据栅格化,可以发现大量的微博位置信息大致勾勒出成渝城市群的交通网络,成都、重庆主城、遂宁、泸州等交通节点城市凸显(图9),微博流动空间与交通联系网络存在一定关联。以上研究表明成都和重庆主城具备较强的辐射带动能力,对周边地区的社会经济发展影响较大。因此,抓取百度地图中两城市与其他城市之间的城际交通耗时时长(高速优先),从而分析交通联系与微博人口流动的关系(图10)。将耗时时长划分为60 min以内、61~90 min、91~120 min、121~150 min及150 min以上5个等级;将耗时时长小于90 min的城市定义为联系较强的城市,时长大于90 min的城市定义为联系较弱的城市。
Fig. 9 The relationship between traffic network and Micro-blog space

图9 交通网络与微博空间关系

Fig. 10 The strength of the transport links

图10 成都和重庆主城的交通联系


4 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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杨任飞,罗红霞,周盛,等.夜间灯光数据驱动的成渝城市群空间形成过程重建及分析[J].地球信息科学学报,2017,19(5):653-661.2016年4月发布的《成渝城市群发展规划》首次正式确定了成渝城市群的内涵和具体边界,重建成渝城市群的形成过程,有利于把握未来发展趋势,并合理优化与调整其发展过程。在重建技术方面,对DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据传统的不变目标区域校正法加以改进,将成渝城市群2013年城市市区范围内的全部像元加入校正模型的拟合中,设计了统计数据的校正规则,再通过二分比较法较好地恢复了成渝城市群内各城市建成区的时序空间信息。提取面积与统计面积总体平均相对误差为-0.38%,利用高分辨率Google Earth图像验证的建成区提取准确率达到98.29%,相比其他研究结果,经方法改进后的提取结果精度高且稳定。在结果分析方面,基于提取结果展开对城市群建成区重心转移过程与城市聚合过程的深层次研究,剖析了城市群的内部格局与时空变化特征。分析表明,成渝城市群的聚合情况与《成渝城市群发展规划》高度吻合,城市群已进入快速发育阶段,随着区域差异的持续扩大,成都、重庆都市圈的核心地位逐渐形成,而重庆的发展态势稍好。

[ Yang R F, Luo H X, Zhou S, et al.Restoring and analyzing the space forming process of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration by using DMSP/OLS night-time light data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(5):653-661. ]

方创琳. 中国城市群研究取得的重要进展与未来发展方向[J].地理学报,2014,69(8):1130-1144.Urban agglomeration has been the inevitable result of China's rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last 30 years. Since the early 2000s, urban agglomeration has become the new regional unit participating in international competition and the division of labor. China has declared urban agglomeration the main spatial component of new types of urbanization over the next decade as clarified at the first Central Urbanization Working Conference and in the National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014-2020). However, research on urban agglomeration remains weak and needs to be strengthened. From 1934 to 2013, only 19 papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica contained the theme of urban agglomeration (0.55% of the total number of articles published) and the first paper on urban agglomeration appeared less than 10 years ago. Despite a small number of divergent studies, this work has contributed to and guided the formation of the overall pattern of urban agglomeration in China. For example, spatial analyses have promoted the formation of the fundamental framework of China's urban agglomeration spatial structure and guided the National New-type Urbanization Plan; spatial identification standards and technical processes have played an important role in identifying the scope and extent of urban agglomeration; serial studies have facilitated pragmatic research; and problems with the formation and development of urban agglomeration have provided a warning for future choices and Chinese development. Future research into urban agglomeration in China should (1) review and examine new problems in China's urban agglomeration options and cultivation; (2) critically consider urban agglomeration when promoting the formation of the 5+9+6 spatial pattern; (3) rely on urban agglomeration to construct new urbanization patterns such as 'stringing the agglomerations with the axis, supporting the axis with the agglomerations'; and (4) deepen national awareness about resources, environment effects and environmental carrying capacity in high density urban agglomerations, management and government coordination innovation, the construction of public finance and fiscal reserve mechanisms, the technical regulation of urban agglomeration planning, and standards for identifying the scope and extent of urban agglomeration.


[ Fang C L.Progress and the future direction of research into urban agglomeration in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(8):1130-1144. ]

Lin J, Cromley R G.Evaluating geo-located Twitter data as a control layer for areal interpolation of population[J]. Applied Geography, 2015,58(2):41-47.61Geo-located night-time tweets data was first introduced as a control layer for population interpolation.61Though Twitter data as single control data did not perform well, its enhancement effect on other control data was obvious.61The enhancement effect of Twitter data for each subgroup population was consistent with the user percentage of that age group.


Wong D W S, Huang Q Y. “Voting with their feet”: Delineating the sphere of influence using social media data[J]. International Journal of Geo-information, 2017,6(11):325-341.


Graham M, Stephens M, Hale S.Featured graphic: Mapping the geoweb: A geography of Twitter[J]. Environment And Planning A, 2013,45(1):100-102.


王波,甄峰,席广亮,等.基于微博用户关系的网络信息地理研究——以新浪微博为例[J].地理研究,2013,32(2):380-391.Along with a new development trend of mobile information technology, nowadays people can even communicate with others at anytime and anywhere with any devices. Micro-blog, as one of the most important social network platforms, has experienced vigorous growth and now becomes one of the most popular Internet applications in China. Although micro-blog has become a hotspot of research in areas such as computer and sociology, there have been relatively few studies from the perspective of geography. Compared with the existing researches on cybergeography mainly focused on network infrastructure used to simulate the influence of information, the research based on micro-blog users' relationship will undoubtedly reflect interpersonal communication more directly, thus help to analyze the impact of information on interpersonal social network. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze cybergeography based on micro-blog users' relationship. The study firstly selects 100 micro-blog users in Nanjing and collects these users' followers, followings, friends, and their geospatial information. Then it analyzes the geographical features, forms and the reasons. The results are obtained as follows. (1) The role of distance still acts in the network information space, for a certain distance attenuation phenomenon still exists in network information contact. And the amount of network information contact with these selected users in Jiangsu province occupies the largest part of the country's total, while this figure in Nanjing city also occupies most parts of the total in Jiangsu Province. (2) The network information contact is well consistent with the actual social-economic contact, for not only the strength of network information shows a relative consistence with the social-economic development, but also the pattern of network information contact shows a relative consistence with the overall pattern of social-economic development. (3) The network information space also shows an obvious hierarchy, for not only the strength of network information contact shows different hierarchical levels, but also the network information contact between cities is imbalanced and characterized by asymmetry. Lastly, the study argues that the role of distance and the actual socio-economic contact have joint impacts on the network information space, which has a certain similarity with the function mechanism on the actual geographic space.


[ Wang B, Zhen F, Xi G L, et al.A study of cyber-geography based on Micro-blog users' relationship: With a case of Micro-blog[J]. Geographical Research, 2013,32(2):380-391. ]



[ Wang L C, Yan C X, Li W.Research on spatial-temporal characteristics of tourist flow based on Sina Micro-blog LBS data: A case study of Lanzhou[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2017,32(5):94-105. ]



[ Ning P F, Wan Y C, Ren F.Sina Micro-blog for the data of time and space hot event detection method[J]. Geomatics and Spatial Information Technology, 2017,40(9):33-37. ]

韩华瑞,代侦勇.湖北省微博签到活动空间差异分析——以新浪微博为例[J].测绘与空间地理信息,2016,39(10):159-162.选取了湖北省2014年1~11月的微博签到数据,通过对55 933个POI、5 820 136次微博签到量进行空间统计分析发现:湖北省微博签到次数呈现出明显的空间差异,17个地区中武汉市微博签到量所占百分比高达71.19%,在湖北省中占绝对优势,其他16个地区中宜昌、襄阳、荆州三地区所占百分比为13.83%,其余13个地区仅占14.98%.在17个地级市中又以各市中心的签到量最大.将17个地级市微博签到量与各地区2014年GDP做散点图,发现GDP与签到量之间呈正相关,通过皮尔森相关系数进行验证,在0.01的显著水平下皮尔森系数为0.959,呈现出高度相关,说明微博签到量与经济发展水平关系密切.

[ Han H R, Dai Z Y.The analysis of space difference of check-in activities in Hubei province: An empirical analysis of Sina Micro-blog[J]. Geomatics and Spatial Information Technology, 2016,39(10):159-162. ]



[ Zhen F, Wang B, Chen Y X.China's city network characteristics based on social network space: An empirical analysis of Sina Micro-blog[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(8):1031-1043. ]



[ Wang X W, Wang H Y, Li Q C.Location based big data analysis of the short-term population flow of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei urban agglomeration[J]. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2017,38(2):105-113. ]

李长风. 基于社交网络位置数据的区域流动空间特征研究——以长三角城市群为例[J].上海城市规划,2014(5):44-50.区域内部可达性的增强使得对区域系统的研究从方法上更强调流动视角下的网络模型应用,内容上则集中在地域组织结构演化的探讨。缺少连续、稳定的观测数据是长期以来研究的瓶颈所在。社交网络位置数据作为网络技术发展下的一类新型数据源,它为实现区域流动空间的观测创造了机会。通过采集社交网络上的位置数据来模拟区域内的人流情况,构造了以城市节点和人流构成的区域流动空间模型,并对其结构特征展开了实证分析。分析表明,长三角地区流动空间具有流动强度层级结构明显、城市牵引力规模依赖、空间形态的多中心、行政区划限制区域流动等特征,这些特征表明尽管局部上表现出了网络特征,但是在区域尺度上,长三角地区的区域流动空间仍然受中心地范式的主导。


[ Li C F.Study on the regional space of flows based on location data from social network: A case study of city group of Yangtze river delta[J]. Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2014(5):44-50. ]



[ Zhen F, Wang B.Rethinking human geography in the age of big data[J]. Geographical Research, 2015,34(5):803-811. ]



[ Wu Z H, Li T.The comprehensive performance evaluation of the high-tech development zone: Analysis based on the natural breakpoint method[J]. Statistics and Information Forum, 2013,28(3):82-88. ]



[ Wang M F, Ning Y M.The urban geography of cyberspace: Review and prospect[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2002,17(6):854-863. ]

