Journal of Geo-information Science >
Spatiotemporal Pattern of Population Distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the National Day Holidays: Based on Geospatial Big Data Mining
Received date: 2019-02-15
Request revised date: 2019-06-25
Online published: 2019-09-24
Supported by
the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.XDA19040501(XDA19040501)
The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA20040401)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFB0503605)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC1503003)
Human activities play an important role in transforming the eco-environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Extensive studies have been conducted on the human activities in the prehistoric QTP and on population distribution and migration in the recent decades, yet, most of them rely on limited demographic materials of coarse spatial resolutions. It remains understudied regarding the fine-scale spatiotemporal pattern of human distribution in the QTP. In this context, geospatial big data generated from ubiquitous mobile communication technology and internet provide a great opportunity to investigate the dynamic human distribution at very fine scales. This study took the advantage of the geospatial big data, including the mobile phone location requests (LR) and population migration, and employed time series decomposition and anomaly detection approaches to explore the population distribution changes in the QTP during the 2017 National Day holidays. Results show that, at the provincial and prefectural scales, Qinghai, Tibet, and their provincial cities exhibit a featured "tidal change" pattern that the LR first decreased then increased. Such fluctuation in Qinghai were stronger than that in Tibet, and cities in the same province demonstrated significant differences. At the grid scale, the LR in the surrounding areas of Xining and Lhasa displayed a spatially “decentralized pattern” that the LP dropped in the central areas yet increased in the peripheral. Based on the anomaly detection approach, we found the number of anomaly grids and deviation magnitude increased in Xining, Haidong, Haibei, Hainan, and Huangnan of Qinghai since the holiday. More positive anomalies were observed than the negative ones, and the negative anomalies were concentrated in cities of large population densities such as Xining and Lhasa. Further analysis combining the population migration data reveals that the travel behaviors potentially drove people swarming to the nearby scenic spots and that the massive migration between cities was an important reason for the increase of LR in areas surrounding Xining and Lhasa. The decrease of LR in the central areas of cities could be partly attributed to significant population migration, but the different daily routines and location request frequencies during holidays may also be important reasons. Our findings demonstrate the potential of using geospatial big data to improve our understanding of human distribution and migration, which could further support fine management and decision-making for plateau urbanization and ecological protection.
YI Jiawei , DU Yunyan , TU Wenna . Spatiotemporal Pattern of Population Distribution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the National Day Holidays: Based on Geospatial Big Data Mining[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(9) : 1367 -1381 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190067
图3 西宁市及周边2017年国庆期间定位量趋势距平值变化情况注:图中折线图为城市中心0.1度范围内的平均趋势距平值变化,横坐标为距离城市中心点的网格距离/km,纵坐标为趋势距平值。 Fig. 3 Trend change (Di) of location requests in Xining and surrounding areas during the 2017 National Day festival |
图6 青海省及其地级行政单元国庆假期定位请求数据点异常检测及分析结果Fig. 6 Detection and analysis of the point anomalies in location requests of Qinghai and subordinate prefectures during the National Day festival |
图8 热门景点及主要通往道路2017年国庆假期定位量趋势变化注:S1到S10为所选的10个旅游景点位置,P1到P5为通往上述景点的主要旅游路线。 Fig. 8 Trends of the location requests in the major scenic hotspots and roads during the 2017 National Day festival. The ten selected scenic hotspots are marked by dots, S1 to S10, and the major tourist roads to these scenic spots are marked by lines, P1 to P5 |
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