Journal of Geo-information Science >
Assessing the Impacts of China's Road Network on Landscape Fragmentation and Protected Areas
Received date: 2019-02-14
Request revised date: 2019-04-30
Online published: 2019-08-25
Supported by
Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771418)
Road construction often leads to landscape fragmentation and damages ecosystem functions, such ecological impacts and consequences have been widely studied in the field of road ecology and geospatial analysis. This paper aims at exploring the influences of the road network in China. With spatial data analysis and the data set of nationwide roads in 2015, we characterized the landscape fragmentation patterns caused by paved roads, estimated the impacts on protected areas, and then explained the relationship between the degree of impacts and multiple environmental variables. The results show that: (1) The area affected by the paved roads in China have reached 10% of the terrestrial areas. The land surface have been cut into over 30 000 patches. The number of small patches is numerous, and the number of large patches is less. The extent of land surface fragmentation presents obvious east-west differentiation, and the spatial pattern of the roadless patches is similar to the population distribution and economic development level. (2) About 58% of the protected areas suffer from road influences. The degree of influence increases as the level of establishment of the protected areas decreases. The national parks have been interfered stronger than the unprotected areas. (3) The main human activity factors were positively correlated with the degree of disturbance on the protected areas, and the size of protected areas and topographic factors were negatively correlated with the degree of interference. Small areas, low level protected areas, plain areas, climate-friendly protected areas are susceptible to road disturbances and are in a state of being affected seriously by human activities. Therefore, China's road construction should achieve a balance between social development and ecological protection. Road disturbances are affected by natural and human factors, which should be considered comprehensively in the study of relevant impact mechanisms and the formulation of environmental protection policies.
HUANG Mengna , MA Ting . Assessing the Impacts of China's Road Network on Landscape Fragmentation and Protected Areas[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(8) : 1183 -1195 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190059
表1 土地利用类型重分类标准Tab. 1 Reclassification schema of land-use types |
原始一级类型 | 重分类类型 |
林地、草地、水域、未利用土地 | 自然用地 |
耕地 | 农耕用地 |
城乡、工矿、居民用地 | 人工用地 |
表2 各级道路特征及影响范围缓冲带宽Tab. 2 Features and buffer widths of different grades of road |
道路级别 | 道路特征 | 缓冲带宽/m |
高速公路 | 4个或4个以上车道,中央有分隔带 | 1000 |
一级公路 | 连接重要政治经济文化中心干线公路 | 500 |
二级公路 | 连接政治、经济中心的干线公路 | 250 |
三级公路 | 沟通县或县以上城市的支线公路 | 100 |
四级公路 | 沟通县或乡镇的支线公路 | 50 |
等外公路 | 乡或乡级一下道路 | 12.5 |
表3 本研究选用的景观指数Tab. 3 Landscape metrics used in this study |
景观指数 | 计算公式 | 含义 |
斑块数量 | 表征区域内无路斑块的个数 | |
斑块面积 | A | 表征无路斑块的面积。一般来讲,大斑块能够为动植物提供栖息地,生态服务价值高 |
面积占比 | P | 表征区域内道路缓冲区或无路区的面积占比 |
平均斑块面积 | 表征区域内无路斑块的平均面积。其中为区域总面积;为区域内无路斑块数量。越小,道路网越密集,破碎化程度越高 | |
人工干扰指数 | 反映道路对该区域的干扰程度。其中,为区域内人工景观—道路网络的面积,为区域内自然保护区面积。HD值越大,该保护区被道路干扰程度越深 | |
斑块密度 | 反映单位面积上无路斑块的数量。为区域内无路斑块数量,为区域总面积。PD值越大,陆表被道路切割破碎化程度越高 | |
形状指数 | 表征斑块周长的复杂性。描述斑块的几何形状特征,一定程度上表征人类活动对景观斑块的干扰强度。干扰强度大时,斑块几何形状趋于简单,形状指数较低;自然形成的斑块形状趋于曲线化,形状指数较高。一般取值在1~1.5之间 |
表4 保护区受干扰程度的影响因素Tab. 4 Factors related to the degree of interference in protected areas |
变量类型 | 变量名称 | 含义 |
因变量 | 保护区受干扰程度 | 保护区受道路网络干扰强度 |
保护区内 地理环境变量 | 保护区面积 | 保护区面积 |
坡度 | 保护区地形条件 | |
高程 | 保护区地形条件 | |
降水量 | 保护区气候条件 | |
温度 | 保护区气候条件 | |
保护区内 人类活动强度 | 人口活跃度 | 保护区人类访问密度 |
夜光辐射强度 | 保护区社会经济水平 | |
耕地开发强度 | 保护区内农耕用地占比 |
图5 中国主要城市群与西北省份陆表破碎化景观指数Fig. 5 Landscape metrics of land surface fragmentation in urban agglomerations and the northwestern provinces of China |
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