Journal of Geo-information Science >
Comparison of Network Structure Patterns of Urban Agglomerations in China from the Perspective of Space of Flows: Analysis based on Railway Schedule
Received date: 2021-06-01
Revised date: 2021-07-01
Online published: 2022-10-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41925003)
Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research, Ministry of Education(18JZD029)
Railway passenger flows reflect economic and social interactions in urban agglomerations. Urban agglomeration is the basic regional unit for a country to participate in global competition and international division of labor. It is also the main form of China's new urbanization and an important carrier of modernization. The integrated development of urban agglomerations is one of the major strategies for the development of urban agglomerations in China. An important sign of urban agglomeration integration is the structural characteristics of population, goods, information, and other flows within the urban agglomeration. In this context, the theory of flow space is applied in this study. Based on China's railway schedule OD data in 2018, this study uses complex network approach to analyze the structure patterns of urban agglomerations at the national scale, and investigates the variations of the spatial structure, scale structure, and network node structure in the five major urban agglomerations. The results of analysis show that there is a certain spatial dislocation in the scope between the urban agglomeration area based on the railway schedule and the urban agglomeration in the planning scheme. The planning scope of urban agglomerations is often larger than that of railway passenger transport service supply network. This shows that the supply of railway passenger service may lag behind the urban agglomeration planning. The five major urban agglomerations, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Jingjinji, Middle reach of the Yangtze River, and Chengdu-Chongqing, have different local patterns. Yangtze River Delta has a network-shaped spatial form and centralized scale distribution, the main problem of which is the mismatch between hub function and scale of local nodes. Pearl River Delta has a radial spatial form and centralized scale distribution, the main problem of which is the relative weak connection with other urban agglomerations. Jingjinji has a radial spatial form and centralized scale distribution, the main problem of which is the existence of marginalized nodes. The middle reach of the Yangtze River has a cluster-like spatial form and decentralized scale distribution, the main problem of which is the loose internal structure. Chengdu-Chongqing has a dumbbell-shaped spatial form and centralized scale distribution, the main problem of which is the weak connection with other urban agglomerations. With the process of regional integration, it is necessary to make up for the weak links within and among urban agglomerations according to the differences in the development stages of the network structure, so as to promote the coordination with the scale structure. It is necessary to promote the construction of passenger transport service network with distinct levels, cooperative hubs, and balanced spatial form to support the integrated development of urban agglomeration.
HU Haoyu , HUANG Xinrong , LI Peilin , ZHAO Pengjun . Comparison of Network Structure Patterns of Urban Agglomerations in China from the Perspective of Space of Flows: Analysis based on Railway Schedule[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022 , 24(8) : 1525 -1540 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210309
表1 城市网络社区主体片区划分结果Tab. 1 Community division result of city network |
社区编号 | 主体片区名称 | 类型 |
1 | 京津冀主体片区 | 跨界城市主体片区 |
2 | 福建主体片区 | 省域主体片区 |
3 | 京广铁路沿线主体片区 | 铁路沿线主体片区 |
4 | 成渝主体片区 | 跨界城市主体片区 |
5 | 浙江主体片区 | 省域主体片区 |
6 | 沪苏皖主体片区 | 跨界城市主体片区 |
7 | 京九铁路沿线主体片区 | 铁路沿线主体片区 |
8 | 东北主体片区 | 大区域主体片区 |
9 | 山东主体片区 | 省域主体片区 |
10 | 西北主体片区 | 大区域主体片区 |
11 | 苏北主体片区 | 跨界城市主体片区 |
12 | 沪昆铁路沿线主体片区 | 铁路沿线主体片区 |
13 | 海南主体片区 | 省域主体片区 |
表2 城市群局部模块度与Pagerank指标Tab. 2 Local modularity and Pagerank index of urban agglomeration |
城市群 | 局部模块度 | Pagerank总和 | Pagerank均值 |
长三角 | 0.5353 | 0.1256 | 0.0048 |
珠三角 | 0.4037 | 0.0439 | 0.0029 |
京津冀 | 0.2968 | 0.0708 | 0.0054 |
长江中游 | 0.3630 | 0.1300 | 0.0042 |
成渝 | 0.3143 | 0.0368 | 0.0023 |
表3 城市群的铁路班次网络首位度特征指标Tab. 3 Primacy index of railway timetable within urban agglomeration |
城市群 | α | 两城市指数 | 首位占比 |
长三角 | 0.517 | 1.086 | 0.106 |
珠三角 | 0.556 | 1.532 | 0.274 |
京津冀 | 0.600 | 1.175 | 0.167 |
长江中游 | 0.885 | 1.035 | 0.101 |
成渝 | 0.421 | 1.539 | 0.262 |
表4 不同城市群铁路客运网络结构特征对比总结Tab. 4 Comparison and summary of railway passenger transport network structure characteristics of different urban agglomerations |
城市群 | 全国网络中的特征 | 城市群内部特征 | 核心问题总结 | ||||
与规划范围的关系 | 网络地位 | 空间形态 | 规模分布 | 节点规模与枢纽性 | |||
长三角 | 不吻合 | 高 | 网络状 | 较集聚 | 不匹配 | 局部可进一步优化 | |
珠三角 | 较吻合 | 低 | 放射状 | 较集聚 | 较匹配 | 跨城市群联系弱 | |
京津冀 | 不吻合 | 较高 | 放射状 | 较集聚 | 较匹配 | 存在边缘化节点 | |
长江中游 | 不吻合 | 高 | 组团状 | 较分散 | 不匹配 | 内部结构松散 | |
成渝 | 较吻合 | 低 | 哑铃状 | 较集聚 | 较匹配 | 跨城市群联系弱 |
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