Journal of Geo-information Science >
Evaluation of the Monitoring Accuracy of Lake Water Level by the Jason-2 Altimeter Satellite
Received date: 2019-11-04
Request revised date: 2019-02-13
Online published: 2020-05-18
Supported by
Special project of strategic leading science and technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA23090302)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41571027)
As one of the important characteristics of lakes, lake water level is an important indicator for evaluating the change of lake water storage capacity. As a new remote sensing monitoring technology, satellite altimetry technology has played an increasingly important role in monitoring the dynamic changes of lake waters, and has become an effective means for lake research, water resources investigation and wetland protection. This study took Hongze Lake, Gaoyou Lake and Dongting Lake as examples, using the Centralized Probability Density Function method (CPDF) to improve the accuracy of Jason-2 altimetry data, as well as analyze the correlation of precipitation and water level of each lake. Besides, based on the measured water level data we compared the accuracy of the original GDR data of the Jason-2 altimeter satellite and the satellite data processed by the CPDF method. Results show that: (1) The distribution of Jason-2 original GDR data points is sparse, most of the data are relatively concentrated, and there are certain periodic changes, but the evaluation results show poor accuracy, so the original GDR data cannot be directly used for lake water level monitoring. (2) CPDF method can greatly improve the accuracy of the water level data of the altimeter satellite. The evaluation results of Hongze Lake and Gaoyou Lake show that the RMSE decreased from 1.92m and 1.74m to 0.32 m and 0.36m, and the correlation coefficient increased from 0.28 and 0.04 to 0.85 and 0.72, indicating that Jason-2 altimetry data processed by the CPDF method can achieve higher accuracy in lake water level monitoring. However, it is worth noting that for the lake, which is with narrow north-south widths and large changes in daily water levels (such as Dongting Lake), the accuracy of the raw GDR improved by the CPDF method would be limited. (3) The precipitation of Dongting Lake had the strongest correlation with the water level, followed by Gaoyou Lake,the water level changes of Gaoyou Lake and Dongting Lake lag behind the precipitation by about 1 month and 1-2 months respectively. However, the precipitation of Hongze Lake was not significantly negatively correlated with the water level, which is partly due to the adjustment of water level by the Hongze Lake water conservancy project. This study is of great significance for obtaining lake water level values using altimetry satellites, and then for dynamic monitoring of lakes, especially in filling lake water level data in data-poor areas.
HE Fei , LIU Zhaofei , YAO Zhijun . Evaluation of the Monitoring Accuracy of Lake Water Level by the Jason-2 Altimeter Satellite[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(3) : 494 -504 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190651
表2 基于集中度的概率密度函数法(CPDF)处理结果精度评价Tab. 2 Accuracy evaluation table of centralized probability density function method(CPDF)result |
湖泊名称 | 洪泽湖 | 高邮湖 | 洞庭湖 | |
原始GDR平均值/m | 11.39 | 5.58 | 29.01 | |
原始GDR标准差/m | 2.47 | 2.62 | 1.23 | |
实测数据平均值/m | 12.80 | 6.09 | 26.80 | |
实测数据标准差/m | 0.47 | 0.25 | 1.42 | |
CPDF平均值/m | 12.70 | 5.95 | 28.99 | |
CPDF标准差/m | 0.52 | 0.34 | 1.15 | |
均值差/m | CPDF | 0.38 | 0.25 | 0.85 |
原始GDR | 1.15 | 1.04 | 0.79 | |
均方根误差/m | CPDF | 0.32 | 0.36 | 1.27 |
原始GDR | 1.92 | 1.74 | 1.3 | |
相关系数 | CPDF | 0.85 | 0.72 | 0.95 |
原始GDR | 0.28 | 0.04 | 0.96 | |
湖泊面积/km2 | 879.10 | 612.30 | 153.00 |
表3 月平均水位与月降水量相关关系Tab. 3 The correlation between monthly average water level and monthly precipitation |
洪泽湖 | 高邮湖 | 洞庭湖 | ||||||
滞后月数 | 相关系数 | 显著性* | 相关系数 | 显著性* | 相关系数 | 显著性* | ||
0 | -0.31 | 显著 | 0.24 | 显著 | 0.56 | 显著 | ||
1 | 0.08 | 不显著 | 0.43 | 显著 | 0.64 | 显著 | ||
2 | 0.22 | 不显著 | 0.18 | 显著 | 0.64 | 显著 | ||
3 | 0.16 | 不显著 | 0.16 | 不显著 | 0.33 | 显著 |
注:*表示显著性水平为0.01。 |
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