Spatio-temporal Pattern of Chinese Economy Development based on Nightlight Data

  • LI Xiang ,
  • ZHU Jiang , * ,
  • YIN Xiangdong
  • Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Survey Research Institute, Guangzhou 510060, China
*Corresponding author: ZHU Jiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-11-08

  Request revised date: 2019-01-04

  Online published: 2019-03-15

Supported by

Youth Fund Sustentation Project of Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Survey Research Institute, No.2018-60.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Knowledge on the spatio-temporal pattern of economy development can effectively help inform policy on economy. Most current studies on spatio-temporal pattern in economic development mainly rely on statistical data. However, these statistical data have disadvantages such as lacking of consistently statistical standard and low spatial resolution. These shortcomings prevent the use of statistical data to accurately describe the real pattern of economic development. Nightlight data covers the most surface on the earth, and it is available with free of charge. Moreover, the nightlight data is highly related to socio-economic activities, so it can be used as a proxy variable to study human activities. Based on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) nightlight data, three methods including gravity center, standard deviation ellipse, and local Moran'I were used in this study to explore the spatio-temporal pattern in Chinese economic development at different scales. The results showed that: (1) Chinese economic gravity center moved to the southeast from 2003 to 2013, but the moving distance was reduced year by year. These results indicated that there existed an economic gap between eastern region and inland region, but the gap was reduced gradually in these periods. The ellipse's extent of standard deviation in Chinese economy expanded, but its oblateness decreased from 2003 to 2013. This implies that the total volume of Chinese economy continued to rais, however, the spatial pattern became locally aggregated gradually. Besides, the direction angle of Chinese economy's standard deviation ellipse deflected to the east in these periods, which agrees with the result that the economic gravity center moved to the southeast. (2) High-high and low-low clustered areas were the two most obvious features of Chinese economy.

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LI Xiang , ZHU Jiang , YIN Xiangdong . Spatio-temporal Pattern of Chinese Economy Development based on Nightlight Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(3) : 417 -426 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180569

1 引言

国内外学者对经济发展的时空格局进行了广泛的研究。Chung等[6]基于SES(Social Economic Status)方法和政府统计数据测度了1976-2010年香港各区之间的经济发展差异;Chirila等[7]研究了金融危机对欧盟各国经济发展差异的影响;刘夏明等[2]利用基尼系数考察了省级尺度上的中国地区经济发展差异[2];杨丰硕等[8]研究了江西省的地理因素对经济差异的影响。这些成果为进一步研究经济时空格局特征提供了思路和方法,但是以往研究主要利用GDP、人均收入等统计数据表征经济发展水平。统计数据存在口径不统一、可比价换算复杂等问题[9],而且统计数据一般为均质的面板数据,空间分辨率较低,难以表现行政区内部经济发展的空间异质性。因此,借助更客观、尺度更精细的数据有助于更全面地研究经济发展的时空格局特征。

2 数据源与研究方法

2.1 数据源

Tab. 1 Main parameters of data source

表1 数据主要参数

数据类型 数据名称 数据来源 比例尺/分辨率 数据时间
矢量数据 地市级行政区划 国家基础地理信息中心 1:400万 2017年
栅格数据 DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据 美国国家海洋和大气管理局 1 km 2003-2013年
MODIS数据 美国国家航空航天局
统计数据 地区生产总值(GDP) 各省市统计年鉴 - 2003-2013年

2.2 数据预处理

由于传感器性能的原因,DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据存在灯光值不连续、亮度饱和的缺点[22],这些缺点会影响数据可靠性。本文数据预处理主要是对DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据进行不连续性矫正与去饱和处理。进行预处理前对矢量数据和栅格数据定义投影,然后按照1 km×1 km的格网大小对栅格数据重采样。
2.2.1 DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据不连续性矫正
DN (n , i) = 0 DN ( n - 1 , i ) DN ( n , i ) DN ( n + 1 , i ) = 0 DN ( n + 1 , i ) > 0 DN ( n - 1 , i ) > DN ( n , i ) 其他 (1)
式中:DN(n-1, i),DN(n, i),DN(n+1, i)分别代表第n-1年、第n年和第n+1年经过年间校正的影像第 i 个像元的DN值。
Fig. 1 Accumulated values of DN value in DMSP/OLS nightlight data before discontinuity correction

图1 不连续性校正前DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据DN值累计值

Fig. 2 Accumulated values of DN value in DMSP/OLS nightlight data after discontinuity correction

图2 不连续性校正后DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据DN值累计值

2.2.2 DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据去饱和处理
根据Zhang等[24]的研究,同一位置的空间单元的灯光值与植被指数呈负相关。目前对DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据进行去饱和处理的方法主要基于这一研究成果,如差值去饱和指数(Difference Index, DI)[13],如式(2)所示;归一化去饱和指数(Normalized Difference Index, NDI)[13],如式(3)所示;改进型去饱和指数(Enhanced Index, EI)[22],如式(4)所示。本文将几种方法的去饱和效果做比较,选出最优方法。归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)和增强型植被指数(Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI)是最常用的2种植被指数数据。NDVI和EVI相比,在植被覆盖度较高地区易出现指数饱和现象[25],影响去饱和效果,因此本文选择EVI数据进行去饱和处理。
DI = NL D n - VI (2)
NDI = NL D n - VI NL D n + VI (3)
EI = 1 + NL D n - VI 1 - ( NL D n - VI ) (4)
Fig. 3 Comparison of desaturation effect of different methods in DMSP/OLS nightlight data

图3 不同方法对DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据的去饱和效果比较

2.2.3 建设用地上夜间灯光数据提取
Fig. 4 Comparison of the relevance of DN accumulated values with GDP between nightlight data of whole extent and construction land

图4 全域灯光数据和建设用地上灯光数据的DN值累计值与GDP相关性比较

2.3 经济发展方向特征度量

(1) 重心计算方法
x t ¯ = i = 1 n I ti X ti i = 1 n I t i ; y t ¯ = i = 1 n I ti Y ti i = 1 n I ti (5)
式中: x t ¯ y t ¯ 分别为第t年经济重心的横坐标和纵坐标; I ti ¯ 表示第t年第i个格网单元的灯光值; X ti ¯ Y ti ¯ 分别为第t年第i个格网单元的横坐标和纵坐标。
(2) 标准差椭圆计算方法
SD E x = i = 1 n x ˜ i 2 n , SD E y = i = 1 n y ˜ i 2 n (6)
式中:SDExSDEy分别表示标准差椭圆x轴和y轴方向上的轴长; x ˜ i = X ti ¯ - x t ¯ , y ˜ i = Y ti ¯ - y t ¯ ; X ti ¯ Y ti ¯ 分别为第t年第i个格网单元的横坐标和纵坐标; x t ¯ y t ¯ 表示第t年重心的横、纵坐标。

2.4 经济发展空间集聚性度量


3 结果及分析

3.1 中国经济发展方向特征分析

Fig. 5 Migration of the gravity center and standard deviation ellipse of Chinese economy development based on nightlight data and statistical data

图5 基于夜间灯光数据和统计数据的中国经济重心迁移和标准差椭圆

利用夜间灯光数据能有效克服样本数量少、空间分辨率低的缺点,更加真实地反映中国经济重心的变迁。从重心移动过程来看,2003-2013年基于夜间灯光数据的经济重心大体朝东南方向移动,重心位移32.5 km,说明东部地区的经济体量高于内陆地区。经济发展受历史、自然、交通和政策等多种因素影响,改革开放以来,东部地区凭借相对较好的经济基础与政策优势迅速发展,与内陆地区拉开差距。经过几十年发展,东部地区的优势持续巩固,中国区域经济发展差异短期内不会彻底消除[2]
进一步分析发现,2003-2013年经济重心每年移动距离呈逐年减小的趋势,有明显的“刹车效应”。主要原因包括政策扶持、资金支持和基础设施建设等方面。政策扶持方面,国家提出并实施“振兴东北”、“中部崛起”、“西部大开发”等战略,特别是实施“西部大开发”战略实施以来,国家通过规划指导、项目安排等方式加大了对西部地区的扶持力度,“西气东输”、“西电东输”等国家级重大项目盘活了中西部地区的资源禀赋,为中西部经济增长提供了重要支点。同时,重庆两江新区、甘肃兰州新区等国家级新区的设立为中西部经济发展提供科学实验区。随着“一带一路”等国家级倡议的提出,胡焕庸线以西地区被推向开放前沿,可以预见,中西部地区的资源红利和区位红利将被持续激活,西部地区经济发展空间将被继续拉开,吸引人流、物流的不断进入。资金支持方面,中央财政对西部地区转移支付从2000年的1089亿元增加到2008年的7933亿元,累计达30 338亿元,占中央对地方转移支付总额的43.6%[9],资金支持不仅对维持西部地区社会经济正常运行起到关键作用,而且对刺激生产、扩大消费市场有重要意义。基础设施建设方面,青藏铁路、兰新铁路等重大基础设施的投入使用加强了西部地区与东部地区联系,同时促进了西部地区各项资源的流动,为西部地区经济长效增长构建了稳定的交通框架。2005年以来,中西部地区经济增长迅速,特别是西部地区,GDP增长速度保持在9%以上[3],中西部地区经济增长迅猛,使得中国区域经济发展差异有所缓解,经济重心向东南方向移动的距离也逐渐减小。以往研究主要基于省级或市级尺度的经济统计数据测度中国经济发展的空间差异,研究结论大多为中国区域经济差异呈逐渐扩大趋势。然而统计数据存在口径不统一,可比价换算复杂,难以反映行政区内部经济发展空间异质性等缺点,无法从精细尺度准确探究中国经济发展的时空格局。本研究融合公里格网尺度的夜间灯光数据,一定程度上避免了上述数据的缺陷,使研究结果更贴合实际。
从标准差椭圆角度来看,利用统计数据计算的各年份椭圆高度重合,无法准确揭示中国经济发展空间特征(表1)。基于夜间灯光数据计算的经济标准差椭圆更加瘦长,长轴为南北向,长度由2003年的2414 km增加到2013年的2701 km,短轴为东西向,长度由2003年的622 km增加到2013年的 740 km。长短轴长度的增加使经济标准差椭圆面积不断扩大,由2003年的2 057 585 km2扩大到2013年的2 713 679 km2,主要原因是中国经济不断发展,在灯光数据上表现为空间单元的DN值普遍增大,亮区范围变广,因此需要更大的椭圆范围来囊括新增的亮区。中国经济标准差椭圆的方向角由2003年的18.65°变为2013年的20.04°,不断向东偏转,与前文经济重心朝东南方向移动的结果吻合。虽然经济标准差椭圆范围不断变大,但是椭圆扁率从2003年的3.87变为2013年的3.64,呈减小趋势,说明从中国经济逐渐呈现局部聚集、多点开花的特点,总体集聚度有所下降。

3.2 中国经济发展空间集聚性分析

Fig. 6 Change of spatial aggregation of Shandong Peninsula and Yangzi River Delta's economy development from 2003 to 2013

图6 2003-2013年山东半岛及长三角地区经济发展空间集聚性变化

Fig. 7 Change of spatial aggregation of western region's economy development from 2003 to 2013

图7 2003-2013年西部地区经济发展空间集聚性变化

Tab. 2 Main parameters of Chinese economy’s standard deviation ellipse based on nightlight data of different years

表2 各年份基于夜间灯光数据计算的中国经济标准差椭圆的主要参数

年份 长轴长度/km 短轴长度/km 椭圆面积/km2 方向角/° 扁率
2003 2414 622 2 057 585 18.65 3.87
2008 2563 682 2 396 771 19.62 3.75
2013 2701 740 2 713 679 20.04 3.64

4 结论与讨论

DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据为研究人类活动提供了新的数据源,但是其数据质量不高,应用之前需要进行复杂的预处理,且数据存档只有1992-2013年。和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据相比,NPP/VIIRS(National Polar-orbiting Partnership, Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)夜间灯光数据、珞珈一号数据等新一代夜间灯光数据在空间分辨率、时间分辨率和光谱分辨率上有明显提升,更加适合用于研究人类经济社会活动。另外,由于夜间灯光数据几乎覆盖全球范围,后续可以利用它在洲际甚至全球尺度上探索人类社会经济活动的特征和规律。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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杨任飞,罗红霞,周盛,等.夜间灯光数据驱动的成渝城市群空间形成过程重建及分析[J].地球信息科学学报,2017,19(5):653-661.2016年4月发布的《成渝城市群发展规划》首次正式确定了成渝城市群的内涵和具体边界,重建成渝城市群的形成过程,有利于把握未来发展趋势,并合理优化与调整其发展过程。在重建技术方面,对DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据传统的不变目标区域校正法加以改进,将成渝城市群2013年城市市区范围内的全部像元加入校正模型的拟合中,设计了统计数据的校正规则,再通过二分比较法较好地恢复了成渝城市群内各城市建成区的时序空间信息。提取面积与统计面积总体平均相对误差为-0.38%,利用高分辨率Google Earth图像验证的建成区提取准确率达到98.29%,相比其他研究结果,经方法改进后的提取结果精度高且稳定。在结果分析方面,基于提取结果展开对城市群建成区重心转移过程与城市聚合过程的深层次研究,剖析了城市群的内部格局与时空变化特征。分析表明,成渝城市群的聚合情况与《成渝城市群发展规划》高度吻合,城市群已进入快速发育阶段,随着区域差异的持续扩大,成都、重庆都市圈的核心地位逐渐形成,而重庆的发展态势稍好。

[ Yang R F, Luo H X, Zhou S, et al.Restoring and analyzing the space forming process of Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration by using DMSP/OLS night-time light data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(5):653-661. ]

Zhao M, Cheng W, Zhou C H, et al.GDP spatialization and economic differences in South China based on NPP-VIIRS nighttime light imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2017,9(7):673-688.Accurate data on gross domestic product (GDP) at pixel level are needed to understand the dynamics of regional economies. GDP spatialization is the basis of quantitative analysis on economic diversities of different administrative divisions and areas with different natural or humanistic attributes. Data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), carried by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite, are capable of estimating GDP, but few studies have been conducted for mapping GDP at pixel level and further pattern analysis of economic differences in different regions using the VIIRS data. This paper produced a pixel-level (500 m 500 m) GDP map for South China in 2014 and quantitatively analyzed economic differences among diverse geomorphological types. Based on a regression analysis, the total nighttime light (TNL) of corrected VIIRS data were found to exhibit R2 values of 0.8935 and 0.9243 for prefecture GDP and county GDP, respectively. This demonstrated that TNL showed a more significant capability in reflecting economic status (R2 > 0.88) than other nighttime light indices (R2 < 0.52), and showed quadratic polynomial relationships with GDP rather than simple linear correlations at both prefecture and county levels. The corrected NPP-VIIRS data showed a better fit than the original data, and the estimation at the county level was better than at the prefecture level. The pixel-level GDP map indicated that: (a) economic development in coastal areas was higher than that in inland areas; (b) low altitude plains were the most developed areas, followed by low altitude platforms and low altitude hills; and (c) economic development in middle altitude areas, and low altitude hills and mountains remained to be strengthened.


Fan J F, Ma T, Zhou C H, et al.Comparative estimation of urban development in China's cities using socioeconomic and DMSP/OLS night light data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(8):7840-7856.China has been undergoing a remarkably rapid urbanization process in the last several decades. Urbanization is a complicated phenomenon involving imbalanced transformation processes, such as population migrations, economic advancements and human activity dynamics. It is important to evaluate the imbalances between transformation processes to support policy making in the realms of environmental management and urban planning. The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) nighttime lights time series imagery provides a consistent and timely measure to estimate socioeconomic dynamics and changes in human activity. In this study, we jointly compared the annual ranks of three variables: the population, the gross domestic product (GDP) and the sum of weighted DMSP/OLS nighttime lights to estimate spatial and temporal imbalances in the urbanization processes of 226 cities in China between 1994 and 2011. We used ternary plots and a Euclidean distance-based method to quantitatively estimate the spatial and temporal imbalances between cities and to classify diverse urban development patterns in China. Our results suggest that, from 1994 to 2011, the imbalances of urbanization processes observed in the eastern, western and middle cities decreased, respectively, by 35.26%, 29.04% and 25.84%; however, imbalances in the northeast increased by 33.29%. The average decrement in imbalances across all urbanization processes in the 226 cities was 17.58%. Cities in the eastern region displayed relatively strong attractions to population, more rapid economic development processes and lower imbalances between socioeconomic and anthropogenic dynamics than cities in other regions. Several types of urban development patterns can be identified by comparing the morphological characteristics of temporal ternary plots of the 226 cities in China. More than one third (35.40%) of the 226 cities presented balanced states during the period studied; however, the remainder showed alternative urban development patterns.


Marx A, Ziegler R.Analysis of panamanian DMSP/OLS nightlight corroborates suspicions of inaccurate fiscal data: A natural experiment examining the accuracy of GDP data[J]. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2017,8:99-104.Governments have incentives to misreport their economic productivity to advance their political goals. These incentives have long been understood, but the validity of government data has been difficult to estimate in the absence of viable external estimates. Using historic Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System nightlights imagery we corroborate reports that Panama's government data has been increasingly politicised since the handover of the Panama Canal on 31 December 1999. The Canal Handover represents a atural experiment in which the production of government data changed in Panama for reasons separate from the desire to manipulate that data. The amount of light a country produces at night, known as nightlight production, has been shown to strongly correlate with GDP. Using subnational Panamanian nightlight production from 1996 to 2012, we detect a significant divergence between the relationship of subnational reported GDP and nightlights before the Canal handover (when the U.S.A. was very involved in their statistical agencies) and the correlation after the handover (with no U.S. involvement). Our results indicate that between 2000 and 2012, Panama reported approximately 19% more GDP than what was expected by their nightlight production from 2000 to 2012, or a total of around 40 billion U.S. dollars. Our results suggest governments may engage in political manipulation of government statistics to improve the appearance of government performance. While indirect data can never definitely confirm economic phenomena, this analysis presents a unique research design and application of historic satellite imagery to corroborate reports of GDP misreporting.


袁涛. DMSP/OLS数据支持的贫困地区测度方法研究[D].北京:中国地质大学(北京),2013.

[ Yuan T.Monitoring methods for poor areas supported by DMSP/OLS Night-light imagery[D]. Beijing: China University of Geoscience (Beijing), 2013. ]



[ Li J M, Lu D D, Xu C D.Spatial heterogeneity and its changes of population on the two sides of Hu Line[J]. Acta Geographic Sinica, 2017,72(1):148-160. ]

曹子阳,吴志峰,匡耀求,等. DMSP/OLS夜间灯光影像中国区域的校正及应用[J].地球信息科学学报,2015,17(9):1092-1102.美国国防气象卫星搭载的业务型线扫描传感器(DMSP/OLS)获取的夜间灯光影像,可客观地反映人类开发建设活动强度,其广泛应用于城市遥感的多个领域。但该数据缺少星上的辐射校正,下载的原始影像数据集不能直接用于研究,需进行区域校正。长时间序列的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光影像数据集主要存在2个问题需在校正过程中解决:(1)原始影像数据集中的影像是非连续性的;(2)数据集中的每一期影像都存在着像元DN值饱和的现象。针对这2个问题,本文提出了一种不变目标区域法的影像校正方法,对提取出来的每一期中国区域的夜间灯光影像进行了校正,该校正方法包括相互校正、饱和校正和影像间的连续性校正。最后,为了检验校正方法的合理性与可靠性,本文将校正前后中国夜间灯光影像与GDP和电力消耗值,分别进行回归分析评价表明,校正后的影像更客观合理地反映区域经济发展的差异。


[ Cao Z Y, Wu Z F, Kuang, Y Q, et al.Correction of DMSP/OLS night-time light images and its application in China[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(9):1092-1102. ]

Pandey P, Mandal V, Katiyar S, et al.Geospatial approach to assess the impact of nutrients on rice equivalent yield using MODIS Sensors' based MOD13Q1-NDVI data[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015,15(11):6108-6115.Crop productivity is a major concern all over the world to provide food security, resulting in the green revolution. It is noteworthy that the fertilizer implemented to farmland leads to more desirable cropping patterns. Utilization of agricultural land efficiently for the crop production requires the knowledge of the nutrient inconsistency. This paper has presented the power of geomatics, to retrieve the synoptic and substantial changes in cropping pattern. Results and interpretations lead to the evaluation of the contemporaneous cropping systems. After a major yield parameter scrutiny for crops (rice, wheat, sugarcane, and onion), the magnificent accelerations were suggested. Results demonstrated a correlation r2 value of 0.834 with the estimated crop yield and normalized difference vegetation index. The Rice Equivalent Yield (REY) is highest at the range of 17-21 t/ha in the North, central and southern lower part, lowest at the western part ranging from 7-12 t/ha, with some part with 12-14 t/ha, while the most of the eastern part of the study site has shown the REY values ranging from 14 to 17 t/ha. The surveyed information, such as pH, electical conductivity, and organic carbon of the soil specimen, was used to examine the spatial discrepancies of rice-based cropping system's productivity. Ultimately, the spatialtemporal maps of fertilization pattern, yield parameters (e.g., N, F, and K), and relational REY observation were illustrated using spatial interpolation.


卓莉,张晓帆,郑璟,等.基于EVI指数的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据去饱和方法[J].地理学报,2015,70(8):1339-1350.DMSP/OLS nighttime light (NTL) data has been widely applied to many studies on anthropogenic activities and their effects on the environment. Due to the limitations of the OLS sensor, NTL data suffers from saturation problem in the core of urban areas, which further influences researches based on nocturnal lights. The radiance calibrated nighttime light (RCNTL) products developed by the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) at NOAA partially solved the problem. However, they are only available for a very limited number of years. Recently, a vegetation adjusted NTL urban index (VANUI) has been developed based on the stylized fact that vegetation and urban surfaces are inversely correlated. Despite its simplicity of implementing and effectiveness in increasing variation to NTL data, VANUI does not perform well in some fast growing cities. In this paper, we proposed a new urban index, i.e., the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) adjusted nighttime light index (EANTLI), which combined MODIS EVI with NTL to alleviate the saturation problem of NTL data. In order to evaluate the proposed EANTLI's capability in reducing NTL saturation, we first compared its spatial distributions in potential saturated areas (PSAs) of three metropolitan areas in China with that of the original NTL and VANUI, respectively. Then we randomly selected 30 latitudinal transects across these urban areas to verify EANTLI's similarity to the RCNTL. Finally, we tested EANTLI's effectiveness in assessing electric power consumption of 168 prefecture-level cities in China. Results from these experiments showed that EANTLI significantly increases spatial heterogeneity in the PSAs and effectively alleviates the NTL saturation problem. EANTLI's similarity to RCNTL is consistently higher than that of VANUI in the comparison of latitudinal transects. EANTLI also yields better results in the estimation of electric power consumption. In conclusion, the EANTLI can effectively reduce NTL saturation in urban centers and thus has great potential of wide range applications in the future.


[ Zhuo L, Zhang X F, Zheng J.An EVI-based method to reduce saturation of DMSP/OLS nighttime light data[J]. Acta Geographic Sinca, 2015,70(8):1339-1350. ]

Detecting spatiotemporal dynamics of global electric power consumption using DMSP-OLS nighttime stable light data[J]. Applied Energy, 2016,184(15):450-463.The rapid development of global industrialization and urbanization has resulted in a great deal of electric power consumption (EPC), which is closely related to economic growth, carbon emissions, and the long-term stability of global climate. This study attempts to detect spatiotemporal dynamics of global EPC using the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) nighttime stable light (NSL) data. The global NSL data from 1992 to 2013 were intercalibrated via a modified invariant region (MIR) method. The global EPC at 1 km resolution was then modeled using the intercalibrated NSL data to assess spatiotemporal dynamics of EPC from a global scale down to continental and national scales. The results showed that the MIR method not only reduced the saturated lighted pixels, but also improved the continuity and comparability of the NSL data. An accuracy assessment was undertaken and confined that the intercalibrated NSL data were relatively suitable and accurate for estimating EPC in the world. Spatiotemporal variations of EPC were mainly identified in Europe, North America, and Asia. Special attention should be paid to China where the high grade and high-growth type of EPC covered 0.409% and 1.041% of the total country area during the study period, respectively. The results of this study greatly enhance the understanding of spatiotemporal dynamics of global EPC at the multiple scales. They will provide a scientific evidence base for tracking spatiotemporal dynamics of global EPC.


Zhang Q L, Crystal, S, et al.The vegetation adjusted NTL urban index: A new approach to reduce saturation and increase variation in nighttime luminosity[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,129(2):32-41.78 We develop a spectral index to reduce DMSP/OLS NTL saturation in core urban areas. 78 This index, VANUI, increases inter-urban variability in NTL values. 78 VANUI is based on underlying biophysical and urban characteristics. 78 VANUI is simple to calculate and intuitive to interpret. 78 VANUI may be useful for studies on urban energy use and urban structure.


邓刘洋,沈占锋,柯映明.城市建成区遥感影像边界提取与扩张分析[J].地球信息科学学报, 2018,20(7):996-1003.

[ Deng L Y, Shen Z F, Ke Y M.Built-up area extraction and urban expansion analysis based on remote sensing images[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018,20(7):996-1003. ]

Zhuo L, Zheng J, Zhang X, et al.An improved method of night-time light saturation reduction based on EVI[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015,36(16):4114-4130.Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) night-time light (NTL) data have been widely applied to studies on anthropogenic activities and their interactions with the environment. Due to limitations of the OLS sensor, DMSP NTL data suffer from a saturation problem in central urban areas, which further affects studies based on nocturnal lights. Recently, the vegetation-adjusted NTL urban index (VANUI) has been developed based on the inverse correlation of vegetation and urban surfaces. Despite its simple implementation and ability to effectively increase variations in NTL data, VANUI does not perform well in certain rapidly growing cities. In this study, we propose a new index, denoted enhanced vegetation index (EVI)-adjusted NTL index (EANTLI), that was developed by reforming the VANUI algorithm and utilizing the EVI. Comparisons with radiance-calibrated NTL (RCNTL) and the new Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) data for 15 cities worldwide show that EANTLI reduces saturation in urban cores and mitigates the blooming effect in suburban areas. EANTLI similarity to RCNTL and VIIRS is consistently higher than VANUI similarity to RCNTL and VIIRS in both spatial distribution and latitudinal transects. EANTLI also yields better results in the estimation of electric power consumption of 166 Chinese prefecture-level cities. In conclusion, EANTLI can effectively reduce NTL saturation in urban centres, thus presenting great potential for wide-range applications.


吴洁璇. 开放数据支持下的城市建设用地利用效率评价方法研究[D].南京:南京大学,2016.

[ Wu J X.Study on evaluation method of city construction land use efficiency support by open data [D]. Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2016. ]



[ Wang X, Wu D Y, Xiao M.Industrial development and moving of Chinese economic barycenter[J]. Economical Geography, 2006,26(6):978-981. ]

Gong J.Clarifying the standard deviational ellipse[J]. Geographical Analysis, 2002,34(2):155-167.Abstract For a set of geographical units in the Cartesian coordinate system, the locus of the standard deviation of the x coordinates of the set forms a closed curve as the system is rotated about the origin. This curve, often referred to as “standard deviational ellipse” (SDE), is not in fact an ellipse. The actual shape of the curve has remained unclear since the issue was mentioned initially by Lefever in 1926. In the present paper this closed curve, referred to as “standard deviation curve” (SDC), is clarified mathematically, and some of its applications in spatial analysis are discussed. The shape of SDC changes from a single circle to double circles when the distribution of the set of geographical units changes from an even condition to a straight line. The shape of SDC is determined explicitly by the ratio of its minor axis to its major axis. This ratio, therefore, is a useful index to show to what extent the distribution of a set of geographical units is circular, or linear. In addition, the size and radius of SDC can be used to indicate the distribution density of geographical units. The major axis of SDC, whose angle is determined explicitly for the first time, indicates the major orientation of geographical units. A program has been developed to apply SDC to spatial analysis (mean center, major orientation, distribution density, circular condition, etc.). The program is available from . It is written in the MapBasic language, and runs under MapInfo.




[ Li R Z, Wang W G, Song Y X.The economy disparity evolution and spatial pattern of northeast area in China[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2013,32(4):28-32,89. ]

