Journal of Geo-information Science >
AutoPaCA: Coupling Process and Spatial Pattern to Simulate Urban Growth
Received date: 2021-07-23
Revised date: 2021-10-12
Online published: 2022-03-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42101275)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071254)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41871172)
Unplanned urban sprawl has largely altered the territorial space of the planet. Fragmented natural habitats, shifting biomes, and altered nutrient cycling are a few examples of the repercussions of the uncontrolled global urban growth. Therefore, understanding the feature, mechanism, and future pathways of urban dynamics is of great importance for optimizing urban structure and morphology, and thus promoting sustainable urban development. Cellular Automata (CA) model has been recognized as an effective tool in the planner's packet to facilitate this understanding, and to help make informed decisions on urban development. Given the insufficient consideration on the process and spatial pattern of urban growth in traditional CA models, this study proposes a patch-based CA model for urban growth simulating, which is entitled AutoPa CA. The proposed AutoPaCA model couples the spatiotemporal process and pattern to simulate urban growth. It divides the urban development process into two different processes: the edge diffusion which represents organic urban growth and the leapfrog development which represents spontaneous urban growth. The AutoPaCA model introduces a parameterized self-organizing approach to fine control the location, shape, and size of newly generated urban patches. To be specific, both the organic and spontaneous patch-generation function yield new urban patches using two consecutive steps: Seeding and self-growing. The seeding procedure locates the pivot cell of new patch with a pruning and random selection operation based on the urban development suitability surface which is estimated using a random forest model. The self-growing procedure creates an urban patch with given size using a neighborhood-scanning operation in which a parameter is introduced to control the shape of the patch. The size of urban patches is assumed to follow a lognormal distribution. The shape controlling parameter is within the range of [0, 2], with values larger than 1 generating circle-like shape and values smaller than 1 generating elongated shape. In addition, the proposed model employs analysis methods in discipline of landscape ecology to scrutinize the characteristics of urban growth in historical periods, based on which a cutting-edge genetic algorithm is applied to achieve localized calibration of key parameters in the model. At the same time, the rigid limitation and elastic guiding effect of ecological protection on urban development are also considered in the simulation. The application of the AutoPaCA model in Changsha, China presented high simulation accuracy. The average value of the Reciprocal Similarity Comparison Index of 200 simulations in the model validation period reached 0.486, which attests the feasibility and applicability of the model.
DAI Yunzhe , YANG Jianxin , GONG Jian , YE Jing , LI Jingye , LI Yun . AutoPaCA: Coupling Process and Spatial Pattern to Simulate Urban Growth[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022 , 24(1) : 87 -99 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210421
表1 AutoPaCA参数初始值、取值范围及优化值Tab. 1 Initial value, domain, and the optimized value of parameters in the AutoPaCA model |
参数 | 初始值 | 值域 | 优化值 | ||
每次循环中新开发城镇建设用地的面积a/hm2 | 2000 | [1000, 3000] | 2014.45 | ||
每次循环中边缘增长的面积比例β | 0.79 | [0.5, 1] | 0.63 | ||
斑块面积和形状参数 | 边缘增长 | 均值 /hm2 | 92.89 | [35.51, 150.27] | 32.72 |
方差 /hm2 | 425.59 | [127.46, 723.73] | 145.73 | ||
形状控制参数 | 1.00 | [0, 1] | 0.51 | ||
跳跃式增长 | 均值 /hm2 | 17.27 | [15.59, 18.94] | 17.52 | |
方差 /hm2 | 52.88 | [36.57, 69.19] | 49.29 | ||
形状控制参数 | 1.00 | [0, 1] | 0.62 |
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