Journal of Geo-information Science >
Advance in Character Mining and Prediction of Ship Behavior based on AIS Data
Received date: 2021-08-24
Request revised date: 2021-11-20
Online published: 2022-02-25
Supported by
Natural Science Foundation of China(52001134)
Science and Technology Innovation Special Zone project of Science and Technology Department of central Military Commission(KL12004)
Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2020J01661)
Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Inland River Navigation Technology(NHHY2020001)
The mining and prediction of ship behavior characteristics is an important research content of maritime intelligent transportation system and a key scientific problem in the field of transportation engineering. In order to systematically study the research status and development trend of ship behavior characteristic mining and prediction, the Vosviewer is used to generate the clustering map and trend evolution map of high-frequency keywords of research content from the perspective of bibliometrics, based on literatures collected from WOS database and CNKI database. After comprehensive analysis, three topics of data mining of maritime traffic elements based on Automatic Identification System (AIS), ship behavior clustering research and ship behavior prediction research are summarized. The research contents, methods and existing problems of each topic are systematically analyzed. The research results show that: ① In the aspect of data mining of maritime traffic elements based on AIS, the research mainly focuses on the mining of spatial features of maritime traffic and temporal features of traffic flow,and the results are lack of sufficient association mining of time features AIS data and background environment features. Further exploration needs to be made on the mining of space-time characteristics and data fusion. ②In the aspect of ship behavior clustering, the research mainly uses the unsupervised clustering method to study the clustering of ship track points and ship track segments to obtain the spatial-temporal distribution of ship navigation behavior patterns and the maneuvering intention. The similarity calculation method of ship trajectory integrating multidimensional features, identification of ship the adaptive selection of clustering parameters and the semantic modeling of ship behavior need to be further studied. ③ In the aspect of ship behavior prediction, it mainly focuses on the prediction of ship behavior based on dynamic equation, traditional intelligent algorithm and deep neural network. Considering the characteristics of randomness, diversity and coupling of ship behavior, the use of hybrid neural network model and combining neural network with vector machine. In the end, the paper proposes the promising research area which include mining of ship behavior feature based on semantic model, the prediction of ship behavior based on deep convolutional neural network, the mining of ship behavior feature based on knowledge graph and the visualization of prediction results.
ZHEN Rong , SHAO Zheping , PAN Jiacai . Advance in Character Mining and Prediction of Ship Behavior based on AIS Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2021 , 23(12) : 2111 -2127 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.210495
图4 船舶行为特征挖掘与预测英文文献聚类图谱注:不同的颜色代表不同的研究主题类,节点的大小代表该研究内容出现频率的高低。 Fig. 4 Literature cluster map of ship behavior characteristics mining and prediction |
表1 水上交通要素的内容及方法研究总结Tab. 1 Summary of research contents and methods of marine traffic element |
研究主题 | 研究内容 | 研究方法及模型 |
船舶航迹数据预处理 | 航迹清洗 | 数据查询方法[11] |
航迹插值 | 线性插值[12]、三次样条插值[13]、拉格朗日插值[14]、均值插值和向量函数的插值[15]、复合插值[16,17,18]、机器学习的插值方法[19,20] | |
航迹融合 | 统计加权方法[22]、基于BP神经网络的方法[23]、基于卡尔曼滤波的方法[24]、时间序列聚类的方法[25]、集成融合方法[26] | |
航迹压缩 | 离线压缩方法(DP算法[27]、Dead Reckoning[28]、OLDCAT[29]、扫描-选择-移动算法[30])、在线压缩方法(改进的滑动窗口[31,32]、在线有向无环图[33]) | |
船舶交通流参数特征分布分析 | 交通流特征参数拟合 | 船舶交通量和速度模型拟合[35]、交通流风险模型的拟合[36]、船舶到达规律模型拟合[38] |
交通流特征合成 | 船舶交通流场方法[39]、密度聚类方法[40] | |
船舶会遇分析 | 船舶会遇时空特征 | 会遇时空特征统计[41,42] |
会遇船舶紧迫度 | 船舶运动几何关系[43]、空间约束和热力图方法[44-45] 、支持向量机-贝叶斯滤波方法[4] |
表2 船舶行为聚类研究内容及方法总结Tab. 2 Summary of research contents and methods of ship behavior clustering |
研究主题 | 研究内容 | 研究方法及模型 |
船舶航迹距离计算 | 船舶轨迹点间距离计算 | 欧式距离[48]、切比雪夫距离[49]计算方法 |
船舶轨迹段间距离计算 | 结构相似度[50]、Hauudorff[51,52]、动态时间弯矩[53]、基于行为特征的方法[54]、基于复合特征的方法[55]、无监督深度学习[56]等距离计算方法 | |
船舶航迹点聚类 | 基于划分的船舶轨迹点聚类 | k-means[57]、k-mediods[58] |
基于密度的船舶轨迹点聚类 | DBSCAN[59]、密度峰值快速搜索与聚类方法[60] | |
基于层次的船舶轨迹点聚类 | AGNES层次聚类方法[61,62] | |
船舶航迹段聚类 | 船舶交通行为模式的提取 | 密度聚类[63]、层次聚类[64]、谱聚类[65,66]、拉普拉斯特征聚类[5]方法 |
船舶操纵行为特征的推断 | 结合DP和DBSCAN的聚类方法[67]、多步子航迹聚类分析和随机邻居嵌入算法[68]、概率图形模型[69] |
表3 船舶行为预测研究总结Tab. 3 Research summary of ship behavior prediction |
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