Journal of Geo-information Science >
Analysis of Life Expectancy and the Spatial Differences of Its Influencing Factors of Chinese Residents
Received date: 2020-10-15
Online published: 2021-11-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41571082)
Good Health and Human Well-being is one of The Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations, and increasing the life expectancy is a significant step towards this goal. Due to differences in the natural environment and social development of Chinese cities, understanding the factors that affect life expectancy in different regions is the key to formulate urban public health policy. Based on the data of 286 cities in China in 2015, this paper used exploratory regression, ordinary least squares, and geographically weighted regression to screen out the most relevant influencing factors to life expectancy and explore their spatial differences. Then, the two-step cluster analysis was used to make targeted policy recommendations for each type of cities. The results show that: (1) Economic development, educational conditions, and medical facilities had a significant positive impact on life expectancy, while average altitude and environmental pollution had a negative impact; (2) Compared with other regions, economic development in the southeast region had a greater impact on local life expectancy; medical facilities in the northeast and southwest regions had a higher degree of promotion of life expectancy for its residents; education conditions in the northern region had a higher impact on the life expectancy of local residents; average altitude had the greatest impact on the life expectancy of residents in the West region; The life expectancy of residents in the northwest region was more susceptible to the negative impact of environmental pollution than in other regions; (3) Cities were divided into three categories based on spatial differences, and the key factors affecting the life expectancy are economic development and environmental pollution, educational conditions, and medical facilities in order. City managers in each category of cities should pay attention to different factors to increase their life expectancy.
ZHANG Ziwei , HUANG Qiuhao , LU Yu , LI Manchun , CHEN Zhenjie , LI Feixue . Analysis of Life Expectancy and the Spatial Differences of Its Influencing Factors of Chinese Residents[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2021 , 23(9) : 1575 -1585 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200607
表1 预期寿命影响因素的选取依据Tab. 1 Selection basis of factors affecting life expectancy |
维度 | 影响因素(简称) | 选取依据 |
经济因素 | 人均GDP(PCGDP) | 文献[7]、[36]、[37] |
人均储蓄存款余额(PCSDB) | 文献[38]、[39] | |
医疗设施 | 千人床位数(HB) | 文献[11]、[40] |
千人医生数(DP) | 文献[10]、[41] | |
环境污染 | 人均SO2排放量(PCSO2) | 文献[29]、[40] |
PM2.5 | 文献[42]、[43] | |
PM10 | 文献[29]、[44] | |
自然条件 | 平均海拔(AE) | 文献[17]、[19] |
年平均温度(AT) | 文献[18]、[19] | |
年均降水量(AP) | 文献[17]、[18] | |
教育条件 | 教育从业人员占人口比例(POE) | 文献[45] |
千人学校数(PCSCH) |
表2 十二项预期寿命影响因素的探索性回归分析结果Tab. 2 Exploratory regression analysis results of twelve factors affecting life expectancy |
校正R2 | AIC | VIF | 影响因素组合 | ||||||
0.48 | 1122.13 | 2.52 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +POE***, | +HB**, | -PCSO2*, | ||
0.48 | 1123.73 | 2.52 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +POE***, | +HB**, | -PM2.5**, | +PCSCH | |
0.48 | 1123.82 | 3.26 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +POE***, | +HB**, | -PM2.5**, | +DP | |
0.47 | 1124.21 | 2.87 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +HB**, | +AT*, | -PCSO2*, | -PM10* | |
0.47 | 1125.43 | 3.26 | -AE***, | +PCGDP***, | +POE***, | +HB**, | -PCSO2*, | +DP*, | -PM10 |
0.47 | 1125.84 | 2.87 | -AE***, | +PCGDP***, | +POE***, | +HB**, | +DP*, | -PM2.5, | -PCSO2 |
0.47 | 1125.93 | 3.31 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +POE**, | +DP**, | +HB*, | -PCSO2, | +PCSDB |
0.47 | 1126.48 | 2.61 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +POE***, | -PCSO2*, | +DP* | ||
0.47 | 1126.84 | 3.24 | +PCGDP***, | -AE***, | +POE***, | +HB**, | +DP |
注: 加减号代表系数的正负;***, **和 *分别代表显著性水平为1%、 5%和10%。 |
表3 筛选后预期寿命影响因素的描述性统计Tab. 3 Descriptive statistics of factors affecting life expectancy after screening |
影响因素 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 平均值 | 标准差 |
千人床位数/张 | 1.71 | 13.58 | 4.65 | 1.63 |
人均GDP/万元 | 1.02 | 20.02 | 4.96 | 2.93 |
人均SO2排放量/kg | 0.03 | 224.89 | 17.85 | 26.28 |
平均海拔/m | 1.32 | 4814.85 | 533.78 | 648.10 |
教育从业人员占比/% | 0.65 | 3.44 | 1.25 | 0.41 |
表4 预期寿命影响因素的OLS回归分析结果Tab. 4 OLS regression analysis results of factors affecting life expectancy |
影响因素 | 系数 | 标准误差 | VIF |
截距 | 76.67*** | 0.10 | |
千人床位数 | 0.40** | 0.16 | 1.96 |
人均GDP | 0.59*** | 0.19 | 2.52 |
人均SO2排放量 | -0.27* | 0.15 | 1.51 |
平均海拔 | -0.25*** | 0.15 | 1.44 |
教育从业人员占比 | 0.48*** | 0.14 | 2.24 |
注: ***,**, * 分别代表显著性水平为1%,5%和10%。 |
图6 GWR模型回归系数的二阶聚类分析结果Fig. 6 Two-step cluster analysis results of the regression coefficients of the GWR model |
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