Journal of Geo-information Science >
Spatio-temporal Evolution and Synergy of Ecological Civilization and Common Prosperity in the Yellow River Basin based on Bayesian Statistics
Received date: 2022-10-17
Revised date: 2023-01-17
Online published: 2023-04-19
Supported by
National Social Science Foundation of China(22BTJ029)
In view of the fact that the current comprehensive evaluation of spatiotemporal data fails to fully consider the spatiotemporal interaction information, this paper proposed a spatiotemporal dynamic entropy method, which can simultaneously consider the information entropy of the three dimensions of space, time, and spatiotemporal interaction. This method was employed to synthetically measure the Ecological Civilization Index (EcCI) and Common Prosperity Index (CoPI) at the prefecture-level scale in the Yellow River Basin in China from 2000 to 2020. Subsequently, the Bayesian Adaptive Multi-stage Spatio-temporal Evolution Model (BAMSTEM) was applied to finely study the spatiotemporal evolution of the EcCI and CoPI in the Yellow River Basin. The overall spatial pattern and the nonlinear local trends of the EcCI and CoPI in the Yellow River Basin were effectively explored and identified by the BAMSTEM. In order to quantitatively measure the spatiotemporal synergy state of the EcCI and CoPI in the Yellow River Basin, a Bayesian spatiotemporal synergy model was proposed in this paper. This model can effectively quantify the spatiotemporal synergy in four types of change combination scenarios: both increasing, the former increasing vs. the latter decreasing, the former decreasing vs. the latter increasing, and both decreasing. This study found that the process of the spatiotemporal evolution of the EcCI and CoPI in the Yellow River Basin can be divided into three periods: 2000-2007, 2007-2015 and 2015-2020. The overall spatial pattern of the EcCI transformed significantly in the later period, while the CoPI remained basically stable in the three periods. It indicates that the difficulty of the regional coordination of the CoPI is higher than that of the EcCI. In the early and mid-term, the EcCI and CoPI in a few regions showed a downward trend, but in the later stage, the EcCI and CoPI in most regions showed an increasing trend. Compared to EcCI, the increasing trend of the CoPI showed the characteristics of regional polarization in the later stage. In terms of the space-time synergy, the spatial synergy state of the EcCI and CoPI in the Yellow River Basin remained basically stable in the three stages. In terms of spatial and temporal coordination, the spatial coordination state of EcCI and CoPI remained stable in the three stages. The spatial pattern of the EcCI and CoPI reached synergy in the western and eastern regions in the Yellow River Basin, while the relative level of the EcCI in the central regions in the Yellow River Basin was higher than that of the CoPI. In particular, in the late stage (2016-2020), the growth trend of the EcCI and CoPI in 68 (92%) prefectural-level cities in the Yellow River Basin tended to be consistent, but the regional differences were significant. Therefore, the regional heterogeneity should be fully considered and the coordination among regional cities should be strengthened when the targeted policy system for promoting ecological progress and achieving common prosperity is made.
LI Junming , ZHOU Jiahui , LI Jie , GAO Jiayuan . Spatio-temporal Evolution and Synergy of Ecological Civilization and Common Prosperity in the Yellow River Basin based on Bayesian Statistics[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2023 , 25(4) : 766 -782 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220798
表1 生态文明指数指标体系构成Tab. 1 Composition of ecological civilization index system |
一级指标 | 基础指标 | 属性 |
绿色发展 | 工业二氧化硫排放量占GDP比重 | - |
工业烟粉尘排放量占GDP比重 | - | |
工业氮氧化物排放量占GDP比重 | - | |
绿色实用新型占地区实用新型比重 | + | |
绿色发明占地区获得专利总数比重 | + | |
第三产业占GDP比重 | - | |
三废综合利用产值占GDP比重 | + | |
城市环境基础设施投资额/公共预算支出 | + | |
污染源治理投资/公共预算支出 | + | |
人均R&D内部经费支出 | + | |
每万人拥有公共汽车数 | + | |
人均农药使用量 | - | |
人均农用化肥施用折纯量 | - | |
环境保护 | 可吸入细颗粒物年平均浓度 | - |
每平方公里二氧化硫排放量 | - | |
人均工业烟粉尘排放量 | - | |
人均工业氮氧化物排放量 | - | |
工业废水排放达标率 | + | |
污水处理厂集中处理率 | + | |
一般工业固体废物综合利用率 | + | |
生活垃圾无害化处理率 | + | |
生态资源 | 森林覆盖率 | + |
人均水资源量 | + | |
人均人工造林面积 | + | |
人均年末耕地资源 | + | |
人均水土流失治理面积 | + | |
自然保护区占辖区面积比重 | + | |
人口密度 | - | |
人均绿地面积 | + | |
人均建成区面积 | + | |
生态意识 | 地方政府工作报告环境热词词频 | + |
居民生态认知水平 | + | |
每万人科研综合技术服务业从业人数 | + |
注:“+”表示正向指标,“-”表示负向指标。 |
表2 共同富裕指数指标体系构成Tab. 2 Composition of common prosperity index system |
一级指标 | 基础指标 | 属性 |
经济高质量 发展 | 区域人均GDP | + |
每万人在岗职工平均人数 | + | |
居民人均可支配收入 | + | |
R&D内部经费支出占GDP比重 | + | |
第二产业占地区生产总值比重 | - | |
恩格尔系数 | - | |
技术市场成交额占GDP比重 | + | |
居民人均消费支出 | + | |
收入分配 | 居民人均可支配收入/人均GDP | + |
在岗职工工资总额占GDP比重 | - | |
基尼系数 | - | |
经济发展不平衡度 | + | |
社会捐赠款占GDP比重 | + | |
区域发展 | 城镇化率 | + |
区域经济发展均衡度 | + | |
城镇与农村居民可支配收入之比 | - | |
人均出租汽车数 | + | |
人均公共交通客运量 | + | |
公共服务 | 地方财政一般预算支出中公共服务比重 | + |
卫生用品类居民消费价格指数 | - | |
每万人普通高等学校在校学生数 | + | |
城镇登记失业率 | - | |
每万人中等职业教育学校在校学生数 | + | |
平均预期寿命 | + | |
每万人执业或助理医师数 | + | |
城市居民最低生活保障标准 | + | |
农村居民最低生活保障标准 | + | |
地方财政一般预算支出中住房保障比重 | + | |
精神文明 | 文化娱乐类居民消费价格指数 | + |
每万人博物馆数 | + | |
每万人体育场馆数 | + | |
每百人公共图书馆藏书量 | + | |
生态环境 | 单位GDP能耗(等价值) | - |
单位工业增加值能耗 | - | |
社会和谐 | 人口火灾发生率 | - |
交通事故直接财产损失占GDP比重 | - | |
社区服务机构覆盖率 | + | |
地方财政一般预算收入中罚没收入比重 | - |
注:“+”表示正向指标,“-”表示负向指标。 |
表3 黄河流域生态文明和共同富裕2个方面的热点、温点和冷点城市由前期(2000—2007年)到后期(2016—2020年)的马尔可夫转移矩阵Tab. 3 Markov transition matrix of hotspot, warmspot and coldspot cities in ecological civilization index and common prosperity index in the Yellow River Basin from the early period (2000-2007) to the late period (2016-2020) (个) |
指标 | 2016—2020年 | 合计 | ||||
热点区域 | 温点区域 | 冷点区域 | ||||
生态文明指数(EcCI) | 2000—2007年 | 热点区域 | 12 | 8 | 0 | 20 |
温点区域 | 1 | 21 | 3 | 25 | ||
冷点区域 | 3 | 8 | 18 | 29 | ||
合计 | 16 | 37 | 21 | 74 | ||
共同富裕指数(CoPI) | 2000—2007年 | 热点区域 | 18 | 3 | 1 | 22 |
温点区域 | 13 | 3 | 1 | 17 | ||
冷点区域 | 0 | 5 | 30 | 35 | ||
合计 | 31 | 11 | 32 | 74 |
图5 黄河流域生态文明和共同富裕在3期的时变协同状态以及按经度排列的74个地级市在3期的时变协同度条形图谱Fig. 5 Temporal collaborative stage of the ecological civilization and common prosperity across the Yellow River basin in three stages, and the bar charts of the temporal synergia of the ranged 74 prefecture regions based on longitude |
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