Journal of Geo-information Science >
Spatial-temporal Equilibrium Analysis and Attraction Area Optimization of Dockless Sharing Bicycles Connected to Subway Stations
Received date: 2021-12-03
Revised date: 2021-12-19
Online published: 2022-09-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41471333)
Fujian Science and Technology Plan Guidance Project(2021H0036)
Dockless sharing bicycles are one of the most effective options for connecting to the subway. However, the uneven spatial-temporal distribution of sharing bicycles has caused great inconvenience to users and managers, especially during the morning peak period, which will greatly reduce the operating efficiency of a transportation system. Therefore, studying the characteristics of spatial-temporal distribution of dockless sharing bicycles used to connect to the subway has certain significance for improving the commuting efficiency during the morning peak period. In order to understand the spatial-temporal characteristics of feeder metro riding, this paper takes Xiamen city as the experimental area, takes the riding of feeder metro stations during the morning peak as the main research object, proposes a new method to establish the attraction area of metro stations based on travel OD, and proposes a bicycle clustering method considering metro stations based on travel characteristics. This article also analyzes the overall travel balance of each subway station during the morning rush hour from the perspective of mathematical statistics, tide ratio statistics, and the point of attraction area, and analyzes the spatial-temporal balance of cycling around subway stations at different times during the morning rush hour. Through analysis, the similarities and differences of the balance of each subway station under three perspectives are obtained. The results show that: ①According to the characteristics of the tide ratio, the connection function of the subway station for cycling can be divided into 4 categories: the start type, balanced type, arrival type, and not suitable for connecting to the subway type, reflecting the overall connection characteristics of each subway station; ②The attraction area of the subway station connecting to the riding is different from the characteristics of the tide ratio, and its main influencing factors are the geographic location of the subway station and the surrounding land use type; ③ For the analysis results of the spatial-temporal balance, the tide ratio has no significant impact on the spatial-temporal balance level, and the major influencing factor is the surrounding land use type. The analysis results can reflect the difference in the operation of sharing bicycles that connect to the surrounding subway stations during the morning rush hours in Xiamen and the efficiency of connecting to the subway, so as to support the scheduling and supervision of key areas of bicycle sharing companies.
KUANG Jiaheng , WU Qunyong . Spatial-temporal Equilibrium Analysis and Attraction Area Optimization of Dockless Sharing Bicycles Connected to Subway Stations[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022 , 24(7) : 1337 -1348 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210775
表1 厦门市地铁站点分类Tab. 1 Classification of subway stations |
地铁线路 | 类型 | |||
起始型 | 均衡型 | 到达型 | 不适合接驳地铁出行型 | |
一号线 | 杏锦路、园博苑、,集美学村、 乌石浦、吕厝、莲坂 | 莲花路口、湖滨东路、中山公园 | 镇海路、高崎、塘边、文灶、 火炬园、殿前 | 一号线其他地铁站 |
二号线 | 海沧湾公园、马青路、海沧 行政中心、蔡塘、江头、吕厝 | 后埔、五缘湾、育秀东路、岭兜 | 古地石、湖滨中路、体育中心、 建业路、软件园二期 | 二号线其他地铁站 |
表2 时空均衡性特点站点分类Tab. 2 Classification of stations with characteristics of spatio-temporal balance |
时空表现较均衡站点 | 时空表现不均衡站点 |
吕厝、乌石浦、莲花路口、莲坂、园博苑,湖滨中路、火炬园、体育中心、江头、后埔、岭兜、蔡塘 | 镇海路、中山公园,文灶、集美学村、塘边、湖滨东路、高崎、杏锦路、五缘湾、海沧湾公园、海沧行政中心、马青路、建业路、古地石、软件园二期、育秀东路 |
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