Journal of Geo-information Science >
Research on Travel Pattern and Network Characteristics of Inter-city Travel in China's Urban Agglomeration during the National Day Week based on Tencent Migration Data
Received date: 2019-11-13
Request revised date: 2020-04-26
Online published: 2020-08-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41501120)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41722103)
The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, SNNU(18SZYB01)
Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAS(2019QNRC001)
Intercity travel is a time-dependent behavior, which has different spatial characteristics with different time constraints or during different time periods. The patterns of intercity travel and geographical spatial connections revealed by intercity travel could be different with time. However, intercity travel with varying travel time has been studied little so far, in particular for holiday travel. With the booming of holiday tourism, analyzing intercity travel during holidays is of great significance to uncover the spatial movement rules and travel patterns among urban agglomerations. In the era of big data, real-time records of population movement provide a possibility to examine the characteristics of intercity travel in detail. Hence, this paper explores the characteristics, patterns, and structure of intercity travel in 19 urban agglomerations of China during the National Day holiday period (October 1-7) in 2016. The intercity travel data derived from the Tencent Location Big Data and network analysis methods are employed to evaluate intercity travel patterns between urban agglomerations. Using the community detection method, we identify 24 city communities during the National Day holiday, and the directions of intercity travel in urban agglomerations are explored. Results show that intercity travel during this golden week has an obvious timing feature, which is observed as leave period, return period, and journey period receptively. There have formed three intercity travel patterns, namely, hub-and-spoke, polycentric, and monocentric patterns. Meanwhile, the features of intercity travel in the leave period and return period are similar to the Spring Festival, which is characterized by space-time symmetry of population flow. Intercity travel in main urban agglomerations presents a typical long-holiday travel feature, which is characterized by short- and medium- distance travel between core cities and neighboring peripheral cities. While the intercity travel in urban agglomerations in the central and west of China has a typical tidal feature. Based on the population movement records from the Tencent Location Platform, this study has investigated intercity travel features and travel patterns during the National Day holiday in three time periods mentioned above. In addition, our results can provide useful support for intercity traffic management, road resource optimization, and allocation plan in long holidays in China.
LI Tao , WANG Jiaoe , HUANG Jie . Research on Travel Pattern and Network Characteristics of Inter-city Travel in China's Urban Agglomeration during the National Day Week based on Tencent Migration Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(6) : 1240 -1253 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190686
表1 重力模型拟合结果统计Tab. 1 Statistics of gravity model fitting results |
函数 | 函数公式 | 调整判定系数R2 | |
对内联系 | 幂函数 | Iij=0.1879×OoutiDinj/dij0.706 | 0.510* |
修正幂函数 | Iij=0.2337×Oouti0.689Dinj0.563/dij0.733 | 0763** | |
指数函数 | Iij=0.1110×OoutiDinj/e0.456dij | 0.423 | |
修正指数函数 | Iij=0.1586×Oouti0.563Dinj0.456/e0.533dij | 0.485 | |
对外联系 | 幂函数 | Iij=0.2333×OoutiDinj/dij0.825 | 0.633* |
修正幂函数 | Iij=0.3065×Oouti0.429Dinj0.333/dij0.896 | 0.802** | |
指数函数 | Iij=0.2001×OoutiDinj/e0.700dij | 0.496* | |
修正指数函数 | Iij=0.2045×Oouti0.436Dinj0.433/e0.706dij | 0.502 |
注:*、**分别表示在10%和5%水平上显著。 |
图9 中国城市群对内和对外城际出行网络首位联系空间格局注:该图基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2019)1823号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。由于数据获取困难,本次研究不包括香港、台湾和澳门。 Fig. 9 The dominant flow network of inner and outer intercity travel in China's urban agglomerations |
表2 城际出行网络首位联系强度指标统计Tab. 2 Statistical results of dominant flow in intercity travel network 个/(%) |
强联系及占比 | 次强联系及占比 | 弱联系及占比 | 对称联系及占比 | 平均首位 联系强度 | |
(≥0.6) | (<0.6, ≥0.3) | (<0.3) | (互为首位联系) | ||
对内联系 | 47(21.17) | 102(46.15) | 42(18.92) | 30(13.51) | 0.46 |
对外联系 | 25(11.42) | 139(63.47) | 52(22.42) | 6(2.74) | 0.42 |
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