Journal of Geo-information Science >
Spatiotemporal Model Analysis of Land Change Process based on Nearest Spatiotemporal Distance
Received date: 2019-09-30
Request revised date: 2019-12-27
Online published: 2020-05-18
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41602173)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771188)
National Natural Science Foundation of Anhui(1908085QD164)
Natural Science Research Project of Anhui Higher Education Institutions(KJ2019A0046)
Science and Technology Project of Department of Land and Resources of Anhui Province(2016-K-12)
Due to human activities and rapid urban expansion, land use/land cover has changed dramatically. The change has a great impact on the ecological environment and surface landscape. The change process of land use and cover change is not only affected by various factors such as nature and economy, but also an external representation restricted by the laws of human activities and natural factors. Therefore, it is of vital significance to study the change process of land use and land cover. For the monitoring and analysis of land use and cover change, the traditional method focuses on the study of the overall differences in land use structure in each spatiotemporal snapshot. This method cuts off the organic connection of land use units in the evolution process between different snapshots. Traditional research has the phenomenon of paying attention to pattern but neglecting process and emphasizing simulation but despising measurement. This paper takes the land change process composed of serial land use data as the core research object. The advantage of this is that the relevant land evolution units at different time snapshots can be considered as a unified whole. On this basis, this paper chooses the nearest spatiotemporal distance to measure the spatiotemporal agglomeration of the land use change process. First, through multiple experiments, the appropriate space-time grid was selected to segment the land use/land cover data in the study area. Secondly, based on the analysis, the typical land use change process was extracted. And then, for the land use change process object on the space-time cube, calculate the average nearest-neighbor spatiotemporal distance. The distance is compared with the distance value in the random mode based on Monte Carlo simulation, so as to judge the spatiotemporal aggregation of the land use change process in the study area. Finally, the results were tested for statistical significance. The land use data of Huainan mining area from 2008 to 2017 was used for empirical research. The land use evolution process from cultivated land to grassland in any two years was selected as a typical spatiotemporal evolution type. The results show that this type of land change in the study area has exhibited a spatiotemporal aggregation pattern in the past 10 years, but the pattern is not statistically significant. The research in this paper is helpful for grasping the evolution process of land use units in space and time, and to explore the potential spatiotemporal evolution patterns in the process of land use change.
NIE Pin , LIANG Ming , LI Yujie , YOU Xinyan , SUN Xiaojuan . Spatiotemporal Model Analysis of Land Change Process based on Nearest Spatiotemporal Distance[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(3) : 628 -637 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190569
表1 时空随机模式的显著性评价标准Tab. 1 Significance evaluation criteria of spatiotemporal random models |
p值(概率) | 置信度/% | 显著性 | |
>-1.65且<1.65 | — | — | 不显著 |
<-1.65或>1.65 | <0.10 | 90 | 显著 |
<-1.96或>1.96 | <0.05 | 95 | 显著 |
<-2.58或>2.58 | <0.01 | 99 | 显著 |
表2 蒙特卡洛模拟实验与显著性评价实验结果Tab. 2 Experimental results of Monte Carlo simulation experiment and significance evaluation |
最邻近指数 | 值 | 时空分布模式类型 | 显著性评价 |
0.343 | 0.920 | 时空聚集模式 | 统计上不显著 |
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