Journal of Geo-information Science >
Beijing Non-registered Population Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors from 2005 to 2018
Received date: 2021-07-17
Revised date: 2021-09-22
Online published: 2022-06-25
Supported by
Humanities and Social Sciences planning fund project of the Ministry of Education(20YJAZH009)
The migrant population is an important part of the population structure of large or super large cities. Studying the migration characteristics and influencing factors of the migrant population in a particular city will not only help to discover the pattern of population migration targeting a particular city from the perspective of the migration place, but also affect new towns. The construction and development of urbanization in the context of urbanization also has important practical significance. Taking Beijing as an example, this paper collects the migrant population registration data of the public security organs from 2005 to 2018, studies the spatial distribution pattern of the migrant population in different years in the city-level emigration areas, and uses the spatial regression model to analyze the factors that affect population migration. The following findings are obtained: ① The emigration area of Beijing's migrant population shows obvious spatial agglomeration effect at the municipal scale, and the aggregation effect is increasing year by year. The spatial distribution of migrant population emigration area is generally stable. The hot spot emigration places is mainly concentrated in two main clusters: Hebei-Tianjin and southern Henan Province-Northern Hubei Province; ② The main variables affecting population migration from various places to Beijing are the population size of the emigration area, transportation time, per capita income, and education level. The impact of population size and per capita income on population migration is relatively stable, while the effects of education level and population density only began to appear after 2010 and 2014, respectively. Transportation time has an negative effect on population migration. Although the transportation time has decreased in recent years, its impact on population migration has not changed much; ③ The spatial error continues to be significant, indicating that the population migration volume of a given emigration area may be affected by other variables such as the social culture of neighboring cities.
ZHAO Di , CHEN Peng , LI Haicheng , MIAO Hongbin . Beijing Non-registered Population Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors from 2005 to 2018[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022 , 24(4) : 698 -710 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210406
表1 变量描述及预期效应Tab. 1 Variable description and expected effect |
特征 | 变量 | 描述 | 预期效应 |
人口特征 | 人口规模(POP)/人 | 2005—2018年各地区总人口数量 | + |
经济特征 | 失业率(UNEM)/% | 2005—2018年各地区城镇登记失业率 | - |
人均GDP(PGDP)/(元/人) | 2005—2018年各地区人均地区生产总值 | - | |
人均收入(PINC)/元 | 2005—2018年各地区职工平均工资 | - | |
财政收入(GINC)/万元 | 2005—2018年各地区地区财政收入 | - | |
居住环境特征 | 人口密度(PDEN)/(人/km2) | 2005—2018年各地区人口密度 | - |
教育水平特征 | 高等教育水平(HEDU)2/所 | 2005—2018年各地区普通高等学校数量 | - |
空间距离障碍性特征 | 交通时间(DIS)/h | 2005—2018年各地到北京的最短铁路乘车时间 | - |
注:1. 如人口规模(POP)预期效应为“+”表明一个地区的人口规模越大则当地人口向北京迁移的数量越多; 2. 高等教育水平较好的地区一般会出台人才政策将高校毕业生留在当地发展,因此在预期效应上假设高等学校数量越多的地区人口外迁的可能性越低。 |
表2 各变量的描述性统计Tab. 2 Descriptive statistics of each variable |
变量 | 2005年 | 2010年 | 2014年 | 2018年 | |||||||
Mean | Std. | Mean | Std. | Mean | Std. | Mean | Std. | ||||
EMIG | 8418.4 | 15 234.6 | 17 093.5 | 30 568.1 | 11 555.2 | 21 490.1 | 24 330.6 | 42 263.9 | |||
POP | 375.9 | 288.7 | 387.9 | 300.6 | 364.9 | 277.8 | 404.0 | 320.7 | |||
UNEM | 4.1 | 2.2 | 3.5 | 1.7 | 3.1 | 0.8 | 2.8 | 1.0 | |||
PGDP | 14 501.3 | 11 908.6 | 27 010.7 | 20475.7 | 49 782.1 | 65 524.5 | 57 928.8 | 34 188.0 | |||
PINC | 15 814.8 | 6599.2 | 28 338.6 | 7596.8 | 48 297.3 | 9790.2 | 72 160.1 | 14 646.3 | |||
GINC | 346 224.7 | 917 078.0 | 781 904.4 | 1 771 888.7 | 1 883 526.4 | 3 643 973.4 | 2 413 171.2 | 5 251 476.0 | |||
PDEN | 360.9 | 336.9 | 363.5 | 324.3 | 342.6 | 299.1 | 395.5 | 377.0 | |||
HEUD | 5.4 | 10.1 | 6.4 | 12.0 | 6.4 | 12.0 | 7.6 | 13.5 | |||
DIS | 22.3 | 13.0 | 21.1 | 13.0 | 16.0 | 11.3 | 12.2 | 11.1 |
注: EMIG表示不同年度各地级市在北京市的外来人口数量。 |
表3 2005—2018年北京市外来人口迁出地全局Moran's I值Tab. 3 Global Moran's I value of migrant population in Beijing from 2005 to 2018 |
2005年 | 2010年 | 2014年 | 2018年 | |
全局Moran's I值 | 0.399** | 0.481** | 0.485** | 0.519** |
注:**p<0.01。 |
图2 2005—2018年北京市外来人口迁出地的LISA聚集图注:该图基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2016)1549号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。由于数据获取困难,本研究不包括香港、台湾和澳门。 Fig. 2 LISA aggregation map of migrant population emigration areas in Beijing from 2005 to 2018 |
表4 2005—2018年北京市外来人口迁出地位于高-高聚集地区的主要市级行政单位Tab. 4 The main city located in high-high concentration areas of migrant population emigration areas in Beijing from 2005 to 2018 |
年份 | 呈现为高-高聚类的地级市 |
2005 | 赤峰市、霍林郭勒市、承德市、张家口市、保定市、石家庄市、邢台市、廊坊市、秦皇岛市、唐山市、沧州市、衡水市、大同市、天津市、德州市、聊城市、济宁市、濮阳市、商丘市、开封市、周口市、驻马店市、信阳市、南阳市、平顶山市、阜阳市、六安市、黄冈市、孝感市 |
2010 | 赤峰市、乌兰扎布市、承德市、张家口市、保定市、石家庄市、邢台市、廊坊市、秦皇岛市、唐山市、沧州市、衡水市、邯郸市、朝阳市、大同市、忻州市、天津市、德州市、聊城市、济宁市、濮阳市、商丘市、开封市、周口市、驻马店市、信阳市、南阳市、安阳市、平顶山市、阜阳市、六安市、黄冈市、孝感市、许昌市 |
2014 | 乌兰扎布市、承德市、张家口市、保定市、石家庄市、邢台市、廊坊市、秦皇岛市、唐山市、沧州市、邯郸市、衡水市、大同市、长治市、忻州市、天津市、德州市、聊城市、济宁市、濮阳市、商丘市、开封市、驻马店市、信阳市、南阳市、阜阳市、六安市、黄冈市、孝感市 |
2018 | 大庆市、绥化市、伊春市、长春市、延边朝鲜族自治州、赤峰市、乌兰扎布市、承德市、张家口市、保定市、石家庄市、邢台市、廊坊市、秦皇岛市、唐山市、沧州市、邯郸市、衡水市、朝阳市、大同市、晋中市、长治市、忻州市、天津市、德州市、聊城市、济宁市、濮阳市、商丘市、开封市、驻马店市、信阳市、南阳市、安阳市、阜阳市、黄冈市 |
表5 2005—2018年北京市外来人口影响因素的多元线性回归、空间误差回归分析结果Tab. 5 Multiple linear regression and spatial error regression analysis results of influencing factors of migrant population in Beijing from 2005 to 2018 |
变量 | 2005年 | 2010年 | 2014年 | 2018年 | |||||||
多元回归 | 空间误差回归 | 多元回归 | 空间误差回归 | 多元回归 | 空间误差回归 | 多元回归 | 空间误差回归 | ||||
lg(POP) | 0.549** | 0.528** | 0.546** | 0.470** | 0.503** | 0.500** | 0.374** | 0.475** | |||
lg(UNEM) | 0.088* | 0.043 | 0.101** | 0.069** | 0.059 | -0.032 | 0.038 | 0.027 | |||
lg(PGDP) | 0.186** | 0.131* | 0.166** | 0.061 | 0.135** | 0.053 | 0.004 | 0.044 | |||
lg(PINC) | -0.255** | -0.165** | -0.260** | -0.117** | -0.219** | -0.082* | -0.313** | -0.139** | |||
lg(PDEN) | -0.022 | 0.026 | -0.090 | -0.043 | -0.020 | -0.029* | -0.227** | -0.066** | |||
lg(HEDU) | 0.028 | 0.038 | 0.009 | 0.071* | 0.023 | 0.047** | 0.149** | 0.070* | |||
lg(DIS) | -0.294** | -0.227** | -0.408** | -0.197** | -0.318** | -0.110** | -0.491** | -0.267** | |||
λ | - | 0.417** | - | 0.705** | - | 0.768** | - | 0.661** | |||
R2 | 0.653 | 0.714 | 0.700 | 0.821 | 0.613 | 0.833 | 0.624 | 0.768 | |||
AIC | 613.666 | 592.124 | 564.135 | 439.668 | 648.834 | 428.217 | 640.198 | 518.388 |
注:*p<0.05,**p<0.01。 |
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