Journal of Geo-information Science >
A Research on the Conceptual Framework for Digitalized Conservation of Agricultural Heritage System
Received date: 2020-10-27
Online published: 2021-11-25
Supported by
National Key Social Foundation of China(16ZDA159)
Key Social Foundation of Hunan Province(17ZDB050)
Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA23100203)
Agricultural areas are preserved well in most countries and are famous for the long history, deep cultural deposit, and various types. In the historical process, they have formed the unique cultural landscapes, land use, and food production systems, which are fit for the local geographical environments. Agricultural areas are rich in traditional cultural customs, such as production, sacrifices, prayers, and religions. They are characterized as the values of history, culture, art, research, education, and social economy. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations launched Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) initiative in 2002. This means that the agricultural heritage systems, as one type of special cultural heritages, are formally confirmed and are attracting widespread attention worldwide. Although the cultural heritage conservation has inevitably been involved with the digital tide, there is not enough attention on agricultural heritage digitalized conservation. To explore this issue, this paper proposes a conceptual framework for the digitalized conservation of agricultural heritage systems and mainly focuses on the pertinent context, objects, and key technologies. In this work, the authors thinks the food and livelihood security, agricultural diversity, local and traditional knowledge systems, culture, values and social organizations, landscapes and seascape features as the body of context of agricultural heritage digitalized conservation. In this paper, the conceptual framework is composed of five parts; namely, the elements of agricultural heritage systems, date types and capture methods or obtained ways, database construction and data organization, sub-systems or application program interfaces, and the main goals as well as the application fields. This paper details every part of the conceptual framework from the bottom up. Based on the above results, this paper further briefs the crucial technologies from the perspective of application development. These key technologies mainly include the analysis and process of multiple granularity spatiotemporal objects, cloud computing and services, big-data analysis, and artificial intelligence. It is especially worthy to note that multiple granularity spatiotemporal objects are the theoretical foundation of the next generation GIS. In work, GIS is treated as the key support to the conceptual framework of agricultural heritage digitalized conservation. Finally, this paper analyzes the corresponding significances when carrying out the agricultural heritage digitalized conservation. Agricultural heritage digitalized conservation can not only help the management departments to improve their work and make decisions but also improve the protection work and sustainable development. Agricultural heritage digitalized conservation is very helpful to promote the understanding of related knowledge and the popularization of sciences and education. In a whole, agricultural heritage digitalized conservation is the inevitable results of the combination of information sciences and traditional agricultural knowledge in depth. The authors strongly believe that current research work is of great significances to forward the implementation of agricultural heritage digitalized conservation and the implementation of the smart agricultural heritages since this paper provides good advices.
HU Zui , MIN Qingwen . A Research on the Conceptual Framework for Digitalized Conservation of Agricultural Heritage System[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2021 , 23(9) : 1632 -1645 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200642
表1 粮食与生计安全的数字化内容Tab. 1 The context for food and livelihood security digitalization |
一级指标 | 二级指标 | 数据来源 | 备注 |
粮食安全状况 | 家庭人口数 | 调查统计 | 家庭规模 |
拥有的耕地面积 | 调查统计 | ||
户均年度粮食总产量 | 调查统计 | 单位为kg | |
户均年生产资料投入金额 | 调查统计 | 单位为元 | |
家庭年购入粮食品类和数量 | 调查统计 | ||
家庭年购入其他食物品类目和相应数量 | 调查统计 | ||
家庭生产的其他食物品类和相应数量 | 调查统计 | ||
生计安全状况 | 家庭从事传统农业的年收入 | 调查统计 | 单位为万元 |
成员掌握的与传统农业相关的专门技能或从事相关职业状况 | 调查统计 | 成员可以凭技能获得一定的经济收入 |
表2 农业生物多样性的数字化内容Tab. 2 The context for digitalizing agro-biodiversity |
一级指标 | 二级指标 | 数据来源 | 备注 |
生态环境特征 | 地形特征 | DEM | 单位为m |
气候特征 | 统计资料 | ||
动物资源 | 统计资料 | 农业文化遗产分布地的生态系统和生态环境的生物多样性 | |
植物资源 | 统计资料 | ||
微生物资源 | 统计资料 |
表3 地方与传统农业知识体系的数字化内容Tab. 3 The context for digitalizing local and traditional knowledge system |
一级指标 | 二级指标 | 数据来源 | 备注 |
自然生境知识 | 当地的农时、农事、时气、节令等 | 地方志、 史志、 农业志、 调查走访 | 对当地生态环境的科学认知 |
当地特有农产品栽种、加工和储运等的方法 | |||
农业聚落的传统知识 | 传统的人地关系与经验总结等 | 传统农业生产方式与生态环境的适应性知识 | |
传统的农业生产经验与方法总结等 | |||
传统的与农业生产相关的工具及相应知识等 | |||
灌溉技术体系 | 灌溉方法 | ||
生产管理技术体系 | 如:施肥方法 | ||
产品加工和储运技术体系 | 如:食物腌制方法 | ||
自然资源管理体系 | 水资源和土地资源管理 | 调查走访 | 如:灌溉方法与管理 |
农业气候资源认知 | 调查、统计 | 对传统农时的认知 | |
生物多样性资源管理 | 统计 |
表4 文化与信仰体系及社会组织的数字化内容Tab. 4 The context for digitalizing cultures, value systems and social organizations |
一级指标 | 二级指标 | 数据来源 | 备注 |
传统文化 | 民俗、民谚、神话传说、民间故事 | 史志、地方志、农业志、走访调查地方志、走访、调查 | |
代表性非物质文化遗产 | 如:地方美食 | ||
文化遗存或遗迹 | 如:古代牌坊 | ||
信仰体系 | 民间信仰 | 地方志、走访、调查 地方志、走访、调查 | 如:五斗米道 |
民间崇拜 | 如:张五郎 | ||
社会组织体系 | 传统宗族 | 走访调查 | 排解纠纷、约束行为 |
乡规民约或村规民约 | 调查 | ||
互助合作 | 走访 | 如:农忙帮工 | |
聚落居住体系 | 聚落特征 | 走访调查 | 与传统农业生产相适应的聚落系统 |
聚落空间形态特征 | 遥感影像、测绘 | ||
历史/传统建筑 | 测绘 |
表5 农业文化遗产景观的数字化内容Tab. 5 The context for digitalizing processes of the landscapes of agricultural heritage systems |
一级指标 | 二级指标 | 数据来源 | 说明 | 备注 |
类型多样性 | 优势度 | 遥感影像 | 传统农业景观的重要程度 | |
丰富度 | 遥感影像 | 传统农业景观的类型和组成 | ||
格局多样性 | 破碎度 | 遥感影像 | 传统农业景观的破碎程度 | 经济社会系统因素对农业景观产生的影响 |
聚集度 | 遥感影像 | 传统农业景观的聚集程度 | ||
其他 | 土地利 用方式 | 遥感影像、调查统计资料 | 与传统农业生产方式相适应 的土地利用方式及其特色 |
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