Journal of Geo-information Science >
Review on the Construction of Global Armed Conflict Data System Supported by GIS
Received date: 2020-03-27
Request revised date: 2020-04-19
Online published: 2020-06-10
Supported by
Chinese Academy of Sciences Strategic Priority Research Program(XDA23000000)
Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Deployment Project(KGFZD-135-17-009)
Geopolitical environment security is an important part of national security. Accurate, refined and timely updated information of various types of geopolitical conflicts is the basis of global geopolitical risk assessment and early warning. Based on the armed conflict datasets, this paper comprehensively reviewed the development of the global geopolitical conflict data system, and analyzed the application progress of geo-spatial and temporal positioning, big data mining and other technologies. Under the support of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, the understanding of the connotation of armed conflict and the general framework of the data system of armed conflict events has been deepened, a large number of high-quality datasets or data products have been produced. Geopolitical conflicts are gradually refined in the theme, the spatial positioning accuracy of conflict events developed from country to smaller scale geographical location (longitude and latitude). Supported by network information search and big data mining technology, the update frequency of armed conflict events increased from annually update to hourly update, the construction of global armed conflict data system has achieved initial results. The deep integration of geo-environmental system science and geographical science, the wide application of geographic big data and artificial intelligence technology will be the important driving forces for the development of this discipline.
Key words: geopolitical environment; armed conflict; big data; data system; scale
JIANG Dong , CHEN Shuai , FU Jingying , HAO Mengmeng . Review on the Construction of Global Armed Conflict Data System Supported by GIS[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(4) : 784 -791 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.200147
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