Models and Scenarios for Nature and Nature's Contribution

  • YUE Tianxiang , 1, 2, * ,
  • FAN Zemeng , 1, 2, * ,
  • SHI Wenjiao 1, 2 ,
  • ZHAO Na 1, 2
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environment Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
* YUE Tianxiang, E-mail: ;
FAN Zemeng, E-mail:

Received date: 2020-04-05

  Request revised date: 2020-04-20

  Online published: 2020-06-10

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China(41930647)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(1590844)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(41421001)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971358)

Strategic Priority Research Program(A) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA20030203)

Innovation Project of LREIS(O88RA600YA)

Biodiversity Investi- gation, Observation and Assessment Program (2019-2023) of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China()


Copyright reserved © 2016


In April 2012, a resolution was adopted for establishing "Intergovernmental science-policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)" as an independent intergovernmental body of United Nations (UN) according to the UN Office of Legal Affairs with the seat of the secretariat located in Bonn of Germany.IPBES has 136 members now and is continuously growing. China has formally joined IPBES after State Council of the People's Republic of China gave its stamp of approval in December of 2012. In order to guide the use of scenario analysis and modelling in all work under IPBES to ensure the policy relevance of its deliverables, 'the methodological assessment report on scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services' was firstly started up in early 2014, which was carried out by experts from all regions of the world. Its summary for policy-makers was approved by the fourth session of the Plenary of IPBES in February 2016 and has been launched in August 2016 in France. Nature, nature's contribution to people and driving forces of nature change are core concepts of the methodological assessment report. Nature includes biodiversity and ecosystems as well as earth system. Nature's contribution to people consists of ecosystem services and nature's gifts. Driving forces of nature change was classified into direct driving forces and indirect driving forces. Advanced work on scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services is one of deliverables of the work program up to 2030. We review background, history and contents of the scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services, describe the conceptual framework of IPBES scenarios include exploratory scenarios/attribution scenarios, policy-screening scenarios, target-seeking scenarios and retrospective policy evaluation, and discuss existing problems and perspectives for developing the models and scenarios. To find a solution for these existing problems on global level, a conceptual model is proposed for integrating dynamics of nature, changes of nature's contribution to people, and driving forces of the changes in terms of the fundamental theorem for Earth's surface system modeling. In the meanwhile, interactive mechanisms among nature, nature's contribution and driving forces are considered, along with combination of macro-pattern information and micro-process information.

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YUE Tianxiang , FAN Zemeng , SHI Wenjiao , ZHAO Na . Models and Scenarios for Nature and Nature's Contribution[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(4) : 743 -750 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.200163

1 引言

2001年6月,联合国秘书长安南宣布启动了为期4年的“千年生态系统评估(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,MA)”国际合作项目,其目标是对生态系统及其服务的变化趋势进行科学评价,并为保护和持续利用生态系统及其服务的行动提供科学支撑。2005年3月30日,“中国西部生态系统综合评估(MAWEC)”亚全球项目的中英文报告与国际MA评估报告同时在北京正式发布[2,3]
作为响应千年生态系统评估(MA)磋商过程的结果,在2011年2月召开的第26届联合国环境规划署理事会会议上,讨论了第65届联合国会员大会通过的关于成立“生物多样性与生态系统服务政府平台”(Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,IPBES)决议,并于2012年4月成立了向联合国所有成员国开放的“生物多样性与生态系统服务政府间科学—政策平台”(。
鉴于以上问题,IPBES于2016年8月在法国蒙彼利埃市召开了“生物多样性与生态系统服务决策支持情景与模型”研讨会,推动新一代情景模型的研发。其目标是实现自然保护和发展目标的平衡与协同,提高自然、自然对人类贡献和人类福祉之间相互作用的模拟分析能力。2017年9月在新西兰奥克兰市召开了“自然和自然对人类贡献的21世纪新篇章”研讨会,讨论了“以自然为核心的情景模型”框架。2018年6月25—28日,IPBES情景模型专家组技术支持单位与专家组共同主席在荷兰海牙组织召开了“自然未来发展的下一步计划”研讨会。会议主要目的包括3个方面:① 分析奥克兰会议初步设想的重叠内容和主要缺口;② 推进IPBES情景发展的详细工作计划;③ 自然未来框架的发展。2019年3月25—27日,在加拿大温哥华召开了“从幻想到自然和自然对人类贡献的21世纪情景”研讨会。主要讨论了3个方面内容:① 如何定量表达未来情景的具体脉络;② 识别可用于评估自然未来情景轨迹的指标;③ 勾画每个未来情景与每个指标期望目标(例如,联合国可持续发展目标)的关系。

2 情景模型研究进展

1967年,Kahn 和Wiener发表了他们关于情景的开创性工作[6]。在罗马俱乐部关于增长极限的报告中,虽然没有使用情景一词,但他们的条件展望计算(Conditional Forward Calculations)与现在的未来情景发挥着类似作用[7]。21世纪初以来,每年至少有300篇关于情景分析的学术论文发表[8]。与此同时,情景分析在全球环境评估中得到广泛应用,例如,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会评估报告[9,10,11],联合国环境规划署全球环境展望[12,13,14],千年生态系统评估[4]和亚全球评估报告[2,3],农业水管理综合评估[15],农业知识、科学和技术发展国际评估[16],以及生物多样性和生态系统服务情景与模型的方法评估报告[5]
目前,未来情景主流模型主要包括全球环境评价集成模型(Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment, IMAGE)、全球生物多样性模型(Global Biodiversity Model, GLOBIO)、全球生物圈管理模型(Global Biosphere Management Model, GLOBIOM)、生物圈全球统一元模型(Global Unified Meta-model of the Biosphere, GUMBO)、生态系统服务多尺度集成模型(Multi-scale Integrated Model of Ecosystem Services, MIMES)、全球植被动态模型(Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, DGVM)、土地利用转换及其影响模型(Conversion of Land Use and its Effects, CLUE)、生态模拟通道模型(Ecopath with Ecosim, EwE)、生态系统服务及权衡综合评价模型(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs, InVEST)、生态服务人工智能模型(Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services, ARIES)和地球系统模型(Earth System Model, ESM)等。
全球生物多样性模型(GLOBIO)是计算环境驱动力对生物多样性过去、现在和未来影响的建模框架,由陆地生态系统模型和淡水环境模型构成。它的输入主要来自全球环境评价集成模型(IMAGE)。全球生物多样性模型的当前版本GLOBIO3仅限于不包括南极洲的全球陆地部分。全球生物多样性模型可用于评估环境驱动力对平均物种丰富度(Mean Species Abundance, MSA)的影响、各种未来情景下的可能变化趋势及各种响应或政策选择的可能影响[31]
土地利用转换及其影响模型(CLUE)基于农业发展和自然保护2种情景,模拟分析每个像元上不同土地利用类型的未来需求分配[36]。在模拟分析过程中,土地类型被区分为在区域层面需求驱动(如农业用地、城市用地和经济林地)和在区域层面无法确定聚合需求(如自然和半自然土地覆被) 2组。在迭代比较每种土地类型分配面积的过程中,在区域层面将土地利用类型分配到每个像元,直到满足需求时迭代终止。
生态服务人工智能(ARIES)是一个区域动态专家模型,它将多尺度过程与贝叶斯模型相结合,可对任何生态系统服务进行空间模拟[40]。由于ARIES 可以通过网络界面进行访问,因此不需要商业地理信息系统和模拟软件,可通过在线生态系统服务搜索演示,测绘碳储量、淡水供应、洪水调节、沉积调节、生计渔业和旅游观光等生态系统服务。
其他用于量化生态系统服务的模型包括生态系统服务共同审核(Corporate Ecosystem Services Review,ESR)、生态系统服务样地评估(Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment,TESSA)、自然成本估算(Costing Nature)和土地利用与容量指标(Land Utilisation and Capability Indicator,LUCI)。ESR是由世界资源研究所(World Resources Institute)研发的定性方法,用于考虑千年生态系统评估(MA)列举的27种生态系统服务功能[42]。TESSA运用决策树引导用户迅速识别生态系统服务的优先顺序,为特定案例提供评估模板[43]。LUCI聚焦于农业景观和生态系统服务,可利用简单算法识别生态系统服务,并向利益相关者和决策者提供生态系统服务权衡信息[44]

3 问题与展望

根据联合国IPBES概念框架,情景包括归因情景(Exploratory scenarios/attribution scenarios)、政策筛选情景(Policy-screening scenarios)、目标导向情景(Target-seeking scenarios)和政策后评估(Retrospective policy evaluation)[5]。归因情景根据驱动力的可能轨迹,分析自然对人类贡献的可能未来(图1(a));政策筛选情景通过对备选政策或管理措施对环境影响的预测,对备选政策进行事前评估(图1(b));目标导向情景在对明确定义目标的基础上,通过优化目标函数,识别达到目标的不同路径(图1(c));政策后评估根据对过去已执行政策轨迹的观测,与计划达到既定目标的轨迹进行比较,对其偏差进行分析(图1(d))。
图1 联合国IPBES框架下的情景概念

Fig.1 Concepts of scenarios under the IPBES framework

图2 自然与自然贡献情景模型概念框架

Fig.2. The framework for modeling scenarios of nature and nature's contribution

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