Journal of Geo-information Science >
Land Use Simulation and Urban Growth Boundaries Delineation in Wuhan Metropolitan Area based on FLUS Model and "Dual Environment Evaluation"
Received date: 2020-03-23
Request revised date: 2020-05-27
Online published: 2021-01-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51708425)
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2016M602357)
The delimitation of urban growth boundaries is of great significance for ensuring the rational use of resources and promoting the orderly development of cities and towns. Most existing studies mainly focus on the technical exploration of planning practice, while ignoring the quantitative assessment of the ecological environment to some extent. In addition, few studies have been carried out at the metropolitan area scale. This study takes Wuhan Metropolitan Area as the study case, and proposes to combine multiple factors to build a "dual environment evaluation" system. The FLUS model is used for land growth simulation and delineation of urban growth boundaries. Furthermore, the results are analyzed using the landscape metrics. The results show that: (1) the FLUS simulated urban area expansion demonstrates an applicable accuracy. The simulation results reveal that the urban built-up areas keep expanding, so it is necessary to delimit the development boundary to restrict urban development; (2) The delineated urban growth boundaries can prevent from urban construction occupying areas with high ecological or agricultural value, and improve the urban spatial layout of the Wuhan Metropolitan Area based on the optimization of spatial forms with strong applicability; (3)The evaluation of urban expansion driving factors shows that compared to a single factor library, the "dual environment evaluation" factor library has a higher accuracy, can optimize the landscape pattern, promote the development of construction land, and fill the gaps in the built-up area better, which is corresponded with regional development requirements; and (4) The evaluation of expansion analysis shows that the results are consistent with the expected development pattern of Wuhan Metropolitan Area, and government departments might pay attention to the potential value of the expansion in the airport region, the Yangluo region, the Optics Valley-Future City region, and the Zhifang region. The above shows the effectiveness of the FLUS model in the Wuhan metropolitan area, which also provides great reference for planning management and construction land optimization.
ZHAO Xuan , PENG Jiandong , FAN Zhiyu , YANG Chen , YANG Hong . Land Use Simulation and Urban Growth Boundaries Delineation in Wuhan Metropolitan Area based on FLUS Model and "Dual Environment Evaluation"[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2020 , 22(11) : 2212 -2226 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.200137
表1 景观斑块指数含义及计算公式Tab.1 The meaning and calculation formula of landscape index |
景观指数 | 指数含义 | 计算公式 公式编号 |
斑块面积指数CA | 表示斑块类型的总面积 | (3) 式中:是斑块的面积 |
最大斑块指数LPI | 表示最大斑块面积所占比例 | (4) 式中:为斑块的面积,为景观总面积 |
斑块数量指数NP | 表示斑块总数量 | (5) 式中:是第类斑块的个数 |
平均周长面积比指数PARA_MN | 表示形状复杂度,值越小,形状越简单规整 | (6) 式中:为斑块的周长,为斑块的面积 |
平均最邻近指数ENN_MN | 表示空间分布特征,值越小,分布越集中 | (7) 式中:是斑块到最邻近斑块直线距离 |
景观分裂度指数SPLIT | 表示被割裂程度,值越小,破碎度越低 | (8) 式中:是斑块的面积,为景观总面积 |
表2 武汉大都市区用地模拟驱动因子相关信息Tab.2 Information of driving factors for land use simulation in Wuhan metropolitan area |
数据名称 | 数据说明 | 年份 | 数据来源 | ||
资 源 环 境 承 载 力 评 价 因 子 库 | 水资源 | 年平均降水量 | 1 km×1 km栅格数据 | 2015 | a |
水资源供给 | 具体见生态系统服务价值空间分布数据[30] | ||||
水文调节 | |||||
距河流水系的距离 | 30 m×30 m栅格数据 | ||||
土地资源 | 土壤质地 | 计算粉砂土、黏土、砂土含量空间分布 | 1995 | a | |
植被资源 | 年度植被指数 | NDVI数据 | 2015 | b | |
粮食资源 | 净初级生产力 | NPP数据 | 2010 | a | |
食物生产能力 | 具体见生态系统服务价值空间分布数据[30] | 2015 | |||
原料生产能力 | 2015 | ||||
大气资源 | 大气污染指数 | PM2.5空间插值栅格数据 | 2018 | c | |
年平均气温 | 1 km×1 km栅格数据 | 2010 | a | ||
气体调节 | 具体见生态系统服务价值空间分布数据[30] | 2015 | a | ||
气候调节 | 2015 | a | |||
水土流失 | 土壤侵蚀 | 1 km×1 km侵蚀强度 | 2015 | a | |
城市化 | 距武汉大都市区中心距离 距县区中心的距离 距矿产资源的距离 | 30 m×30 m栅格数据 | 2015 2015 2018 | a | |
生物多样性 | 生物多样性 | 具体见生态系统服务价值空间分布数据[30] | 2015 | a | |
城 市 空 间 适 宜 性 评 价 因 子 库 | 地形条件 | 地形(DEM)、坡度 | 坡度据地形数据计算 | 2015 | d |
交通优势 | 距机场的距离 | 30 m×30 m栅格数据 | 2019 | e | |
距高速公路的距离 | |||||
距国道的距离 | |||||
距省道的距离 | |||||
距城市主干路的距离 | |||||
距火车轻轨站的距离 | |||||
距铁路的距离 | |||||
经济发展 | GDP | 1 km×1 km人均GDP | 2015 | a | |
人口聚集 | 人口密度 | 1 km×1 km人口分布 | 2015 | a | |
设施适宜度 | 距行政机关的距离 | 30 m×30 m栅格数据 | 2019 | e | |
距知名企业的距离 | |||||
距购物中心的距离 | |||||
距高等院校的距离 | |||||
距三甲医院的距离 | |||||
距公园广场的距离 | |||||
距产业园区的距离 | |||||
距风景名胜的距离 | |||||
地质灾害 | 距地质灾害点距离 | 30 m×30 m栅格数据 | 2015 | a | |
生态发展 | 净化环境能力 | 具体见生态系统服务价值空间分布数据[30] | 2015 | a | |
美学景观 |
注:数据来源部分,a: 资源环境数据云平台(; b: 地理国情监测云平台(; c: 中国环境监测总站(; d: 地理空间数据云(; e: 高德地图API爬虫数据(。 |
图4 武汉大都市区资源环境承载力评价影响因子Fig. 4 Impact factors of resource and environmental carrying capacity evaluation in Wuhan metropolitan area |
表3 武汉大都市区现状(2005年、2015年)和模拟(2025年、2035年)土地利用类型面积对比表Tab.3 Comparison table of land use categories in different years in Wuhan metropolitan area (km²) |
年份 | 耕地 | 林地 | 草地 | 水域 | 城镇建设用地 | 对外交通用地 | 农村居民点用地 | 未利用土地 |
2005 | 11 080.70 | 2551.20 | 356.70 | 4188.20 | 1191.21 | 94.77 | 907.28 | 185.90 |
2015 | 10 636.95 | 2524.71 | 351.96 | 4195.49 | 1625.56 | 109.03 | 930.20 | 182.08 |
2025 | 10 211.33 | 2498.37 | 347.24 | 4200.36 | 2049.50 | 118.59 | 952.25 | 178.33 |
2035 | 9803.07 | 2472.20 | 342.54 | 4202.94 | 2462.42 | 124.67 | 973.48 | 174.66 |
表4 武汉大都市区各用地类型扩张邻域权重Tab.4 The weight of neighborhood expansion for each land type in Wuhan metropolitan area |
耕地 | 林地 | 草地 | 水域 | 城镇建设用地 | 对外交通用地 | 农村居民点用地 | 未利用土地 |
0.1 | 0.2 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.3 |
表5 武汉大都市区各用地类型转换成本矩阵Tab.5 Conversion cost matrix of various land types in Wuhan metropolitan area |
用地类型 | 耕地 | 林地 | 草地 | 水域 | 城镇建设用地 | 对外交通用地 | 农村居民点用地 | 未利用土地 |
耕地 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
林地 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
草地 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
水域 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
城镇建设用地 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
对外交通用地 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
农村居民点用地 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
未利用土地 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
表6 5种情景下武汉大都市区UGB描绘方案景观斑块综合评价Tab. 6 Evaluation of landscape patches in different scenarios in Wuhan metropolitan area |
描绘方案 | CA/ha | LPI/% | NP/个 | PARA_MN | ENN_MN/m | SPLIT | 综合值A | |
DEE- UGB | 253 320 | 30.66 | 792 | 105.26 | 1098.5 | 1716.9 | 0.9465 | |
BASIC- UGB | 253 626 | 29.85 | 769 | 109.40 | 1128.7 | 1645.9 | 0.9435 | |
RECC- UGB | 254 121 | 30.57 | 789 | 106.22 | 1108.2 | 1728.8 | 0.9422 | |
USS- UGB | 254 230 | 30.37 | 768 | 106.65 | 1125.9 | 1704.9 | 0.9456 | |
2015-UGB | 161 111 | 12.20 | 1169 | 118.29 | 882.2 | 2252.8 | 0.7352 |
表7 4种情景下武汉大都市区LEI类型数量和所占比例Tab. 7 Quantity of LEI types and percentage in different scenarios in Wuhan metropolitan area |
描绘方案 | 飞地式扩张 | 边缘式扩张 | 填充式扩张 | 总计/个 | ||||||||||
数量/个 | 比例/% | 数量/个 | 比例/% | 数量/个 | 比例/% | |||||||||
DEE-UGB | 89 | 4.16 | 1404 | 65.70 | 644 | 30.14 | 2137 | |||||||
BASIC- UGB | 81 | 2.45 | 2322 | 70.32 | 899 | 27.23 | 3302 | |||||||
RECC- UGB | 102 | 3.99 | 1747 | 68.27 | 710 | 27.75 | 2559 | |||||||
USS- UGB | 70 | 2.18 | 2227 | 69.33 | 915 | 28.49 | 3212 |
表8 4种情景下武汉大都市区KAPPA及总体精度Tab. 8 Kappa and Overall Accuracy in different scenarios in Wuhan metropolitan area |
KAPPA 总体精度 | 0.9455 0.9636 | 0.9428 0.9620 | 0.9439 0.9633 | 0.9435 0.9624 |
表9 2005—2015、 2025—2035、 2015-2035武汉大都市区分阶段扩张强度指数表Tab. 9 EII at different time periods(2015-2025、2025-2035、2015-2035) in Wuhan metropolitan area |
时间 | N | NNE | NE | NEE | E | SEE | SE | SSE | S | SSW | SW | SWW | W | NWW | NW | NNW |
2015-2025 | 1.1 | 0.3 | 1.6 | 1.1 | 3.0 | 4.2 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 2.4 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 1.4 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 1.2 |
2025-2035 | 1.3 | 0.4 | 1.7 | 1.1 | 2.1 | 2.9 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 2.4 | 1.2 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.6 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.1 |
2015-2035 | 2.5 | 0.7 | 3.3 | 2.2 | 5.1 | 7.1 | 1.6 | 1.6 | 4.7 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.7 | 3.0 | 2.2 | 2.9 | 2.3 |
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