Journal of Geo-information Science >
Classification and Expression of Urban Road from the Perspective of DEM Modeling
Received date: 2020-01-01
Request revised date: 2020-04-02
Online published: 2020-10-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41571398)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41501445)
The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the most important basic geographic information data of a city. Urban road DEM modeling is an important part of urban DEM construction, while road classification is an important foundation and prerequisite of urban road DEM modeling. However, the existing urban road classification methods have a certain degree of distortion in expression of urban road surface. They cannot accurately reflect the planar morphological characteristics of the road, making it difficult to meet the needs of future surface processes simulation. In view of this problem, based on the composition of urban roads, this paper analyzed the characteristics of urban road morphology from the perspective of DEM modeling. An urban road classification method that takes into account the road morphology was proposed to address the shortcomings of existing road classification methods. Based on this, the DEM of urban roads was further explored. In our paper, we selected a subset of Nanjing as the experimental area and used DLG data was as the data source, to further verify the strengths of our urban road classification method. Our results show that the road morphology derived from the road DEM that was constructed based on our urban road classification method was more consistent with the actual road morphology than the existing methods. The framework structure of urban roads was obvious without abnormal changes on the local road surface. The urban road topography was expressed with finer details, which could be used as an important foundation for rain and flood simulation and hydrological analysis, etc. Thus, the road classification method proposed in this paper can assist the modeling of urban road DEM effectively and provide a reference for the construction of high-precision urban road DEM.
Key words: DEM; city; road; classification; DLG; terrain expression; terrain modeling; DTA
TAO Yu , WANG Chun , XU Yan , ZHANG Guangzu , SONG Susu , YANG Wei . Classification and Expression of Urban Road from the Perspective of DEM Modeling[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(8) : 1589 -1596 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.200004
表1 城市道路要素形态特征Tab. 1 Form characteristics of urban road elements |
道路要素类型 | 形态特征 | 道路要素等级 | |
纵向 | 横向 | ||
主车道 | 整体连续,微高程起伏 | 单一平直面或曲面 | 一级 |
辅道 | 整体连续,局部可断,微高程起伏 | 单一平直面或曲面 | 二级 |
单车道 | 整体平缓,高程起伏不大 | 单一平直面或曲面 | 三级 |
自行车道 | 整体平缓,两端高程略有起伏 | 单一平直面 | 四级 |
人行道 | 整体平缓,不连续,两端高程略有起伏 | 单一平直面 | 五级 |
图7 实验区道路DEM构建结果Fig. 7 Result map and partial enlarged map of urban road DEM construction in experimental area |
图8 实验区山体阴影Fig. 8 Hillshadeand partial enlarged map of mountain in experimental area |
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