Journal of Geo-information Science >
3D Semantic Model Extension and Transformation for Ancient Architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties based on CityGML
Received date: 2021-03-16
Request revised date: 2021-04-08
Online published: 2022-04-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41801295)
National Culture and Tourism Science and Technology Innovation Project(2019-008)
The Relationship Between Local Culture and Geology of Jiuhua Mountain Geology Park(20201176038)
In recent years, a large amount of 3D building models of Chinese ancient architecture have been created to preserve and protect cultural heritages by different organizations and persons. However, most of these existing 3D models are lack of semantic information, which are predominantly used for 3D visualization, and they cannot meet the requirements of fine management and other intelligent applications. To address this problem, the standard building model defined by City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) is extended based on the features of Chinese ancient architecture. Moreover, a novel 3D semantic modeling approach is proposed to automatically identify semantic surfaces from mesh models and generate extended CityGML model in this paper. Firstly, we summarize the common features of Chinese ancient architecture components in Ming and Qing dynasties. We develop a CityGML extension to explicitly represent the geometric and semantic information of typical components of ancient architectures using CityGML Application Domain Extensions (ADE). Bracket, beam, column, base, and other new objects are added into this designed CityGML building model. Secondly, a model transformation algorithm is proposed to generate extended CityGML building models from mesh models, in which face normal and coordinate range of each triangle face from mesh model are calculated, together with other defined shape and position rules for different components. The algorithm is able to automatically recognize different semantic surfaces from roof, wall, column, and other objects of an ancient building. Thirdly, all these extracted triangular faces are further refined via topological validation and merged into polygon geometries, so as to accurately represent an ancient building according to geometric and semantic principles of CityGML. Two public mesh models of ancient buildings with different construction structures are selected to automatically extract semantic objects and generate corresponding extended CityGML models using the proposed method. Nine kinds of semantic objects such as RoofSurface, WallSurface, and Base are successfully recognized. More than 400 planar polygons with semantic information for each CityGML building model are generated. The percentage of correct face recognition is as high as 95%. Experimental results indicate that the extended CityGML model can effectively support the explicit semantic representation of typical components for ancient architecture. Most of planar faces from these mesh models can be automatically extracted and converted into extended CityGML semantic objects using the explored geometric rules and transformation approach. Therefore, the presented algorithm is beneficial for 3D semantic modeling of Chinese ancient architectures in an automated manner. It is useful for the fine management of ancient building models as well.
ZHANG Wenyuan , LIU Runhua , WAN Junbi , TAN Guoxin . 3D Semantic Model Extension and Transformation for Ancient Architecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties based on CityGML[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022 , 24(2) : 326 -338 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210136
表1 古建筑构件扩展语义实体及相关属性Tab. 1 Extended semantic entities and attributes of ancient architecture's components |
语义实体 | 描述 | 几何类型 | 示例 |
Base (台基) | 高出地面的建筑物底座,用以承托建筑物,并使其防潮、防腐 | lod2Solid lod3MultiSurface | |
Column(柱) | 垂直受力构件,包括:檐柱、金柱、中柱、山柱、童柱、角柱、雷公柱、瓜柱、廊柱 | lod3MultiSurface lod4MultiSurface | |
Beam (梁) | 建筑中的水平受力构件,常支承于二柱顶端或其他梁枋上,以形成屋脊 | lod4MultiSurface | |
Bracket (斗拱) | 中国古代建筑特有构件,方形木块叫斗,弓形短木叫拱,斜置长木叫昂,总称斗拱 | lod3Geometry lod4Geometry | |
Railing (栏杆) | 用木料、石、砖、琉璃等不同材料所制成的栏杆等,主要由望柱、寻杖和栏板组成 | lod3Geometry lod3MultiSurface | |
Stair (楼梯) | 用于楼层与楼层或不同高度空间交通连接的垂直构件,多在大门前和室内 | lod3MultiSurface lod4MultiSurface | |
Ornament (装饰) | 包括屋顶装饰、门窗装饰、台基装饰、天花板装饰和木柱装饰等几类。在手法上分为雕刻、彩画、匾牌、楹联等 | lod3MultiSurface lod4MultiSurface |
表2 古建筑Mesh模型面片语义判别规则Tab. 2 Rules of extracting semantic objects from mesh model of ancient architecture |
语义对象 | 平面法向量与Z轴夹角θ | 形状位置规则 |
屋顶 | 或 | |
地面 | 或 | |
墙面 | ||
门 | | |
窗 | 3 | |
柱 | ||
栏杆 | | |
楼梯(倾斜面) | 或 | |
楼梯(垂直或水平) | 或 或 | |
台基 | 或 | |
表3 古建筑Mesh模型转换为CityGML模型结果统计Tab. 3 Statistics of conversion results from mesh models to CityGML (个) |
模型名称 | 顶点数 | 合并前面片数 | 合并后面片数 | 合并前语义对象(数量) | 合并后语义对象(数量) |
大成殿 | 2114 | 1315 | 491 | 门(2)、墙面(7)、屋顶(976)、楼梯(54)、柱(111)、装饰(51)、围栏(51)、台基(63) | 门(2)、墙面(6)、屋顶(314)、楼梯(26)、柱(56)、装饰(19)、围栏(38)、台基(30) |
杏坛 | 1876 | 1478 | 419 | 墙面(14)、屋顶(1256)、楼梯(20)、柱(72)、装饰(60)、围栏(8)、台基(40)、地面(8) | 墙面(14)、屋顶(293)、楼梯(16)、柱(36)、装饰(20)、围栏(8)、台基(28)、地面(4) |
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