Journal of Geo-information Science >
Evaluation of Water Environmental Sensitivity based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Combined with Web Text
Received date: 2019-04-10
Request revised date: 2019-10-16
Online published: 2019-12-25
Supported by
"Strategic Priority Research Program"of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA23100500)
Major Science and Technology Projects of Fujian Province(2017NZ0003-1-5)
Water environment monitoring data plays a key role in water environmental sensitivity assessment. However, insufficiencies remains due to influences of factors such as terrain, environment and site layout. Therefore, this paper took Fujian Province as the experimental area, and used web text collected from key platforms of Fujian Province from April to June 2017 as the data source. Thirteen evaluation factors were selected from three aspects: web text sensitivity, pollution sensitivity and the protection sensitivity of the water environment. Based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process combined with the web text, a water environmental sensitivity evaluation model was constructed, and classification validated the rationality of the evaluation results. Results show: (1) In terms of web text sensitivity, the eastern and central-northern region of the province was higher than the western and central-southern region, and the highly sensitive areas were concentrated in Gulou District, Jin'an District and Minhou County in the lower reaches of the Min River. (2) In terms of pollution sensitivity, the southern part of the province (especially the southwest and southeast) was higher than the northern, and the highly sensitive areas were mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of Ting River, the estuary of the Jiulong River, and the lower reaches of Jin River and Long River. (3) In terms of protection sensitivity, the northwest-central-south part of the province was higher than the northeast-southwest, and the highly sensitive areas were mainly located in Jiangle County and Mingxi County in the upper reaches of Min River, and Wuyishan City in Jian River, Xianyou County in Mulan River and Hanjiang District in Qiulu River. (4) The water environmental sensitivity of the whole province decreased by the order of the southeast, southwest, north, central, north, and the east, and the economically developed areas along the eastern coast and estuaries of rivers showed high sensitivity, especially in Min River Estuary and Jin River Estuary. (5) The water environmental sensitivity assessment combined with the web text was more accurate in the investigation of highly water environment sensitive areas with pollution risks. Our findings suggest that the proposed method is more reasonable for water environmental sensitivity assessment, and has practical significance for predicting or troubleshooting highly-sensitive pollution-risk areas, important protected areas, and areas of public concern.
LI Xiang , XIAO Guirong , CAI Shengzhun . Evaluation of Water Environmental Sensitivity based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Combined with Web Text[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(12) : 1832 -1844 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190165
表1 水环境敏感性评价指标Tab. 1 Water environmental sensitivity evaluation indices |
一类指标 | 二类指标 | 影响因子说明 | 计算方法 |
网络文本敏感度 | 特定词频因子 | 反映关键词中含有特定描述词的数量 | |
重要保护因子 | 反映关键词中是否包含重点保护对象信息 | ||
文本相关性因子 | 反映网络文本之间相关性 | ||
文本数量因子 | 反映网络文本的数量 | ||
污染敏感度 | 畜禽养殖因子 | 反映规模化畜禽养殖造成的水环境污染状况 | |
农田种植因子 | 反映农田种植造成的水环境污染状况 | ||
水产养殖因子 | 反映水产养殖造成的水环境污染状况 | ||
城乡生活因子 | 反映人为消费活动造成的水环境污染状况 | ||
水质监测指标因子 | 反映水质监测状况 | ||
保护敏感度 | 河流水域覆盖度因子 | 反映区域河流水域覆盖情况 | |
自然生态保护因子 | 反映区域内自然生态保护状况 | ||
饮用水源地保护因子 | 反映区域内饮用水源地保护状况 | ||
人口密度因子 | 反映区域内社会环境活动主体的密集性 |
注:n为相应对象个数;m为重复的特定描述词个数;分别是某区县g范围内第k个重要保护对象的面积、对应的类别量化值、量化最小值、量化最大值;分别表示某区县g范围内第i种相应对象的数量、相应对象总量;为某区县g范围内四级河网面积。P为某区县g的人口总数;为相应对象的排污系数;分别是第j类型人口的数量及其对应地区的排污系数;为某区县g范围内第i个像元的水质监测值。 |
表2 0.1~0.9九标度数量标度Tab. 2 0.1~0.9 Quantity scale |
标度 | 说明 |
0.50 | 元素i比元素j同等重要 |
0.60 | 元素i比元素j稍微重要 |
0.70 | 元素i比元素j明显重要 |
0.80 | 元素i比元素j强烈重要 |
0.90 | 元素i比元素j极端重要 |
互补数 | 若i比j的标注值为b,那么j比i的标注值为1~b |
表3 水环境敏感度元素总权重结果表Tab.3 Weight of each indicator for assessing water environmental sensitivity |
影响因子 | B1 | B2 | B3 | 权重 |
0.2666 | 0. 3667 | 0.3667 | ||
C1 | 0.2000 | 0.0534 | ||
C2 | 0.2667 | 0.0711 | ||
C3 | 0.3333 | 0.0889 | ||
C4 | 0.2000 | 0.0534 | ||
C5 | 0.1500 | 0.0550 | ||
C6 | 0.1500 | 0.0550 | ||
C7 | 0.2000 | 0.0733 | ||
C8 | 0.1500 | 0.0550 | ||
C9 | 0.3500 | 0.1283 | ||
C10 | 0.1833 | 0.0672 | ||
C11 | 0.3167 | 0.1161 | ||
C12 | 0.3167 | 0.1161 | ||
C13 | 0.1833 | 0.0672 |
表4 2017年福建省水环境网络文本敏感类型划分基本情况Tab. 4 Basic situation of water environmental web text sensitivity type division in Fujian Province in 2017 |
敏感类型 | 面积/km2 | 面积占比/% | 区县个数 | 平均贡献率/% | 最小贡献率/% | 典型区县 |
特定词频敏感型 | 26 056.76 | 19.28 | 16 | 58.84 | 44.20 | 泰宁县、沙县 |
重要保护敏感型 | 61 909.91 | 45.82 | 40 | 54.78 | 40.43 | 武夷山市、漳平市 |
文本数量敏感型 | 3244.40 | 2.40 | 2 | 64.68 | 33.32 | 南安市、闽侯县 |
文本相关性敏感型 | 5431.81 | 4.02 | 4 | 48.04 | 42.93 | 台江区、鼓楼区 |
混合敏感型 | 11 312.18 | 8.37 | 8 | - | - | 龙海市、晋江市 |
无敏感型 | 27 161.18 | 20.10 | 14 | - | - | 柘荣县、寿宁县 |
表5 2017年福建省水环境污染敏感类型划分基本情况Tab. 5 Basic situation of water environmental pollution sensitivity type division in Fujian Province in 2017 |
敏感类型 | 面积/km2 | 面积占比/% | 区县数/个 | 平均贡献率/% | 最小贡献率/% | 典型的区县 |
城乡生活敏感型 | 4166.21 | 3.08 | 16 | 78.62 | 43.46 | 鼓楼区、湖里区 |
畜禽养殖敏感型 | 20 865.60 | 15.44 | 11 | 51.18 | 42.53 | 光泽县、永定区 |
农田种植敏感型 | 63 354.49 | 46.89 | 26 | 64.68 | 50.56 | 松溪县、建瓯市 |
水产养殖敏感型 | 5562.96 | 4.12 | 7 | 48.04 | 30.97 | 东山县、连江县 |
混合敏感型 | 41 166.99 | 30.47 | 24 | - | - | 蕉城区、泉港区 |
表6 2017年福建省水环境保护敏感类型划分基本情况Tab. 6 Basic situation of water environmental protection sensitivity type division in Fujian Province in 2017 |
敏感类型 | 面积/km2 | 面积占比/% | 区县数/个 | 平均贡献率/% | 最小贡献率/% | 典型区县 |
河流水域覆盖度敏感型 | 13 450.08 | 9.95 | 9 | 67.42 | 52.15 | 闽侯县、马尾区 |
人口密度敏感型 | 1468.74 | 1.09 | 9 | 82.73 | 50.50 | 石狮市、海沧区 |
饮用水源地保护敏感型 | 31 042.91 | 22.97 | 20 | 73.43 | 53.56 | 华安县、城厢区 |
自然生态保护敏感型 | 70 214.18 | 51.97 | 33 | 79.67 | 54.75 | 明溪县、武夷山市 |
混合敏感型 | 18 940.33 | 14.02 | 13 | - | - | 晋安区、永春县 |
表7 2017年福建省水环境敏感类型划分基本情况Tab. 7 Basic situation of water environmental sensitivity type division in Fujian Province in 2017 |
敏感类型 | 面积/km2 | 面积占比/% | 区县数/个 | 平均贡献率/% | 最小贡献率/% | 典型区县 |
网络文本敏感型 | 4239.03 | 3.14 | 7 | 45.27 | 37.70 | 闽侯县、晋安区 |
污染敏感型 | 55 856.83 | 41.34 | 28 | 72.31 | 54.20 | 政和县、石狮市 |
保护敏感型 | 28 869.15 | 21.36 | 16 | 32.32 | 30.46 | 明溪县、将乐县 |
混合敏感型 | 46151.23 | 34.16 | 33 | - | - | 洛江区、集美区 |
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