Journal of Geo-information Science >
Modeling and Application of Epidemic Risk Assessment Considering Spatial Interaction of Spatial-temporal Objects
Received date: 2020-07-30
Revised date: 2020-10-19
Online published: 2021-04-25
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFB0502300)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still spreading all over the world. According to the early diffusion characteristics of covid-19 in China, From the perspective of geography, an epidemic risk assessment model considering spatial interaction of spatial-temporal objects was constructed. which realizes the correlation and dynamic analysis of the inter city transmission of epidemic risk on the basis of referring to the transfer mode of spatial interaction of spatial-temporal objects, and took into account the spatial-temporal process, spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity. In the stage of empirical research, the epidemic risk and its dynamic evolution in Wuhan and its surrounding cities from early January 2020 to early April 2020 were evaluated based on this model. Compared with the real-time epidemic risk index and its spatial distribution calculated based on the urban object's own attributes, the effectiveness of the spatial interaction model based on spatial-temporal objects in epidemic risk assessment was verified. The results show that: on the one hand, The model took into account the spatial dependence and heterogeneity of epidemic transmission, and reflected the transmission process between cities of epidemic risk. It provides a new perspective and method for the study of epidemic risk assessment and related spatial problems. On the other hand, there is a significant positive correlation between the input epidemic risk from source objects and the spatial interaction intensity between objects. Therefore, comprehensive decision-making should be made in combination with the main influencing factors of spatial interaction in epidemic prevention and control.
WEI Yuanyuan , JIANG Nan , CHEN Yunhai , LI Xiang , YANG Zhenkai . Modeling and Application of Epidemic Risk Assessment Considering Spatial Interaction of Spatial-temporal Objects[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2021 , 23(2) : 274 -283 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200415
表1 2020年1月23日前武汉市主要人口流向及相关城市基本情况Tab.1 Main outflow cities of Wuhan population and their basic situation before January 23, 2020 |
城市 | 人口/万人 | 2019年GDP/亿元 | 通勤方式 | 用时/h | 铁路线距离/km | 占武汉迁出人口比例/% |
孝感市 | 481.45 | 2301.40 | 高铁 | 0.50 | 126 | 13.87 |
黄冈市 | 750.00 | 2322.73 | 动车 | 0.42 | 50 | 13.50 |
荆州市 | 569.17 | 2516.48 | 动车 | 1.63 | 240 | 7.17 |
咸宁市 | 246.26 | 1594.98 | 高铁 | 0.40 | 85 | 4.77 |
襄阳市 | 550.03 | 4812.84 | 高铁 | 1.51 | 281 | 4.44 |
荆门市 | 287.37 | 2033.77 | 特快 | 3.37 | 256 | 3.76 |
黄石市 | 242.93 | 1767.19 | 动车 | 1.13 | 105 | 3.74 |
随州市 | 216.22 | 1162.23 | 高铁 | 1.00 | 162 | 3.54 |
鄂州市 | 104.87 | 1140.07 | 动车 | 0.37 | 56 | 3.28 |
仙桃市 | 154.30 | 868.47 | 动车 | 1.00 | 77 | 3.23 |
宜昌市 | 405.97 | 4460.82 | 动车 | 2.33 | 323 | 3.05 |
天门市 | 127.23 | 650.82 | 动车 | 0.95 | 114 | 2.28 |
十堰市 | 334.08 | 2012.72 | 高铁 | 2.00 | 460 | 2.00 |
恩施州 | 329.03 | 1159.37 | 动车 | 4.02 | 526 | 1.83 |
潜江市 | 96.20 | 812.63 | 高铁 | 0.80 | 134 | 1.19 |
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