Journal of Geo-information Science >
Influencing Factors on the Vitality of Five Commercial Complexes in Hangzhou: Based on the Heat Maps Analysis
Received date: 2019-04-24
Request revised date: 2019-06-27
Online published: 2019-12-11
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51778560)
In order to prevent the excessive construction of commercial complexes and form vicious competition among commercial complexes. In this paper, based on urban thermographic data from the Wechat Easy Travel Plug-in, this study, with five commercial complexes in Hangzhou as an example, obtained quantifiable thermal data and conducted comparative analysis on the influencing factors of different types of commercial complexes. Results show that influences on the vitality of commercial complexes are mainly from five factors, including the layout density of urban commercial complex, the function of surrounding cities, the sales mode, the function of internal space, and the efficiency of space used. Among them, high-density layout of commercial complexes has an inhibitory effect on the vitality. By comparing the changes of commercial complexes within each service radius, we found that the reasonable service radius of commercial complexes should be greater than 1 km. Urban functions such as residential areas, plazas, and parks have an enhanced effect on the vitality of commercial complexes. Urban and commercial functions have a weaker impact on the vitality of commercial complexes. Different sales models developed in combination with different consumer objects also have a significant impact on commercial complexes vitality. In areas where the public activity space is relatively lacking, commercial complexes with retail-oriented and urban public activity space are more prosperous than those with the main store-based complex, and commercial complexes with higher space utilization have higher vitality; the function of commercial complexes to partially serve as city public space improves the vitality.
ZHANG Xiaodong , HAN Haoying , SHU Xianfan . Influencing Factors on the Vitality of Five Commercial Complexes in Hangzhou: Based on the Heat Maps Analysis[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(11) : 1745 -1754 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190189
表1 调查样本基本情况Tab. 1 Basic information of the survey samples |
商业综合体名称 | 建筑面积/万m2 | 商业建筑面积/万m2 | 开业时间/年 | 经营情况/亿元 | 停车车位 | 主打 | 周边开敞空间 |
城西银泰城 | 40.0 | 29.0 | 2013 | 3.7 | 2579 | 主力店 | 无 |
西城广场 | 5.5 | 3.3 | 2009 | 0.9 | 200 | 零售 | 广场、公园 |
西田城购物中心 | 9.2 | 4.3 | 2013 | 1.2 | 4000 | 零售 | 闲置地 |
杭州印象城购物中心 | 5.3 | 4.4 | 2010 | - | 300 | 沃尔玛 | - |
西溪银泰城 | 31.4 | 14.9 | 2017 | - | 2312 | “云概念”购物中心 | - |
注:数据来源于商场物业。 |
图3 5个样本所在区域内一天(2018-08-22)不同时段热力图注:数据来源于微信易出行插件。 Fig. 3 Thermal maps of the study area in different time periods |
表2 调查样本周边地块用途Tab. 2 Land use properties of the land around the samples |
商场名称 | 周边地块用途 | |||
东面 | 西面 | 北面 | 南面 | |
城西银泰城 | 浙江省口腔医院城西分院、阮家居(住区) | 政苑北区(住区) | 昆仑橡树园(办公)、丰元国际大厦 | 拱苑小区(住区)、芳满庭 (住区) |
西田城购物中心 | 城市闲置地 | 金家渡中苑(住区) | 浙江交通职业技术学院 | 城市闲置地、迪卡侬仓库 |
杭州印象城购物中心 | 河畔水镜人家 | 五洲国际(商业、餐饮、公寓) | 紫金文苑(住区) | 政新花园(住区) |
西溪银泰城 | 绿城西溪诚园(住区) | 绿城西溪世纪中心(办公) | 浙江大学紫金港校区 | 西溪谷国际商业中心(办公) |
昆仑西城广场 | 西城广场 | 府新花园(住区) | 桂花城栖霞(住区) | 五联西苑(住区) |
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