Journal of Geo-information Science >
Study on Fractal Viewing Distance (FVD) Multi-Resolution Texture Data Generation and Organization
Received date: 2020-03-21
Request revised date: 2020-08-14
Online published: 2021-06-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41431179)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41961065)
Guangxi Innovative Development Grand Program(AA18118038)
Guangxi Innovative Development Grand Program(AA18242048)
Texture is one of the important information in the three-Dimensional (3D) city photorealistic mapping, which usually occupies large computer memory for storage. As a result, the effective modeling and organization of texture data become an important issue in geographic information science community. Hence, this paper proposes the Fractal Viewing Distance (FVD) multi-resolution texture data generation and organization method for 3D city building photorealistic mapping. First, a fractal compression method based on the self-similarity and self-affine properties of texture is developed, which compresses and stores texture and 3D building model data in the database. Second, the corresponding texture is created and organized according to the visual distance and the visibility of the target facade. When the visual distance meets the texture calling condition and the target facade is visible, the texture data is iteratively decompressed, and the number of texture resampling is determined to create multi-resolution texture data. A texture index is established and stored in a database according to the relationship between various types of 3D building model data. When the visual distance does not meet the texture calling condition, but the target facade is visible, the building facade texture is represented using a colored texture tree created in this paper. The method smooths the texture and divides it into different rectangles as nodes based on the color difference, and then a colored texture tree is built to store these nodes. In the process of model visualization, the nodes are merged to represent the texture. Finally, the corresponding texture is selected according to the angle of view and distance, representing the dynamic and smooth visualization of the 3D model. The experimental field consisting of a total of 5290 texture data, located in Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province is selected to validate the method we proposed, which occupies a total size of 6.1G. The results demonstrate that when the number of decompressing iterations reaches around 8 or 10, the peak ratio of signal to noise of each texture tends to be stable. The average memory consumption is approximately 54.7%, and the frame rate for building façade mapping is at about 42 frames per second. Compared with 3ds Max and SketchUp Pro, the proposed method reduces the memory occupation by about 36.5 % and 49.1%, respectively, and increase the frame rate approximately by 7 % and 10.9 %, respectively. The method proposed in this paper has achieved a good balance between rendering efficiency and visual quality of 3D building model. The method proposed in this paper can provide an effective scientific support for the establishment of smart city.
BAO Xin , ZHOU Guoqing , HE Hongchang . Study on Fractal Viewing Distance (FVD) Multi-Resolution Texture Data Generation and Organization[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2021 , 23(4) : 551 -563 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200288
算法 FVD多分辨率纹理生成算法 |
输入:原始纹理F |
过程: (1) 对原始图像F进行值域块R和定义域块D的划分; (2) 利用式(2)计算值域块R和定义域块D的相关系数, 取一个值域块R,利用式(3)在定义域池Ω中寻找均方误差S最小 的D块; (3) 取四元组构成所对应的压缩映射变换w,其 中表示与相关系数最大的D块的序号,表示仿射变换 中空间变换的序号,保存分形码; (4) 若存在尚未编码的值域块,返回步骤(2)继续编码,直至所有 编码结束; (5) 初始化解码空白纹理W; (6) 根据视距位置对建筑物目标立面进行可见性分析 ① 若且,则利用式(7)计算纹 理最终重采样频率,根据生成对应分辨率的纹理存入W; ② 若且,则创建颜色纹理树保存节点, 用节点合并形成的彩色多边形表示纹理。 (7) 根据视距变化生成的多分辨率纹理或彩色多边形纹理,将其 编号建立索引后存入文档数据库。 输出:分辨率纹理或彩色多边形纹理 |
图7 初始图像全黑时前10次迭代解码图像(k为迭代次数)Fig. 7 The first 10 iterations of decoding image when the initial image is all black (k is the number of iterations) |
图8 4幅测试纹理的峰值信噪比(PSNR)相对于迭代次数的变化曲线Fig. 8 Variation curve of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of four test textures with number of iteration |
表1 不同方法对比分析统计Tab. 1 Comparison analysis with different methods |
方法 | 原始纹理数据 大小/GB | 纹理预处理 | 三维模型可视化 | |||
多分辨率纹理生成及组织/min | 纹理数据 大小/GB | 减少纹理数据百分比/% | 平均占用内存百分比/% | 平均帧速率/f | ||
本文方法 | 6.1 | 8 | 2.3 | 62.3 | 54.7 | 42.0 |
3ds Max | 6.1 | - | 6.1 | 0.0 | 91.2 | 35.0 |
SketchUp Pro | 6.1 | - | 6.1 | 0.0 | 85.6 | 31.1 |
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