Journal of Geo-information Science >
Method of Individual Space-Time Accessibility Analysis for Medical Site Recommendation
Received date: 2019-05-21
Request revised date: 2019-10-03
Online published: 2020-04-13
Supported by
Science and Technology Project of Institutions of Higher Education of Shandong Province(J16LH05)
Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China(ZR2016DQ06)
The Housing and Construction Department Science-Technology Program of Shandong Province of China(2018-K8-02)
Doctoral Research Fund of Shandong Jianzhu University(XNBS1404)
It is a practical need to select suitable medical sites from a large number of medical institutions for patients based on their needs and space-time constraints. Different from the common methods for personalized medical site recommendation, this paper proposed a new method of individual space-time accessibility analysis for the recommendation of medical sites, which considered the quantity of real-time resources of medical institutions, the personalized demands of medical users, and the space-time constraints to medical institutions. Next, this method was applied to select medical institution for urban residents. The proposed individual space-time accessibility analysis method is based on the gravity model, which is appropriately improved to enhance the method's metrizability and comprehensiveness. The method also integrates the time-geography science theory to enhance its practical applicability. Meanwhile, the path impedance factor in the model is interfaced with the AMap API, which enables the model to perform personalized real-time path calculation based on route preference and real traffic conditions. After obtaining data on relevant health care websites and open interface, this paper took Jinan as the research area and set up six scenarios, including two university libraries, two residential areas, and two large transportation stations with different users, different time, and different geographical locations, to test the effectiveness of the method. Results indicate: (1) The individual space-time accessibility analysis method in this paper considers several factors, not only emphasizing the objective constraints of real-time space-time resources, but also highlighting individuals' personalized demands. (2) The individual space-time accessibility analysis method in this paper is able to effectively measure the accessibility between individual medical users and medical sites based on the actual situation, not only adapting to different space-time situations, but also providing guiding strategies for improving the quality of medical travels. (3) By the individual space-time accessibility analysis method in this paper, the suitability of each medical site can be ranked and travel advices in different space-time situations can be made, i.e., the method has high applicability of recommendation. In addition, our individual space-time accessibility analysis method for medical place recommendation integrates the Location Based Service and medical treatments, bring a new approach to digital medical services, not only providing methodological support for the functional construction of the related wise information technology of 120, but also having good application prospects.
ZHENG Yunhao , LIU Xiaohui . Method of Individual Space-Time Accessibility Analysis for Medical Site Recommendation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(2) : 175 -186 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190246
表1 本文重力模型与前人重力模型[29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36]对比Tab. 1 Comparisons between the gravity model in this paper and that in previous studies |
模型 | 模型因子 | 特点 |
前人的重力模型[29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36] | 综合考虑多因素的目标设施对需求者的吸引力数值,模型主要分为3个因子:目标设施因子、需求者因子以及二者间的距离阻抗因子,两者间的距离阻抗因子表示到达目标设施的距离、时间或费用,可以采用直线距离或交通网络距离来表示 | 能够考虑目标设施的多种影响因素,模型因子一般为某一时间点的静态数值,忽略了可达性条件会随时间发生变化的事实[39],其中的距离阻抗因子受研究区域差异及城市交通状况的制 约[40],且需考虑路径阻抗的摩擦系数β进行综合分析,不适用于地点推荐 |
本文的重力模型 | 与前人的重力模型定义类似,本文在前人的重力模型理论研究的基础上,对模型因子进行了改进,更加突出它们的时间属性与面向个体特点,确保模型能够很好的实现个人时空可达性度量 | 与前人的重力模型相比,强调模型各因子的实时性,如距离阻抗因子改进为基于实时路径规划策略且考虑交通实况因素的到达目标设施的阻抗并设置时空约束衰减,目标设施因子改进为具有时间属性的实时动态因子等,同时为突出模型的面向个体特点,将需求者因子由人口规模等宏观因子改进为面向个人的个性化偏好因子,能够反映个人获取医疗服务的实时便捷程度,可用于地点推荐 |
表2 就医地点推荐场景信息Tab. 2 List of medical site recommendation scenarios |
场景 | 出发地 | 出发时间 | 意向科 室类型 | 路径规划 策略 | 路径阻抗 类型 | 个性化 常量 | 个性化 缓冲因子 | 个性化医疗偏好 | ||
A组 | 1 | 山东建筑大学图书馆 | 2019-04-0617:32 | 外科 | 速度优先 | 时间 | 1 | 0.8 | 该用户收藏了山东省千佛山医院、山东大学第二医院等四所医院,对多所三甲医院有若干次查询历史,并把山东省立医院(东院)、山东省中医院等四所医院添加到黑名单 | |
2 | 山东师范大学图书馆 | 2019-04-07 11:03 | 口腔科、内科 | 距离优先 | 距离 | 2 | 0.2 | 该用户收藏了山东大学第二医院、济南市中医医院等四所医院,对多所中医院及三甲医院有若干次查询历史,并把山东省立医院、山东省千佛山医院等3所医院添加到黑名单 | ||
B组 | 3 | 绿城·腊山御园 | 2019-07-30 09:48 | 骨科 | 避免拥堵 | 时间 | 1 | 0.7 | 该用户收藏了山东省立医院西院,对多所三甲医院特别是山东省立医院各院区有若干次查询历史,并把山东大学齐鲁医院东院区添加到黑名单 | |
4 | 三箭瑞福苑 | 2019-07-3111:55 | 中医科 | 距离优先 | 距离 | 2 | 0.9 | 该用户收藏了山东省中医院,对多所中医医院有查询历史,并把济南市中医医院添加到黑名单 | ||
C组 | 5 | 济南火车站(济南站) | 2019-07-2910:50 | 儿科、口腔科 | 速度优先 | 时间 | 1 | 0.5 | 无医疗偏好记录 | |
6 | 济南遥墙国际机场 | 2019-07-30 13:15 | 眼科 | 避免收费与拥堵 | 距离 | 1 | 0.5 | 无医疗偏好记录 |
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