Journal of Geo-information Science >
Establishing Fundamental Geographic Framework for the Comprehensive Maritimes Atlas Oriented to Sea and Land Integration
Received date: 2022-02-25
Revised date: 2022-05-09
Online published: 2022-11-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171436)
Provincial Teaching Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province(2021012)
The design and compilation of comprehensive maritime atlas integrating sea and land information serve the national development initiative of "building a marine community with shared future", it is also an important thrust to promote the culture fusion and friendly cooperation between marine and land areas. Therefore, it has attracted widespread attention in the field of cartography. This paper firstly discusses the special characteristics of marine-land integrated atlas through the comparative analysis with nautical charts and land atlas, referring to the thematic topic, map scale, map projection, and geographic subdivision. Then it proposes a top-level design of fundamental geographic framework for the comprehensive maritime atlas from the perspective of marine and land combination, including both the content system and construction strategy. Next, taking "Maritime Atlas of the World" as an instance, the paper puts forward the specific establishment of fundamental geographic framework in details: (1) the coordinate system of WGS84 should be used for medium and small scale maps, while the CGCS2000 should be used for large scale maps; (2) according to the map thematic and content, cartographic area, and deformation needs, mapping units can use various projections such as qual difference latitude parallel polyconic projection, Mercator projection, Goode projection, and so on; (3) six types of geographic base maps are adopted, i.e. typical reginal map, land map, sea map, navigation area map, and port map, their contents are generated in series by further selection and simplification; (4) all the mapping units should be arranged to the north, and map layouts are various with flexible geographic subdivision and map subdivision. The “Maritime Atlas of the world” complication practice shows that this proposed fundamental geographic framework can well support the integration of marine and land information into a cohesive coordinative manner.
HUANG Lina , YANG Liuduozi , YAO Xiangyu , HOU Mengying , REN Fu . Establishing Fundamental Geographic Framework for the Comprehensive Maritimes Atlas Oriented to Sea and Land Integration[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2022 , 24(9) : 1647 -1661 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.220081
表1 综合航海地图集与航海图集、陆地图集的表达特点对比Tab. 1 Comparison of expression characteristics between comprehensive maritime atlas, nautical charts as land atlas |
综合航海地图集 | 航海图集 | 陆地图集 | |
内容选题 | 海陆协同,根据表达主题在海洋部分和陆地部分各有侧重 | 以海洋部分为主,陆地部分只简单表示海岸的交通、居民地等基本地形要素[28-29] | 以陆地部分为主,海洋部分通常只表示海底地形分布[30] |
表达尺度 | 注重涉海表达的适应性,系列比例尺既有层次性又有可比性 | 比例尺无级缩放,通常一图一尺[31-32] | 系列比例尺大小有序、简单可比[25] |
地图投影 | 强调海陆并举,可采用分瓣投影、混合投影等方案 | 多采用等角投影,保持方向变形较小[33-34] | 常使用等积投影或等角投影,投影变形连续[26] |
地理分幅 | 顾及海陆衔接,通常包含海岸部分 | 经纬线分幅,可以仅表示海洋部分[35] | 经纬线分幅或岛状分幅,可以仅表示陆地部分[36] |
表2 《世界航海地图集》[27]使用的投影方法Tab. 2 Projection methods used in the “Maritime Atlas of the World” |
等差分纬线多圆锥投影 | 墨卡托投影 | 米勒投影 | 高尔-墨卡托混合投影 | |
制图区域 | 世界区域,国家行政区域,以陆地为主典型区域 | 世界区域,以海部为主典型区域,航区,海区等 | 世界区域,以陆地或海部为主典型区域、航区、海区、港区等 | 世界区域,以陆地或海部为主典型区域 |
专题表达 内容 | 世界地形,降水深度,大气湿度,风场等 | 大洋,海水无机盐,海表气温,海上浮标系统区划等 | 夜间灯光,世界港口,航海历史,气候类型,海上危险天气等 | 世界遗产,海平面气压,海表面风场等 |
投影变形 需要 | 中国及同一纬带上其他地区的面积变形较小 | 等角变形,每一点各方向的长度比相等 | 与墨卡托投影类似,极点地区的面积变形相对较小 | 南北纬45°以外为等积投影,以内为等角投影 |
汉麦尔投影 | 温克尔投影 | 古德分瓣投影 | 极地方位投影 | |
制图区域 | 世界范围的海域 | 世界范围的区域 | 以陆地为主典型区域,以海部为主典型区域 | 南北极地区 |
专题表达 内容 | 海洋地壳年龄 | 磁场年差变化,地磁场强度,海面盐度等 | 陆地地质类型,陆地物种栖息地,海洋生物多样性分布等 | 南极洲,北冰洋,磁极运动轨迹,极地海表温等 |
投影变形 需要 | 等面积投影,极点附近区域的剪切较少 | 等积投影与等角投影的折中,极点投影为一定长度直线 | 等积投影,保持陆地或海域的完整性 | 经线为放射直线,纬线为同心圆 |
表3 地理底图系列及其表达要素Tab. 3 The geographic base map series and their expression elements |
底图类型 | 地图底图的上图内容 |
世界地图底图 | 大洋、海岸线、岛屿、港口、河流、湖泊、国界、地区界、军事分界线、首都、重要城市、表面注记 |
典型区域底图 | 大洋、海岸线、岛屿、洲界、河流、湖泊、国界、地区界、军事分界线、首都、省界、省会、州市界、重要城市、交通网、表面注记 |
陆地地图底图 | 大洋、海岸线、岛屿、河流、湖泊、国界、军事分界线、地区界、重要城市、重要地物、表面注记 |
海域地图底图 | 大洋、海岸线、岛屿、地区界、陆地重要水系、重要城市、表面注记 |
航区图底图 | 大洋、洲界、海岸线、岛屿、陆地重要水系、国界、军事分界线、重要城市、交通网、表面注记 |
港口图底图 | 大洋、海岸线、岛屿、陆地重要水系、国界、军事分界线、居民地、交通网、表面注记 |
图6 海陆覆盖专题图设计中基础地理框架的应用注:该图基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2021)6804号的《世界航海地图集》[27]制作,底图无修改。 Fig. 6 Application of the proposed fundamental geographic framework in map design to present the sea-land coverage information |
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