Orginal Article

The Use of UAV Remote Sensing Technology to Identify Crop Stress: A Review

  • HUANG Yaohuan , 1, 2 ,
  • LI Zhonghua 1, 2, * ,
  • ZHU Haitao 3
  • 1. State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Satellite Environment Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing 100094,China
*Corresponding author: LI Zhonghua, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-08-24

  Request revised date: 2018-12-24

  Online published: 2019-04-24

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2016YFC0208202, 2017YFB0503005.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Crop stress is an important factor restricting global agricultural development. Monitoring and understanding rapid, large-scale and real-time crop stress is of great significance for agricultural production. However, traditional methods of crop stress monitoring (such as fields surveys, physical and chemical detection, and satellite remote sensing), are strongly influenced by field and atmospheric conditions, temporal and spatial resolution, and labor costs. Rapid development of UAV platforms and various lightweight sensors, provide new solutions for various crop stress monitoring. These offer multiple advantages, primarily high frequency and speed. The introduction of various mainstream UAV platforms such as multi-rotor and fixed-wing, and sensors such as visible light digital camera, multispectral camera, hyperspectral camera, and thermal infrared camera has allowed for more efficient crop monitoring. This review explores the main biotic and abiotic stress types used by UAV remote sensing systems for crop monitoring. Biotic stressors mainly include miscellaneous grass stress, plant diseases, and insect pests stress. Abiotic stressors predominantly include water and nutrient stress. The application and technical methods of UAV remote sensing system monitoring of crop stress, based on spectral imaging and thermal infrared sensor technology are discussed. Sensitive bands and common vegetation indices used for crop stress monitoring are identified. Finally, key issues associated with UAV remote sensing and the future use of UAV remote sensing for crop stress monitoring are discussed. The advancement of UAV remote sensing technology, could contribute to improved identification and monitoring of crop stress in the near future.

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HUANG Yaohuan , LI Zhonghua , ZHU Haitao . The Use of UAV Remote Sensing Technology to Identify Crop Stress: A Review[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(4) : 512 -523 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180397

1 引言


2 无人机遥感系统及有效载荷


2.1 无人机飞行平台

无人驾驶飞机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)简称“无人机”,是利用无线电遥控设备和自备的程序控制装置操纵的不载人飞行器[8]。无人机飞行平台种类繁多,包括固定翼无人机、多旋翼无人机、垂直起降固定翼无人机等。从广义上讲,小型无人机可以分为4种类型:降落伞、飞艇、多旋翼无人机和固定翼无人机[6]。影响小型无人机选择的因素见表1。由于降落伞和飞艇使用的限制性因素多,因此在农业遥感领域应用较少,本文主要介绍旋翼无人机、固定翼无人机在作物胁迫监测方面的应用。
Tab. 1 UAV platform attributes

表1 不同无人机平台属性

类型 载荷/kg 飞行时间/min 典型作业高度/m 优点 缺点
降落伞 ≈ 1.5 10~30 >100 操作简单、成本低 抗风能力弱、载荷受限、不适合快速移动
飞艇 >3.0 ≈ 600 >100 载荷大,垂直起降、空中悬停、姿态平稳、安全系数高 抗风能力弱、使用成本高、效率低、飞行速度慢
多旋翼无人机 0.8~8.0 8~120 50~5000 自动导航、定点悬停、定点起飞、降落、多载荷、转场方便、对起降场地要求低 飞行时间短、遥控电子信号易受外界干扰
固定翼无人机 1.0~10 30~240 50~5000 自动导航、航时长、多载荷、转场方便、速度快、效率高、抗风能力强 不能定点悬停、过快的飞行速度可能会影响拍摄的图像质量、起降场地要求较高
垂直起降固定翼无人机 1.0~15 30~240 50~5000 垂直起降、定点悬停、多载荷、速度快、转场方便、对起降场地要求低 耗油大,气动布局复杂

2.2 载荷

Tab. 2 Sensors type for UAV crop press monitoring

表2 无人机作物胁迫监测常用传感器类型

传感器类型 作物胁迫应用 优点 缺点 参考文献
数码相机 可见外部伤害、生长状况 成本低、直观便捷 仅限于可见光波段能够监测的特征 [12]-[18]
多光谱相机 氮素胁迫、水分胁迫、病虫害胁迫 获取便捷、成本低、周期短 仅限于有限的几个波段 [12]-[14]、[19]-[21]
高光谱相机 各种作物胁迫 可以监测的作物胁迫类型比较多 图像处理程序繁杂、价格高昂 [22]-[25]
热红外相机 气孔导度、水分胁迫 非接触测量作物温度,方便快捷 受环境影响较大、较小的温度差异难以被监测、难以消除土壤影响 [26]-[30]
LIDAR 作物高度、生物量估测 丰富的点云信息 成本高、数据处理量大 [31]
SAR 数字控制喷雾器或肥料撒播机的使用率、生物量估测、作物倒伏 可以探测静止目标、可以测距 灵敏度受噪声吸收、背景噪音等的限制,采样率低于基于激光的传感器 [32]

3 无人机遥感监测作物胁迫类型


3.1 生物胁迫

作物病虫害因具有发生种类多、影响范围广和局部爆发成灾等特点,一直是影响作物最终产量的关键因素之一。精确及时地获取病虫害在田间的空间分布与发展趋势,并对病虫害进行早期预警是病虫害防治的关键[34]。遭受病虫害侵染的作物会在不同波段上表现出一定的光谱反射与辐射特征的变化,即病虫害造成的作物光谱响应变异[35]。 乔红波等[36]基于支持向量机的决策分类技术,利用无人机获取的小麦数码图像和多光谱数据,对感染全蚀病的小麦进行分级。结果表明,4个感染等级的分类结果均大于86%。冷伟锋等[37]通过利用无人机获取的小麦冠层及可见光波段的反射率构建小麦条锈病的反演模型,发现模型拟合效果较好,证明了无人机识别小麦条锈病的可行性。Fernando等[22]利用无人机拍摄的高光谱图像监测出视觉症状出现前的感染葡萄根瘤蚜的患病葡萄植株,并且发现在监测葡萄病虫害方面,由于光谱分辨率的提高,利用高光谱数据构造的植被指数相比多光谱数据具有更高的精度,并且高光谱数据具有检测早期病虫害的潜力。此外,无人机灵活搭载SAR、LiDAR、热红外和荧光等多类型传感器配合使用对作物病虫害进行监测,有助于实现更精细化的作物病虫害胁迫监测。

3.2 非生物胁迫

作物水分胁迫是由于供水不足导致的,水分胁迫会减少作物的蒸发蒸腾,引起叶片温度升高,并表现出叶片枯萎,发育迟缓和叶面积减少等症状[38],通过叶片的温度和光谱反射特征可以判定作物是否遭受水分胁迫。20世纪60年代起,热红外传感器监测植物水分状况被广泛应用[39],比较有代表性的是20世纪80年代Idso提出的作物水分胁迫指数(Crop Water Stress Index,CWSI)[40]。之后一系列的水分胁迫指数的提出为无人机遥感监测作物水分胁迫提供了强大的支撑,现阶段的水分胁迫无人机遥感监测主要采用无人机+热红外相机和无人机+多光谱相机获取作物冠层的温度和光谱反射率的方式实现。例如,Calderón等[26]利用热红外成像来监测橄榄黄萎病所引发的水分胁迫,并证实了叶片温度越高,气孔导度越低,指示的黄萎病也越严重;Bellvert等[27]用无人机和热红外相机获取葡萄的冠层温度,并用来计算作物水分胁迫指数,从而绘制整个葡萄园的水分胁迫地图,用于精确灌溉管理;Matese等[28]通过无人机搭载的热红外相机对位于地中海撒丁岛的葡萄园水分胁迫研究发现,CWSI可以作为评价葡萄园水分状况空间异质性的重要指标;Bellvert等[29]基于高分辨率热成像传感器绘制了不同葡萄园叶片水势(Leaf Water Potential, LWP)的空间异质性分布图,然后利用该信息进行灌溉调度;Gonzalez-Dugo等[30]利用从5种果树作物组成的农场中获取的的热红外图像确定了水分胁迫区域,并基于CWSI与茎水势(Stem Water Potential, SWP)之间的关系建立了基于CWSI的调度灌溉阈值;Zhao等[41]通过机载多光谱相机拍摄的影像监测杏仁农场的水分胁迫,发现归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)和作物水分胁迫状况有很好的相关性。
养分作为作物的内部生理指标,关系到作物的健康及最终的产量。传统的化学分析方法检测作物胁迫,不仅存在着成本高、耗时长等缺点,而且还会对环境造成污染。利用无人机遥感技术非接触无损的获取作物的养分状况,则有效克服了传统手段的各种不足,有利于实现农业的信息化作业。不过现阶段的养分胁迫遥感监测更倾向于基于统计经验方法,这是由于像氮、磷、钾等养分元素的胁 迫光谱特征和遥感监测机理不够明确。例如, Zaman-Allah等[19]在玉米的氮素胁迫研究中发现,在无人机上安装的多光谱相机获取的氮胁迫指数和 玉米产量之间有很好的相关性,相关性0.40~0.79(p<0.05);Severtson等[20]通过无人机拍摄的多光谱图像监测澳大利亚西部钾缺乏的油菜田块,发现当图像的分辨率为65 mm(72%~100%)时比8 mm(69%~94%)时具有更高的分类精度;Roope等[14]通过无人机搭载的多光谱相机结合数码相机监测芬兰一个大麦农场的氮素水平,发现对于氮含量的估计值和实际测量值之间的皮尔逊相关系数和均方根误差分别达到了0.966和21.6%,但当单独使用数码相机或多光谱相机对氮含量进行估计时发现,多光谱相机在氮含量方面的估计优于RGB相机25%。
作物还会遭受高盐、低温和重金属等非生物胁迫。作物对高盐、低温等胁迫的反应包括:叶片脱落、叶片枯萎、叶片黄化甚至组织坏死等[42]。上述胁迫的光谱响应机制为遥感监测提供了依据,如 关丽等[23]应用高光谱遥感技术检测土壤镉污染下水稻叶片的叶绿素含量,用多重判别分析法检测叶绿素变化的敏感遥感参数,其中修正叶绿素吸收指数(Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index,MCARI)最敏感,响应系数达0.59。相应的无人机遥感也能够应用于上述作物胁迫的精细识别,如李宗南等[15]利用无人机获取的玉米彩色图像提取倒伏面积,通过统计分析识别出宜于区分正常和倒伏玉米的色彩和纹理特征,结果表明正常和倒伏玉米的红绿蓝纹理特征差异明显,该方法用于提取玉米倒伏面积是行之有效的。杨浩等[32]发现合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)极化特征对小麦倒伏十分敏感,并且基于这种敏感性,提出了一种基于SAR极化指数监测小麦倒伏的方法。

4 作物胁迫无人机遥感监测技术方法


4.1 基于光谱响应变异的作物胁迫监测

作物胁迫会在多个波段影响植被的光谱特性,因此不同胁迫的探测可以基于不同的光谱波段或不同光谱波段的组合实现[44]。患病作物通常会在叶片呈现出病斑、枯萎或坏死的区域,而这会导致在可见光区域反射率的增加,尤其是叶绿素的吸收带,同时红边(Red-edge, 670~730 nm)向短波方向移动。另外,感病植株在胁迫较严重时会出现叶倾角变化甚至植株倒伏等冠层形态的变化,从而在较大程度上影响近红外(NIR)波段的反射光谱[45]
4.1.1 基于特定光谱波段的作物胁迫监测
Fig. 1 Distribution of sensitive bands for optical remote sensing of crop stress

图1 作物病虫害光学遥感探测敏感波段分布[22]

在病虫害胁迫监测方面,冷伟锋等[37]通过无人机航拍图像获取的小麦冠层反射率、红色、绿色和蓝色波段的反射率与小麦条锈病病情指数之间的相关分析,发现4种反射率与病情指数均呈极显著相关,并由此构建了小麦条锈病病情指数的反演模型,证明了利用无人机遥感进行小麦条锈病监测的可行性。刘良云等[46]对比了3个生育期的患条锈病冬小麦与正常生长冬小麦的光谱图像及光谱特征,发现在560~670 nm黄边、红谷波段,患条锈病病 害冬小麦的冠层反射率高于正常生长的冬小麦。Jonathan等[21]的研究结果表明,通过无人机收集的多光谱图像中的Red-edge和NIR波段的数据可检测到作物对病虫害胁迫因素最早的生理应激反应。
在氮素胁迫监测方面,祝锦霞等[16]通过无人机拍摄的水稻可见光数码照片,发现蓝光最能反映水稻氮素水平的差异,并通过回归分析得到了通过蓝色波段计算氮素水平的氮素识别模型。Geipel等[47]将无人机获取的冬小麦多光谱图像处理为红边拐点(Red-edge Infiection Point, REIP)正射图像,并利用简单的线性回归模型对他们进行分析,结果表明利用REIP能够估算氮含量(RMSE为7.60%~11.7%)。Liu等[48]利用无人机携带的多光谱相机监测麦田的氮含量,发现利用R800,R700R490波段的组合具有最高的预测精度,对于叶片氮含量的预测精度高达R2=0.73。
4.1.2 基于植被指数的作物胁迫监测
Tab. 3 Common vegetation indices for crop stress detection

表3 作物胁迫探测常用植被指数

指数名称 指数公式 胁迫类型 参考文献编号
归一化植被指数 NDVI=(NIR-R)(NIR+R) 病虫害、水分、杂草、氮素 [13]、[41]、[52]-[55]
比值植被指数 SR=NIRR 病虫害 [53]
过绿指数 ExG=2g-r-b
杂草胁迫 [13] [50]
归一化红绿差异指数 NGRDI=(G-R)(G+R) 杂草胁迫 [50]
叶绿素吸收反射转化指数和优化土壤调节指数的比值 TCARIOSAVI=3[R700-R670-0.2(R700-R550)(R700R670)](1+0.16)(R800-R670)/(R800+R670+0.16) 水分胁迫 [54]
红绿指数 RGI=RG 病虫害胁迫 [51]
红绿植被指数 GRVI=(G-R)(G+R) 病虫害胁迫 [51]
过红指数 ExR=1.4R-G 病虫害胁迫 [17]
可见光大气阻抗植被指数 VARI=(G-R)(G+R-B) 氮素胁迫 [18]
蓝光标准化值 BLSV=B(R+G+B) 氮素胁迫 [18]
比值光谱指数 RSI=R738R522 氮素胁迫 [25]
转化植被指数 TVI=NDVI+0.5 病虫害胁迫 [53]
光化学反射指数 PRI=(R570-R530)(R570+R530) 水分胁迫 [51]
标准化光化学指数 PRInorm=PRI570[RDVI×(R700R670)] 水分胁迫 [51]
重归一化植被指数 RDVI=(R800-R670)R800+R670 水分胁迫 [51]
修正叶绿素吸收指数 MCARI=[R701-R671-0.2(R701-R549)](R701R671) 重金属胁迫 [23]
在杂草胁迫监测方面,Castro等[49]通过机载相机获取的多光谱航空影像监测西班牙南部冬季作物(小麦、蚕豆、豌豆)中的十字花科杂草侵染水平,发现利用最大似然监督分类和R/B、B/G植被指数可以很好地区分杂草和作物。Jorge等[50]利用无人机搭载的可见光和多光谱相机识别向日葵田块中的杂草斑块,发现当飞行高度较低(30 m)时,归一化红绿差异指数(Normalised Green-Red Difference Index, NGRDI)和过绿指数(Excess Green Index, ExG)指数可以较好地区分作物、杂草和土壤,但是当飞行高度较高(60,100) m时,由于作物和杂草具有相似的光谱特征,分类错误显著增加,而NDVI具有更高的分类精度。Francisca等[13]通过搭载在无人机上的可见光谱和多光谱相机识别玉米田里的假高粱杂草分布,并利用ExG和NDVI指数通过面向对象的方法对杂草胁迫等级进行分类,据估计可以节约85%~96%的除草剂使用。
在病虫害胁迫监测方面,Zarco-Tejada等[51]通过无人机拍摄的多光谱图像监测法国南部感染葡萄金黄化病的葡萄园,在对比了5个光谱波段和11个植被指数和患病严重度之间的相关性之后,发现红色和绿色波段组合的红绿指数(Red-green Index, RGI)和红绿植被指数(Green-red Vegetation Index, GRVI)用于区分健康和患病植株具有最好的效果。Castro等[17]利用无人机携带的数码相机(RGB波段)拍摄的影像识别美国东南部感染月桂树枯萎病的牛油果树,通过将不同的波段、植被指数及其不同组合进行对比发现,过红指数(Excess Red, ExR)和B/G指数识别患病树木的精度最高。Nebiker等[52]发现利用无人机搭载的多光谱相机绘制的高分辨率NDVI地图,可以监测马铃薯晚疫病的早期感染。Zhao等[53]证实了比值植被指数(Simple Ratio, SR)和转化植被指数(Transformed Vegetation Index, TVI)对诊断小麦病害有较好的效果。
在水分胁迫监测方面,Zhao等[41]通过无人机搭载的多光谱相机监测加利福尼亚杏仁农场的水分胁迫,发现NDVI和作物水分胁迫状况有很好的相关性,随着水分胁迫状况的加重,NDVI的值会随之减小,且NDVI对处于不同生长阶段杏仁树的水分胁迫监测具有稳健性。Baluja等[54]通过无人机搭载的多光谱相机监测西班牙雨养商业葡萄园的水分胁迫状况,发现NDVI、叶绿素吸收反射转化指数和优化土壤调节指数的比值(Transformed Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance and Optimized Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index, TCARI/OSAVI)跟SWP和LWP均具有很好的相关性,分别是达到了(R2=0.86, P<0.05)和(R2=0.84, P<0.05)。
在氮素胁迫监测方面,Lisa等[55]使用无人机搭载的多光谱相机和地面多光谱仪对3个草场的氮含量进行监测,发现地面遥感和无人机遥感获取的NDVI值高度相关,相关性从0.83到0.97不等,并且将无人机获取的NDVI值跟草场氮含量进行相关分析,相关性最高达到了0.95,证实了无人机遥感评估草场的氮素胁迫的实用价值。李红军等[18]建立了基于不同高度的无人机航拍作物冠层数字图像诊断冬小麦和夏玉米氮素营养状态的模型,结果表明,可见光大气阻抗植被指数(Visible Light Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index, VARI)和蓝光标准化值[B/(R+G+B)]跟冬小麦和夏玉米实测氮素含量的决定系数分别达到了0.80和0.85。秦占飞等[25]基于无人机高光谱影像,对比分析光谱指数与偏最小二乘回归方法预测水稻叶片全氮含量的精确度和稳健性,结果表明以组合波段R738R522光谱反射率的一阶导数构成的比值光谱指数(Ratio Spectral Index, RSI)构建的线性模型为水稻叶片全氮含量的最优估测模型(R2为0.673, RMSE为0.329)。

4.2 基于热红外成像技术对作物胁迫进行监测

热红外成像技术是利用植物叶片的热量辐射进行成像的技术(辐射波长3~100 um)。植被的温度可以通过热像仪捕获的热辐射和植被辐射率进行估计,当叶片的气孔因为外界胁迫因素关闭时,会导致叶片温度的上升,因此可以通过监测叶温的变化诊断植株的受胁迫情况[56]。目前热红外成像技术主要应用于作物病虫害和水分胁迫的监测,而杂草和养分胁迫方面还少有报导。
在病虫害监测方面,Schmitz等[57]证实了通过航空遥感热成像技术监测甜菜冠层温度变化检测线虫感染田块的能力。Lili等[58]通过观察感染眼斑病和谷物囊肿的冬小麦的热效应,建议可以通过机载的空中即时热成像技术来监测和绘制作物病虫害分布图。这一方法后来被Nicolas用于监测冬小麦的三色虫感染,并且发现只有长得最高的小麦被感染时,健康小麦和患病小麦的温差才可以被检测到[59]。Leinonen和Jones[60]研究了在1~2 m高度的范围通过热成像技术监测葡萄树病虫害胁迫的可行性,并指出有阳光照射的叶片比阴影下的植物叶片平均温度要更高。因此,不同的叶片需要通过一个可视化反射相机来进行分离。
在水分胁迫监测方面,DeJonge等[61]通过比较6种基于热成像技术估算玉米水分胁迫的指数CWSI、非胁迫上限指数(Degrees Above Non-Stressed, DANS)、上层冠层阈值(Degrees Above Canopy Threshold, DACT)、时间温度阈值(Time Temperature Threshold, TTT)、整合非胁迫上限指数(Integrated Degrees Above Non-Stressed, IDANS)、整合上层冠层阈值(Degrees Above Canopy Threshold, IDACT)(表4),发现DANS和DACT和玉米水分胁迫程度的相关性最好。Baluja等[54]通过无人机拍摄的热红外影像计算的CWSI、气孔导度指数(Stomatal Conductance Indices, Ig)和第二气孔导度指数(Second Stomatal Conductance Indices, I3)估测葡萄园的水分胁迫,发现CWSI对水分胁迫的变化最敏感,其次是Ig,I3表现最差。Zarco-Tejada等[51]利用无人机拍摄的多光谱和热红外影像分析位于加利福尼亚的葡萄园水分胁迫状况,通过将标准化光化学指数PRInorm和光化学反射指数(Photochemical Reflectance Index, PRI)与CWSI进行对比发现,PRI跟葡萄园水分胁迫具有更高的相关性。
Tab. 4 Common water stress monitoring index

表4 常用的水分胁迫监测指数

指数名称 公式 参考文献编号
植被水分胁迫指数 CWSI=(Tcanopy-Twet)/(Tdry-Twet) [28]、[30]、[40]、[51]、[61]
气孔导度指数 Ig=(Tdry-Tcanopy)/(Tcanopy-Twet) [54]
第二气孔导度指数 I3=(Tcanopy-Twet)/(Tdry-Tcanopy) [54]
非胁迫上限指数 DANS=Tcanopy-TcNS [61]
上层冠层阈值 DACT=max[0,Tcanopy-Tcritical] [61]
时间温度阈值 TTT=h=024h,whenTcanopy&gt;Tcritical [61]
整合非胁迫上限指数 IDANS=h=024(Tcanopy-TcNS)dh [61]
整合上层冠层阈值 IDACT=h=024max[0,(Tcanopy-Tcritical)]dh [61]

注:Tcanopy代表冠层温度,TdryTwet分别代表气孔完全关闭和完全打开时的下边界和上边界温度,Tcritical代表作物临界温度,TcNS代表临近区域非胁迫作物的冠层温度,h代表一天的24 h。


5 问题与展望


5.1 问题

(1)无人机平台稳定性不足及大面积作业续航时间和载荷受限问题。目前中国大部分无人机遥感系统都是电池供电的,有效载荷不足15 kg,飞行时间通常为15~20 min,普遍存在载荷不足、航时较短的问题,这就极大限制了一次飞行可以覆盖的田块面积及携带的传感器数量,并且无人机由于质量轻,体积小,因此在空中容易受大风等恶劣天气的影响。因此,加快研发低成本、轻量化的传感器和自身稳定性强、续航时间长的无人机飞行平台是解决上述问题唯一方法。
(2)无人机图像处理问题。当前的图像处理 程序多是针对特定应用而开发的,缺乏一般化的程序[62]。随着利用无人机遥感监测田间作物胁迫的时间、空间和光谱分辨率的提高,同时也带来了海量遥感数据融合处理的问题,可是受限于计算机性能及数据处理方法,目前仍难以实现数据的在线实时处理。因此,开发出通用的数据处理算法或工具,提高图像的拼接、地理定位和自动信息提取能力,从多源遥感数据中提取出有用的作物胁迫信息,是无人机遥感应用于作物胁迫监测的关键因素之一。

5.2 展望

(2) 结合遥感技术和物联网构建全国性作物胁迫实时监测与服务平台。
(3) 自主决策和执行任务的能力
(4) 无人机智能组网技术

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Vanegas F, Bratanov D, Powell K, et al.A novel methodology for iimproving plant pest surveillance in vineyards and crops using UAV-based hyperspectral and spatial data.[J]. Sensors, 2018,18(1):260.Recent advances in remote sensed imagery and geospatial image processing using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have enabled the rapid and ongoing development of monitoring tools for crop management and the detection/surveillance of insect pests. This paper describes a (UAV) remote sensing-based methodology to increase the efficiency of existing surveillance practices (human inspectors and insect traps) for detecting pest infestations (e.g., grape phylloxera in vineyards). The methodology uses a UAV integrated with advanced digital hyperspectral, multispectral, and RGB sensors. We implemented the methodology for the development of a predictive model for phylloxera detection. In this method, we explore the combination of airborne RGB, multispectral, and hyperspectral imagery with ground-based data at two separate time periods and under different levels of phylloxera infestation. We describe the technology used he sensors, the UAV, and the flight operations he processing workflow of the datasets from each imagery type, and the methods for combining multiple airborne with ground-based datasets. Finally, we present relevant results of correlation between the different processed datasets. The objective of this research is to develop a novel methodology for collecting, processing, analysing and integrating multispectral, hyperspectral, ground and spatial data to remote sense different variables in different applications, such as, in this case, plant pest surveillance. The development of such methodology would provide researchers, agronomists, and UAV practitioners reliable data collection protocols and methods to achieve faster processing techniques and integrate multiple sources of data in diverse remote sensing applications.



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Bellvert J, Zarco-Tejada P J, Girona J, et al. Mapping crop water stress index in a 'Pinot-noir' vineyard: comparing ground measurements with thermal remote sensing imagery from an unmanned aerial vehicle[J]. Precision Agriculture, 2014,15(4):361-376.Characterizing the spatial variability in water status across vineyards is a prerequisite for precision irrigation. The crop water stress index (CWSI) indicator was used to map the spatial variability in water deficits across an 11-ha 'Pinot noir' vineyard. CWSI was determined based on canopy temperatures measured with infrared temperature sensors placed on top of well-watered and water-stressed grapevines in 2009 and 2010. CWSI was correlated with leaf water potential (I-L) (R (2) = 0.83). This correlation was also tested with results from high resolution airborne thermal imagery. An unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a thermal camera was flown over the vineyard at 07:30, 09:30, and 12:30 h (solar time) on 31 July 2009. At about the same time, I-L was measured in 184 grapevines. The image obtained at 07:30 was not useful because it was not possible to separate soil from canopy temperatures. Using the airborne data, the correlation between CWSI and I-L had an R (2) value of 0.46 at 09:30 h and of 0.71 at 12:30 h, suggesting that the latter was the more favorable time for obtaining thermal images that were linked with I-L values. A sensitivity analysis of varying pixel size showed that a 0.3 m pixel was needed for precise CWSI mapping. The CWSI maps thus obtained by airborne thermal imagery were effective in assessing the spatial variability of water stress across the vineyard.


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Gonzalez-Dugo V, Zarco-Tejada P, Nicolás E, et al.Using high resolution UAV thermal imagery to assess the variability in the water status of five fruit tree species within a commercial orchard[J]. Precision Agriculture, 2013,14(6):660-678.This paper deals with the assessment of heterogeneity in water status in a commercial orchard, as a prerequisite for precision irrigation management. Remote sensing-derived indicators could be suitable for mapping water stress over large areas, and recent studies have demonstrated that high resolution airborne thermal imagery enables the assessment of discontinuous canopies as pure tree crowns can be targeted, thus eliminating the background effects. Airborne campaigns were conducted over a drip-irrigated commercial orchard in Southwestern Spain composed of five different orchard tree crops. An unmanned aerial vehicle with a thermal camera onboard was flown three times during the day on 8 July 2010, at 9, 11 and 13 h (local time). Stem water potential was measured at the same time of the flights. In some irrigation units, irrigation was stopped prior to the measurement date to induce water deficits for comparative purposes. Several approaches for using the thermal data were proposed. Daily evolution of the differential between canopy and air temperature (T (c) - T (a) ) was compared to tree water status. The slope of the evolution of T (c) - T (a) with time was well correlated with water status and is proposed as a novel indicator linked with the stomatal behavior. The Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) was calculated with the temperature data from the 13.00 h flight using an empirical approach for defining the upper and lower limits of T (c) - T (a) . The assessment of variability in water status was also performed using differences in relative canopy temperatures. Ample variability was detected among and within irrigation units, demonstrating that the approach proposed was viable for precision irrigation management. The assessment led to the identification of water-stressed areas, and to the definition of threshold CWSI values and associated risks. Such thresholds may be used by growers for irrigation management based on crop developmental stages and economic considerations.


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