Journal of Geo-information Science >
Evolution of the Multiple Accumulated Temperature Across Mainland China in 1961-2018 with the Gridded Meteorological Dataset
Received date: 2020-09-05
Request revised date: 2020-12-12
Online published: 2021-10-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51709218)
National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFC1407405)
National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFC1506601)
Accumulated Temperature (AT) could affect plants' phonological period and crops' yield and spatial distribution. AT is usually obtained by extrapolation of surface observations. However, AT would have greater spatial uncertainties in regions where the surface observations are sparsely distributed with complex terrain. In recent years, there have been some gridded meteorological data with well spatial representation. If studies used these high spatial resolution gridded meteorological data to directly calculate AT, the problem mentioned above would be solved. This study used the gridded dataset (CN05.1) with high spatial resolution and long term time series from 1961-2018 to analyze the spatiotemporal changes of the four Accumulated Temperatures (ATs) in mainland China with the thresholds of ≥0 ℃, ≥5 ℃, ≥10 ℃, and ≥15 ℃, respectively. The gridded dataset was made using more than 2400 surface meteorological stations across mainland China and was well extrapolated by the plate spline method. The main conclusions are summarized as follows: ① In mainland China, the four ATs (≥0 ℃, ≥5 ℃, ≥10 ℃ and ≥15 ℃) have low-value areas in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, and Northeast China, but high-value areas in South China. Their spatial patterns are similar to those of the 2-m air temperature. ② All four ATs show significant increasing trends, especially in Inner Mongolia and Northeast China. ③ Due to changes in the AT spatial trends, the area of tropical and subtropical regions, identified by a threshold of 10 ℃, have a significant increase. In contrast, the area of mid-temperate and cold-temperate regions have a significant decrease. ④ During 1961-2018, starting time of four ATs had significantly advanced while the ending time had significantly delayed in both regional and point scales. The interval period of temperature transition ranges of 0~5 ℃, 5~10 ℃, and 10~15 ℃’s starting time has more severe changes in the Loess Plateau and Inner Mongolia. For interval period of ending time, Central China Plain changes greatly. These significant changes would impact the farming plan, crop physiology, plant diseases, and insect pests. In the future, the gridded dataset with more high spatial resolution and longer time series could be used to study the changes of accumulated temperature under climate change.
BAI Lei , ZHANG Fan , SHANG Ming , SHI Chunxiang , SUN Shuai , LIU Lijun , WEN Yuanqiao , SU Chuancheng . Evolution of the Multiple Accumulated Temperature Across Mainland China in 1961-2018 with the Gridded Meteorological Dataset[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2021 , 23(8) : 1446 -1460 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200500
图6 1961—2018年典型站点不同积温开始和结束时间时间序列Fig. 6 Time series of the starting and ending time of different ATs at typical sites from 1961 to 2018 |
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