Journal of Geo-information Science >
Research on Built-up Area Extraction via Brightness Correction Indexes based on Two Kinds of Nighttime Light Images
Received date: 2020-03-20
Request revised date: 2020-05-12
Online published: 2020-10-25
Supported by
Open Fund of State Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University(18T03)
Science and technology project of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(2060399-273)
Nighttime light data are widely used to monitor human activities from space, such as urban development, population density simulation, energy gas emissions, power consumption, human activities and effects, economic development level, and ecological environment. However, due to road lights and light scattering from water surface, Nighttime Light (NTL) images always contain a lot of background noises. These background noises may greatly limit the application of nighttime light images in built-up area extraction. In our paper, based on high-resolution nighttime light images of Lujia1-01 from China and NPP-VIIRS from the United States in the second half of 2018, the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Adjusted NTL Index (EANI) and Road Density & EVI Adjusted NTL Index (REANI) were proposed to reduce background noises and applied to built-up area extraction. The EANI and REANI were developed based on the law that the Digital Number (DN) values of the nighttime light images are positively correlated with road density and negatively correlated with the EVI. In this paper, the Xuzhou city of China was selected as the research area. The threshold method was used to extract built-up areas in the main city and the peripheral area from the original LJ1-01 and NPP-VIIRS images, and the images processed by the EANI and the REANI, respectively. The results show that: (1) both EANI and REANI can effectively reduce background noises in nighttime light images. The results extracted from images processed by these two indexes were much better than that from the original NTL images, especially for the low urbanization areas; and (2) LJ1-01 performed better than NPP-VIIRS in built-up area extraction. Due to the higher spatial resolution of LJ1-01 data, the accuracy of extracted built-up areas from LJ1-01 was much higher than that from NPP-VIIRS in low-level urbanization areas, but was about the same with NPP-VIIRS in areas with high urbanization levels. Through error analysis, the relative error of extracted built-up areas from LJ1-01 decreased by about 6%, which indicates that LJ1-01 nighttime light image is promising for future built-up area extraction. Also, both EANI and REANI provide effective tools for the extraction of built-up areas and could be further applied to researches such as urban planning and urban expansion.
YAN Qingwu , LI Fei , LI Ling . Research on Built-up Area Extraction via Brightness Correction Indexes based on Two Kinds of Nighttime Light Images[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(8) : 1714 -1724 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.200128
图3 研究区预处理后的夜间灯光数据、EVI数据和道路网密度数据Fig. 3 Pre-processed data of NTL, EVI, and Road Density in the study area |
表1 LJ1-01和NPP-VIIRS主要参数Tab. 1 Introduction to Specifications of LJ1-01 and NPP-VIIRS data |
参数 | LJ1-01 | NPP-VIIRS |
空间分辨率/m | 130 | 500 |
幅宽/km | 250 | 3000 |
光谱范围/ | 0.46~0.98 | 0.5~0.9 |
辐射分辨率/bits | 14 | 14 |
可获取时间段 | 2018年6月至今 | 2012年至今 |
表2 阈值法分区域提取建成区结果Tab. 2 Results of Built-up Areas Extraction by Threshold Value Methods |
区域 | 参数 | LJ1-01 | NPP-VIIRS | |||||
原始影像 | EANI | REANI | 原始影像 | EANI | REANI | |||
研究区 | 阈值 | 8100 | 3900 | 2200 | 6.5 | 2.85 | 1.56 | |
提取的栅格数/个 | 24 663 | 24 640 | 24 644 | 2489 | 2491 | 2488 | ||
提取面积/hm2 | 44 757.20 | 44 715.80 | 44 725.19 | 44 089.88 | 47 648.23 | 47 618.50 | ||
主城区 | 阈值 | 11 400 | 5950 | 3950 | 9 | 4.1 | 2.7 | |
提取的栅格数/个 | 17 355 | 17 355 | 17 320 | 1775 | 1784 | 1778 | ||
提取面积/hm2 | 31 503.36 | 31 503.13 | 31 439.77 | 31 461.57 | 34 154.06 | 34 039.53 | ||
外围区 | 阈值 | 5780 | 2570 | 1315 | 4.73 | 2.07 | 1.03 | |
提取的栅格数/个 | 6963 | 6954 | 6970 | 713 | 716 | 716 | ||
提取面积/hm2 | 12 619.05 | 12 602.21 | 12 634.82 | 12 610.09 | 13 649.56 | 13 684.48 |
表3 阈值法分区提取建成区误差统计Tab. 3 Error Analysis of Built-up Areas Extraction by Threshold Value Methods |
区域 | LJ1-01 | NPP-VIIRS | ||||||
原始影像 | EANI | REANI | 原始影像 | EANI | REANI | |||
绝对误差/hm2 | 主城区+外围区 | 16 514 | 16 739 | 15 171 | 19 257 | 19 263 | 17 802 | |
主城区 | 6959 | 7441 | 6911 | 7032 | 7476 | 6929 | ||
外围区 | 9555 | 9298 | 8260 | 12 225 | 11 787 | 10 873 | ||
相对误差/% | 主城区+外围区 | 37.27 | 37.77 | 34.23 | 43.45 | 43.47 | 40.17 | |
主城区 | 22.01 | 23.53 | 21.86 | 22.24 | 23.64 | 21.91 | ||
外围区 | 75.26 | 73.24 | 65.06 | 96.29 | 92.84 | 85.64 |
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